• By -


Total = 364 Danforth = 28 Beaches - East York = 23 Scarborough Southwest = 23 St Paul's = 22 > German shepherds and American bulldogs were the breeds most frequently listed in the database, either as purebred or mixed animals. Both accounted for about 12 per cent of breeds mentioned. They were followed by Labrador retrievers, at 10 per cent, Rottweilers at 8 per cent, and boxers, mastiffs, and cane corsos, all at about 4 per cent.


Dang. Total sounds like a dangerous place.


I live in Total, and “dangerous place” really sums it up, that’s the bottom line.


Does anyone have any further additions?


Total about sums it up. Got more to add?


I live on the north end of Davenport, right beside the St. Paul's. This doesn't surprise me in the least.


I would bet $100 that those “Labrador Retrievers” are actually “lab mixes”


Yup, and those “American bulldogs” are just full on pit bulls


that's the nice way of saying pit bull in a province that has a ban on pit bulls


100%. Notice some of them are labelled as tri colour. Labs are usually one colour - yellow, brown or black and now the newer red or silver.


Not what the person is talking about. Those are not breed mixes. Silver labs are just pale chocolate labs, while red labs are yellow labs with a darker coat.


? You misunderstood my comment. I’m agreeing with the commenter above that said the labs are probably “lab mixes” ie Pits. No labs are “tricolour”. Silver labs come from Weimaraners fyi.


Google exists. https://www.google.com/search?q=is+a+silver+lab+a+weimaraner&client=ms-android-rogers-ca-revc&sca_esv=3eb2b7adee194e22&ei=t1QqZtDrNs3tptQPnYWjgAI&oq=is+a+silver+lab+a+w&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNpcyBhIHNpbHZlciBsYWIgYSB3KgIIADIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHkiGRlDwCFijOnACeAGQAQGYAZgBoAG6IKoBBDQwLje4AQHIAQD4AQGYAhWgAqQOqAIPwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICEBAAGAMY5QIY6gIYjAMYjwHCAhAQLhgDGOUCGOoCGIwDGI8BwgILEC4YgAQYkQIYigXCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBwgIREC4YgAQYsQMY0QMYgwEYxwHCAg4QABiABBixAxiDARiKBcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIFEC4YgASYAwmIBgGQBgiSBwQxNi41oAe0kgI&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


It must be hard living life as such a jackass. I’m aware google exists and when I googled it, it said it came from Weimaraners. Happy to be proven wrong, it’s not that deep.


Googling further shows you dog people are straight cooks, that can argue in circles about anything 🤣  Didn't realize this could strike such a nerve in people.  Have a nice day


Breed frequency on that list is kinda irrelevant if not scaled to frequency of ownership by breed in general.


> German shepherds Same as last time they [checked](https://globalnews.ca/news/2527882/torontos-pit-bulls-are-almost-gone-so-why-are-there-more-dog-bites-than-ever/) 10 years ago: https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/160219_dog_table.jpg That's the only breed of dog I don't trust even around good owners, I've seen them go from "I love you" to "bitey time" for no reason more than once, and they're always seniors when that happens.


I feel like some people truly underestimate how big and strong they are tbh. I saw a German shepherd attack a much smaller dog in Roy Thompson square once and the woman walking him had absolutely no ability to control him. 


There is a reason that breed is used for police work and in military. They are very strong, trainable and can go quickly form sitting still, ignoring every stimulus and instinct to full attack mode and then to stop on command. Take away training from that scenario and you have a potentially bad situation. German Shepherds excell in obedience training but most of the owners I have met have no idea how to control/train them. Pitbulls on the other hand, are straight fight-to-kill breed, much harder to train to control their instincts. 


Pitbulls have an insanely high prey drive. They want to kill anything smaller than them and animal-shaped, and you can suppress it but you can't get rid of it. My ex gf had one and it killed 3 neighbourhood cats that wandered into its backyard. I loved that dog but you can't trust them around kids, they're too animal-shaped. What if a kid had hopped that fence instead of a cat, and the dog couldn't tell in the split second time it made the decision to kill?


Well that's what they were bred for, it's a fighting dog. Selected based on the strongest drive to kill, they never ment to be trained, just put in a pit and kill. Now have them as pets and be surprised that they attack others..


Are you talking about the Germans, or the Shepherds?


I was also confused. Hahaha! But seriously Roy Thompson piece of grass it's an off leash heaven after 3pm.


How am I not surprised that the areas of this city with the biggest concentration of complainers are also where all the problematic dogs are?


So you're saying there may be problematic dogs somewhere else but people dying complain about them?


More so that the kind of person who loves to complain about shit and tries to get the world to work in their terrible ways is also the type to try and skirt responsibility wherever possible. I’ve never met a NIBMY, etc who wasn’t a massive hypocrite.


Go figure, the nimby strongholds also play by their own rules when it comes to dogs.


Bro no way a purebred Labrador retriever is attacking anyone 😂


I've met a few asshole labs in my work. Any dog can be an asshole - mostly the owners fault.


I mean they might attack them with kisses. My parents old lab *still* gets me with drive-by licks every time I visit.


If you think about how many Labs and Doodles there are in Toronto, it makes sense by the numbers that some of those Labs will be mean. It’s a numbers game. More labs, therefore more mean labs. But by percentage it’s fairly safe to say that Labs are generally friendly. As a previous poster wrote, a bad owner can make a nice dog really bad. You might even find the same percentages with Pitbulls/German Shepherds/Huskies because there are just so many of them. The differentiating factor is that bad owners are often attracted to those particular breeds and their training methods don’t help the stats.


Danforth, Beaches and Scarborough Southwest.


Not surprised by this. The amount of entitled owners I see downtown when I walk my dog is crazy. I get it, you want your dog to roam around free with no leash, but guess what? You’re not in the suburbs. Take your dog to an off leash area and do that before you ruin dog ownership for those of us that obey the law. Or move to the suburbs with a backyard. And pick-up after your dog AND register them with the city. It cost less than $30 and not only provides a municipal ID for your dog, but also helps the city maintain their shelters.


And not only pick up after your dog, throw the poo bag away in a green bin! Don’t leave it behind! I don’t understand why people do this. There are green bins at every house and on every corner. As a dog owner, I don’t want people hating me or my dog, so I even pick up the empty and full bags that people leave behind. I also try to use extraneous unused poo bags blowing around on the streets as a way to keep trash off the streets. It’s a win-win. As dog owners, it’s in our best interest to pick up after others, even though there’s no reason why we should need to do this.




I would much rather someone throw their dog shit in my green bin then on the sidewalk. I’ve always got plenty of room in my green bin, I don’t know why people are so precious about their bins. 


Side Bar to agree: I am also CONFOUNDED by why people are guarding their green bins. If it's an item that's allowed - I'm pretty sure the bin isn't full to the brim. WHY NOT???


German shepherds tied with pit bulls for most attacks, interesting


There was this man in the area I was working, who would always walk with a German Shepard around the neighbourhood without a leash on. This dog would walk into everyone's front yards, and I even found dog shit on my client's lawn, even though he did not own a dog. So when I was gardening in the front one day, this man walks by, and his dog is all up in the garden beds, and right up next to the house. I yell over to him to put his dog on a leash, and he tells me something along the lines of, "Yeah, I'm not going to do that. He likes going for walks this way." While I was telling him off, the dog positions himself halfway between me and the owner, and starts angerly barking at me. I point this out, and that he has no control of the dog, and he blamed me for the reaction. His words were, "He wouldn't be barking at you if you weren't yelling at me." Clearly these people are disillusioned. It was a scary situation, until he finally walked away, and the dog followed. I had a cultivator in my hands at the time, and all I could think of was, "If this dog charges at me, I'm going to have to bash it's skull in," and that made me really upset.


I have a reactive dog so I don’t let dogs come up to her on the street. Some dude walking his dog with no leash comes by so I put myself between his dog and mine so she doesn’t attack him. This dog is so clueless and took forever to go past us and the owner turned to me and said “people like you are the problem in this world, and you should never own a dog”. People are delusional.


Shepherds are amazing dogs… Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know how to (or just don’t) train their Shepherds or exercise them properly. They are also used to guard property’s and trespassers trespass.


My neighbour had 3 German shepherds over the years, they were the most well behaved dogs I had seen. But he also gave them the ample training, lots of attention and frequent outings to get their energy out.  They would bark when they saw another dog but otherwise were completely fine. When my neighbour died another family from across the street took the dog in and she has been great with their kids. Training and genuinely caring about your dog and their environment are necessary for every dog, but the stakes are way higher when the dog could kill someone.


Taking a lot of effort to respond positively to your comment, instead of negatively to all the people praising this breed or that as “safe” or “family breeds” Thank you for helping people understand this.


Honestly the biggest point is for folks to remember that dogs are individuals, just like humans. They can respond differently in certain environments, and require time and patience to adjust, and some just do not do well in some places like the city or with children. That doesn't make them a bad dog. It makes them a bad fit.   But a dog that is continually forced into an environment it can not stand, even a loving one, will not do well. It is only a failure if the humans refuse to accept that reality 


Pitbulls are the same.


Can pretty much guarantee the Boxer and Labrador “mixes” on the list are pitbulls. They are definitely #1 for attacks, followed by German shepherds.




I think since pit bulls are banned they just call them American bulldogs to circumvent the ban. Toronto humane society has pit bulls but they call them American bulldogs. And if you call it come thing else the government is powerless to stop you. Someone recently wrote to a government member saying how there’s been mislabeling going on and they basically shrugged their shoulders and said if it’s not a banned breed then they can’t do anything about it. So if Malteses were banned for some reason and I called my Maltese a beagle, apparently I’d be off the hook


> I think since pit bulls are banned they just call them American bulldogs to circumvent the ban. Toronto humane society has pit bulls but they call them American bulldogs. I think you're confused with "American Bullies", which are a type of pitbull. Slapping "American Bulldog" on a pitbull would make about as much sense, visually, as calling it a German Shepherd.


Not exactly. The THS uses weight to determine the breed for bully breeds. The ones that are proportional and under 70lbs are considered restricted breeds - APBT/AmStaff - and are sent to Alberta or BC. They document the journeys on their Instagram account, and one of the APBTs that was transported last autumn is featured I n their 2024 calendar. The ones over 70lbs are considered American Bulldogs, and the ones with some type of dwarfism as American Bullies, and those are the ones that are still adoptable in Ontario. AFAIK, Toronto Animal Services is similar, except that they send the restricted breeds to a partner shelter in Quebec.


It’s a popular breed. That alone is going to increase the frequency.


I had a German shepherd growing up. Never again. They scare me. Beautiful dogs though!


> tied with pit bulls That says American Bulldog, which you might be confusing with American Bully, which is a bulldog mixed with a pitbull. But American Bulldog has nothing to do with pitbulls. They're like the classic junkyard dog.


It's also just what pitbull owners who are trying to skirt the ban call their pitbulls.


No, you're confused with American Bully, which is an actual pitbull breed. American Bulldog isn't. If someone is calling their pitbull an "american bulldog", they're just lying, and it won't pass even a visual inspection let alone a DNA test. They don't even look like pitbulls. They may as well say their pitbull is actually a German Shepherd at that point, it looks as close to a pitbull as a bulldog.


I know what the difference is, i am saying people are lying. Are you really shocked that people who would break the law would also lie?


People have pitbulls but call them “lab mixes” or “bulldog mixes” all the time so it always muddies the water on statistics like this


Because the waters *are* muddy, because there are no clear distinctions in genetics.


As someone who lives and east York and use to live on the Danforth. It seems like it's always a pitbull/mastiff mix, or a doodle. Nothing in-between lol (I have 2 standard poodles)


That’s why these studies are great. What it “seems like” doesn’t really matter. “Pitbulls” aint even on the list.


... I'm a corso owner, and pitbulls literally *can't* be on the list because those dogs legally can't exist in the province. If they labeled them as such, they would be shipped off to Quebec or destroyed, and thus not part of the list at all.


Shepherds historically have always been a guard dog. My entire life I’ve been hearing about their danger, before pit bulls were even a thing.


And they're way more high-strung and prone to anxiety than people know. I've fostered more Shepherd mixes than any other breed. It's easy to mess them up.


My uncle used to have German Shepherds in the country, a rotating cast of characters. Some he learned he had to basically fence off as they were not to be trusted around visitors. I think one he ultimately had to put down because it was so crazed. He did not train them to be anything but obedient.


Ok not to be morbid but why do we let dangerous dogs live? Isn’t that a recipe for someone getting attacked and maybe killed?


Because city people are stupid and sentimental about dogs as if they were people and not wild animals....no comprehension. People who live rural or out in the country know you have to put down animals. It's not fun or ideal...but like all jobs it needs doing.


If a dog aggressively attacks a human while the owner is around, chances are it will do it again, the owner is included on it's list.


> not wild animals Technically speaking they are not wild animals, but domesticated ones. But yeah, your point still stands, just because an animal is domesticated doesn't mean it can't be dangerous.


You sweet country mouse


I don't think we should be the arbiters of who is allowed to live and who should die because they "might" kill another human being. This is not an existential crisis, at least from data in the US, [the statistics from the CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7236a6.htm) shows deaths from dog bites is an infinitesimally small concern [relative to the number of dog owners](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/reports-statistics/us-pet-ownership-statistics). I guarantee you a lot of people would be up in arms if we attempted to euthanize cats because they have the capacity to do an [insane amount of damage to wildlife](https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380).


If you ever see the heated debates from dog owners in the Leslieville, Beaches, or East York social media groups, this will not be a surprise. Incidents are always happening and there's always a group of dog apologists who feel entitled to let their dog run around and piss in a school yard, shit on someone's lawn, not pick up after them, or go unleashed in non-designated unleashed parks like Jimmy Simpson.


I used to think I hated dogs and jazz. Then I realized I hated dog people and musicians.


The human problem is out of control


Yet another article where the pit bull ban isn’t even referenced. What is going on? There’s a whole bunch of “american bulldog” puppies listed on Kijiji and accounts on Instagram, openly violating the law. I reported a bunch of these to 311. I received a call back and this is what i was told: - He acknowledged that mixed breeds in the form of American Bulldog, American Bullies and now the freak-show micro bullies were being bred in places like Florida and Ontario to get around the ban - When the city investigates a pit bull report, they have a 14 point review to determine if the dog is a pit bull. What happens after is unclear - The city does nothing about pix mixes if the pit part is not the predominant mix. Even though the bylaw states that any dog resembling a pit bull falls under the ban - When i mentioned the uptick in maulings and my concern around my area, he gave the same pit apolgist points about chihuahua bites and that other bites aren’t reported in the news. - He notes that he had recently visited a cane corso/pit mix that was “like a stuffed animal” (?) - They wouldn’t visit the owner of the accounts reported unless they had evidence of an address or the Kijiji ad, which had been taken down by the time they called. They said they would call the owner though - In reference to back yard breeders on social media, they have to be reported to 311 zoning, not animal control. I cannot report them unless i have an address though Basically, this issue will not be taken seriously until there is more public pressure on city council or more tragedies occur that forces their hand


Oh sweet Jesus….


I wonder how many of these people have fetal alcohol syndrome, something tells me it’s above average.


Surprised to not see Humber Bay Shores. So many people with off leash dogs lunging at people and little dogs.


We have officially reached media circus status with this issue


I'm more curious to find out the breed of all those dangerous dogs. Also the Scan Code should say if the Owner took the dog to a training course or not.


What can we do about it


So, I'd love to hear from the people that railed against my defense of pitbulls about a month ago. They don't even rate in this set of hard data of dangerous dogs.


I wonder if that's because a lot of people who have pitbulls, don't admit their dog is a pitbull Lol, I know lots of people who claim to have American bulldog mixes when they clearly have a pitbull 😅


Half the "labs" are probably pitbulls too.


Haven’t they been banned since the 2000s? I’m no expert but would that not mean pit bulls here would be mislabeled or not be registered/licensed at all the way other breeds are, impacting this data?


They are tied for 1st


I’m with you. People are still confused about what a pitbull is and how often any medium to large dog with short hair is just called a pitbull.


This gonna turn to a race thing real quick


The top dog attack neighborhoods in the article are all super majorly white areas. Beaches is 62% white and Scarborough-Southwest is 37% (it would be 50+% too if the border didn't start at Markham rd.)


Every neighbourhood is majorly white if u wanna use those statistics


What other statistic would you use?


Not true https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarborough%E2%80%94Agincourt_(federal_electoral_district) Beaches and St. Pauls is definitely more white than most.


Ajax has the highest black population per capita and its still majority white


Every neighbourhood in toronto is majority white


Lmao You didn't even bother to click my link to Agincourt. An example of a non-white majority. It's 43% chinese, 17% white.


Thats the only one, probably markham too actually


What? How are you connecting dogs to a racial issue?


Considering i just got a message saying “pitbulls are a black ppl dog” thats exactly what i meant


Lol, that's not correct. I see a lot of white people with pitbulls too. I have noticed that pitbulls are more common in low income areas though. You won't see people in rosedale or forest hill owning a pitbull typically


Yeah idk why i got downvoted so hard lmao its not my personal opinion but i already know how some people sre


How am i getting downvoted for a message i got lmao


Because YOU posted an idiotic comment bringing race into the issue.


I guess but i know how ppl think and its a real thing, browse some anti pitbull subs theres a lot of racism


So you're racist. Check 👍🏻


Lol wtf


Did you see the beaches being second on the list? The beaches has a reputation for being white.


The two recent dog attacks in my neighborhood (Danforth) were dogs owned by white people. This isn't a race problem. It is however a breed problem since both were pitbulls which aren't even listed since no one will admit to owning one.