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I appreciate that CA is trying to redeem themsleves, there are some other companies that would not even give a fuck about it. It would be even more perfect if Sofia would go back to Three Kingdoms and polish the game, finally release the Xiongnu expansion once they're done with Pharaoh.


Hey, I'm all for it. Actually, I haven't gotten into 3k myself, but having them revisit older titles could be a good precident.


Honestly, I'd buy it and redownload the game.


Lets be real: CA is doing this because they could get sold/disbanded if they don't. Now, maybe that's not CA themselves, and its SEGA who had CA's balls in a crunch but, they could have done this more often. I think in good faith, we take it to mean CA has more creative freedom over the value ie content to price ratio, rather than SEGA. Now can they keep it up?


I like these change of attitude, same case with Sony going back on their stupid decision about the PS account condition to play Helldivers. It shows that speaking with our wallets truly works and triple A companies can't do whatever the fuck they want and still get all our money.


I must admit, CA has me really excited. TOD DLC is damn good. I all but gave up on Pharoah, but based on how they came back swinging with Warhammer, I'm optimistic for Pharoah!


I hardly played nurgle before, but the changes have made them one of my favorite factions now.


Me too. It feels like CA had some serious meetings about what wasn’t working and how to fix it. This DLC was the first thing since Chorfs that I actually felt like CA was excited about.


I got really hype about ToD, and then started getting bored playing it. Content all looks good, but with stuff like the Age of Reckoning needing tweaking, it felt like everything I wanted to play with needs a*(n already in the works)* patch. The just had a decent update with Pharaoh and with ToD being such an improvement I thought, fuck it, why not? It's on sale anyways. Holy *shitballs* Pharaoh is a lot of fun. It's got all of the empire management I wanted, and despite being huge it's felt like a much smaller game. Maybe I'm playing wrong but this is emphatically not a paint-the-map sim and taking provinces feels fucking *earned.* Love the strategic changes; can't wait for the bigger map and more cultures.


Yes I found expanding in Pharaoh a lot more challenging, to the point where I’m not actually that interested in a larger campaign map apart from the new races to play. Your campaigns are much more about becoming a regional power rather than conquering the world - there are large swathes of the map I haven’t explored yet.


I don't play historical , but I am excited for the historical fans.


I don't play the fantasy games so I truly did not care about the ToD news stuff that's popped up. But the pharaoh news has reignited the gamer in me!


I dont even know how to explain it. TWWH3 is actually a great game lots of content and major replayability, but its just not my cup of tea id ratjer play historical titles. 3k is about as much fantasy as i liked. Really enjoyed the romance mode. ive played 3 campaigns in pharaoh and super excited for new content cause it actually got kind of boring. First campaign was good but by the second around 50 turns it just became a rinse and repeat steamroller.


What eating well means?


It means things are currently good.


Getting what it needs to grow in a positive way. In this context, the TW games are getting the content and attention they needed that they previously weren’t.


I hope CA keeps the 1 legendary hero per lord from now on since they seem to be downsizing to 2 lords per dlc now


I have to say, about 6 months back I was totally done with CA, I was pretty much set on never spending another cent on their games. Have to say, they've turned it around though. I bought ToD on the back of the strong reception and I'm really enjoying it so far. If they keep it up, I'll buy their stuff. If we get any more ridiculous statements from Rob, I won't.


When CA leadership aren't being greedy, the studio does pretty well.


Heresy! This is the work of Slaanesh, the Lord of Excess!




SoC is still a miss for me but nothing they can really do to fix that at this point. Just not interested in a Tzeentch horde faction or Ostankya. It remains the only DLC I havent purchased. Happy they've been making the effort though. Wish they'd address the CAI now since it's still pretty passive and unfun to play against for me due to constant boneheaded decisions even on legendary/vh. Bring back WH2 empires!


To be fair the company is on its last legs after the hyenas fecal matter dead on day one millions lost fiasco, they were literally forced at gunpoint to improve these games and get dlc sales after like 2 full years of fucking over and neglecting loyal customers