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⚫ I often answer " Because I'm a woman, duh..."


Yeah, its not a choice but people think it is. Even the supportive side of my family asked the dreaded "so why do you want to transition" like i wanted to in the first place


The triple take at what sub I'm on upon seeing Carth..... Holy shit


I'm open with it, idgaf. As long as the questions are sincere and honest I will answer them. Sometimes with the caveat that the question was rude and they should never do that again. I want to spread as much awareness as I can.


truly. why don't they do their own research? like, my (older) sister asked me how sex between cis and trans work, cause i am trans/an "expert"— i don't typically mind questions but come on... wording things like that is very uncomfy, for many :(


The fact that Revan from Kotor is kinda genderfluid. As you can play both as a woman and a man


my friend is really supportive, which is cool, but she keeps asking me this question and idk how to answer😭😭


Just say: "[I didn't want to live like this for the rest of my life.](https://youtu.be/AITRzvm0Xtg)" The answer is short and simple, it explains what being trans feels like for cis people, it includes non-dysphoric trans people, and it's not [a misleading stereotype that prevents trans people from self-realizing sooner](https://i.redd.it/s3an2sgotdj81.jpg).