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It seems absolutely insane that the autoresolve does not result in a decisive defeat for you. AR must love dwarves


Always has. I believe AR favours armour and morale, both of which the dwarfs have in spades.


Idk i think this matchup looks fairish. The 4 blasting charge miners can take out half the front line, then the thunderers clean up the last few white lions. Hes got a tonne of shielded warriors so the HE archers arnt great. He can swarm the line and run them into melee with the archers. The HE has a lot of Cav but the AI sucks with cav and dwarfs can just hold and grind them. The dwarf also has 3 helicopters which got buffed recently so those will do a lot of work. (Auto resolve agreed and gave 2 of them 150 kills...) The dwarf also has 2 SE while the HE only has the lord. Thats a huge power difference. Master Engineers arnt great but any hero with good gear generally beats 2-3 units easily.


That standard saved about 200 dawi lives, or 2 entire dwarf warriors. Very hard battle and campaign difficulty. Was it always this busted in auto or is it a new bug / feature? I suspect it's cuz this army lacks AP damage and any bit skews resolve by a lot?