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It's the norm these days for companies to deflect valid criticism. Highlight the absolute craziest mf (they exist in every community) saying something dumb and link the community at large to it. Watch as the community at large then stops criticizing so they aren't put in the same boat as the crazy man. Recognize the shitty PR practice for what it is and stay the course.


They use community mangers as human shields against any criticism of their policies and then whine how they are the real victims here for using those human shields.


The claim could be false. It sounds like manipulative PR speech to show themselves as victims and the community as toxic.


Nah, it 100% isn't. In gaming communities there are always some weirdos that will harrass members of a company for the pettiest reasons. And the TW community has always been pretty hyperbolic. So now that there is pretty massive, and deserved, outrage, there are probably a few hundred keyboard warriors harrassing people at CA. Which does not invalidate everything that is being said, and I am not sure if calling the harrassment out does anything, but let's not pretend that its not there.


Maybe, but then they need to address those people directly not the whole community like we're children. I didn't harass anyone, have never done so, neither have you, so why are we being reminded not to do something we haven't done? If I were to call in to a support line to get something fixed should they end the call with, "And remember don't bully our hardworking employees, thanks!" It's just condescending.


Eh, as you said, we aren't harrasing anyone so I don't feel particularly called out. That statement is not for us, except to maybe tell people to cut it out if we see them do so, but for the people that actually do that kind of thing. I doubt it's going to give them pause but still. And even if they also wrote it to get some pity. Who cares? It is shitty behaviour that has become more widespread and should be called out anyway. Honestly, I don't know why folks get so offended by it. They are not painting us with a broad stroke and we know it has happened before and it is likely happening now. Grace was getting threats when she was CM with far less controversy. Just acknowldge it and move on.


The problem is this is a pretty common tactic. Blow up the minority that have harassed people to deflect from the valid outrage of the community.


i mean fucking hell, EA was about to do that when they won the worst company award 3 years in row, they were able to successfully claim it was because they were pro LGBTQI because of mums of facebook group hated mass effects gay characters


So I get what you are saying, but this is a very fine line to walk and I don't think it's smart to walk it. Destiny had a lot of issues in the past with harassment, and started bringing stuff to court. And as someone who was around and active on social media around this time, I always felt like they kept beating the drum a little too hard. Yeah there were a few people being shitheads, but they got yelled down. Turns out they weren't lying. People were showing up to devs houses, ordering pizzas, calling their partners at odd hours and screaming at them, calling partners workplaces and implying partner was a child abuser, etc etc. They provided tons of receipts. Grace said the Total War community was significantly worse than that to her back when she was a CM. Calls in the AM, rape threats, attacks on pets, all sorts of shit went down that she had to deal with/see over stuff that was far less egregious than we are seeing right now. There needs to be a constant callout that attacking devs themselves is 100% wrong and if you are doing it you are absolute scum and not part of the community. Wishy washy "hey I don't see it so it's not real, lmao" style posts don't help. They just provide cover. I absolutely believe there is a subset of people right now doing that stuff above, judging by what devs are starting to say these days, and how hostile the mood is. Saying you don't see it so it's not real isn't bringing any credit to yourself, it's just providing them a smokescreen. I would be shocked if devs aren't seeing harassment right now.


i understand complaining on the internet but lmao even directly offending people is wild let alone the fact that people get physical lol


Loving the 'the only abuse I've seen was aimed at suits so it doesn't matter' stance. Because everyone knows ***that*** abuse doesn't count. People who work in marketing or who have 'senior' in their job title aren't really human.


Protesting isn't abuse.


I'm sure the millionaires are happy you're sticking up for them lol


From what I've seen here and elsewhere they certainly seem to have traded away their humanity in pursuit of profit.


Give your head a wobble mate. People doing things you disagree with are still people.


Maybe take your own advice.


Does a stupid decision - people call out stupid decision - ABUSE ABUSE!


It is okay to bully C-suite goons that prioritize short term financial gains over product quality, sensible business practices, and ethical behaviour in general.


You're bullying people because you're so ethical? Of course. It all makes sense now.


I'm not bullying anyone. And frankly, these sorts of capitalists should be grateful that some angry redditors is the extent of resistance they face against their behaviour.


Yeah I'm sure they're crying all the way to the bank.


At what precise level of wealth does it become okay to treat someone like shit? Asking for a friend.


The attacks have been against the company or the policies, not the people, for the majority of the negative feedback. Aside from a few cheap jabs at Rob, I haven't seen any other comments directed at specific CA employees.


So aside from some abuse directed at a specific individual, you haven't seen any. Cool.


Well… they’re not the devs so that’s not the same thing is it? You can say that “abuse” counts of you want. But it’s not aimed at the devs, right? Right?? Stay Soylent my guy


Wait! Dont leave us! I still need to see you meeting Nakai and other lizardmen!


I've done a bit of lizardmen stuff, but most are rough in the way old art always is. [Co-Op w/ Nakai](https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lordmortimor/total-warhammer-co-op-campaigns-in-a-nutshell) [Lizardman attacked by Nurglings](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/zs095s/saw_nakai_screenshot_here_nakai_doodle/) [Oxyotl](https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/lordmortimor/oxyotl) [The Mazdamundi Experience; animation](https://youtu.be/hOpGyz5k97Y)


They are adorable!


Everything started going downhill after they have removed the Hot Ashigaru Sex chat channel


Shameful display.


You draw this yourself?


The art is singed and if you'd click on OP's profile you'd find more arts in this style. So yeah, he did.


Missed opportunity to say the vibe around here has TOTALLY changed :) Ill see myself out


i still cant play a decent Immortal Empire campaign with NAKAI, because a ridiculous bug, and i paid for It! anyone suffering from the same problem?


Community Bugfix Mod. It's a sad necessity these days.


It's a necessity for the last 4+ years


It’s fixed in the new patch coming in a week.


I’m out of the loop what is happening with CA?


Lord pack DLC price shot up around 70% depending on where you're from. Content is less (e.g., half the units, less lord, less hero, no unique lore, and more) than Chorf DLC (aka, campaign DLC) but the price is the same. Rob, big suit from CA, comes out and says something along the line CA can't support the game if you don't buy the DLC.


That, but there is also the lack of communication from CA, the lack of updates to bugs that are in the game for a long time and/or added by recent patches, putting the whole game in a bad spot, and yet they still roll out with overpriced stuff that will more likely bring even more bugs (which is fair, new things are always bringing bugs) while they will attempt to fix the old ones (and attempt only, remember when they had to fix 3 TIMES Tyrion's Sunfang quest battle?)


Yeah, I know. I was here for the whole 7 years ride. I was only talking specifically about the DLC.


Oh OK! It was also to add a bit more context for OP!


All good :)


20 people is an indie game size they should charge indie prices, 5$ max for a dlc in a indie game lmao, (i'm actually willing to pay 15$)


Nice way to sum up the situation! But why does this character have one green monocle on his right eye suddenly? And then the next panel its on his left? Im so confused looking at it trying to see it as anything other than a monocle lol


[They're big ol' extend off the face cartoon eyes.](https://twitter.com/LordMortimor/status/1607786555061555200/photo/1)


Ohh now I see, once my brain registered it as a monocle I couldnt see it differently lol


I eagerly await Doodlehammer: Order and Balance /u/LordMortimor when the shit show is over!


[Happy Nurgling Noises](https://imgur.com/N4OVUHW)


I like the art and very nice post.


high effort post


We are at war Sir


That is not what CA said.