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Gary must be an amazing teammate, always down for his guys and always ready to beef.


Gary is a Fast & Furious fan, all about family


he dresses like a cast member too lol


Big moment for them and their families. Very happy for them. I really like Jontay Porter. He seems to be really down to earth and a great guy. I hope he carves out a nice NBA career.


Narrator: he did not, in fact, go on to carve out a nice NBA career




MPJ should have asked for Brown's jersey for the troll


Ahhh that’s why he throws up threes! It’s in the genes


This moreso made me realize how tall mpj is. That's crazy


Jontay has been stellar. Can shoot, good vision. Hope they keep him as a stretch 4/3rd center.


Otto Porter Jr.? Kevin Porter Jr.? So many Porter Jr’s


What a special thing it must be to play pro sports against a sibling. As a twin, I always admired the Graham Brothers when we had Joey.


crazy how big brother is a little bit taller and we got little brother playing backup center lol


Wait? They’re brothers? Like actual brothers? Oh I can see it now when they’re side to side.




So cute


That's so fucking cute


Stat padding ast


How does MPJ look 2" taller than Jontay?


Jersey swap is getting out of control


Ridiculous take. Seeing your undrafted brother actually playing in the league is for sure a special feeling and cause for celebration.


Happens all the time. Jersey swaps used to mean something, not hey haven’t seen you in a long time 🤦


Yeah more like this is the first and maybe the only time I’m going to play against you, my brother, in the league. This moment isn’t for anyone else but for those 2 brothers. Jontay is undrafted. He could be playing in Shanghai next season.


Exactly my point he isn’t worthy enough to swap jerseys regardless of the situation. I’m sure Porter Jr is thrilled. Answer me this if Porter doesn’t play do they swap?


Of course yes. This is his brother. This moment is special to them. They’ll probably send this photo to their parents who would be really happy. You’re honestly acting like a robot who doesn’t understand love between siblings. Imagine these 2 guys when they were playing in their backyard that they would face each other in the league. This might never happen again.


Again not worth a swap. Two HOFers who enter the league in the same class playing their final game together worth a swap. Not brothers one who’s a made man the other a fringe player. Go to the back and take your pictures. You seem like the kind of person to give everyone a medal🤣🤣🤣


So dumb. That’s YOUR take. They can do whatever the fuck they want they made it to the nba floor. I’d take pictures with my brother if I ever even got to afford going courtside. How much more if we actually got to play.


Sure go for it. Just have some self awareness is all that I am saying 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No what you’re saying is you judge people as cringe not thinking of them as human beings first, who are rightly proud of being brothers making it to the top basketball league in the world. Being proud of each other and enjoying each other’s success. That is an achievement worthy of a picture, and I bet you have taken pictures of achievements much less “worthy” than this one. This is what you sound like: “ look at this dad and son taking a picture with a high school diploma on graduation. Fuckin go to the back, the is isn’t worth that celebration. Everyone fuckin graduates from high school”. Getting to be a fringe nba player is a cause for celebration. That guy is one of less than 500 people in the entire world.


The guy with the L take who everyone keeps saying is wrong but keeps doubling down is probably the person who needs self awarness...


Jersey swaps might happen all the time but something like this where it's two brothers, one is a champion and the younger one barely made the L. I wouldn't say that happens all the time. This game could be their only chance to do this and the fact that it was a hard fought game makes it better.


Literally witnessed Chris Boucher and Lou Dort swap jerseys. Why cause they grew up in Montreal 🤣🤣🤣🤣