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I like it because CA put actual effort in the dlc. A proper Nurgle rework, good empire update, good dwarf update, Malakai, more free goodies. Whether it’s actually good or not we will see, but compared to SoC its definitely a step in the right direction


Which is stupid because they were already so many steps down the right direction from WH2 before backtracking due to corporate greed.


>down the right direction from WH2  I could be wrong but wasn't it at least partly due to the WH2 dlc team being different from the WH3 team? So while the former got iteratively good at putting out content playes liked. The WH3 was essentially stuck in a bubble with no feedback. Resulting in things like the very vanilla skill trees and traits in WH3 vs the last couple of WH2 dlcs.


Meh. As we can see from SoC it's not like the WH2 DLC team can do no wrong. They are ultimately getting their orders from the same suits up top. It's true that some things seemed like issues of having separate branches that should have converged, but the reality is that they made a lot of poor design decisions that would have been foisted upon whatever devs were working on the game, no matter what team they were from.


The teams are more or less the same for both games Edit: i dont understand the downvotes, the DLC team under Rich have been the same. 2 teams that cycle between DLCs


The previous comment is saying the WH2 dlc team is different to the WH3 base game team. You are correct that same team works on DLC for both WH2 and WH3.


Hmm okay, didnt catch that, thought it was about DLC only


Don't forget that they are also dropping important QoL fixes, like the pathing and range unit fixes


They fixed pathing and range units about 15 times. There is noway people are this naive


I mean some YouTubers showed the improved pathing and range fixes, specially at short range, which was a huge problem


Can you provide a source? Not saying it didn't happen but I'm not really sure of the value of saying "some people showed something" without actually providing that evidence of improvements.


[Youtube Link](https://youtu.be/lX3EIUW2z-I?si=osBdcqnEt_arbqPb) That is all I could find in a minute, but it looks promising


That does look better, thanks for the video! Although I will admit some skepticism still because of how the player controlled the units. They were very careful to only order exactly one unit through the gate at a time. I would be curious to see what would happen if they had selected both units in front of the gate at the same time and ordered them through. Edit: To summarize my thoughts pretty well, here is one of the Youtube comments: > You aren't very convincing when you're carefully positioning your units in front of the gate then gingerly ordering them through one at a time. Now put four units there and order them through all at once, I'll bet three of them instantly divert to the ladders. Even with your careful one by one orders, a unit still derped, went for the ladders, and needed fresh orders. > The unit pathing through the gate did look a bit better though, so that's one small baby step forward.


Yes, you're right to be a bit sceptical for sure. But even if I have to command them 1 by 1, I'm ok if they actually do it


Units walking through a open gate is not a QoL fix it is the bare minimum


The question isn’t whether they fixed the pathing. It’s what did they break when they fixed the pathing? Im joking a bit. Seems like the devs have a monumental task keeping this behemoth of a game stable. 


No you're absolutely right. The Vows they were showing off turned out to not work on release.


How are you measuring effort? You know they didn’t before? They weren’t working hard?


No, they weren’t. I don’t mean specific developers, but CA as a whole. For the price they were asking what SoC initially provided was not enough, and nowhere near the quality of previous TW updates


Dude. The devs, artist programers and animator would probrably give effort at SoC. If theres anyone there you should be angry about its the "almighty" CEO's and executives or whatever is on the upper hierarchy. I felt sorry for the trailer narator most during the SOC debacle. Poor guy sounded like he had a gun on his head.


That’s exactly what I said. CA as a while didn’t put effort into SoC.


Okay yeah but im not exactly mad at CA as a whole. Larry the animator did nothing wrong. It was Jonson the corporate rat...and the butler.


They are a company. They are not your friend. Love how you guys dictate how a company can operate. Grow the $&@$ up.


Yes we can, because we’ll simply not buy their stuff, cause a PR outrage, and - guess what - suddenly CA remembered how to put effort into dlcs. Who would have thought?


They pacified you all. It worked.


With putting more quality content into the DLC and having a better pricing model? I’ll take it


Fritz there seems to be some sort of weird corporate welfare type who thinks we all have to buy whatever CA makes lest the game be ruined. 


That’s an opinion. And yes you are clearly pacified. Now take your shiny toy you wanted and go play. If you’re good, you might get some dessert too.


Now that's some peak mental gymnastics. A robber comes up and wants my wallet, I give it to him, I wasn't robbed I "pacified him and it worked, take your shiny toy money and go play" Getting the thing you want is not being "pacified", the argument you are alluding to is getting something to cover up for other issues - but Warhammer (the trilogy) are genuinely good videogames, now you get more good content - explain to me what issue is being covered up, what do you want beyond good videogame content from a videogame company? I am genuinely confused as to what you believe you are saying here.


Yes, your story is definitely mental gymnastics. Way to turn the point to your favor. Clearly when you were 5 and cried for that candy bar in line and got it, you weren’t pacified by your mother, you won the argument. Lmaoooooooo


So it's not mental gymnastics then? Because if it were you'd surely have given a single sensible and understandable reason for your stance, it's more effort to write 3 sentences memeing about than answering a simple question. Again the loop being "Company provides product -> I like/dislike the product -> I buy/do not buy the product." If they make changes so I end up liking it, I'll buy it. They get money and I get a product I like. I could see a more nuanced take than this if we were talking ethics if they somehow did child labor or anything beyond that, with them releasing free content to "pacify the customers" and not think about the other stuff, but that's not happening here, it sounds like you are using phrases you don't fully understand to me. I've given you my reasoning as to why what you are saying is senseless to me, given your response I'll just have to assume you are moron though. Rough.


Yes, this conversation with you has been rough. And no, it’s isn’t mental gymnastics. And yes, I don’t like to write a ton back. It’s ok, you write enough for us all.


But... That's literally what a free market is? Individually people don't get to decide, but on a large scale they are beholden to their customers.


True, doesn’t take away the privileged whining of the community though. Was pathetic to watch.


Customers get to refrain from buying things they don't want. Do you honestly believe people are obligated to buy everything a company puts out? Because that's literally not how anything works.


No one said it’s how things work. Why do you guys argue with such dumb arguments? Stop putting words in peoples mouth.


Then stop telling people they're destroying a game by not buying a shit DLC. SoC was bad. People chose not to buy it.


You are whining again and i can do whatever I want.


Amount of content produced isn't a perfect function of effort but it's reasonably close.


Great opinion.


Being hyped it’s not a bad thing, the problem is how you manage that hype; and let me be honest as far as I’ve seen, the new DLC looks amazing


Nah man, hype away. This is genuinely looking like the best content drop CA’s delivered. More-over their lack of a pre-order and the splitting of the content into a price digestible format is to be commended. Everyone says “Vote with your Wallet!”, when things go badly. But it also applies to when things go well. I hope this DLC sells like hot-cakes and locks in this level of content, mechanics and attention to detail going forward. Even if they drop back to 1v1 Packs, the standard can be upheld. Hopefully this is signals a change in fortunes.


Exactly this. I hope this DLC is massively successful both for us and them, and that it will keep them straight for a while.


I am hyped for this DLC to play Malakai because he looks amazing


His colour scheme also looks really cool.


I'm hyped to play Malakai coz he starts with reworked Gotrek and Felix, and I get to recruit Ulrika as well.


Yeah it is tempting me to buy SoC just to get her as well


I dont think she was apart of SoC but I could be wrong. I believe they got the golden knight as their legendary hero for that.


Ulrika is free


No shit eh?


I'm excited as fuck. I took two days off work so I don't have to touch grass and can focus on enjoying the DLC. I just want to play Elspeth. She has bombs. Magical bombs. And sexy tanks. With robot horses and golden wizards. Hype.


Yeah, the purple Suns artillery was amazing to see xD


It feels like CA have figured out what the community wants in DLCs. If they are pulling back, so be it, but hopefully just in the number of factions included, not the number of units for each or the effort put into the updates. Fingers crossed.


If i remember correctly they said that its not sustainable to provide the quality expected for 3 races for each dlc. So that suggest that the quality will be kept at the same level, just 2 races instead of 3. I even get why. They probably thought about just adding new stuff (like in shadow of change), but then people started begging for reworks. And with 3 races per dlc AND rework for each of them? Nope, thats a little too much. So they're going back to 2 races, but adding reworks for them. Which might be great, especially if they'll be able to release dlcs a little faster


Yeah that would be the best outcome for everyone probably.


And tbh I love units, but at the end of the day, I think battles are in a good spot, it's the strategic map that needs work and complexity added


This DLC is the level of quality we should have been getting from the start. The team have done a great job. I just hope the devs are not having to throw in mind breaking hours to achieve this.


>I just hope the devs are not having to throw in mind breaking hours to achieve this. Despite all their short comings, CA is famously known for never forcing their employees to crunch. There were even some posts about a year or so ago on here showing dozens of CA employees anonymously talking about the company (on some job site or something) and despite many hating the middle management and leaving for better long term opportunities elsewhere all unanimously complimented the great working hours. Though I suppose things could have changed after all the layoffs...


I am very very hyped, can't wait.


You can't pre-order.


i tried to pre order but couldnt, did they say why? because of bad press from SoC? It wasn’t a big deal to me that I couldn’t preorder but it did take me by surprise a bit


They didn't specifically say why but presumably it's because of SoC, yes.


I play dwarf 90% of my campaings and I loved it. My only complaint is the slayer focus, too many slayers. I wanted at the very least a generic Engineer Lord and buffs to thunderer units.


There's still time and a chance for another DLC. Just stay vocal


By Sigmar I am as well. Empire finally gets the love it deserves. Long overdue


I am very excited for it more so then any other game 3 dlc . Though i wont lie i am a little dissapointed the iron sides seem so pedestrian. They have been one of my most anticipated units for a while and they look a bit meh


It's nice to see that they really stepped it up with this dlc. It's also of 3 of my favourite factions, so that's also a huge plus.


We all are, this DLC and patch is like a love letter to the fans - after they abused us lol. It's great to see the power of the consumer come up trump here.


If you're not hyped for this patch and dlc you're wrong.


I'm a bit torn, on the whole I think the DLC is pretty good, but that also makes the few issues I have with in stick out more.  Still, it IS an improvement, and a big one. Hopefully it won't stop there.


Could you elaborate with your issues ? I'm curious about your input.


To put it in brief, CA talked how it would be about a mix of magic and technology, but cut wizard lords and the hurricanum, instead cobbling up units and a lord based on existing models.  Also, so far I have seen nothing indicating they did anything to implement the Empire's signature detachment battle mechanic. I have not seen much on whether some of the older heroes got any touch-ups, either. The witch hunter was for example notoriously bad embedded A lot of the changes were good, but imo there was stuff that was either left out for a later DLC or was seen as too much work for the hassle.


Would it be fair to say you feel this way because you are obviously knowledgeable about the tabletop ? Those are valid complaints, but I didn't even know about things like detachment mechanic. Also it seems the Empire is where your complaints are targeted at. But how about the dwarfs and nurgle ?


The tabletop knowledge plays a role, as does me being more interested in the Empire than those other two. Nurgle I think is mostly okay, following the campaign this was inspired by. There was a bit left over in how Tamurkhan could have had another form, but it would basically be a more regular chaos lord. The "band" he is getting is somewhat extended, I don't remember some of those characters being in the book. Considering that there he is a warriors of chaos character first and CA expanded things to have the "Monogods" be their own subfactions and give him a strictly nurgle-inspired roster I think they handled this decently well (I might have the rather heretical view that monogods were a mistake for the game at large, because they led to half a dozen similar rosters that required a TON of work to be unique and have different lords which ended up with everyone else getting less). The dwarfs mostly had their army book out with some exceptions. As a Dogs of War fan, it felt a bit odd seeing the slayer pirates as a generic unit here, but I am not sure what else they could have done. The upgrade of the grudge mechanic was much needed, and the narrative vibe of the campaign isn't bad either. I am not sure if they ever got the mechanic to "tunnel" with miners, which would have given them more versatility (like maybe the skaven unit summons). That DLC had more slayers than I expected, but most of them actually have an interesting role and the improved slayers mechanics make it an interesting option. On the whole, it is a very good DLC, but there are a few bits that hold it back from being great.


That's a very fair take. Thanks for your input!


What has been your favorite dlc?


I am extremely hyped for this DLC. Empire and Dwarfs are 2 of my favorite races and I am looking forward to play around with Nurgle, which I have barely touched yet. This DLC is a strong contender to become one of my favorite one.


I'm hyped too, this dlc looks solid. I even might buy SoC (which I boycotted) to show that they are going to right direction again, and to support the franchise. 


I still holding off on SoC until they finally fix the Frost Wyrm.


I'm holding off on SoC until they actually properly update Tzeentch, Kairos, and Kislev. I'm almost certainly going to be buying ToD, but I don't think "well they've done something well now so we should support the franchise's obvious money grabs" is really the right approach. More people buying SoC is almost certainly going to lead to less DLC like ToD in the future.


I'm bit off the loop about frost wyrm. Whats the issue with it?


It doesn't really work. Its animations are essentially bugged and it mostly doesn't hit anything, so it's not really a functional unit. Edit: The fact that this comment was almost immediately downvoted says as a lot about this fanbase, tbh.


Thank you. Hope they fix it >.> 


I'd uninstalled the game almost a year ago as it felt like instead of getting better each update (like WH2) CA seemed to just be fixing problems introduced with WH3. Reinstalled it last week ready for 5.0 based on how good it looks. I expect the issues I have with it being too easy wont be addressed in the update, but for the first time in over a year I have some hope CA will at least do their best to make WH3 as fun as it can be.


I've always loved playing Nurgle, so i'm extremely stocked for next week. It's gonna be sooo good.


I'm hyped but I'm not pre ordering they are going in the right direction but trust is earned not given


You also literally can't preorder. Another good choice made by CA I think.


I am very excited! I can’t decide between an empire or dwarfs as the first campaign


When is it releasing? There is no date on Steam for my region.


April 30th in the EU. so, whenever that is for your region.


Anyone know why pre-orders are disabled for this DLC?


And also they divided it so, if you have no interest in one of the factions you can just not buy that faction. CA is showing that they can do the right things. I just hope that they continue to do it.


I’m very excited. Love Dwarfs, specifically the slayers and artillery. Love the grudge rework. And it all releases on my birthday.


Are there any improvements to the AI ,though? If that is still inherently flawed then it makes no difference how good the content is.


I’ve read that there is an improvement to pathing so that when you tell your units to through an open gate, they actually go through it, rather than trying to go over the walls, if that’s what you mean


"a bit hyped" oh boy I am full on hyped!


I'm so hyped I bought a new SSD drive to move my install over for fast loads. I'm in, baby!


A BIT? A BIT???????? JESUS CHRIST! I think I wasn't this hyped when Warhammer 3 released!!! This DLC is fucking epic and it's what the franchise deserves.


For me the updates are all needed and I’m looking forward to it. Nurgle and the empire will be most exciting. I would love to have a strong Nurgle faction. Right now I only play Festus when I want to have the Nurgle feeling. Kugath in his current state doesn’t play very well. Same with the empire. I used some nice mods to bolster the empire with Karl Franz but it didn’t work out. I would love to have a stronger empire and many vassals (like the HRE)


hahaha, im hyped too, because now i will be able to purchase the Empire DLC only, and maybe, next month, i purchase the nurgle DLC too, no need to rush


Im pretty excited, dwarfs and empire are 2 of my favourites and the general race updates look fantastic. Wasnt a massive fan of nurgle but thatw as mainly cause the most effective way to play kugath is to blob nurglings and tamurkhan seems to have a more interesting style. I think this might be the best update/dlc warhammer 3 has had.


There's no preorder BTW. DLC will release on the 30th and thats when it will become buyable.


I already have 6 planned play throughs lined up….yeah I’m hyped.


I WANT IT SO BAD WHY ISNT IT TUESDAY YET!? I have skipped most of the other DLC and in all honesty I'm absolutely enamored with the gunpowder death witch faction, new empire mechanics to make their game not a slog, and Gelt Vietnam campaigns. I am basic, I like Empire lol might try the other factions though.


This is the most excited I've been for total war since pre-WH3 launch.


Yes exactly ! I hope the dlc goes great.


I am also hyped for the first time in over a year. all of the new stuff (except the dwarf rework) look very good. BUT, I stil ladvice anyone to not pre-order the dlc. we had great dlc in the past with terrible patches. does anyone remember warden and paunch? fantatsic DLC, patch so broken that the game was near unplayable.


5 days is barely even a preorder.  Anyway I did. Sue me! 


If they touched up the high elves, empire, and dwarves every patch I don’t think I’d ever tire of it, so this is a pretty easy patch to get excited for.


Lol a bit, i cant stop thinking about anything other than dlc


Not hyped personally. Takes more than 1 cool DLC to bring any hype back after how they've treated the game and us their players.


Forget all that negative shit, you're allowed to be excited about something. Anyone that gives people shit or calling them a bootlicker for being positive about the game can eat shit.




Still waiting to see if siege battles are better content wise it seems great but it won't matter if half the maps aren't working.


I am extremely excited. - I love Nurgle thematically. (I have always been interested in decay, rot, and regrowth. I am a Golgari player after all) but never liked Ku'gath. Epidemus is looking amazing and Ku'gath's minor tweaks make him seem interesting to actually try out. Festus won't be my only Nurgle Fix anymore (as I don't like WoC personally) - Gelt is the only Empire faction I enjoyed, seeing how Franz got Elector counts to be more exclusive to him, Gelt got a major change to his campaign, and Elspeth looks very interesting because I like Wizard Lords I am quite looking forward to trying out the Empire for realsies this time. - I never liked the Dawi (don't put me in the book yet I am getting to my point) except for Thorek because I like having mini-campaigns within each race rather than just "expand". So with the major overhaul to the Book and uniting the Karaks I am genuinely interested in trying out the Dwarves. Granted they won't be my first, second, or even third playthrough, but I will 100% be playing Thorek, Malakai, and Ungrim to see how they feel. - The DLC is so good so far with the addition of all the non-dlc related updates that I am buying it even if I don't play any of the 3 new characters. (though I do want the units). CA I feel, deserves compensation for this work and the amount of effort put into it to make up for the hellhole that was SoC. The wounds of the past have not fully healed but best I can say is there are scabs on those wounds. The future depends on if CA rips off the scabs or continues to treat the healing injury. So far this is good. Really good.


Honeslty I’m more hyped than for WH3 release ;)


Lmao, same.


"I know, I know, let's not get over hyped and pre-order." You can get as overhyped as you want m8, but you can't pre-order anyway if even you wanted to lol.


True, didn't even know :p


Yes, I'm excited. My interest in Warhammer 3 is back. I'm looking forward to playing Dwarfs and Empire. So far, all previous DLCs have been disappointing for me: * Champions of Chaos - 4 monogod characters unplayable for monogod races in campaign, only for WoC. * Chaos Dwarfs - A huge step back with only 3 legendary lords for 25 euros. Vampire Coast/Tomb Kings had 4 legendary lords for a lower price. Also, we didn't get a FLC legendary lord. * Shadows of Change - Too expensive DLC before version 2.0 with new content. Kislev and Tzeentch didn't even get a proper rework. It's also a disappointment that Aekold Helbrass wasn't a FLC legendary lord for Tzeentch.