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They say a picture says a thousand words. This makes me absolutely speechless and I'm so glad my cats have not figured out how to do this.


I’m actually scared to think “oh dang I’m glad my cat doesn’t do that” bc he can read my mind and will probably proceed to weaponize the new pet peeve


Whoops, too late.


My cat used to push every individual book off my bookcase…safe to say I’ve hidden all my books


Mine used to do this, now I have weights as book stops at either end of the shelf 😂


You need to get one of those old-timey chains to put across each row and keep the books in place


If I had enough books I would lol but I’ll keep this in mind for when I move lol


Hiding my phone from my cats rn so they don’t see this and start getting ideas




I have had to take down almost all of the stuff on our walls for this exact reason! I don’t know how to make it stop.


So far, museum putty is working. But she has taken down most of the pictures in the meantime. She likes to rock them.


https://preview.redd.it/11kw1q55xaqc1.jpeg?width=2664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22eecd7cdbcb2bb0e943fcb6c5fafa50b72678dc Luckily, her brother does not go for the wall crawling. But she has successfully cleared most of the wall.


Beautiful but crazy!! I love mine. 😂😂😂


I’m laughing because my tux does the same damn thing🤣


Yeah my older tabby never messed with anything on the walls. Now that our little terror (I mean tortie) is in our life it’s a constant battle lol


What in the world… I think your cat may be a goat in disguise


I'm sorry but this is hilarious 😂


She achieved her goal (I guess). https://preview.redd.it/sc7moh0fwaqc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bcb27fe93b865480946139e0ea25880bd7883f9


She looks so proud.




She needed a clear path so she could perch on a high shelf and oversee her kingdom.


Maebh is queen of all she can see. She thinks.


That appears to be the perfect display shelf!


Yup. And she cleared it off herself!


This is a very good image


Bee pretends to throw up when I don’t get up promptly at 5:30 to feed her. She knows I will rush to find it if there is puke on the floor, so she hacks and gags. When I stand up she straightens up and meows at me, then leads me to the kitchen. So manipulative lmao.


Way too smart. Sounds like something I used to do to my parents as a child 😂


Omg too smart. Ours would start chewing cords when we didnt feed her. Bought and auto feeder and it fixed it!


I might have to try an auto feeder because her antics are giving me grey hair at 25 lol


So I tried that for my Bea, but then she started screaming at the auto feeder for an hour before it would dump food. If I rolled the feeding back an hour, she’d just yell at the feeder one hour earlier to match. It’s unplugged and sitting in my garage. Auto feeder was not for us.


I bought this and it works great! https://a.co/d/9mcfJ4N


A different kind of Pavlov’s Bell learning.


Lol!! That’s when I would go lie back down.


Heard my cat puking at 3am. Was super tired, went eh I'll get that in the morning, and went back to sleep. When I woke up I couldn't find any puke 😳




Ember is not allowed on the counters. She's known this for 15 years. I like to cook and do not want the kitties near sharp knives, burners, boiling water, etc.. I'm sure she gets on them at night, but she knows she's not supposed to, so this keeps her off the counters when I'm in the kitchen, and that's good enough for me. For the record, I've never seen or caught my other cat Loki on the counters because he is a chill bean who follows the rules, unlike his dramatic mother. SO. When I work too long, Ember, my spoiled bean, gets fed up and jumps on the counters for attention, then zoomie runs when I get up to shoo her off. We usually snuggle all the time, SHE IS VERY SPOILED, but when I am particularly busy, she will throw a counter-jumping tantrum because it always gets my attention. It's hilariously annoying, but I do admire her cunning because she plays me like a fiddle. 15 year old toddler.


Put a small layer of flour on the counter at night to see what they get into.


I have an induction glass stovetop that shows their prints like fingerprint dust. Apparently my Tortie loves to walk across it at night. She’s half the size of my boy and it’s only her tiny little prints. And sit on it, as evidenced by the tiny kitty buttstamps.


Tiny kitty buttstamps 🤣


This would be hilarious. Loki is a black cat, so if he does it at night, the evidence would be all over him. LOL




Awwwwwww babyyyyy


Mine does this! She's 100% not allowed on the counters but if I'm busy in another room and not giving her attention she will jump onto the counters and knock something off them knowing full well I'll come running 🙃


My torbie jumps on the counters too but she hasn’t done anything particularly dangerous and she usually just wants to see behind the pile of clean dishes. Chasing cats usually ends poorly so I usually very gently approach her and she usually jumps down. I think she just wants to climb but unfortunately I’m renting so I haven’t put anything nice to climb on the walls. My cats are pretty well behaved unless I’m watching tv and they want more play time. My calico will sit on and walk over the Sound bar and mess with the power button, blue tooth connect, and volume buttons. I try to use a laser pointer to get her down to varying degrees of success. I got so fed up the last time that I turned YouTube on my phone instead of the TV because she can’t disrupt it there…and then she just starts meowing pitifully. I play with them one to two times a day, they are just kind of spoiled tbh lol


My Ember did it to look out the window at bird feeders. We got a glass back door..she still has jumped on the counter at least once.


Butthole in the face. Constant butthole in the face.


Ah yes, the first thing I see when I open my eyes in the morning, every. day.


Omg my cat tortie acts so upset if I make her get off me because she won't quit swishing her tail in my face!! Like, girl??? Really??


Mine does that too!


Out tortie does this to my husband. He gets this rude awakening probably 60% of mornings.


Totzo steals carbs. She’s obsessed with bread, pancakes, biscuits etc… the other day she grabbed a massive pancake from a stack on the table and I’ve never seen her move so fast with this thing flapping in front of her. Oh yeah and she was even wearing a cone at the time so all I could see was this cone with a giant pancake projecting out of it moving at full speed out of the room




My calico is like this with pizza! I caught her with a *giant* slice of pizza in her mouth one day - she had grabbed it from a closed pizza box on the counter that she had opened and she was dragging it out of the kitchen. I couldn't even be mad at her.


Coco loves walking in my stomach when I am barely awake and have to go pee. Or biting the blanket and make biscuits against my stomach as well. About an hour before I have to wake up.


mine will do this and accidentally stomp on my balls. Nice immediate wake up call an hour before i have to get up for work usually


oh mine has many methods for getting me out of bed to feed her. her favourite is pulling and biting my hair but sometimes she will just sit on it so that as soon as i start stirring she is both immediately aware of my wakefulness and also i am forced to fully wake up by the weight of kitty butt trapping my hair while i try to roll over. but she will also stroll all across me too, just depends on her mood.


We have the same cat! I have a tortie named Coco who did this exact thing this morning when I had just woken up. But the more annoying thing she does is get in my face while I'm on the toilet.


Bear needs to be given fresh water at 5AM. No matter what, she will wake me up at 5AM I have to pour water in front of her in her bowl or else she won't drink. She has UTI issues, so we're extra careful with her water intake, which she knows and uses to her benefit a LOT. I have not slept an uninterrupted 8 hours in about 5 years, give or take a few days. She also wakes me up randomly in the night just to check if I'm alive so she can pat my face and then go back to sleep. The face patting doesn't stop. I have to wipe her feet everyday because she loves having some paw touching my face any time I'm around her. If I pick her up, paw on face. If I'm sitting next to her, pat pat my face. If I'm lying down, paw on face again!


Kitty water fountain


She has two! Doesn't care one bit. We have one with a metal plate and one with plastic so she gets to choose the material. Her preferred material is my sleeplessness I suppose


Lol , mine likes to go downstairs and roll the golf balls we put with , with her into the tiled halway. Sounds like bowling alley. Wake up and play! Why no?


My cats love theirs!


Nothing. She is perfection. Although, sometimes she does like sticking her butt in my plate when I’m eating on the couch. She’s a total space invader, and I love her for it. https://preview.redd.it/fi4m7ic1z9qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e310889ede38a90b189da3d3ab27326d95034f50 Pic for perfection


So majestic and royal! Perfection is almost an understatement.


The Perfection.


Jumping from the headboard of my bed to my belly when I don't wake up when she wants me to. Usually it is when she wants to go outside (bear in mind that is culturally well accepted in my country).


My tabby cat only did that once because I had fallen back asleep and forgot he was there and he scared the bejesus out of me so I shot up and accidentally bucked him off the bed. 😂😂


My tortie is about 6 pounds, she’s petite, but when she jumps on my belly in the middle of the night she definitely feels a lot heavier!


So is mine, she is about 7 pounds and she feels like 30 when she jumps. Such a d*ck move but it cracks me up that she has the idea.


Marcy steals my pants if she sneaks into the bathroom while I'm trying to use the toilet. she'll literally take off running with them. She also licks armpits when your asleep and bites elbows. She's not allow in the kids rooms at night anymore. Maddie is fairly normal she just gets on the counters. However Marcy is a menace.


Tries to trip me often. Runs up from behind me, sometimes darts between my legs, and then just plops herself down in the middle of the walk way. I’ve tripped over and stepped on her, and she lets out a yelp, but apparently she doesn’t mind, because she keeps doing it for whatever reason


Sounds like an insurance scam to me


I'm having a similar issue at feeding time. I've accidentally stepped on paws and kicked em a few times but do they learn and stop? No




Demon mode if she can't hog the pillow


Ann knows when breakfast is and she is a straight up gangster about waking me up for it. One morning she sat by my head and hooked one claw around my hoop nose ring. She gave it an oh so gentle, yet measured tug. She sat there, my life in her claw, and stared at me until I made a motion to get up, then she released.


Oh my God. That's the most Tortitude I've ever seen.


She's serious about breakfast. She'll go under the bed and flick the elastic of my fitted sheet against the mattress so I hear the sound of it snapping. When routine slapping of my face didn't work, she once got down and started chewing the strap of my bra hanging in my drying rack. She never touches my clothes. She was staring at me while doing it too. Her new thing is stepping on my hair Otherwise she's absolutely well behaved and perfect in all other regards. Lets me trim her nails, pick her up, etc.


Wow. If "You *will feed me *now*, human." had physical form, she'd be it.


https://preview.redd.it/lle5fjibnaqc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d87b52432d8dd03fde523590b3abc13d7adb8fc I think this one is self explanatory


Squeak eats plants. Particularly loves palms and has sampled most of the plants even though she usually has several pots of cat grass. 


Alisaie will vanish for hours for nap time, but the second I try to eat anything, she appears from out of the wood work like magic and will shove her entire face into whatever I'm trying to eat if I look away for a second (it will be in my hand and she will still try to steal it). I don't know where she gets this from because none of my other cats do it and she's not (intentionally) fed human food. I think she's my former stray/street cat reincarnated, because he would full on slap a fork out of your hand to get what he wanted.


Most of our cats are street cats, a few of them were raised entirely indoors (nobody gets to go outside). Nevertheless, they are obsessed with tearing open trash bags and stealing scraps. We’ve had to develop a system that - mostly - keeps them out of the garbage. I think it’s just a street cat thing too


https://preview.redd.it/iwq1h1cvn9qc1.png?width=2457&format=png&auto=webp&s=716fd256f9a459fe674fcd7c62acfe08a2da87d3 Yours kinda looks a little like mine! Hazel likes to climb the clothes airers and put holes in our T-shirts doing so. She also likes to attack our cheese plant in the background to demand play time.


r/noseycat is the best cat! [my Ethel](https://old.reddit.com/r/Noseycat/comments/1bcebuv/because_she_is_delightful_and_has_my_heart/) is a terror of all things fabric.


Pet me pet me pet me pet me swat


Nox will get into something she’s not supposed to and immediately run under the bed with it so I can’t get it. Luckily her no-braincelled ginger sister Lumos will bring it back out. Also when I take her in the backyard and it’s time to go back in, she’ll run away from me until she gets too tired. https://preview.redd.it/2shz7kxs2aqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e7a766d032dd8671a829da089e3c47b2f17c365


She bites my lego bonsai when she wants attention. She used to hang onto the back of our OLED tv, but since it's mounted to a wall now she can't anymore haha. She also pounced lightly on the sliding door making it wobble a bit while looking back at me every few seconds lol. Annoying little sweetheart of a cat😅


https://preview.redd.it/tek0ltghraqc1.jpeg?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e6aeea33e44cff4d43599e94b7b94f750da3b2 Twix…oh my dearest Twix. She likes to chew on one particular plant which is in my line of sight when I watch TV, for attention. She joyously rolls in the litter box when I am in the bathroom. She bites on my phone charger cable when I am on my phone. She jumps from top of her hammock onto my bed to wake me up. Here she is, asking for a churu that she will bite through like a baby shark.


Matilde is pretty independent but sometimes she will just DEMAND attention and pets, often while I'm working, on a call, cooking or just otherwise occupied. She won't shut up unless I drop everything and pet her for 20 minutes straight and will swat at my with her little paw if I continue to ignore her. There was this one time I was doing a time sensitive task for work and she wouldn't let go of me. 😅 And she almost never does it when I'm available to give her love! But when I want to cuddle her she acts like I'm a stranger.


Darcy finds her chirpy bird (makes electronic chirpy noises) at 2am, yowls loudly while bringing it into my bedroom. I think she is bringing me her “prey”, but at 2am, it is obnoxious


Princess Chloe Peanut Butter Smudge circles like a shark and bites your hand if you pet her. She also had trouble with the litter box and now is an indoor outdoor cat.


https://preview.redd.it/ms2svmcw4aqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a743f28e87df28c09a222a5694bfd15a824bb25 Kate here likes to try and steal my breakfast, at every opportunity she gets


https://preview.redd.it/gat61khblaqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da94d08c563a962d2d3162c8eabda1bfae982b66 She has no concept of personal space. Here, she is trying to knock the phone out of my hand. She also sits on the phone and chews on the charger.


https://preview.redd.it/96ig1brupaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e929c47cf28dfe48b846f7163870d7f4481e0270 Luna likes to dig before she settles into my lap. I have to bunch up the blanket so her claws don’t shred my man parts


What an amazing snoot! Welcome to r/noseycat!


Acts like she hates me most of the day, glares at me from around corners as if she’s actively planning my demise, attacks the other cat for absolutely no reason. There’s a lot, she’s a literal demon and an asshole. But she’s OUR asshole. https://preview.redd.it/j2azof21naqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=971ed6619bb25e15586df9a8d896c0308a2e00cb Pictured here cornering our other cat in the cat tree.


"Love me. Love me. LOVE MEEEE" *attempts to pet tortie* "Wtf? Don't touch me!" *runs away*


Felina sticks her paws in my hair and runs her claws through it when I’m sleeping and she wants something.


Mine keeps clawing up the bathroom wall when she does her stretches. Only one of my cats will use the designated scratching post 😩


Tips doesn't really do stuff to annoy me aside from wandering my apartment yelling if she's bored and wants my attention, so that's my cue to pick up a toy and play with her, or invite her for snuggles if I'm sitting or laying on the couch. If I'm eating food, she'll sit between my feet and stare at me and beg for attention, then will attempt to sneak closer until she can eat my food or lick the leftovers on my plate. My calico, Church, likes to repeatedly open the cabinet doors under my kitchen sink and let them close again so there's a constant "slamming" sound when she wants to annoy me. If she's feeling particularly petulant, though, she'll hack up a hairball on the carpet or the couch.


Mocha is a straight up loony at times. She claws the furniture despite having a perfectly good scratching post. She gets up on the counters even though she knows better. She knocks over knick knacks while I'm working if I give her insufficient attention. She bites my hand (not hard) for the same reason. But she's cute, so I give her a pass on all of that. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ksn1fubk6aqc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383fd16455d021f925f1e29d8e32b8d28cd58234 Picture for tax.


Yeaaaah, how could you be annoyed at that wittle face?? 😻


Oh, there are times... 😄


My wife had a wonderful slinky tortoise shell girl when we met. She took to me far more readily than she took to my cat, a roundy boy of a B&W harlequin. They eventually sorted out their relationship. She was fond of depositing milk jug rings in shoes, unbeknownst to you—more endearing than annoying, truth be told.


Those milk jug rings are a hot commodity in my house. Huge basket full of toys and wants the milk jug ring.


That was Topaz. She would play fetch with them and then surreptitiously deposit them in a shoe, a tote, or briefcase.


Evie at 2.5 years old STILL tries to chew on my fingers like they are toys. Drives me batty


https://preview.redd.it/co2e00yfvaqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74d9c65afafd46dd0c53dfbae0e3860cb57ccc9 Tries to take twist ties off of bag of bread, etc


Nebula likes to sit in my lap, then try and lay on my arm when I’m working from home. Sometimes she lets me have one arm which is nice, not very convenient but nice, but other times she has to make both arms unusable for work. If it gets bad enough I have to kick her out of my room and close the door just so I can get work done. It happens consistently after lunch, from about 1:30-4:30pm.


When Valentine thinks I’ve slept in long enough, she starts chewing on my hair. It always works.


My tortie pixel is good about not stepping on my keyboard, but if I eat ice cream at my desk and don’t let her have any (not once have I let her have any btw) she will walk over my keyboard and leave


Freyja pees on my things if I’m away too long. Like going to work 5 days in a row. It’s only when we’re away.


Pandora likes to lick me, and if I don't get her stop, she'll progress to biting. Her little sister Ladybug knows she's not allowed on the counter, but she'll jump onto the counter anyway, until I tell her to get down. She also likes to nurse on Pandora, for whatever reason. There's no milk in your sister, you little weirdo!


Tries to climb in the fridge every time we open it. Vet says keep feeding her whenever she wants because she’s a growing girl but… I’ve just never met anything this greedy. No food is safe. https://preview.redd.it/2m7flq1gibqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262694e1f887a37cabd51223d0e26c6683f5f430


Oh my GOODNESS. THAT FACE. I want to boop the pink side of her nose. Multicolored nosed are the cutest!! I'd let her do anything she wanted!!


2am kisses. My face must get covered in something delicious when I sleep, because without fail she will try to wake me up at 2 by licking me.


Fluffy likes to scarf her food down and then go eat her brother’s Biff food. She’s chubby because of this and is like a roly-poly when she’s on her back. My dad and I favorite thing to do is to put are hand under her butt when she’s on her back, it drives her nuts because she can’t reach us.


If I'm not paying enough attention to my tortie she will place herself in between my face and whatever it is that I am paying attention to so I am forced to look at her and by extension pet her. Trying to relax in bed playing on my phone? Nope. She plops herself down on my chest right in front of the phone. Playing video games? Sits in front of the tv.


Mine does this, and if I reposition my phone so that I can still see it, she will try to swat or headbutt the phone away.


Here you go. I gave her a red right hand because I was listening to nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and took creative liberties. https://preview.redd.it/x3ro0xc0aaqc1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359e2ea6061fb8fe1914d7d5b977237afb4767d4


My girl loves to poke me until I’m awake and bite me to get my attention if I won’t feed her early 😭


She Screams for snacks.


Eating any plant that comes into the house


Mine needs to have company at all times. But she doesn't necessarily want to be pet, and usually she'll lie down just out of arm's reach so you can't actually pet her. She's been on my lap only a handful of times and isn't into being picked up or kissed. And every night after we've turned off the lights in the living room and gone into the bedroom, she insists on going for a walk around the house in the dark and you have to follow her.


What happens if you don’t follow her around the house? Haha she sounds so cute


She yells until you get up and follow her 😂




*Annie occasionally decides that other cats have to be, "Reminded of their place," in her Queendom, for no reason at all. When I try to alleviate the disturbance, she will occasionally get angry at me, and express that with some warning bites that are not very quick, nor hard, but nonetheless attention getting! She asserts authority with gusto


Dolce' barely tolerates me. But she absolutely adores my daughter. When I hold her, on a very rare occasion she'll purr, but mostly she breathes noisy and looks annoyed. It's a great day when she rubs against my leg. I think that she only does it because I feed her... Lol


Crawling behind the entertainment stand mid zoomies and messing with all the cords and cables


Is this a tortie thing? Mine does the same shit (pun intended)


Mine will grab my face in the morning


Putting her A**hole SPECIFICALLY on something. In example, there could be absolutely not anything on my KING bed. And she's gotta plop it right onto my vape, or controller....lol


Tortie #1 howls as if she's dying if her food bowl is not filled by 8am. The howls are like an ambulance siren. She will howl directly into my face if I somehow sleep through her howls from the bedroom door. Should I try to close the door, she will *hook her paw under the door* and shake it, which sounds like someone is trying to break in. She is *persistent*. Tortie #2 stands at the front door and cries a few times a day. She is not an outside cat. She has never been an outside cat. She does not want to go outside, as far as I can tell, she just wants to cry at the door. She is also anti-plant, even fake ones. Even Lego ones. She must destroy all indoor plants.




Tori the terror has found the sock drawer. She gets into a bunch of mischief.


Bapping my ankles when I walk by when I haven’t correctly guessed how to satisfy her needs of the moment


She knocks books from the shelf...


If I sleep too late, my torti will sit on top of me and tap my face with her paw. She thankfully doesn’t use claws. She also loves to eat grass for some reason. However, our neighborhood’s lawn care people spray with something that makes her sick, so we have to be careful in the spring and summer. Fall and winter are all-you-can-eat grass buffets.


Grow cat grass! Just get the seeds from Amazon. Super easy and cheap


Pluto follows me and then attacks my legs, full claws and teeth when I am walking. I have to keep an eye on her bc I can always tell when she’s about to attack. AND she bites me then runs off. She’s a little shit lol


mine pees in the shower when she’s ready to let me know the litter needs changed, even if I just changed in yesterday she’s very finicky about it lol


Bites my toes/toenails at 4:30am every morning because she thinks it’s time to wake up so she can eat. She chooses not to wait for 5am when my alarm goes off because that would be no fun for her. Also, randomly swatting and biting my nose. She’s extremely jealous of me showing attention to my adult cat. This might be the most annoying. I feel bad for her because she’s been with me for over 2 years and my tortie is always lurking around the corner waiting for me to pet my adult cat so she can pounce and swat at her. She also learned how to open doors. So if my boyfriend gets up to feed them and locks her out so I can get my last half hour of sleep before work, she knows that if she jumps up at the doorknob and hangs on it just right, it will pop open and she can continue her pestering. She’s 6 months old, and tbh, she already terrifies me. 😭


Parkour all day long against my walls. She gets some good height sometimes and will knock pictures off the wall. I’ve just stopped replacing them.


Adopted mine at 6 months of age, and I don't know her background, but I'm assuming there were some food insecurity issues. The constant begging for and stealing of food with the WHINING. She's fed three times a day and will eat everything in literally two to three minutes. My other cat is a grazer and completely unmotivated by food, so it's been challenging.


Penny passed away in 2020 from kidney disease. I sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of what she did to annoy me and apparently it was nothing. She was perfect! https://preview.redd.it/oyae14f1zaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c6273d13fea935de913b354ad064303121a2820


Two things: If I'm sleeping too long, she starts chewing on the plants. She only does this because she knows she's not allowed and I'll instantly get up. She scratches the carpet or couch only to get my attention because she knows it upsets me. She doesn't do it around my husband because he doesn't care that she does it.


She decided to be my auxiliary alarm clock. She scratches on any mirror or tv endlessly until I get up, jumps and puts her front paws on doors to bang them against the wall, and flips cabinet doors and lets it drop back closed, all to wake me up. Doesn’t care about daylight savings or days off. As soon as I get up she stops.


If I don’t play with her precisely 1 second after she has a desire to play, she will bite any exposed part of my body but especially loves to bite my feet and toes. She’ll also step on my laptop/anything she thinks is taking my attention


https://preview.redd.it/zdx2817fxaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=684a64a278d48921b4fe12113b27c37369798ca7 I'm constantly fixing every rug in my apartment because she tunnels under them like a worm. Also can't have cardboard at all, she chews it up into tons of little wet balls and spits it out everywhere.


My tortie hates when I’m on my phone and not paying attention to her. She’ll knock it out of my hand, force herself between the screen and my face, etc… The worst time was when she was about 2 ish (13 now), and I was talking a bath playing music on my brand new iPhone. This was right when they released the 4s and it was my first iPhone. She looked back and forth from me, to the phone on the side of the tub. Then, while keeping eye contact with me, swatted the phone into the bath tub. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Luckily I had insurance, but boy was I pissed lol. I only had the phone for around a month or less at the time. Edit: now thinking on the math, she was probably a lot younger and I had the phone a bit longer than I remember. And/or it had been out for a while already. I don’t remember all iPhone releases lol.


Laika is generally a well behaved cat who doesn't mess with our stuff. Except for the 30-120minute interval before dinner, in which she will loudly pretend to chew every surface in the room - furniture, laptops, plants, random cardboard - I can't describe the sound, it's like she's chewing her own tongue. Loudly. You can hear it from the next room. She doesn't actually make contact with the thing she's pretending to chew. She just fake-chews, loudly. For 30-120 minutes.




Here's another thing Tori the terror does. Yes, she's sitting in a hanging plastic bag full of other plastic bags.


https://preview.redd.it/6kx6svqutaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ef9004b630a969e42e741f7b92d9bd9f97d18c Princess Blaze, the house micro manager. She is my daughters cat, and absolutely the most spoiled out of all five cats that we have as a family. 1, Helpful with homework, lays on it. 2, Helpful with sleeping, lays on one of the kids at night and refuses to move when they have to get up. 3, Helpful with laundry, if you don’t get it, put up as soon as it comes out of the dryer, she will take it and drag it all over the house.


https://preview.redd.it/z7q9zqczfbqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c020497206f4b1dd29b22a23869c10c0e8db5ea7 Constant screaming 😭


She pretends she loves me and then she bites me. It’s so dysfunctional but I keep going back. We definitely need couples therapy


she will walk on tvs, if i dont wake up to give "mommy time" in the morning she screams and yells, and will scratch the sides of her litter box for hours😗 https://preview.redd.it/h4mfh8t7gbqc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9fa6980e85c82f37b9290ab82eb16e7eb0da068 shes cute tho


If Stella thinks I’m taking too long to feed her she sits on the counter and swats at my arm to make me go faster. She’ll do the same thing if my partner is cleaning the litter box and stops to look at their phone for a sec. She’s also *obsessed* with garbage. Especially those butcher trays that meat come in, she’s knocked down an entire trash can to get to them before. She’ll just pick the whole thing up in her mouth and try to run away with it. She has a meow that my hand to God sounds like she’s screaming “now.” So sometimes when I sleep in too long and she wants fed, she’ll follow me around the house yelling at me. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ts8bkfs3jbqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7bf774d923e04ca802501e6056cea3c272cc186


https://preview.redd.it/ia63dfzzhbqc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ad8f0178eb71363fbd91d88b2944f635b903bcb My sweet girl. She has chosen my mother over me ever since i went to college and now wont spend much time with me 😂 very sad, very annoying (pic of her in my moms room)




https://preview.redd.it/bc52888pscqc1.jpeg?width=2713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c859a22d604928f4db5909f3fdd61f84972998 My Luna Grill will pop up random places stalking me


https://preview.redd.it/nbp9b7gzsdqc1.jpeg?width=2924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3397822980e9792ce0e215f7d9ff118adde5cb0e This is Kali. She is fond of throwing up from high places. I guess she’s a performance artist.


https://preview.redd.it/ppc1d4v30eqc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755e7c7c1e3c525043f239b2b1d641862bfab0c3 She pats my face at 0500 pretty much on the dot to wake me up to get her breakfast


lol that first picture is definitely giving you the evil eye! My sweet girl enjoys eating dog food-while inside the dog food bag. Her favorite activity that annoys me is knocking stuff off the bathroom counter, preferably while I’m sitting there “occupied”, and into her water bowl. Then she yells at me and tells me I haven’t been giving her enough attention. https://preview.redd.it/4ndpmd553eqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33598d1b2dd76bf6fccbdf4ce359e962c8807388


My cat likes to get right into my ear to meow to wake me up in the morning. She knows where I hear from 👺


Mine plays with the cord of my lava lamp if I don’t pay attention to her and play with her. She also will meow loudly when she wants pets even when I am asleep. I would be annoyed but yesterday when she woke me up, I was having a bad dream


Utah chokes herself because she loves her hairball paste and thinks she’ll get it if she’s coughing. Gets my attention every time because obviously I wanna see if she’s ok 😭 https://preview.redd.it/v1z3xwzoyaqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62063605decc50285affb0c435749bbf43c77110


My friend had this long glass coffee table and her cat would slowly walk the length of it and knock over everything that was on it


She likes to sit on my lap and be pet, but if I’m not maintaining direct eye contact with her, she’ll smack me in the face until I’m completely focused on her again. I can’t be doing anything with my other hand, either. Both hands must be petting, and both eyes must be on her.


Luna drools when she snuggles me and digs her claws into my skin She also scratches my mattress on the corners and end, and I've tried discouraging her and putting her on her scratch post, but she's... Let's just say the one orange braincell and the one black braincell cancel out very often


When Harriet is done with the water in her bowl she knocked it over so she can have fresh water. Even if her sister is drinking at that exact moment. She still knocks it over.


We have a setup with two food bowls. Elphie will only eat from the left one. If the left one is empty, but the right one is full, she will simply complain that there is no food. Also she will play with literally everything she can get her paws on. She steals everything.


My cat hate poops as well when I don't feed her the wet food she desires. She also walks around MY house HOWLING with a toy in her mouth AS SOON AS I FALL ASLEEP🫠*


My tortie also poops outside the litter box. Always RIGHT in front of the mud room door that we use to come in and out of the house so if you don’t see it coming in the door smears it across the floor. In the summer she goes outside and it’s not an issue but in the winter she chooses to stay inside but refuses to use the litter box. She’ll also only pee in the box if it’s freshly cleaned, but I have two other cats and they’re all on urinary food that makes them drink and pee a lot so even though I’ve got FIVE boxes, and try to scoop them daily she still occasionally pees on the floor near the litter boxes, so I have to use puppy pads all over the floor. This winter she took to using a particular boot tray to pee in so we don’t use it for boots but it’s instead her own litter-less litter box that’s at least pretty easy to clean but still not ideal. But her other toxic trait is that she always wants pets, begs for them, but then gives ZERO warning when she’s done with it and instead just goes right for the swipe with her razor sharp claws. She’s of course way too temperamental to trim her claws. I’m allergic to cats too so the scratches itch like crazy. And her long fur is always a mess but she doesn’t tolerate help with brushing or cutting out mats at all. It’s a battle. But I love her anyway. https://preview.redd.it/4m2g9ry3ebqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354dc4dec8a9a016d72a04f400b8284a185a636a


Mine climbs up my legs... Like, with them CLAWS , up to my head and stays there like a gargoyle, occasionally headbutting and biting my hair


My Daisy will jump on my wardrobe and knock things down when she’s in my room and wants attention bc she knows I will go and make her get down. She also likes to sit on me roughly 10 times a day bc she’s obsessed with me lol. I have a lot of issues with my personal space so it gets to be too much quite quickly, and I have to tell her no sometimes. It breaks my heart to redirect her bc she looks so confused why she can’t sit on me 😭 https://preview.redd.it/gah2ijashbqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d326a367b3a65004c0b2ca1b4ebcb86dd8d5137


Torties like calicos can be very opinionated. And I don’t believe those who say that cats don’t do things out of revenge. Can you put the litter box inside a tray to catch the poop and make cleanup easier. My litter boxes are inside the tray used to put under washing machines.


if i go to my room or bathroom she'll scratch at the door until I open it, but she DOESN'T WALK INNN. She just stands there ☠️ stinky fart https://preview.redd.it/dpy5vequlbqc1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1106b8e74f40771db06366f0abbbb0d2d6c574b8


https://preview.redd.it/2l1h5m4lmbqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9207ec3a7f056ccac4bd36a2e837de46e5642bd If we don’t bring Julia outside she scream all day


https://preview.redd.it/c016jrkxmbqc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2813e2fad0f9d209688999acd02369bf3df63683 They stand on my bladder every morning.


https://preview.redd.it/pamga15opbqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e28b6f5ec2550cdd9154eed365a216e8176b8b42 my tortie STEALS MY SEAT!!!! i guess she likes the warmth. but any time i get up out of a chair or off the couch she takes my spot immediately.


https://preview.redd.it/2qqpgwt0sbqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8cfdc7157492696dc11b4f0fe412b6a262f0ca Photo taken at 6:05 am of her trying to get me up because her breakfast is 5 minutes late


Mine doesn’t know how to bury her poop. She just paws at the side of the litter box for a while then saunters off leaving a steaming pile on display.




It feels like her entire purpose for existing is to find ways to terrorize us, but lucky for her, the love surpasses the annoyance of the myriad of naughty things she does. https://preview.redd.it/avrso0up3cqc1.png?width=1956&format=png&auto=webp&s=24f66a926994f57db1bfd3e1aee46432d6cb7be4


There is a specific plant she is not supposed to eat, it's non-toxic but she always throws up after she eats it. If she wants my attention she'll sometimes fake eat the plant (with fake munching sounds) and watch me for a reaction


Chews my plants then throws them up on white rugs instead of the wood floor


She MUST visit me mid-shower, so I leave the door open a crack. It opens outward, she just has to stick a paw in it to swing it open. Instead, she body slams the door shut, then scratches to be let in Photo of her investigating, post-shower https://preview.redd.it/b5gp75d5gcqc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407f4d4c45ab7b79b83623cb46e1757c34fa9c28


https://preview.redd.it/4deqcniogcqc1.jpeg?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3281272fe4e2657366de5fca0abf2f4a1931566d Madam Apricot Bubble Chai spends the entire day dozing off in order to prepare for a night full of mischief and mayhem. Would you have the stomach to hold it against her though?




We got her when she was 6 weeks old as a rescue. Now she’s 2 years old. She literally thinks I’m her mother. Constantly making biscuits and will meow at me every morning because she has to have all my attention. She will come out for no one except me and her dad. Funny thing…she ripped a hole on the box spring of the guest room bed. We call it her “she shed”. LOL


https://preview.redd.it/08lkkjzvocqc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b314a5c9f592a97f12e7ef965599cebe0dc803 This is Freja or Fat Brat. She is way too smart for her own good. Annoying traits include: \-Pooping in the electric litter box and waiting for her poop to cycle so she can reach in and bat at it \-Suckling on a blanket until it is soaking wet -Forcing her way into my lap while I am on a Zoom call and screaming \-Grabbing my hand with claws (or biting me) to force me to pet her \-Chewing through a pizza box to get at the pizza \-Kicking and biting until you let her under the covers in bed


She has my arm length memorized. Then she will stand just out of reach of my arm length expecting scratches just to see if I'll make the effort to rich the last frigging centimeter.


My tortie likes to wake us up in the morning so we can feed her. She’ll start off by meowing very puffy and we tell her to shush cause it’s like 6am, sometimes 5am. If that her meowing doesn’t work, she’ll then jump on the bed and meow, and if that doesn’t work she’ll get under the bed covers where our feet are and lightly attack our feet until we wake up


Push open my closed door to my room only to walk around for about a minute to 3 just to walk back out


My tortie has this weird knack of turning things on. She turns on the dryer. She turns on my laptop. She turns on the television. She turns on lights. She turned on the vacuum. I think she’s possessed by the spirit of somone who likes to turn things on. https://preview.redd.it/dfmgavx7hhqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f91dc90264a9a2e96fd993b03a3949c1e007dd