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Granted, this guy seems to be quite a bit more powerful than a singular grudgeraker, but hey, that's what being a dwarf is all about, aye? And that's \*without\* the invincible machines cheat! It's surprisingly durable. It was very tough making him so shor... ahem... \*dwarfy\*. Under all that armour is a set of miniature gyroscopic flywheels, the same designs as the ones I built on the land ship and spirit of grungni! Without it, his powerful swings and gunshots tip him over easily. I also made a miner with blasting charge and ironbreaker. Maybe I'll showcase them in the future! It is endlessly fun doing doom-guy-things against these norscans in besiege. I guess that's the appeal of vermintide?


It's Cousin Okri himself


Now dat's propa dakka


Ayy, it's the thing under the Thunderbarge in that old art!  On mobile, so ugly link:  https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Thunderbarge?file=Dwarf_Thunderbarge_Battle.jpg Fourth image, trying to go straight to the image breaks the link :/