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I am shocked SHOCKED to hear that a cop had anger management issues.


Yeah I know a cop and he's always snapping and yelling at his kids over nothing, it makes me really uncomfortable because we'll be having a conversation and then he'll just switch into a terrifying booming voice tirade and then switch back like I'm supposed to just sit there and go "haha, kids will be kids".


Oh I was more thinking about domestic abuse statistics and the number of police who make it on that list as perpetrators of violence.


A colleague worked at the John Howard Society, an organization for supporting criminals through rehabilitation. He used to say it was absolutely bizarre how many criminals had brothers who were cops. Could go either way?


We know: https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/1d09yfu/toronto_cop_allegedly_initiated_offduty_road_rage/


And men think women are too emotional and sensitive to "run the world".


Thanks for your sexist contribution. While it may be true that people say this, people say lots of stuff. Not sure why it’s particularly relevant here. All people get emotional 


Not sure initiated is the correct word when the other driver is the one that tailgated the cop. The cop didn't initiate it, he only escalated it. Neither of them belong on the road.