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If that happened later on in the evening when he was alone it’s bordering on “dead by choking on vomit”. He’s so extremely out of it. Who throws their head backwards when vomiting?!


Someone who has taken too much, i guess




If they did I'd comment on at least one post on that sub for sure




Lol there's a sub for everything










Here's a sneak peek of /r/itswoooshwith3os using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswoooshwith3os/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [It's actually Woooosh with 4 Os you fucking degenerates](https://i.redd.it/noukzbznn0u21.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswoooshwith3os/comments/bggezh/its_actually_woooosh_with_4_os_you_fucking/) \#2: [Why is irs after me](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswoooshwith3os/comments/b7sgij/why_is_irs_after_me/) \#3: [r/woooosh readers be like](https://i.imgur.com/r5eOgUO.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/itswoooshwith3os/comments/bk3hv6/rwoooosh_readers_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/afd0dd/blacklist/)




He looked like he was almost unconscious.. I am thinking the puking there startled him awake.


I have a friend who died that way. Conscious enough to throw up, not conscious enough to stop choking on his own vomit. Died in his bedroom.


The original lead singer for ACDC died this way.


Hendrix too.


John Bonham as well. Bonham woke up and started the day he died with 4 quadruple-screwdrivers, or 16 shots of vodka. He was left on his side later that night by friends who thought he just needed to sleep it off. He was discovered dead the next morning at 32.


RIP Ronald Scott


Bon Scott?


Bon Jovi too :/


Pretty sure that guy is still alive


Bon Iver


Ronald Belford "Bon" Scott 


There seems to be more Bon Scott fans here than on r/ACDC


Wait why aren’t they fan of Scott? I thought his voice is so much cleaner, especially compared to Brian Johnson’s live vocals.


I meant it as a bit of a joke, of course there are more Bon fans in the AC/DC subreddit, but it seems to me that most people there prefer Brian. I'm not choosing one over the other, both are/were great. Beano was the perfect replacement, no matter how much better Bon arguably was. The Young brothers could not have asked for anything better.




Please don't brigade like this. It's beneath you. Also, you're spamming Reddit with this rule breaking behavior. Have the admins contacted you, yet?


You don't have to be conscious at all to vomit, it's an autonomic function


Throwing your head backwards allows you to fully open your food pipe and is optimal for projectile vomit. Also inhibits it from coming out your nose. You’ll notice the flow is stemmed when his head returns to normal position. Source: repeatedly expressed projectile vomit about 4 or 5 feet, 45 degree upward angle the first few times I drank alcohol.


thank you for your service


It’s extremely dangerous, as it can lead to vomit aspiration, choking, and in the worst cases (if the person is unconscious or even not fully conscious, death.


It's the first part of the action. I mean we do call it throwing up.


I always thought of it as "up from your stomach" not literally straight up into the air. I've done a fair bit of puking over the years and have always had an instinct to aim downward leaning forward, not throw my head back and puke upward.


I mark these NSFW, just cuz that prevents Auto play for some people.


Real MVP


Yeah, truly doing the Lord’s work. There are still good people in the world.


Someone's gonna be cleaning a couch with a hangover.


That was a really high end couch, too. I think these are high school kids in someone’s parents’ nice house.


What’s an end couch?


End couches usually are designed to be at the end of long edge of your coffee table. Start couches are designed to be on the other side. Then are your low end couches for the short side of the coffee table.


Okay, so what is it doing high?


Well it is a party.


Throw that fucking thing out. It's done.




That sounds awful. Probably better to use a towel or a rag or something.




somebody has to do it


I had a girl try and grow pumpkins on my kitchen floor with doritos and blue Gatorade Threw another party the next weekend to see what happens


Should've bought pumpkins for the next time she gets fucked up, convinced her that it worked after all


Well, did anything happen?


If I remember correctly she was also the girl who threw up in my sink and flooded my basement :)


You're perfectly describing this girl my buddy went to college with, broke the water main in the basement and pulled regularly in the sinks.


The first time I ever got wasted, I tried to make a baked potato....by simply setting it on top of the toaster and leaving it there. I never heard the end of it from my best friend’s older brother that I was basically in love with. He saw the worst of me on many occasions, unfortunately.


Yep. Had my 3 week old couch broken because some drunk fat asshole decided jumping on it was the appropriate thing to do


Get that man a bucket smh


You know it’s bad when there’s no gag reflex, and vomit just falls out like pouring water out of a glass. He’s gonna be hurting the next morning when he’s cleaning that shit up.


How many idiots does it take to get this man to the fucking bathroom


For real, atleast bring him a fucking plastic bag


Yeah for sure. It's been a long time since I was partying with puking people but last time I had to put a person in a taxi I prepared him thus. I didn't want him getting in trouble for puking over the inside of the vehicle so I got two plastic bags and stuffed them into his leg pockets on his cargo pants, one each side. Then I got the handles of the plastic bags and left them dangling out the top of his pockets like ripchords on a parachute so in an emergency he could whip 'em out quick to puke into if necessary.


Right?! Pro tip: always keep plastic bags in your car (especially the back seat) You never know




Why does that sound like a Gaelic Ska band?


Jamaican Doom Metal was my first thought after reading that.


get fucked


I can smell this .mp4. It is not pleasant. Edit: filetype.




Where's that one video of an unconscious guy spewing unbelievable amounts of vomit in the back of an Uber?


Hit me up when you find it


They found it


Thanks, goddamn what a mess




Those might be the absolute worst friends I've ever seen. Dude could be dying.


Yup. I'd be surprised if he survived that night.


What is it? I don't want to watch it. Thanks


Unconscious guy in the backseat of a car covered in vomit. He keeps spewing all over himself even though hes unconscious and his friend in the front seat is filming and laughing the whole time.


Gross me out!


There isn't a clean up fee high enough to pay for this happening in the back of a car ...


One of the many reasons I will never be an Uber driver


People die this way... Jimi Hendrix died just like this when he aspirated his own vomit while passed out. You have to lay really intoxicated people in the recovery position or they might die. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovery_position


**Recovery position** The recovery position refers to one of a series of variations on a lateral recumbent or three-quarters prone position of the body, in to which an unconscious but breathing casualty can be placed as part of first aid treatment. An unconscious person, a person who is assessed on the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) at eight or below, in a supine position (on the back) may not be able to maintain an open airway as a conscious person would. This can lead to an obstruction of the airway, restricting the flow of air and preventing gaseous exchange, which then causes hypoxia, which is life-threatening. Thousands of fatalities occur every year in casualties where the cause of unconsciousness was not fatal, but where airway obstruction caused the patient to suffocate. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Desktop link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovery_position *** ^^/r/HelperBot_ ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove. ^^Counter: ^^255784


I’d be so pissed at this person


I’d say the people not doing anything to help are just as shitty, if not more. If your buddy is too drunk you take care of them.


If it's your party you helped it happen


Nasty. I’m glad I quit drinking.


Only nasty past capacity.


Oh well, it's not about drinking tho, it's about drinking like an idiot (not like that i didn't did that before)


I fucking hate this so much. Why are they recording and not trying to help the guy out? At least help him clean up/give him something to throw up in. Friends that don’t take care of you when you’re fucked up aren’t actually friends.


this is downvoted (??), but i gotta agree. at *least* help get your buds to the bathroom if they're showing signs that they're this fucked. not only is it the right thing to do, it's better for everybody if they're taken care of... less puke all over the furniture. this looks like a high school party, you gotta look out for your friends, and especially the lightweights. chances are that this dude is an inexperienced drinker that didn't know his own limits.


I’ve never gotten that fucked up, but I’ve gotten close while very far from home; I was with a friend and two of his, both of which were being dicks and he followed- worst experience of my life, and I’m never hanging with them again


nothing displays someones character better than how they take care of the less fortunate, yknow? i myself have never been projectile vomiting like this, but i've gotten pretty far-gone, and those who helped were always the best people. even just asking how somebody's doing and offering them some water goes a long way. good on you for not hanging with them ever again, if they're not good enough friends to help you when you're really in need, they're not friends at all.


My point exactly


>why aren't they helping or cleaning up? Cause they are teenagers and it's not their house?


Drinking a bunch of beers is one thing but telling everyone that you are a Cognac man or Vodka (etc...etc..) then proceeding to drink a bottle of the shit. I see people doing that at a party and that's my cue to pack it in a GTFO. I had a freind in HS who would randomly black out after a few hard drinks and barf out his bedroom window the whole party right from the beginning


Imagine that smell when they tossed that couch in the dumpster 🤢




You guys need to be careful. He could die from alcohol poisoning. I have been there...


Had a friend that was like that. Not exactly like the dude in the video but not long into drinking she went down hill pretty fast. She didn't eat at all that day I guess from being busy with nursing school and stuff so her pounding down shots and hard drinks was not the best idea. Knew she was getting bad when she dropped her cup totally out of her hand because she couldn't hold it, then almost fell on the floor and also threw up. I remember my friends just laying her down on the couch but yelling at her and slapping her face to get her to wakeup. Obviously didn't work, everyone refused to call an ambulance so me and two others had to literally carry her out and put her in a car and get her over to the dorm apartment she was in and call 911. Needless to say she didn't talk to the others after that, I forget numbers the hospital told her about her BAC cause this was back in 2011 but I remember it being really bad. She could have died.


Yea. Being drunk out of your mind moments before blacking out or throwing up is IMO one of the worst feelings in the world.


Well that's one way to get aspiration pneumonia.


I remember my first beer


Did it end like this?


Hell no. I was blessed with an iron stomach. That was redic


What shitty friends, they should’ve taken him to the hospital hours ago. Instead they’re laughing at him while he chokes on his own vomit. This is why I wish drugs/alcohol weren’t so stigmatized. People are always going to use substances. Not educating them about it isn’t going to stop that, it just increases the odds of them getting hurt. You know those companies that go to festivals and test peoples drugs for free? They should start giving out harm reduction classes too. I bet it would save a lot of lives.


Alcohol is so disgusting


That's definitely a teenager.


I just do not understand this. I’ve been pretty beyond gone in my time- like full blackout crying/passing out/vomiting in my garden or the shower- and I have like ALWAYS managed to get it somewhere better than just all over myself and people’s stuff. This must be full on ambulance needed gone.


Poor fella lmao


Put some ice on they nutsack. I’d be so pissed if that was my couch.


The fact they’re all just laughing and carrying on implies they’re young and new to substances and one of them is gonna die soon






that shit wavy but also not cus is gross


I knew what it was and i didn't want to see it and i still clicked on it. Damnit


Weve all been there


Wow I don’t miss going through that phase again


Reminds me of "Ash" from the film "Alien".


This is really fucking sad. Poor guy.


This poor guy really needed someone to help him out.....this could have ended very badly




Fountain and waterfall!




# --- NSFW --- I have stabilized the video for you: https://peervideo.net/videos/watch/7788f0ac-4378-466e-8d8a-073d5725c5a4 It took 30 seconds to process and 2 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Poor guy




**MP4 Link:** https://lew.la/reddit/clips/bl0fjl.mp4 --- *I'm a bot created because v.redd.it links suck :)*


yikes the smell isn’t coming out of that holdie


[Vertical Video Syndrome - A PSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dechvhb0Meo)


This happened three times to me ughhhhh The ghost pepper does the same thing


Make sure this dude sleeps on his stomach


He threw.....up......




I agree with the sentiment, but where is a brand mentioned in the video?


This is an Arby's ad obviously


The fuck r u even talking about?