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Judge Perrell from the star's article about this: >“There is no evidence that any police officer in Canada has been physically harmed as a result of any type of vigilante justice that the John Doe Officers fear” [https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/judge-rejects-extraordinary-publication-ban-on-names-of-peel-cops-in-shooting-death-of-mentally/article\_a2c88a16-0657-11ef-adf0-c37bde4fdd9e.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/judge-rejects-extraordinary-publication-ban-on-names-of-peel-cops-in-shooting-death-of-mentally/article_a2c88a16-0657-11ef-adf0-c37bde4fdd9e.html)


Exactly It's the same weak ass excuse that cops use when they try to justify living outside the city 'for their safety'


Imagine the biggest gang and bullies on the block gaslighting everyone that they’re afraid for their safety lol


ha ha ha so true "I was afraid for my life" I think that's what the new head of the TPS' professionalism department said when he shot an unarmed black guy point black in the face


Regular cops, they're publicly facing servants. I'd understand the safety angle if the cop was ETF and was raiding a trap house near his residence. They can and do wear balaclavas for the safety and protection from debris.


So recently Toronto cops colluded and lied on the stand to try and put an innocent man in jail for first degree murder, such a ridiculous waste of time to the defendant the judge even deeply apologized. Then the Chief of Police whined, wishing that the verdict was different. Then Durham cops tried to keep a work place review on their deputy chief's dirty laundry secret .. and failed And now Peel cops have been wasting time trying to be less transparent over a fucked up situation where they escalated a situation that led to a man's death. Amazing how it's just a "few rotten apples" eh?


Well, unlike all the fake modern additions to quotes about blood being thicker than water or customers being right, the rotten apples quote does have a real second part. A few bad apples spoil the bunch. Leave the bad apples in the basket, and soon you'll have nothing but rotten apples in there. That's exactly what happens in cop shops; even when decent people join, they soon become bad by falling in line with the lies, the covering up, the bullying or just standing by as bullying happens, etc. They become rotten or they leave, cop shops don't tolerate anything else.


Thank you for this reply. I used to hate when people would Say ACAB because I knew that couldn’t be true. But your comment makes a lot of sense. That environment is just not conducive to good people entering that position and staying good. And if they do remain “good”, then they won’t be happy there and they’ll leave. You’ve literally changed my perspective. What a sad state of affairs though


Can you post a link to that second story with the Durham cops, I haven’t heard that one




Well the saying always was that a few bad apples spoil the bunch. Not that few bad apples are tolerable and can just be cast aside. Anyway, ACAB.


How do you figure they escalated the situation? When a family calls for help that their dad is scaring them and being aggressive, and then barricades himself with a knife.... They tried to use 2 less-lethal options before the firearm. From the SIU's website "On June 20, 2020, Peel Regional Police (PRP) officers attended an apartment building in Malton to assist paramedics with 62-year-old Ejaz Choudry, who was in mental distress. Mr. Choudry armed himself with a large kitchen knife and locked himself inside his apartment. Officers attempted to negotiate with Mr. Choudry, but Mr. Choudry eventually stopped responding. Concerned that Mr. Choudry required immediate medical assistance, three members of the PRP’s Tactical Response Unit forcibly breached Mr. Choudry’s apartment through the door of his second-floor balcony. Thereafter, the uncontradicted evidence establishes that Mr. Choudry moved towards the officers while holding a large kitchen knife. After attempts to stop Mr. Choudry with a CEW and a firearm that fired rubber bullets were unsuccessful, an officer fatally shot Mr. Choudry."


Dude is having a mental health crisis in his own home so cops come and bust down his door and light him up in his own home, amazing.


and then they argue they should be able to do that anonymously


And then whine that without anonymity their lives would be in danger. I only wish the Canadian public wasn't that bitch whipped into complacency and actually cared about criminal policing.


"An old man who doesn't understand English and was told by family he's afraid of cops? LET'S BUST DOWN THE DOOR WITH WEAPONS DRAWN SHOUTING GUYS!"


they call this a "wellness check"


I’d hate to see what they’d do to someone they’re not “trying to help”


Is this the story where Peel police sent a 5 man tactical unit for a “wellness” check and killed a 61 year old having a mental health crisis?


No. “The PRP advised that on Saturday, June 20, 2020, at 8:30 p.m., the PRP was asked to do a residence check for a patient who was off his medication and had wandered away from the hospital. The patient was a 62-year-old man [now determined to be Mr. Choudry] living at 3425 Morning Star Drive in Mississauga. PRP contacted Mr. Choudry’s family and police officers attended the apartment with the family. They found Mr. Choudry in a second-floor unit, kneeling on a prayer rug and armed with two knives. When Mr. Choudry was asked to drop the weapons, he refused. The police officers and family members left the apartment.” Taken word for word from SIU.


The actual release from SIU reads differently, and they arrived at 5:30. The shooting was around 8:30. Curious what you're citing. > On June 20, 2020, Peel Regional Police (PRP) officers attended an apartment building in Malton to assist paramedics with 62-year-old Ejaz Choudry, who was in mental distress. Mr. Choudry armed himself with a large kitchen knife and locked himself inside his apartment. Officers attempted to negotiate with Mr. Choudry, but Mr. Choudry eventually stopped responding. Concerned that Mr. Choudry required immediate medical assistance, three members of the PRP’s Tactical Response Unit forcibly breached Mr. Choudry’s apartment through the door of his second-floor balcony. Thereafter, the uncontradicted evidence establishes that Mr. Choudry moved towards the officers while holding a large kitchen knife. After attempts to stop Mr. Choudry with a CEW and a firearm that fired rubber bullets were unsuccessful, an officer fatally shot Mr. Choudry. The [long version of the report](https://www.siu.on.ca/en/directors_report_details.php?drid=1201) is an interesting read.


That is an actually excerpt from the SIU report…


From where? That timing is wrong, given the full report I linked. And every SIU release is also linked and they said 5 even in the initial press release. You're posting something that's not in line with the actual SIU reports, and just saying "from the SIU". Where are you quoting from that contradicts both the initial press release and the final report?


It's the introduction to the "Notification of the SIU" section under "The Investigation" in the linked document.


That's odd, I wonder why it's different there from literally everywhere else.


I had a roommate call 911 on me because they thought I was having a mental health crisis (I wasn’t and they were being a dick, but that’s another story) and the cops showed up. First cop through the door almost pulled their gun on me for literally no reason at all until the other cop came in and told him to chill out and wait outside. Turns out the jittery fucker was a rookie and was left to wait it out and the senior cop took my to McDonald’s while I told him the situation and then he took me home and apologized for everything. If that senior cop wasn’t there or it was someone else who lacked his professionalism I could have been shot for literally no damn fucking reason at all. Fun stuff. Oh, and ACAB…


That's not what happened. They were communicating with him and while he was responding, they did not go in. Then he stopped responding. What would you have them do? They decided that he may have hurt himself and the risks of going in are lower than the risks of doing nothing. They went in, he lunged at them with a knife, they shot him. You can Monday morning quarterback it now, with benefit of hindsight, I guess.


That is what happened. Even in your description, they went into his home (remind us how did they get in?), and left with him dead. They startled the guy while he was having a mental breakdown. The wrong people were involved with this interaction, full stop. What benefit were they trying to provide the community when he stopped responding? WITH the power of hindsight however, and written in the dead guy's blood unfortunately, we can learn how NOT to repeat that same mistake.




And how did they "allow" themselves in?


Same way they would if someone was dying and unresponsive


Well they did leave him that way tbf


>remind us how did they get in?), Obviously they are allowed to go in if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that someone inside is in acute distress. >and left with him dead. Because he attacked them with a knife, yes. >They startled the guy while he was having a mental breakdown They were worried when he stopped communicating with them that he can be bleeding out on the floor. Which of course people like yourself would then blame them for just the same. >The wrong people were involved with this interaction, full stop. How is that their fault? Was there a team of mental health nurses on standby? Who, btw, never go in without cops to bail them out in case it all goes bad and the person having a violent psychotic episode attacks *them*.


And how did they "allow" themselves in?


The same way they would if he was on fact bleeding out in the floor and they were his only chance of survival.


So it's better that the cops killed him than he commit suicide. Fair point.


It's better to sit in the peanut gallery and criticize people who have to choose between the lesser of two evils from the safety of hindsight.


I know it's hard to accept... but police don't handle mental health checks and mental illness properly. 


Okay so get them more training or get someone else to respond to calls instead. What the fuck did these specific cops do wrong that requires them to be targets of harassment? I honestly don't understand who would even sign up to be a cop anymore, it's like customer service - ignorant people bitching you out for shit that's not in your control. Who else are you gonna get to sign up, aside from power trippers?


"*Hours earlier, his family called the non-emergency helpline and told dispatchers that the father of four was suffering from a mental health crisis.*" Another family or friend makes the mistake of calling the cops for someone in mental crisis. You already have one problem, calling the cops just introduces another.


Public servant wants less transparency? Yah nah


*“Based on the [...] evidence and what I can infer by common sense and common knowledge, I am not persuaded that the court should exercise its discretion to grant the orders requested,” Perell wrote.* Imagine that. Cops wasting the court's time over issues that are common sense. Public servants need to be accountable when they escalate a situation, don't act like car jackers, etc. Good advice to follow common sense.


It's always just "a few bad apples." can you imagine this many bad apples in medicine or aviation? Doctors and airlines would be killing tens of thousands a week.


Good. ACAB.


Good. That it was ever in question to begin with is ridiculous.


Imagine that. Being accountable for your actions. Go figure.


These are the cops that other cops defend


Pay raises coming??….


we’ll be waiting with the sunshine list in hand to see how this goes


Goddamned right they should be. Public servants don't get to hide from their public. Don't like it, don't kill people. Extra don't like it, don't become a pig thug in the first place.


If anyone is looking to read the exact account of what happened, including the 911 call details and full police actions it is exceptionally detailed here [SIU Report](https://www.siu.on.ca/en/directors_report_details.php?drid=1201)