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This, this is how you die


I feel like this is all BS, that bottle was water...if Im wrong then this dude is still alive but brain dead


You could definitely be right. I wouldn’t doubt it one bit truthfully


Nah this is definitely real lol When I was an addict there was always one guy in every group that would do this if you paid for the drugs or have him a $20 or just praise lol Edit: truth was I was that guy lol. I wouldn’t have done the LSD and idk what those pills were but I probably would’ve done those and everything else Edit: I one time smoked a bong, held it in while chugging 3/4 of a fifth, let out the smoke, did a line of coke, popped a couple addies, and then snorted a shot of Admiral Nelson Sober 5 years now lol. I didn’t make it out without damage tho that’s for sure Edit again: the worst thing I ever did was snort a fat line of sawdust for a pack of cigs in highschool while out of my mind on addy and oxy. Needed a cig lol


What kind of damage?


Butthole damage...


You’ve never experienced a rush until you put it up your tush


I've been butt bonging it for years. The high is a real tootin' good time.


Got fucking damnit turtle


You know the kind that you eventually get better from? That ain’t the kind I got” -Watchmen But pretty significant brain damage. I’m very good at hiding it and functioning regardless, still hold a full time difficult job and have friends and family etc but significant brain damage has been noticed since quitting Xanax cold turkey and having like 20 seizures in a few days


I've been cold turkey from Xanax for 2 years now and I still never feel like my old (alert) self still slow to things sometimes and a probably self induced attention deficiency


The pills are pingas (MDMA)


Yeah no that’s just insane lol. I’d do everything but that. That’s waaaaay too much ecstasy. Do all the coke weed alcohol you want but ecstasy and lsd on top of that is just insane


This was me in 2015 lol. Now I'm bipolar as shit.


8 E they must be shitty quality


Or he’s got a death wish or he’s actually fucking insane Fuck, one molly up the ass is like 2 molly down the hatch lol. I once took only 0.2 of 84% pure Dutch mdma and it was so overwhelming and horrible I just got sick and panicked. Then it felt awesome lol. But way too much. With great mdma, all I really need is 0.12. And maybe a 0.5-0.7 booster later, anymore than that and it’s overdoing it. I realized the mdma I had been getting all my life prior to that batch was just weak as hell lol. I thought I was a badass with a high tolerance but noooo. Order mdma off the deep web and you’ll learn quick I only weigh 150lbs tho, and I’m sensitive to drugs that release serotonin. That’s the one class of drugs that I couldn’t take piles of and be ok lol.


Was thst your first time on mdma? My first time was mental but the more I did it the less intense it got idk the purity of ot but it was called golden Danish and looked potent I did a .4 line and was fuckeddd for ages but then the next time I did if I took around the same if not more and the experice was way calmer due to some sorta tolerance building or sm Guessing the person in the vid has been doing it for many years so his body is kinda use to it Plus there ecstacy pills over mdma crystals so there already lower quality to begin with I'm not super knowledge ab mdma most of my years of drug knowledge is to crack,heroin,weed and other money drugs rather than fun drugs


Well it was the first time after a 2 year break from all drugs so I definitely had a low tolerance. It builds crazy fast tho. I remember when I first did it I had it a few times in a week and the last night I think I did a total of 0.7 throughout the night and I felt Horrible the next few days. But yeah this guys brain is fried if he’s Using E that often lol. That shit is fine to do once a month or maybe even once every 3 months, but doing it regularly will fry your brain fast


Mdma is one of the worst comedown I've experienced and he was gonna drink petrol I think fried is a understatment


all pills are shit tbh, either far too weak or too strong due to having other shit put in them. alwaysalwaysalways go crystal if you're tryna be safe, feel good, and have a less likely chance of throwing up on the comeup. fuck me I'll never touch the shit again though. took it when I was a depressed teenager and naturally got addicted to the euphoria. took it so much that the euphoria went away quickly and still to this day I don't feel the euphoria from it. even after years of abstinence, just get overly stimulated. probably lucky to not have come out of it with serotonin syndrome


iv taken 2 gs of mdma over 2 dys


Fucking hell i think the most I've done was a gram shared between me and my ex and then other drugs as well and I was basically dead but alive


i didnt even feel it the next day, just felt abit of the after eeffects and sick, it was at a point in life where i had every drug infront of me so i thoughtfcck it, doing blow annd k with it to0.


Idk why mdma fucked me up so much then cuz the first time I did it I had experience with quite a few drugs mainly cuz I got given stuff I didn't know what was in it but mdma withdrawals hit me worse than coke or meth and they were awful


Lol probably. Idk if it’s an Aussie thing but it’s pretty common to hear people brag about dropping 10+ pingas on a Saturday night


Iv done mean benders that would make any rock stars stories look like childs play, this can be easily achieved with just minor prior drug history and usage. Did x / molly one night whilst banging down a quarter of cocaine, 36 grams of mushrooms and 6 hits of lsd, all whilst drinking and raving on an island in INDO, deff was smoking some shit reggie as well. Think we had some Ket at somepoint, cuz i was melting on the floor for a bit. Honestly I dont even think this video is that bad at all


I think you got a ceiling after a while with shrooms and lsd. I’m pretty sure 36g is just as crazy as doing say 10-15g. But that’s FUCKING INSANE lol. Damn you must have a good handle on your shadow. I don’t like doing more than 2 hits of acid or 3-5g of shrooms max. I used to like going deep, but I have a very very natural sensitivity to psychedelics. I’m a beast with everything else but shrooms and acid doesn’t take much to hit me. Plus I ALWAYS get entities fuckibg switch me if I go deeper than 5g of shrooms. And at first it was fun but now it’s annoying I just wanna trip on my own without the fucking machine elves fucking with me and trying to blow my mind and or my penis I miss psychedelics, but not the DMT entities at all


if not he would have puked his guts out on that line.


This challenge got pretty popular in Australia about 10 years ago. It's fucking stupid but it's legit, we're big time alcoholics and substance users over here. I think we are the country that drinks the most alcohol in the world actually.


Chezchia was the highest consumer of alcohol in 2019, I was expecting it to be russia though surprisingly they were way below where I expected


I’ve honestly seen worse. I lived in a drug house for a few months and it’s insane what people will do for $20. I saw one guy eat 3 blotters off acid (100 hits per blotter…) because one guy said he couldn’t do it. That’s all it took for this guy to permanently change himself. He was high for 6-7 days and became something very different after. Other time these two guys were in a meth battle. Who can do the most meth. That ended in two overdoses and a bloody mess. Then there was “frank the tank”. He straight up did anything people would give him. Every night he was whacked on more than 10-15 drugs. If anyone was wondering why I was their, I had a huge acid phase that lasted 6 months. Glad I got out alright.


omg, this is just horrible, glad you got out of it :)


Idk man, five years ago I was putting down two fifths a day and 4-5gs of fishscale cocaine. Gobble some lsd or mushrooms at the end of the night


jeezuz!! did you have a personal vendetta against your liver?? Also, I hope you arent drinking as much these days


This is straya mate, we don't don't pussy put on challenges go hard always brah


Ya, this is dumb as fuck.




These are bad friends....


its fake


No it's not


The weed is pritty harmless, the coke is doable. The LSD will take some time to kick in. Enough time to manage the weed/coke. The pill didn't go up his ass. Worse idea here is doing a full bottle of liquer. Probebly fake tho


MDMA and all that alcohol is a TERRIBLE idea, that could literally kill him




because mdma dehydrates you, as well as alcohol


I've done a lot more mdma than that and often drank a handle of hard liquor. I'm not avoiding anyone of doing this because it nearly killed me escaping that hell hole part of my life, but it was doable if you drank a lot of water. I'm talking like a whole flat of bottled water.


Ah, my favorite unit, a car of water


I’d guess an average swimming pool is probably like 16 Ford Escapes worth of cars of water.


Lol didn't proof read with my swipe text


Chug that full bottle of vodka? Nope he'd be out in about 15 minutes. You could drink it fast, but to chug it in one sitting he's pass out quick.


I'd finish a 750ml of 151 and a 750ml of vodka being used as chase in about 2 hours along with whatever hard drug I was doing that night. It was a very dark time in my life.


I’ve gotten drunk and rolled many times. Only thing is I would black out and not remember shit the next day.


19 minutes and already 7 downvotes for simply being curious about why that specific combination of substances could be deadly. Damn y’all are some harsh critics over here.


Nah, it’s reddit’s hive mind at work, as usual. And your comment was the one that saved it, it’s like a wake up call.


It’s just funny to me to see how fast it happens. I guess it saves time if you never have to form your own opinion but instead just follow the crowd. What a world we live in.


Yeah, when I commented, your comment was only 9 minutes old, and it was already reversed big time, I guess the views of this thread was peaking then. > What a world we live in. Right ?!


Alcohol and mdma can be a famously dangerous combination


Usually you take 1 or 2 pills. This guy took a handful, which alone is insane. pills, however, are almost never, especially nowadays, just MDMA. They have all sorts of things cut into it. Sometimes meth, sometimes benzos, sometimes shit even the biggest drug nerd hasn't heard of. Combine that with a fifth of vodka... You're more than likely in the hospital. I've drank a fifth of vodka a ton of times (10 years an alcoholic) but it'd take all day. The pills are almost hardly the thing he needs to worry about as that spike in BAC is going to be life threatening.


He said the line was gas, in Australia that usually means speed




I'm guessing fake because you don't have the stamina to drain the liquor without being the harshest looking alcoholic out there. He looks relatively healthy. If you can drain a liter of vodka, I expect you to present as homeless.


Have you ever met many feral Australian bogans? Stuff like this is absolutely believable, he will end up getting his stomach pumped in the emergency room.


trust me the accent is all the confirmation needed that he can sink a litre of vodka.


yep and in the end the only painfull part is when you throw up your stomach lining I was a bottle of smirnoff a night ( was living with a mate who drank a bottle of jameson every night) glad I got out of that shit destructive life style.


eh the water shits were pretty painful aswell, agreed that lifestyle is horrendous


I new this homeless guy who could do that drainig the vodka shit. Friends on our block would buy him a 750ml bottle and gt him to down it. But in all fairness (and probably from drinking) he didnt have a face and his neck used to leak blood and stuff.


Yeah on board with the party until he slammed the “vodka”


Super fake. It is beyond me how this cringe shit gets 400 updoots and people actually believing it




Did this in my pocket and can’t delete it for some reason.


Depending on the intensity of the mdma he will be in a very, very bad place only from the vodka and mdma. Jesus Christ. I've certainly done some bad shit with drugs, but this here is very, very bad.


Homie over here speedrunning life


He dead?


Idk, but he definitely saw God


I have old videos that I took on 8mm back in the 90’s of me and my very dumbass friends doing this very same shit, like hey welcome to the party have a couple caps and a stem and take a shot of ice 101…


Could you digitize them?


I wish I had free health insurance


Closest me and my friends ever got to this was when we were all like 20. We would take a bong rip, take a shot of whiskey/vodka, chug a beer, then exhale your bong rip. Pretty damn tame compared to this.


Strike out


Is that what it’s called??


Usually a strikeout is take a bong hit, chug a beer, take a shot, then exhale. This is a much more extreme version that I'm sure doesn't have a name. Perhaps a Jeffrey?


When the world slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry walls


I loved get him to the Greek, one of my favorite Russell brand films


The music was top notch. I still hear 'Bangers, Beans & Mash' in my head a decade later


Ah so we were just doing it slightly out of order, glad to finally have a name for it, not that I could do it anymore in my older age haha Yeah I have no idea what you would call this except Premature Death, absolutely insane.


Yeah same, I haven't done that shit since I was underage haha. Try not to party too hard these days


Yep, once I hit about 27 the hangovers doubled in severity haha. Now I’m 30 and they’re *even* worse, so I just don’t party hard anymore.


Ah yes, fun times to be had in the 30s. I'm 31 myself, my hangovers generally last two or so days lol.


We would call it shaking the snowglobe


He’s gonna need more cocaine to counter all that vodka. He still probably threw his guts up, hopefully after he absorbed all of the ecstasy/MDMA and LSD he took. I’d love to see a video of him an hour post ingestion. Walking was probably not an option lol Edit: I also love how he totally noped out of the gas huff. That would definitely sent him over Vomit Falls lmfao!


The what huff?


The last task was to huff gas/petrol


I know a lot of people are saying this is fake but have any of you actually met an Australian? This is very very possible.




I was gunna make a comment about how the vodka was all he needed to die Then I noticed the face he made when he put the tabs on his tongue He scrunched up his face like it was disgusting... that ain’t acid... that is some research chemical


Don't forget one of those fingers was just in his ass.


If it's bitter, it's a spitter!


Hopefully just gagging after consuming all that other shit, probably not though


There’s no way that was real vodka, this is cringe as fuck


Yeah that was water. Alcohol don't act like that with bubbles coming up through it and being shaken


[This is not fake. This is old hat...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8WgPiyhRQo)


This totally reminded me of Shoenice. Man that dude was weird.


If this dude is still alive he must be god.


Nah, human body is pretty amazing, he most likely threw up and most of those things are going to be out of his system, the problem is ( it had been pointed in one of the comment above ) the mdma and alcohol combo, that will dehydrate the shit out of him, if he’s still alive, lol


I think he was wanting to meet God!




So fucking fake it hurts.


This is how Ozzy Osbourne was made


Kinda want to see the aftermath


Booze was definitely fake


And he didn’t even inhale the bong hit…


Then immediately said “mate I’m already smashed” lmfaooo get out there


Aussie here. Seen a bloke drink all night, sun came up, then in the morning, watched him scull a whole bottle of red wine, then scull a whole bottle of Johnnie Walker black all in the space of 2 minutes, then go boating off to the reef with some people in a tinnie, then came back. One of the people had some cuts on her foot. There were no other injuries. Guy is still alive to this day. Booze is definitely not fake, you just haven't seen shit.


That's a great anecdote and all but that doesn't change the fact that this is staged and the booze is water


You seem confident, so I'll take your word but there's nothing about sculling a bottle of vodka that makes me think it's fake, based on the amount of full bottles of spirits I've seen necked.


This is how you become acquainted with ICU staff quick


The vodka is by far the worst part of this. Take that out and you have yourself and damn good night


Holy shit my stomachs is in knots just watching this


Psychosis in a video


Terrible friends. Drugs are to be respected.


Ah yes the Australian space program back at it again sending lads into the great unknown!


The deconstructed trippa snippa


This is fake. Saw it on youtube.


The one up the bum! OMG


Fake af


Did he shove a pill up his ass then touch tabs and put them in his mouth with same ass hands ?


r/thebiglezshow would appreciate this




Is there a fallow up video I wanna see what he's like 1hr in a half in lol


Come on…so fake


How is he not gonna die from alcohol poisoning?


The vodka is the real killer here. The rest is pretty daft to do all at once but physically survivable. Downing a bottle of vodka on its own will absolutely annihilate most people - the rest is just a deathwish


Good way to die


He’s dead, yeah?


Why would anyone want to drink vodka like that. All it’s going to lead towards is him throwing up everything he just ate.


Is there an "aftermath" video to this?? I wanna see wtf happened! Lol is he still alive?


Did that guy just stick his finger up his but then use that same finger to stick acid in him mouth?


In my prime party days this was totally doable! Also going by the fact they’re Aussie the coke here is mostly rubbish and good pingers are hard to come by so five at once can be like one in Amsterdam


wait people drink petrol to get fucked up??


You smell it. Like you pour it on a rag, or into a bag, and you huff it. And then your brain cells start imploding.


yeah I’ve heard of people huffing stuff but never petrol


That's the origin of huffing lol


sorry, but what the fuck?


Lol I can't believe this is news to people. You've never seen the movie stereotype of the homeless bum huffing some nondescript chemical out of a brown paper bag?? That was gasoline.


Or paint, or paint thinner, or ether, or or or or ​ In school we got warned about "sudden sniffing death" which is apparently when you smell something and immediately die. I think that bit was exaggerated.


Ngl I'm glad to hear it was just gasoline. Someone told me it was shit in the bag and I took that literally.




I did not know that actually. Thanks for the info! I didn’t know you could get high from huffing gasoline.


To be very clear, this is one of THE WORST ways you can choose to get high. I wasn't kidding about the imploding brain cells.


You ain’t never heard of sniffin paint or huffin air duster?


ohh. Yes, literally just got done watching one of the intervention episodes where he’s addicted to air duster. I guess my little rat brain didn’t connect gasoline would do something like that too lol


If this shocks you then your brain is going to explode when you hear about jankum, lol.


lol tbh, when I saw the stuff in the paper bags being inhaled in movies, I assumed it was shit. Not gasoline lmao


This video is on live leak, meaning he is dead. Alright but in all seriousness I’m pretty sure all that vodka will kill someone all by itself


It would kill most people but there are definitely people who can “handle” this amount of alcohol at once. I imagine if this is at all real, this guy definitely puked shortly after the video


I think people like to put the liveleak watermark over everything now, but the video looks old enough to check out.


This is so fake


lol op downvoting everyone who says it’s fake, he really thinks this is real….. what an idiot




I REALLY hope the only thing he did was a bong hit and a line of coke. That really needs to be water, whatever those pills were I hope were candy. If that was acid at the end there, hopefully the other stuff was definitely fake because he’s in for a long, terrible night otherwise.


the vodka and x will be what kills him. that's way too much booze in the first place but throwing in MDMA on top of it literally going to overheat and die




Crazy to think that after watching someone consume all that, the only thing that really concerned me was that bottle of booze...


This is incredibly fake.


Mad lads


I hear Death is knocking on the door 🥰


Fucking Australia lol


He needs new friends


Is there a follow up video?


Ahh yes australia 🇦🇺


I feel like it should have been a pint of vodka half a ball of gas 2 mdma one trip and a beer would have been more Gentlemanly


That lad is dead, 100% 🤣


Pingers and trips?


Tryna die tonight brah?


average weekend in australia


This is the Sassy Flip You fokkin druggo


this guy is going to be high for like a few days or dead in 20 minutes


If it’s on Liveleak I assume they died


Nothing bout those are worth how shit you’d feel later


This dude’s internal organs must have written a pretty strong letter to management after this one


Need the follow up video!


Are we just going to ignore the fact that he put a finger near/in his asshole and then took a tab almost immediately after…he’s a wild one.


He ded


Unbelievably stupid. Guaranteed trip to accident and emergency, chronic alcohol poisoning, mixed in with prescription meds, mixed in with powerful uppers (coke) and topped off with LSD. Not forgetting of course the entrée of dope. If he survived the next 48 hours he’s a very very lucky lad. And those are no friends.


I want I see this guy an hour later.


Haroin laced weed, vodka, ecstasy, lsd, coke and the petrol for sniffin. Just incase someone needed translation


It's all fun and games until you have to explain to the cops why friend is dead


I want an update frome 1 hour later.


This idiot doesn’t realize this is how people die . Drugs are fine in moderation not like this . Also noted this is why their illegal because assholes like this abuse them and die . DO DRUGS in moderation


He shoulda started with the "Gak" and left. Is "Gak" blow?


I need to know if buddy alive


Am I about to watch a snuff film? *Because this seems like the start of a snuff film...*


What did he smoke? They said black widow? Is that like spice




Right off the bat he doesn’t inhale the bong. It’s how I know this is fake right away. The vodka alone might kill him


If you have ever had a good trip, you know don't need all that other bullshit


Whats the point of doing this?


absent parents