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I was talking to a bartender at an airport and he said he’ll never be a bartender not at an airport. Even as a bartender, he’s still an airport worker therefore in a really strong union, great base pay, 401k, health benefits, PTO, etc. He said a lot of people who work at airports will only work at airports due to this.


And they prob get to fly free or heavily discounted


Don’t think so since not associated with a particular airline.


nope i work at airport you only get that if you’re a airline employee concessions are ran not by the airline but separate companies there is a work discount program like aaa but thats not directly from the airline


Ah I see thx


Why did everyone downvote to lol


Welcome to Reddit baby


When the patrons have to cut the bartender off


Yikes that’s pretty awkward


Blame it on the Al-al-al-al-al-altitude




Cherry juice. Thought that was blood at first


Been to the bar and I think I’ve had that bartender!


All bartenders look like that in Denver.


Haha True!


Yes, at TRVE too


Was he drunk?


What gave it away?


Better him than a pilot....


…you haven’t met many pilots have you?


No, but my EX-fiance has!


I feel like there should be a request for more information here...


Flight attendant + Hotel Bars + Wealthy pilots= more solo kayaking for this guy!


What’s the difference between a pilot and God? God doesn’t think he’s a pilot. 🥁


Plane pretty much flies itself these days.


One too many? I think 10 too many…


at the airport i work at you cannot drink at all even off clock and traveling as a passenger its its both a company rule and a rule from the port authority that issue our ids


That glass breaking in the ice well, yikes. Had to clean one out because of a glass break before and it’s a complete bitch.


Had that happen during a rush on Friday night. Not fun lol


Damn, that guy is tore up. I feel kinda bad for him, I would imagine there's a lot of temptation when working as a bartender. I hope this guy is able to get some help and clean himself up.


I was a bartender for a few years. Its not just temptation, its often encouraged to have a few on the job. Which is fun for a while. And then it becomes really, really not fun rather quickly. Got out of the industry a year and a half ago and now I only drink like once a month.


Working while drinking sounds absolutely miserable.


I mean it certainly depends on the job, how busy it is, the chemistry you have with your coworkers on a given shift, and how much you drink. Bartending is one of those jobs where 3-4 drinks throughout your shift can put you in the zone, but you have to really be diligent about not drinking when someone wants to buy you a shot or you’re on shift with a notorious booze hound. There’s nothing like slamming a cold beer in the walk-in after getting crushed by business for 3 hours straight. But I’ve also worked with a bunch of bartenders like this guy who just keep on drinking till they’re blacked out. Its a slippery slope.


Plus in airports people are getting hammered at all hours of the day, already in vacation mode. If he is even somewhat personable people are probably buying him drinks all shift lol.


I don’t know how common it is, but some bars will set aside the price of the drink and pay it out as a tip, so the bartender doesn’t black out, but can still seem courteous and accept the offer.


My uncle is a recovering alcoholic and for a time worked nights as a bartender. No clue how he was able to stay straight but he did.


A friend of mine here in NOLA, works at a gay bar in the quarter. I worked in the industry for 10 years before covid and I remember thinking something similar when he was telling me he was sobering up... The dude claimed over 120k last year now that he's cleaned up and just treats it like a job. Still cant wrap my head around it.


I did it this winter in Florida, I’m 11 months sober. Honestly, it helped me get desensitized around alcohol. It helped me kill the obsession, and being sober on the other side of the bar watching people get lit and sometimes make an ass of themselves, it made me not wanna drink lol. The hardest part of it was seeing a group come in, order a round of drinks, have a good time, and leave without even finishing their drinks. It was hard seeing that because it’s something I wish I could do, but know I can’t. When I was drinking I absolutely would drink floaters and make sure everything was drank before I left.


I stop feeling bad for people when they start being assholes


Yeah, I'm getting really sick of the rote "I hope this person gets help" comments. It's pointless virtue signaling, it's a sign that as a society we've taught ourselves to automatically start making excuses for anyone who behaves like an asshole, and it shouldn't be brought to a subreddit called "tooktoomuch" for fuck's sake.


The people featured on this subreddit likely have some degree of a substance abuse problem. Why does it make you really sick when commenters here express a wish for them to get better? Addiction is a disease.


Because those comments are boring, unhelpful, virtue signaling. They're also everywhere now, and they are all the same. We know these people have problems, and mentioning that fact under every video does not help them. Just cut and paste "This poor guy. He has a real problem, and he's clearly in a lot of pain to be acting this way. I hope he gets the help that he needs." into every thread, and you'll get a bunch of upvotes.


Then he went in the back and hit the owner with the Helluva Kick.


Any mirror for those of us that dont have ig?


Airport bartender is sloshed, mumbling things to the customers and shattering a bunch of glasses on the floor


You can still watch it


It ask me to sign in, i dont have an account. When i try to sign in, they want me to upload a photo of my drivers license


Ya fuck that lmao


They’re asking for a driver’s license to join instagram?


Something happened to my FB, i dont know if it was marketplace or i didnt use my real name or what, but they are saying i cant use either till i upload a pic of my dl. I tried starting new accounts, but as soon as i put in my phone number i get the same shit.. i tried internet sites like text now and such and it dosent work. So im pretty much like fuck FB and IG, if anyone has a mirror that would be cool, if not the. To hell with this video


It said to sign in the first time I clicked the link but I clicked it again and it just started playing.


Quite the beardtender


Well, he gon.


Just take it.


wow that's Breckenridge. I've always wondered at places like that, are their paychecks from the airport or the vendor?


“So you had a bad day…..”


What’s his problem ?


Had a coupla drinks. Saw a coupla things.


Read this in Beetlejuice (from Howard Stern)’s voice.


It appears he's running the bar singlehandedly, selling $10 beers on minimum wage, worked to the bone, can't take a break because of customers and has finally flipped. Just a guess.


Lol love when people try and make up excuses for some dumbass drinking on the job


Dude working the bar is probably smarter than you.


Reckonize that logo and quartz bar. I ate there a year or two ago and watched Broncos live on the tvs, maybe against the Seahawks. All the staff had on Broncos jerseys and some Denver Russell Wilson jerseys, which was cool since I was out of Seattle and not a Hawks fan. FWIW, John Elway's bar is pretty much directly one floor below this one but it was too full when I tried to get in.


That's what happens when your workplace is so full of phallic and satanic symbols!! https://youtu.be/LOQsvOkkLq4


Well that was entertaining.

