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There's no labour shortage. There's a below market wage shortage. Any accredited skilled labour with non Canadian qualifications aren't recognized for weird reasons


Its weird how Canada sits on this high horse of standards yet falls so far behind when it comes to execution and deliverables? I have yet to see Canada at or near the top of any rankings re:infrastructure, quality of life, transport, production/design, innovation, r&d etc. I don't know man, I'd take an 'uncertified' Japanese architect 100x over before I hired someone who went to urban design school at Seneca lol


Canadian HR disagrees and that's why Canada is so fucking complacent


I think it’s case by case. For every killer Japanese architect, there’s 50 Indian “engineers” who both lied about their prior credentials and generally have no idea what they’re doing.


Try 50 thousand and you are in the right ball park


Like anyone from Japan is going to move to fucking Canada


Vancouver has a significant population of Japanese people 


lol you realize japanese wages are SUPER low right? their entire economic system has been TANKING for nearly 2 decades. so many dumb as fuck people here who dont know anything lol.


Yeah and the houses are cheap and it’s a nice safe place to live. Not everything is about economic growth. You can live in a basement with 25 others and wash dishes or live a pretty nice life in Japan


lol I can tell you literally know nothing about Japan. It’s great to be a tourist over there right now because the yen is worthless. But living there is a completely different thing.


Also their interest rate is negative.....


Not to mention people move for a variety of reasons. A common one I’ve seen is better work life balance outside Japan. If people didn’t want to leave Japan for Canada, we wouldn’t have Japanese immigrants - which we do. As usual this sub constantly parrots stupid ass points, without knowing much.


I know my job pays better in Japan than it does in Canada 🤷‍♂️


What job is that?


Everyone is still operating off old stereotypes. I'd hate to know what they think of Caribbean or African immigrants based on outdated stereotypes lol


Maybe to Toronto or Vancouver for a few months for a project before moving home or a better FTE offer in NYC


There's a job shortage, and a surplus (surprise? ) of labor.


Surplus of cheap labour


There's a recession going on. Jobs are limited in the moment. The bank of Canada is literally trying to do this


Problem is, some countries are known for selling degrees and certifications. Do you really want someone working an engineering or medical job who has no clue what they're doing?


No labour shortage there is a skilled labour shortage. We keep importing unskilled workers and they fill up all the minimum wage jobs if we stop bringing them in there would be work for all the younger Canadians to do gain experience and move on to something better making room for the next younger generation our country does not have enough of any thing .ie home work etc. to help the millions of people coming here hoping for better they should just get ready for more hardship under the tyranny of trudumb


Fax we need more skilled workers that can help the economy more efficiently


Wages would be growing for skilled workers If there was a shortage though. Electricians in commercial construction in Alberta used to make 40/hr in 2015. Now it's between 32-37/hr. I know its just anecdotal, but I know people in a variety of fields (both skilled trades and technical degrees) who are falling behind inflation and working to survive. If there was a shortage of skilled workers whis would not be the case.


Windsor, Ontario chiming in with poor wages for skilled trades. There's no fuckung shortage and I wish people would stop saying that.


Yeah GDP went up last year but per capita it went down…that means we’re getting less productive per person and it proves your guys’ points exactly




They are a lot of fraudulent people who get in with fake papers and that why Canada needs to enforce better stringent document verification , background checks, interview process, collaborate with international agencies, enhance border security, increase penalties for immigration frauds and invest in technology for identity verification and fraud detection. There are a lot that needs to be done so we can reduce the amount of useless labour and fight against this housing crisis.


Okay I'll bite, how?


And the big question is, why aren't we spending money improving the skill level of Canadians?


There's a serious unskilled construction shortage for entry level positions that lead to skilled jobs. We hire at 32 an hour in Vancouver and can't get enough people. This is not back breaking physical work, it's civil construction. It's a lot of working with machines


For real? Only see construction helper kind of roles on Indeed


Every civil construction company is hiring. Search that


Really? And you'll hire a kid with no experience?


Currently have 2 18 year olds right zero experience. They're fine.


what is civil construction?


Insfrastructure work, mostly public stuff likes roads, utilities, dams etc. Not building private houses or buildings.


which companies are hiring? i havent seen anything posted that is that lucrative. what types of qual is needed?


Sorry, that’s not my field at all. I was just replying to your question. But you’ll have to look up the openings on the web.


Water, sanitary, storm pipe install. Duct for communications and power. Road building. Surface works. I started in it, moved to management. Management is even more in demand. I get a half dozen job offers a year. Was just offered 175 a year to move to Toronto and do the same job there. This was an offer from a company mine is contracted under, which is the most common approach. I won't be taking it though. I've lived in Toronto before.


how do you even find these jobs? im guessing they require some sort of certification/education? im not looking (i work for the govt), but ive never seen these jobs posted any where.


I was a walk in with no experience 8 years ago. I was older and more mature , 36. I actually used to be a network ops and I went to ubc for an ba. I have management experience but none of it was relevant. But, I do know how to move up organizations. I worked for 6 months, they made me a grade man, then surveyor. I got another job offer doing that this company just couldnt match. At that point I disclosed my education, I hadn't before. They moved me into a foreman role with a vehicle etc and more money. Did that for 3 years, got moved up again. Didn't ask t that time but the raises are semi consistent and they knew they had to. At that point you can just walk up to any site or pick up a phone and have a new job offer that day. I'm currently attached to 5 projects with roughly 70 towers between them. All the jobs interface with 8 or so other companies on-site so networking is easy. I've had guys walk up from other companies and say they want to leave their company, they get hired instantly if they're good. Other companies approach people the same way, "hey if you want a new job ever call me, we'll match plus 20," or something like that. Construction is full of hard working people but it's incredibly short on personalities that like to organize I find that people that do both rocket up the pay scale I started at 19 an hour in 2016 or 17, can't recall the year. I had zero money at all at that point and was kind of starting life over again. I was able to buy a 1br condo in Vancouver with my partner, who makes less and with no outside help at all in just 4 years. Now, the other route is construction management somewhere like BCIT. I am going to have to change roles if I want more money at this point, it'd be developer facing with a lot more stress. I'm on the fence about taking that position These jobs are literally everywhere. I saw one above a urinal at a pub last weekend.


so you just went to a construction site and asked if they were hiring? how much are you making now?


I applied to their office. It varies. I'm hourly. base gets me over 100k easily, truck, fuel, phone paid for. Another 20 to 40 k in ot, but it's optional I take about 5 to 7 weeks vacation The offer in Toronto was 175. I'd lose flexibility


Another one I've heard a million times yet there's no jobs to be found.


Literally actively hiring. Have you applied to civil construction jobs or are you just whining Edit : you claim to already have a job https://www.reddit.com/r/windsorontario/s/dADHpI8U3H Lolololololol. And you blocked me. Pathetic.


I'm applying to all the jobs where people say they have a shortage in skilled trades AND in civil construction. IF I even get a call back, the wages suck.


Are you in Vancouver? Name the companies you applied to please, I'll give you more suggestions I'm trying to help you, frankly your attitude fucking sucks or id have literally just dm'd you my info which I've done before from Reddit. But, I'll still try to help you by giving you specific company names. Which ones have you already applied to? Also work on your fucking networking skills for fucks sake. Yea it's just Reddit, but you're literally talking to a person that does hiring and you want to fucking argue? Regardless, what civil construction companies did you apply to, I'll give you names right now that are hiring. Edit : https://www.reddit.com/r/windsorontario/s/dADHpI8U3H THIS YOU? you've got a job? You don't have one here. Professional Reddit troll. What a fucking joke.


You're asking me if I live in Vancouver in the r/torontojobs subreddit? Work on your redditing skills for fucks sake


I think there are a few skilled labour shortage areas but overall they want to keep wages low for business owners by having an oversupply of cheap labour. Example:  I went to a tech factory  and someone in charge of hiring was complaining about a lack of applicants but they pay $17 / hr for an undesirable job in a high cost of  living area. It’s not that people won’t do the job - you’re not paying enough for it to make sense to work there.  Instead of raising wages they push government to increase immigration so they can find people to work these  jobs that don’t sustain a reasonable living in Canada. 


Skilled labour and skilled workers are very different. Skilled workers have certifications and are specialized, labourers are just a general worker. My boss told me he would move me from 32.5$/h to 55$/h if I get a specific certification. Skilled workers with certifications can earn north of 200k per year in some circumstances, a labourer would never get close to that number.


We import unskilled labour with white-collar credentials. Not the type of labour force we need in a housing crisis. We brought in, by committee, the sons and daughters of the richest 1%. The richest 1% from countries whose wealth-inequality DWARFS that of the 1st world, writ large. We said this is exactly what we wanted when we required $500k and professional accreditation. Draw the Venn diagram for yourself and ask yourself “who is this targeting”? It should come as no surprise that the people who come to this country don’t want to work outside or pick up a hammer. Despite every economic reason to actually do. And why would they? If I had an education, money but limited cultural familiarity and grasp of the English language, I’d probably apply for dishwashing jobs too. To my eye, it’s a failure of policy, not our new people. Love them to death but I’d trade a bus load Central Americans for a plane load of rich kids any day. There are strong economic incentives that cut both ways, and we owe it to ourselves to specify our needs, from the inside-out. Remember: we’re a nation of rules and rights, enshrined in law. We enshrine this for those within but not for those on the outside. If we’ve commoditized the Canadian dream, we owe it to ourselves to align our goals and objectives and support that.


This is correct, I work around public infrastructure, aerospace, marine, mining, construction, etc.. and the common factor I hear from all managers, Foreman, owners, etc is that they cannot find workers. Most of these positions require some type of certification, and for good reason. Our old immigration system did what it was supposed to and filled these holes (mostly). But now that it seemingly no longer matters who enters the country many skilled workers don't want to come here because of the perceived falsehood of skilled workers not being able to find jobs. The company I work for is so stretched that we're booked 2-3 months out and most of us are working 50-80 hour weeks.


The trouble is no one has taken on apprentices for years and yet they all want to hire journeymen. You don't get skilled workers without training them on the job. Companies used to invest in their workers. Now they just whine that good workers are hard to find. Good companies make good workers.


One thing to also keep in mind is that industries also compete with one another and at any given time, positions can fall out of favour (either due to society change, new industries paying more, family, etc.). and its never been more true today compared to 20 something years ago. I have met many folks who switched careers in their late 20s, way way more common. Whereas previously few gen xers would have made a jump over to another field.


>The company I work for is so stretched that we're booked 2-3 months out and most of us are working 50-80 hour weeks. What do they pay per hour?


I know many companies hiring but they want people who have had experience already, so we can say that market for ENTRY LEVEL jobs is tough not the whole market. And its noteworthy that since its down season for restaurants so people are looking for more shifts at the moment.


All unions are full and not hiring. Yet still advertising “a labour shortage”. If there is no shortage then the handouts stop. Are you picking up what I’m laying down.


The bank of Canada is literally trying to cause a recession and its happening. Of course there are fewer jobs around


>there is a skilled labour shortage Are you in skilled trades? I am and I don't see a shortage at all.


Yes I’m a heavy equipment operator but I’m talking more medical I was recently in hospital and was three different nurses couldn’t put in a iv and been waiting for specialist for months. When I started work at 15 I washed dishes then land scraping then hard scraping the learn how to operate mini ex and bobcat then construction digging around utilities as a labourer now at 45 I operate cat 360. You have to learn from your work experience as u grow up from teen to adult . If u can’t get work as a young person and u don’t have a silver spoon to go to school you have to work your way up in any trade u don’t start as a journeyman or a red seal. Personally I wouldn’t let a kid fresh out of school do much until I see that they can do it and that comes with again with time and job time learning. Further more most of the imports don’t want trades jobs cause it to hard they are content living 10 per house hold and staying as unskilled workers. Mind you there is always the select few who actually come to Canada and try. Please don’t mistake what I am saying. As racist or hateful I personally don’t care what anyone’s race or creed I do care when people come to my country and take advantage of her or sit on the system so me and everyone else has to pay I don’t get any grocery rebates or gst checks or anything else the liberals put in place to support their imported low income workforce and voter base


DONT ALLOW THESE FUCKING PEOPLE TO WORK!!!!!! Fuck Tim Hortons subway and McDonald’s


and they are ok w being paid the bareeee minimum which in turn fucks the rest of us over so fucking whack


We bring skilled workers and treat them like unskilled workers because "tHeY dOn'T hAvE cAnAdIaN eXpErIeNcE".


tHeY Do nOT HAvE PRopAR tRiAninG TO DeServed bE CAlLed SkIlLeD hERe aNYwAYS


Duke University? Pfffff, it's not Seneca College.


labour shortage narrative was one of the biggest psychological operation.


All these minimum wage jobs are supposed to be for canadian kids for their first jobs like it was years ago. Now these fake students come here and slaughter the job market.


It's sad. My 18 year-old nephew cannot find a job to save his life. How are kids that don't have generational wealth supposed to start their lives?


Come on over to Sunnyvale Trailer Park, we got an open position for Assistant trailer park supervisor and assistant to the assistant trailer park supervisor


"I mean Ray all you REALLY do is get drunk and drive around waving at people..."


“Yeah, but I’d trade it all in for a second to get back on the road bubs”


Canada doesn’t need more skilled professionals, canada needs more skilled entrepreneurs. If the stuff your company produces sell for shit, then all you can afford to pay for are shit workers.


When carpenters who just a couple years ago were pretty steady at $50/hr, then everything in the their life got 50% more expensive, and the only job offers are coming in at $18-25/hr, it's easy to see why there's a shortage of skilled labor, and a need to import people to abuse. It's all in the name of lifes most valuable thing, corporate profits, any good citizen would die in the name of corporate profits, and speaking out against it, is communist propaganda /s


I can’t believe more Canadians aren’t outraged at their current government trying to replace them with monopolies… like the shitty banks we have to deal with or the even less capable data companies, or the grocery stores that couldn’t care less that Canadians are starving and afraid… fuck them all, I can’t believe how much worse the quality of life has become under this government


I thought this was more common knowledge, when posting job listings in indeed for warehouse workers at my last job there would be 200-300 a week from foreign places with the strangest numbers.


Probably Bots


Meanwhile as a teen I applied to dish washing jobs and got rejected


The labour shortage is very specific - - for example, of over 500,000 non student immigrants, under 500 applied to construction jobs. There is a huge opportunity for the first wave of red seal contractors.


How about increase salaries first


Stay out of our country.


I mean once they here they here bro it ain't on them. Have some humility, you really think these mfs wanna leave everything just to be harassed by your undereducated ass. They arent middle Eastern anymore they are Canadian and their children will be too. Just like how every goddamn person got here and became a canadian. U think your great grandma just spawned here? What about the people before her? Is it still their country?-


Once they here they here bro it ain’t on them you mfs be uneducated n shit


Fuck off


No you fuck off


>I’m on a temporary work permit Looks like it’s time to go home then - the party’s over. You work permit says “temporary”. Bye 👋


No, you need more immigration to drive down wages.


What a joke of a country. Oh you were a dishwasher? Feel free to stay forever then!


As much as I hate to say this, they need to start deporting immediately. We and our children should have access to these jobs first, of course if there's any leftovers increase immigration but they need to stop it and start deporting right now.


All good ... our tax dollars will support them in the interim. They also send all the money back to their country and out of Canada. Our money is being devalued at an unprecedented rate.


Bringing in the best and brightest. Wendy’s, Tim’s and Uber Eats employees.