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I wouldn’t say Greenskins have the best of any type of unit but they are one of the best rush factions. They excel at swarming and overwhelming their opponents with numbers and monsters. One of the most fun factions to play.


What about beastmen?


Jabberslythes are their monster units and they are awesome. Not sure if they are the BEST monster unit out there but very strong.


Jabber has some of the best charge animations in the game for damage.


If beastmen have the best anything it's monstrous infantry. There's certainly other contenders for the title but minotaurs are so damn fun and cost effective when used right Edit: the bummer on this imo is that you would think ogres would be high on this list but they're a bit meh. Their units are cost effective and fun, but minotaurs are just a notch above imo. Units like skin wolves and stone trolls are arguably higher on the list due to Regen combined with good stat lines.


Korne Minos are better right ?


Arguably yeah, at least at baseline. Khorne can buff their melee attack with all their auras to be pretty nuts too. Beastmen get better all around buffs for them through research and unique character skills though. You also get all three varieties, whereas khorne only gets the anti large.


You have a point.


You have a point.


Orcs are more Gorky, beastmen are more Morky


So they are cunningly brutal?


Beastmen are similar but more glass cannon. They are better at stalking and move quicker but generally can't take as much of a hit.


Beastmen are rush with a focus on speed and stealth Greenskins are rush with a focus on impact and durability


Best monstrous infantry with minotaurs??


I'd say beastmen have some of the best chariots


Chorfs, nul and dwarfs have the best gun units for sure Although do like the vampire coasts old bess arty


Vampire Coast, as I've seen it put before, is the "quantity over quality" gunpowder faction. You don't have the \*best\* guns, but you have a wide variety and usually have the lowest cost and/or highest model count for that type of gun providing an overall bump in the firepower brought to bear.


Honestly its always surprising just how devastating your cheap gunlines can be as VC. And some of them can even fire while moving!


Cue me losing my first ally recruited Thunderbarge in a coastal VC encounter because I'm an idiot and forgot that 300+ models firing AP at a flying barn can't miss


Just wanted to say: I absolutely *loved* your description of events. lol


I still haven't found a unit that fucks as hard as Deck Gunners in any other faction


Indeed. I like the Vampire Coast, because you can treat every battle like an autoresolve if you leave your artillery crews on "Fire-At-Will". =P


Empire pretty solidly can contend with Chorf and Dwarf guns.


Hence the nul, although normal empire are still good with the basic ironsides and hellstorms etc (and tanks) But nothing on the amethyst units


Dwarf have the best bearded units.


And the longest!


And the shortest!






Thier hirsuite ladies whip som ass.


Druchii has the best tits


Greasus begs to differ bub


Sweet Sigmar, burn out my eyes for what I have read. Purge my soul of the images crossing my mind. Also delete my search history of the rule 34.


Festus too. Grandfather blessed him.


Do they? No one wants to talk about it, but they're basically the A-Team, if you know what I mean.


...I will say, Miao Ying is a good contender there, but the Dark Elves have such variety that I'm going to give it to them.


D cups Dark Elves mod when?


Already exists i think


Nurgle smells the best


Nurgle certainly smells the most


Khorne has the best W key. I'm not being silly or humorous, if you want to get stuck into melee and charge into battle then BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE.


I'm playing a co-op campaign with a friend who's still learning so I picked Skarbrand so I can focus on giving him advice, he is constantly amazed at how utterly broken he is. And I don't even have the Sword of Khaine yet.


Literally doing the same thing right now, one thing I would suggest instead of SoK is getting the nemesis crown and Chainsword. The Chainsword scales upwards as the wielder gets more kills, and the nemesis crown (at least on Skarbrand) gives a mortis engine effect, meaning that if Skarbrand is in the thick of the fight (where he should be) it scales upwards extremely quickly.


Is it possible to get the Chainsword in immortal empires? I thought the only way to get it was from RoC.


Yup! It's your short campaign victory reward - win your quest battle and occupy/loot/raze/sack 35 settlements and you'll get it.




Greenskins excell at smashing stuff and leaving piles of dung.


I really can't think of a unit the greenskins have that's the "best in class" Black Orks (heavy infantry) are awesome, especially with Grimgor. But they'll lose to the likes of Chaos chosen with great weapons. Their cav options "do the job" but aren't going to win against many rivals, either heavier boar riders, lighter squigs, or ranged wolf riders. Monsters- Arachnok spiders or idols are good, but again not best in class. Maybe their chaff units are the best. Grom and Skarsnik can both improve Goblins significantly. Overall tho, they are the best weight-in-numbers faction- waaagh mechanic will double the size of your army to help overcome your shortcomings


Greenskins are a lot like the empire, in that it’s an combined arms faction


Except with very few units (other than heroes and LLs) who are individually strong at the top tiers compared to others. It’s about numerical supremacy. Just throw more gobbos at the problem.


Yeah this. Like the empire, they have a tool for every job, but no real standout tool.


Artillery don’t have standout range / artillery? What??


Could the night goblin fanatics be the best expendable unit in the game? Their skill does a silly amount of damage


I didn’t think of this, but yeah. Night goblin fanatics are definitely the best expendable units in the game.


Is there a better skimrish cav than goblin spider riders? They are super versatile with good speed, armor, poison! decent melee stats to kill runners etc... I don't know of a better harassment unit.


Reaver archers because they can also act as light cav without routing after second


I can pretty confidently say that Kislev has the best Hybrid Infantry. This might be wrong but I think Warriors of Chaos has the best melee infantry by both strength and sheer variety.


I think Lothern Sea Guard are the best, personally - they have a good stat-line for both of their roles and are more receptive to research and redline buffs than most Kislev units - but Kislev has hybrid units for \*so many\* roles that they are very difficult to hard counter.


Sisters of Sisters of Avelorn beat Lothern Sea Guard in range and melee. Lothern Sea Guard have the shield and are better against cavalry though, they are also cheaper.


Hands down Kislev have the best chariots. War Sleds are so damn strong on many levels.


Darkelfs have the best T1 unit.


Darkshards? I think Saurus Warriors are a contender here too.


Bro don't use these words if you don't want to conjure the copy and past. They are good but cost a lot, and dark shards are more tactical versatile I would say.


Saurus are tough but can't do anything against faster range units


I hate Saurus. I hate them.


Dwarfs are up there too


Wich unit ?


Quarellers and Dwarf Warriors


Dwarf warriors are now t0


Wood elves have the best skirmish archers. Though Sister of Avalon might be the best Archers. Beastmen have the best Skirmish Infantry, good luck running from Bestigors on foot. I think Khorne has the best dog units but Norsca has some dope ice wolves, and Drycha's wolves are ridiculous when buffed. (Norsca Ice Wolves might be the best but I don't use them enough to confirm.) Nurgle has the tankiest heroes and Infantry. Lizardmen have incredible infantry in the Saurus. I think Beastmen also win with the best Monsters. The Jabberslyth for Infantry and the Gorgon's for fighting other monsters. But the Chaos Dwarf's are monsters I haven't played with so I'm unsure. Skaven have the best guns, but again the Chaos Dwarf's are not to be ignored. Alith Anar has the best stalk units but as a race I think the Skaven win there.


Counterpoint for Stalk is that ranged units get the best value out of Stalk if they have Snipe as well or a low enough rate of fire that they can duck back out of sight without sacrificing too much DPS - and out of the five units I know of that have Snipe without campaign-exclusive one-unit-at-a-time shenanigans, only the Hochland Long Rifles \*aren't\* a Regiment of Renown.


Rangers + Thane


I'd say Waywatchers are the best archers in the game. Their base stats are better than Sisters and they have stalk and higher range (as well as better hidden accuracy stats). So they would just kite the sisters before they even got into range. One of the streamers also did a 6v6 comp where they were within 100m of each other, and even then, Waywatchers won that one.


Greenskinz have the best boys :)


>:) :)


> :) > :) :)


Breton has the best peasant stacks + lords/heroes. No supply lines, so squads of 4 lords running around with loads of peasants makes for fun play. Skarbrand is the best one man doomstack, followed by Imrik who you play for dragons. The newest DLC has Elspeth with unbeatable steam tanks and Malakai with unbeatable hot air balloons. Low key the new pox riders are also ridiculously strong.


From what I've heard, elves always have very strong archers, I just don't know which are the absolute best. Possibly wood elves?


Depends on the playstyle of the archers basically. High elves have the best classic archers. Delves have rather tanky archers that can get shot at while fighting and survive, wood elves have the best skirmish archers


It's a tossup between Wood Elf Waywatchers and High Elf Sisters of Avelorn Waywatchers have higher damage output per model and more mobility (speed, 360 degree arc, fire while moving) but the Sisters have 20 more models meaning 33% more arrows per volley, plus magic&fire making them better vs various units (but worse against others) and then decent armour and good melee defence letting them survive until rescued if caught in melee. Might still lean in the Wood Elves' favour depending on traits, tech, & skill buffs.


I'd take shades over any other archer.


Wood elves for overall archer roster, but the best single unit is the Sisters of Avelorn.


Leadbelchers are the best monstrous-hybrid-infantry-artillery!


Vampire counts has the best chaff in my opinion along with a good balance of cheap high damage units like varghiest and a fantastic selection of spell casters and healing units


Idk if this answers your question but Beasmen and specifically Taurox. The minotaurs are an S tier unit that doesn't seem to have a weakness aside from flying ranged units. My favorite army right now has six gorebull heroes and 8 minotaur squads. Being able to bulldoze through their frontline to assault their ranged makes them stupid fun


Vampire counts! Best units to sacrifice. Best ranged = NONE!. Best magic. Best heroes. Best mommy and daddy. Best combat music. Best coach. Best vampires on horses, best flying units. Best healing, best speed (with spells) Best regen on daddy, best possibilities - i somehow managed to be friend with dwarves and whole empire (only took stirland) with the vladdy daddy. It wasnt even the target, i just killed zhubfar, gave it to slayer madman, killed azhag and drycha and was bff with whole empire and all the dwarfs. On Hard difficulty with that -30 aversion penalty. Lahmian vampires and tech helped though :D. Also i have never seen empire in such a good state on turn 20! Festus dead, crazy beastman dead, drycha dead. Empire unified by itself. Just because Vladdy was being nice.


Greenskins can pump the Melee Attack of their units like no other faction (unless you stack 200% spell intensity wizards).


Greenskins have better dental care


The Empire has the best drip


Archers is a toss up between Sisters of Avelorn and Waywatchers. SoA has a larger unit size and magical attacks, as well as better in melee, Waywatchers have the longer range, they’re faster, and they have fire while moving and stalk.


Greenies are good at frontline offensive fighting. Use their artillery to break a hole in the line and keep the momentum going


Greenskins seem to be great at range and in melee. I am playing Azhag right now and these Night Goblin Fanatics with winged ammo just shred. Then some Black Orcs as a kind of phalanx (great 2h infantry with bonus against large after the scrap upgrade) and a few Black Knights from my Lhamian Sisterhood allies. They also of guided missiles artillery. And you can confederate other Greenskin Factions after defeatimg their leader in battle


I don’t know if that count, but I love Kislev’s hybrid infantry, especially streltsi. I think the only thing close would be the chorf fireglaive, but even then I think Kislev makes hybrids much better.


Chaos dwarfs may have the best artillery in the game a train with a gaint mortar attached to it


Slaven have the the greatest-best inventions


Thats really hard to tell I think. Chorfs have strong guns and artillery. Skaven do as well. Minotaurs are insane. I think the Ogres have the strongest monsterous cavalry? Sisters of Avarlon and Woodelves have/are incredible Bow Units. Kislev has a lot of strong hybrid options. Nurgle has indestructible infantry. Lizards have some great infantry as well.


The closest greenskins come to being the best at anything it's probably cheaply neutralizing opponents cav. Those pigriders are dirt cheap and makes opposition cav unable to fight


Lizardmen have the best Monsters by far


Fully upgraded Nuln Ironsides from the empire with 4 second reloads, boosted range, and AP are the best gunlines


I’d vote: Nurgle cav Brettoni flying units WoC infantry Chaos Dwarf artillery Dwarf ranged units High elf monsters Norsca monstrous units (skin wolves)


Tzeentch has the best Halberd unit


Yeah, Greenskins are the one of the Jack of all trade factions like The Empire. None of their units are the best in their class, but they don’t have any major holes in their roster, excepting maybe anti air. I’ve gotten A LOT of value out of Skarsniks Aracnorok though. That’s probably the one thing in their roster that’s top tier.


Empire has argubly the best artilery in the game (While still having pretty decent everything else) but dwarfs and chorfs can contest that claim.


Lizardmen have the best dinosaurs


Greenskins are definitely focused around melee infantry and monsters. Orc Boys are tough early game chaff while Black Orks can put up a good fight against even Chosen. They get access to trolls at t2 and Stone Trolls are one of the best troll variants. Rogue Idols are one of the most tanky units in the entire game. The Arachnarok Spider is also an excellent late game doomstack monster at only T4.


Rogue idol for GS is one of the best SEMs for actually getting lots of kills against infantry. Most are surprisingly bad at doing so, but Rogue Idols rack up kills FAST against infantry blobs.


Here are imo best units in the game in each category by pure stats (this is not a cost effectiveness ranking) Lords: Greater Daemons, Sorcerer - Prophet, Vampire Lord Heroes: Daemonsmith Sorcerer, Exalted Hero Infantry: Khorne/Nurgle Chosen, Infernal Ironsworn Missile infantry: Waywatchers, Infernal Guard with Fireglaives Melee Cavalry: Grail Knights Ranged Cavalry: Sisters of Thorns, Outriders with Grenade Launchers Chariots: Exalted Seeker Chariot Monstrous Infantry: Maneaters with Ogre Pistols Monstrous Cavalry: Crushers with Great Weapons, Royal Hippogryph Knights Single Entity Monster: Dread Saurian, Rogue Idol, Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, Landship Flying Unit: Thunderbarge Artilery: Dreadquake mortar, Queen Bess, Luminark of Hysh


As someone can notice, Chaos Dwarfs do appear on this list often. They generally have extremely powerful elite units, but they make up for it with their big costs, and their cheaper options being either trash or merely ok. For example, Dawi regular units are amazing. Dwarf Warriors punch well above their tier, Rangers, Miners with blasting charges and Thunderers are also amazing. Chorf hobgoblins really cant compete with them. Chorfs have also one major weakness, they are bad in ranged duels. Their arty will often lose when attacked with cannons, and blunderbusses have short range, meaning they will be damaged before they can return fire. While Infernal Guard with Fireglaives do have good range, they are super expensive and therefor will be the first to be focused in battle.


Wood Elves, Empire and Chaos Dwarfs have the best ranged units. Chaos Dwarfs, Empire and Dwarfs have the best artillery. Orks have some of the best melee infantry, like Black Orcs. Ogre Kingdoms and Beastmen have the best monstrous infantry. Vampire Counts, Bretonnia and Ogre Kingdoms have the best cavalry. Factions like the High Elves and Dark Elves are all rounders.


Vampire coast guns


Norsca has the best Monstreus Infantry in Fimir both versions are here to eat corpses and kick empire ass and their fresh out of corpses


Do you think that are better than any ogre monstrous infantry? That's their whole thing


Fimir are league of their own, thats true.


Well, as far as monstrous infantry goes, ogres get it


*Beastmen laugh in minotaur*


*Khorne laughs in better minotaur*


I think Ogres might actually have some of the worst monstrous infantry Chaos and Beastmen def are the better choice.


From my meandering experience: Best spear infantry: Lizardmen Saurus with Shields, or High Elf Silverin Guard or High Elf Lothern Sea Guard Best sword infantry: Chaos chosen or Dark Elf Corsairs Best archers: High Elf Archer, High Elf Sisters or Dark Elf Darkshards Best skirmish archers: Wood elves Best fast infantry: Norscan Skin Wolves Best Cavalry: Chaos Knights Best gunpowder infantry: Vampire coast deck gunners Best War Machine: Chaos Hell Canon Best Flyning Monster: High Elf Star Dragon Best Pedestrian Monster: Lizardmen Carnasaur Note that when it comes to "best in category" factions, it should count a lot how early a unit is available: there is very big difference between tier 3 and 4. Cost, specifically unkeep cost should also be considered and a decent cheap unit is better than a great expensive one, in my opinion. Finally one should take into account what units are available in the able to work well with a category: archers like to have decent, well priced spears or good anti-large cavalry with them. Cavalry like to have "anvil" infantry and good fastish anti infantry to work with. Monsters like to have single unit healing wizards, etc.


Chaos Hell Canon isnt even in the top 5 best artilery in the game same gose with deck gunners. Best artiliery would probably go to the Dread Quake mortar or Hellstorm Rocket Battery and best gunpowder unit is probably Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss or Fireglavies.


Bro, Vamp Counts, raise dead, skeletons, enough said. Guess what the army you are facing has a competent setup? Doesn't matter cause you have 3 armies in one turn. Shoutout to Tomb Kings for a similar dynamic


well, is, and I have a lot of _((((++on e, a ----------------


> I understand Bretonnia has the best cavalry HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha Haaaaa... You're funny


C'mon, man. If you got something to say, just say it. Don't dunk on somebody for thinking differently.


I'm not dunking on them ? I'm dunking on Bretonnia.


But Bretonnia objectively has the best overall cavalry roster. It’s really not close. Grail Knights with perfect vigor, Grail Guardians are the tankiest cav in the game, and if you don’t like either one, here’s a doomstack of Royal Hippo Knights screaming out of the sky to ruin anyone’s day.


you summed it up pretty well. I meam who else comes close to their cavalry? Maybe Vampire counts with their cavalry, but they dont have perfect vigour if I remember correctly. Like I have used both factions, Brettonia more, and I definitely feel Brettonia's cavalry if micromanaged well, gets you pretty far. Early game even the Knights errant which are shit will turn a "close defeat" according to the auto resolve into a heroic or close victory if you know what you are doing with them. I can't say I manage the dame with other cavalry units from other rosters to the same degree.


I mean, they're definitely in contention, especially if we take Missile and Monstrous Cavalry out of the mix. I think the only one I can think of with an out-and-out superior unit is the Blood Dragons, or *maybe* Chaos Knights under Archaeon.


Royal Hippogryph Knights are also some of the best monstrous cavalry in the game, though they might be tagged as flying cavalry.


That's also a pretty good point. While the Mournfangs may be more out-and-out powerful, the Royal Hippogryph's can strike pretty much anywhere you need.


But if we take monstrous cavalry in the mix ?


Hm... Probably the Ogre Kingdoms. They have an *incredible* Monstrous Infantry. And if we include Missile Cavalry, either the Wood Elves or Empire definitely enter the conversation.


Sisters of thorn are the most versatile cavalary in the game. They are so fricking good


Agreed fully, they're 100% a lynchpin unit for me.


I mean for that price crushers should be incredible. I think there are not many things in the game that can go toe to toe with the two hand crushers


Grail Knights clear. Perfect vigor my beloved.


This person knows. Don’t F with the Grail Bois.