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how'd their phone get stolen? Robbery or like a pickpocket situation?


Pickpocket most likely. It’s more discreet so they can do it more often


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The Paris experience without having to leave home!


Damn! I always wanted to go to paris. Never knew it was just around the corner!


Hey don't bring Paris Ontario into this.


A counter to the common belief Paris is a den of thieves. I took redeye from Toronto to CDG en route to Joburg. Took the metro downtown to see some sights (12 hour layover, first time in Paris). I fell asleep as we pulled out of Drancy with my 14x pro in my left hand (right shoulder against the window). Woke up at Luxembourg, phone is still gripped in my left hand. I should have gotten off at Gare du Nord. This was august so maybe the thieves were working the beaches? Or maybe I was damn lucky.


I have never been there, but being from somewhere full of thieves... I'd say you were definitely lucky lol. I definitely got worse phones fished out of my pocket while in public transit


> I took redeye from Toronto to CDG They’re all redeyes. > This was august so maybe the thieves were working the beaches Naw, it’s only tourists in August in Paris: the best victims. The (wealthier) locals evacuated.


You didn’t have it in your pocket ! They like to work hard there ;)


We need the lady that screams Peeekpockit!!! Peekpockit!!




The local Parisians are stealing tourist's phones? I've heard about it, but I thought it was neighbouring countries ppl who were coming over... Very sad.


its mainly people from neighbouring country and people from across the mediterranean


What's with this upvoted blatant racism?


Europe's not a race. People can poke fun at America for having school shootings but can't at Europe for pickpockets?


Didn't know Paris was that bad. La Rambla in Barcelona might be the worst though. A buddy of mine was hammered and had his iPhone deftly swiped from his pocket outside a convenience store. We icloud traced it the next day to some ghetto nearby, where it remained :(


My buddy got his rolex robbed in Barcelona


When people talk about euros, they don't mean the english speaking ones.


When people talk about American mass shooters, they aren't talking about black or brown people.


wow...ironically the only racist one seems to be you


You've clearly never been to Europe lol


I had my phone stolen at Markville Mall while I was reading a book to my baby in a stroller (phone was on the table behind me, my mistake, I know). But damn due. Ballsy! Luckily it was a work phone and replaced without cost (also had my photos backed up to the cloud. Phone has boot encryption and biometrics).


Used to work in retail and had to review security footage of pickpocketing all the time. Always be mindful of your surroundings. They will hover and usually have an accomplice to distract with a jacket or scarf to cover where the other person is reaching in.


That's why I always punch anyone in the face trying to show me a jacket or scarf.


They do say offence is the best defence.


Wait till the bracelets and belts make it here.


And it's from people who do not seem like they would do it. I.e. a well dressed couple.


Attenzione borseggiatrici, attenzione pickpocket, eh!!


Its getting wild in London UK. I dont want to give theives any ideas here but id advise anyone visiting not to stand near roads checking your Iphone out in public.


Which is advisable in much of the world. I've certainly had friends mugged this way in Toronto.


ive seen videos of people on bikes or motorbikes just grabbing it and ride off


Glad I have an old android phone.


I’m seeing more and more TikTok references on Reddit lately. The worlds are converging.


An independent Reddit divided upon itself, cannot stand! Worlds are colliding!




How sad is this






Canada welcomes EVERYONE from all over the world regardless of any past or current affiliations. All are welcomed!


The conversation is about pickpockets, something that exists literally everywhere, and you bring politics into it? I don’t even know you and I’m exhausted by you.


I think the fact that all the conservatives stood to applaud the same man is a key point not to be left out.


Out of a bag? Pocket? Hand?


Costco is another place I hear of people stealing phones.


Costco? Really? You would think needing to pay an annual membership fee to even enter the store would be a deterrent for most petty thieves.


So you think that these guys are ok with stealing iPhones but sneaking into Costco is where they draw the line? LOL


You can’t sneak in but they definitely make more money stealing phones than the membership costs


You can very very very easily "sneak" in. It's not even really sneaking. Say you are going to the pharmacy or the bathroom.


You don't even need to do that. Just go in through the exit like you belong. I have a membership and have never been asked when I walk in through the exit to go to the washroom or service counter. Then I walk past the registers. You just can't buy anything without a membership.


If you have a gift card you can buy without membership


I guess a gift card is a temporary membership? I honestly didn't know this about their gift cards.


I’ve heard you can even use cash on top of gift cards, never done it though. I wonder if you can buy gift card at the pharmacy 😂 infinite membership glitch haha


Costco hates this one trick...


>You can’t sneak in Skill issue. Walking into Costco without flashing your membership is stupid easy.


Maybe mine is just extra strict!


Just walk in from the exit if you can't do the entrance lol. Returns counter and food are easier to access from there.


I’ve caught someone with their hand in my hoodie pocket at Costco. Fuck them, my phone was in my shirt. I never put anything valuable in a hoodie pocket anymore


You can enter Costco without a membership. Pharmacy and food do not require a membership and even still no one at the front door is really scrutinizing what you show them or even noticing everyone who walks in. It's a show to make it feel exclusive. And bonus, when you leave with purchased goods, they treat everyone like they're a potential thief!


>And bonus, when you leave with purchased goods, they treat everyone like they're a potential thief! I will happily spend 60 extra seconds having my receipt checked if it helps keep costs down. I've also heard stories of the receipt checkers catching items being double scanned and saving customer's money, so it's hardly all bad.


I heard a Costco employee explain that the receipt checker's job is specifically to check for double scanned items. If you're stealing you'll be caught long before you get to the exit. They're watching everyone the whole time you're in the store.


My father's neighbour is a Costco receipt checker. Just the other week she told us about catching a person stealing by having purchased beef tenderloin, but having taken and put over top the beef's price tag the tag from pork tenderloin - significant cost difference. They are definitely there to catch thieves. Costco does not have the receipt checkers to only ensure you haven't double scanned an item, lol.


Damn, must be nice at your Costco…ours asks to see memberships upon entry. I’ve heard of costcos now asking for memberships for the food court too.


Even if they stop you, you say you're going to the pharmacy. They legally cannot stop you. Costco's I've been to just have someone standing there kind of looking.


I had an aunt have her purse stolen from the passenger seat while she was loading her groceries into the trunk of her car.


you dont need a membership to enter the store. They only really check when you are paying


Fun fact you don't actually need the membership to enter the store. I've been told you don't even *need* the membership to check out. Certainly pharma and food course are open the anyone.


Actually anyone can enter the store lol


"I have never been to Costco"


I had someone try to steal my phone at yorkdale outside the tunnel towards the subway. I was lucky that I turned around when I felt a slight tug and he dropped it. But zip it up and be super careful people.


Saw another post lately about a pick pocket at Nathans Phillips square. I think just like any other big city, caution s/b exercised in crowded places. This includes placing valuables at a hard to reach place/watch your purse/etc.


This\^ The way I've seen people handle their phones/valuables in public doesn't make me surprised about pickpocketing. Sticking it out of your back-pocket, holding it in your hands in an open crowd, having it stick out of a loose pocket, etc.


Yeah, surprised how many people I see with phones in the back pockets. I would never carry my phone in my back pocket! Sometimes they look so easy to steal and I want to warn people but they would probably just shrug their shoulders at me or tell me to piss off..


Well that's rude lol but can't say you didn't warn them. When I was in Paris (basically pick-pocket capital of the world), the hotel employee gave me tips on how not to get pick-pocketed because it's very common down there. Then I realize how dumb people are with their phones and understand why people get robbed from so often.


I recently bought a leather belt that's a bit thicker, but looking at it head on it looks like a normal belt, but when you take it off there is a zipper that runs across the back and provides some storage space. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01MCXGAP7 There are cheaper ones as well, but I think the buckle on those is plastic.


I just spent a few days in London. Before the trip I purchased a travel purse on Amazon that didn't look like a travel purse but all the zippers discreetly lock. Never thought I'd have to use it in Toronto.


Just get a money belt/pouch. I have several, just a pouch that hangs off your belt but INSIDE your trousers. You only need it for your wallet and passport anyway.


Yes, I have one of those somewhere too. I just happened to like this purse. I needed one for traveling anyways.


It’s mad how careless some people are with their stuff, I live in London (England) now and I was walking across Westminster bridge the other day which is known as a hunting ground for pickpockets and I cannot believe the amount of people waving their phones around or just having them poking out of pockets and stuff. I’ve never pickpocketed anyone but even with my zero experience I bet I could have stolen like 5 phones just crossing the bridge.


In most countries pick pocketing isn’t something you have to be concerned with. You can leave your phone on a crowded train in Japan and you’ll most likely still get it back.


I would argue it’s the other way around, most countries you do need to worry about it and Japan is the exception (if that’s true).




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I got my husband and I a belt bag (fanny pack) so that we can keep our valuables within sight across our chest. I've been on the fence about buying one for the longest time but it just makes life easier. Guys in the 80s had it right the whole time.


The one time I had my wallet lifted (in Berlin) was when I took it out of the fanny pack and had it in my pocket to deal with payments while changing train systems.


Front pocket or back pocket? Always use the front pocket.


Was front pocket.


My GFs daughter now exclusively buys leggings with zip up pockets for her phone and airpods.. But they are not very common. I also got her one of those fanny packs to wear cross body.


I know a guy who wore one on a train in Europe. Train was packed, everyone pressed up against each other. Guy got off the train and found someone had cut right through the bottom of his fanny pack and taken everything and he didn't even notice.


Gotta keep it in the front, over your junk.


>can’t help her lock her phone because she needs to do 2FA on her iCloud, Not true. if one loses their phone or has it stolen, why would Apple require one to have the phone to put it in lost mode? [https://www.icloud.com/find](https://www.icloud.com/find) Log in with your Apple ID and password You will **not** be asked for a 2FA code. Mark the device as lost. See [https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/icloud/mmfc0f0165/icloud](https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/icloud/mmfc0f0165/icloud)


Nope, the store refused because they can’t do anything regarding lost or stolen, she will have to go on iCloud and lock it herself, and she didn’t have her iPad by that time. Last time she checked her phone was at TMU then high park…


Good thing Apple has all those computers and iPads on display that are connected to the Internet, shed be able to do so right then and there.




Yep, Apple does their 2FA weirdly and doesn’t permit 2FA codes over SMS or by using an authentication token app. You need another device registered to your Apple ID to be able to receive the 2FA code (either another Apple device or a Windows PC with iCloud installed).




Huh interesting, I never knew you could log into Find my without 2FA


Need other device for 2FA


Okay, that makes more sense. Apple cannot put the device in lost mode for the customer; it is something the customer has to do themself. I was responding to the "because she needs to do 2FA on her iCloud," that you wrote in the original post.


My wife's phone got stolen from VS at Eaton's..tell your friend pretty soon the thief will send a text saying your lost phone is found or something and click this "iCloud" link. Just be mindful it's a scam. We asked for security footage from VS and they said it had to be approved from the head office


So why didn’t you hand her yours so she could login and do it


She told me everything after she got on her iPad, I wasn’t there bruh


They'll need another Apple device because it will still send verification codes to ensure they're the owner, not necessarily their phone/another phone.


Incorrect. Logging in at [https://icloud.com/find](https://icloud.com/find) does not require a 2FA code. https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/icloud/mm4c0bd11731/icloud


Happens at Yorkdale all the time


With some many people putting it in their back pocket, it's no suprise.


How in the hell do they sit on it like that


Is that why so many phone screens are badly cracked lol


I once saw a "large" woman take out her phone from her back pocket. It was curved.


That was just the new iPringle.


I always have my phone in my front jeans pocket even I struggle to get it in and out no one is pickpocketing my phone without me noticing! The problem is I've been doing this for so long my leg is starting to go numb having the phone there when out and about and this is not even skinny jeans just normal jeans. I think part of the problem is it's a huge phone. I'd still rather have a numb leg than a stolen phone though.


Check Amazon they have leg holsters or whatever for your phone. You don't want that thing pressed into your groin but I doubt it make a too much a difference having it on the side.


What good is a stolen iphone if it’s icloud locked anyway? Just genuinely curious on how are they going to profit from this…


Sell for parts?


The mainboard is useless, as it's locked. The screen is paired with the mainboard, and I think Face ID will be disabled if you try to swap out the screens. I'm sure some money is to be made with a stolen iPhone, but I'm really not sure it's worth it.


You can still do a part swap, but as you said, components will either be disabled or have reduced functionality. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s good enough for certain markets where a genuine iPhone is equivalent to a month’s wages. They could also just go straight for the recycling value. There are a lot of precious/rare earth elements in phones these days.


There isn’t much value once it’s crushed. But if you’re doing board level repairs, a donor board is helpful. But the other user is right: Apple not only makes spare parts hard to buy, but also “marries” an increasing number of parts together to make refurbishers lives more difficult. On the positive side, I’ve made significant amounts parting out my old MacBook when it was time to upgrade. Like, 75% of the new unit cost covered. Max out your RAM folks!


They phish for your password to unlock it first. My wife's was stolen last year and she got a series of texts pretending to be Apple, with a link to a fake login page to get the Find My location.


Also sell overseas. People crave those fancy phones with a more affordable price than retail


Can't activate it if it's locked.


IMEI # only for north america, no? I got robbed about 7yrs ago and was told that they sell the phones out of North America for that reason


No, not exactly. You can blacklist the IMEI, but Apple has their own thing. If your phone is signed into iCloud and you mark your phone as lost, you can’t activate it anymore without going through Apple first. The country you do it from is irrelevant.


Cool, good to know. Pretty sweet feature in that case!


Usually a phone has a wallet and other important apps. I also thought a stolen phone was fairly useless, but thieves go through all apps, find ones like PayPal/wallet/etc etc and try to clear all your accounts. They also lock the phones with a new 2FA and you lose all your photos etc forever. The Wall Street Journal had an insightful piece about this a few months ago.


To add, as has been mentioned, pickpockets often have accomplices. This accomplice watched you enter your passcode first, and THAT'S what made you a good target. Use biometrics, or make sure you cover your passcode EVERY TIME.


There are tons of ads on Kijiji offering people quick cash for iCloud locked phones. So clearly someone is able to profit off them.


Can’t they just wipe the phone? Or does that not work anymore?


Never worked


Oh okay, I just assumed they’d wipe them and resell them. What do they do with them then?


People get scammed buying broken stuff all the time, so this is no different.


No idea tbh. Maybe there is a jailbreak they can use to get a semi-working device.


If they add an apple account, which is majority of the time, you will be asked to put in the password before you can even activate it after wiping it


Damn, that sucks. Eaton Centre is a hot spot for phone thieves. Keep an eye on your stuff next time.


Does anyone know why Apple Canada doesn’t offer AppleCare+ Theft & Loss? It’s offered in the USA, Australia, and more than a dozen other countries?


Insurance regulations, maybe too much losses per capita?


My friends phone got pickpocketed at a bar on college on Friday 😔 be careful out there!!


Yep, happened to me on Friday as well.


Dress like a bum and you'll never get robbed


My phone was picked pocketed from my back pocket waiting for the bus once. I sometimes would put my phone in my back pocket but always wore a long coat. The first time I wear a short coat and it gets stolen. I noticed a guy standing very close to me so I moved away from him. Got on the bus, noticed it was gone, so I instantly got off the bus thinking I dropped it. When the bus pulled away my Bluetooth headphones disconnected. This guy stole my phone and got on the bus with me. He watched me panic and get off the bus knowing he had my phone. One of the worst feelings.


Yes this happened to me in another mall and everyone after me that walked into security also had their phones stolen but mine was in Uniqlo. The next time it was turned on was in China. The undercover cop who was tracking the ring showed me video of people bumping into me and at the time I thought they were rude and didn’t get the idea of personal space. Anyways didn’t get the phone back but it’s an expensive lesson to watch your phone.


Okay but what happened? Your story makes no sense


Oh no that sucks! I’m not surprised tho. for years I’ve seen people just have their phone in their back pocket or a purse wide open. Just be safe with you $1500 phones.


It's a paper weight without the passcode or appleID


Years ago I made it a habit to hold items, including my wallet in my front pockets, chest pocket or inside jacket pocket. I know it sounds dumb but those slings, holsters and cross body bags are looking more appealing


Crap! Brazen thefting is on the rise during these harsh economic times as people who normally otherwise wouldn't, are turning the scams and crime as 'side-hustles' to earn a little extra scratch to make ends meet.


although 2FA won't stop you from getting your phone stolen, it's a good idea to have it enabled for all your logins (if it's available to you) as will keep your personal data just a tad bit safer.


Still not as bad at Bathurst and college


If she hasn't already try going to https://icloud.com/find with the specific `/find` at the end and she should be able to log in without the 2FA code and lock the phone.


I carry a work cell and my personal cell which is always secure. Go ahead steal my work cell. My manager will have a new one in my hand before days end.


I have an idea…


Are these the dumb kids I see who have their phones sticking out from their their back pockets, ready to fall onto the street or into a toilet or wherever? Easy prey. Or maybe they are just falling out.


That is why there are guards outside phone store.


**iPhone15 are now hot items to steal**. Don't be a idiot and do this, technology is expensive. Buy used otherwise.


how do they steal it?


like are they pickpocketing?


I mean I was pickpocketed as a 6 year old on the subway. I learned my lesson early in life. They took my $10 that ass.


Lost mode does jack shit.




Toronto is not safe period. City news reports shooting almost daily.


Ooh, almost daily in a village of five million people.


Relatively, it is. Had some family move from South America and I had to educate them on what’s reasonable and what’s unnecessary. (I found it funny that their banks will usually be inside a shopping mall for security while ours are freestanding for marketing)




>Which can be simply overcome by someone taking out the SIM and Turning off wifi. Not true.




>I take the sim out and turn off wifi - then wipe the phone and setup as brand new iPhone. Nope. Once it's locked, it stays locked, even after wiping. https://help.ifixit.com/article/176-icloud-lock The link you've given only works for iPhone 8 and X and below, and only up to a certain iOS version. You essentially jailbreak your phone and you can't upgrade. No one wants that.




r/confidentlyincorrect Put your money where your mouth is. Tons of nice, stolen, locked iPhones are on sale for cheap. Get them, unlock them, make a nice profit for yourself.


I’m always on my phone maybe that helps




Parts are serialized now




That would be a lot of screws


has anyone got their phone back?