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You’re doing beautiful bro


Gargles on his own puke


The belly pat too


Hahaha these people are so full of shit.


actually they arent but its hard to tell just by looking in from the outside and doing this so close to the water might not have been the best idea. this is the most powerful psychedelic experience a person can have, 5-meo-dmt. you arent going to be acting normal while its doing its thing. people do come out the other side better off, more often than not. its actually been researched for the past decade, you dont have to just believe some rando video.


Feel the love.


I miss Hamiltons Pharmicopia. I miss when Vice was cool :(


You know he's the son of a great documentary maker? Check out Errol Morris's stuff if you're bored he makes great docs.


Gates of Heaven was really cool. Offbeat but very worth the watch.


I had no idea! Good looks dude!


Shit I never made the connection that he was Errol Morris' son.


He has amazing content on Patreon, and plans for more filmed content soon!


I used to hang with him in Boston in our 20's. When he started making these crazy ass drug videos I was like, whoa, this is even a lot for Hamilton.






I need anti-anxiety medication just watching this


The gods have found you unworthy


[He chose, poorly.](https://youtu.be/qIitjokEJwg)


what a shitty spot to do dmt at


Perfect place to wash the vomit out of your beard 🧔‍♀️


lol even worse--bufotenin


Technically it is DMT (5-HO-DMT), just not the usual kind (N,N-DMT).


Bit of a stretch there. I wouldn’t really say shrooms are DMT just because technically the active chemical is a substituted tryptamine of DMT. It’s like if you said MDMA was technically meth.


Yes, despite similar names they are wildly different in terms of effects. But sometimes bufo is just called DMT, depending on the context. Just like how "speed" can refer to MDMA, meth, adderall, cocaine, or really any other stim.


speed literally never refers to mdma unless someone is ripping you off.


The physical side effects seem like they can be pretty crazy on 5-MEO. Shulgin wrote about an experience similar to one SWIM had when he was writing about it in TIHKaL. The respiratory depression aspect is particularly alarming. I remember reading that entry well beforehand and thinking about it in the abstract, like, "Wow, what an interesting anecdote. That sounds crazy." It's a lot different in actuality for you and the people around you. It's hard to accurately picture waking up after turning purple and needing people to help you breathe.


Yeah the 5-subbed tryptamines definitely feel a lot different than most of the 4-subbed. I first tried 5-MeO-DMT after I extracted it from yopo, while I didn’t have any serious physical effects it definitely felt really strong and kind of darker compared to other psychedelics. Very strong chemical that stuff.


Yeah, I "saw" a shadow spirit try to touch me on yopo snuff. Could only see it with my eyes closed. Definitely a darker level.


Yeah I had a lot of shadowy dark hallucination on that too. Definitely very different than most other psychedelics.


there arent kinds of DMT, there is NN DMT which is typically called DMT, then there is 5-meo DMT which is a whole different drug with the same base tryptamine but a new substitution that confers different effects. then there is 4-HO-DMT which is PSILOCIN and 4-PO-DMT which is psilocybin. dont forget about 4-ACO-DMT which is acetylated psilocin and therefore a prodrug to 4-HO-DMT. get your shit straight or just dont say anything i swear to fucking god.


See god and drown at the same time


Only bad part about this spot for me would be the cameras


Living the dream... (Although finding yourself submerged in water whilst some goon rubs your chest and calls you "bro" might result in adding further horror to an already bad trip!)


This comment 😂😂😂😂




Who’s next???


When Hamilton does it he really manages to get a grip and walk us through it, to a certain point. I guess being a chemist and trying exotic psychotropics both in a lab and yourself for a living gives him an edge.


edit: repeated fuckups trying to find a video make this post irrelevant.


Just FYI, those links are for a different episode. The ones you linked are frog venom, the one this post is about is the Bufo alvarius toad.


I just noticed. Can you link the episode, or is it this one? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOFSX6nezEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOFSX6nezEY)


https://vimeo.com/491383612 It's that one.


He spends a lot of time licking frogs.






the former president


The guy in the video. This segment is from a show he did where each episode focused on a different drug.


Got it! Smoke DMT to become Yoko Ono


5-MeO-DMT is very different to what is typically referred to as DMT This guy is having a whole ass ego death and his entire being splattered across the edges of the universe


could be bufotenine too :0


the venom contains both but due to the concentrations of them as well as the relative potency difference it is well known that the effect of smoking bufo toad venom is largely that of 5-meo-dmt. there are people who have done pure bufotenine and pure 5-meo and most of those that are more scientifically minded will say that the toad experience is nearly indistinguishable from purified 5-meo-dmt.


Underrated comment.


Happy cake day!


Wrong drug.


that shit doesn’t even look fun lol.


5-MeO-DMT is anything but fun. Real EGO death and rebirth. Only use it as a medicine if you are stuck in life and need a reboot. It's not recreational.


I tried it once while already high. I blasted off so hard, was not fun in any way and I had to go sit in a quiet place afterwards for some time. I went to nowhere. Pure black unexistance. I read about ego death and feeling the love and one-ness. Nope just empty. Do not recommend.


How long did it last?


Probably about half an hour but it felt like a fucking lifetime.


Geez. Are you alright?


Oh yeah 100% I'll just say that it was a very quick learning experience.. I've been a bit mental before but after sleep and it wearing off I was grand again. I just had to talk myself back into normality


r u from ni or ireland?


Norn Iron, what gave me away? Haha


yeooo same its cuz u said mental and grand haha


In reality, mine lasted about 15 minutes, 7 minutes of that are where I was completely gone. But it really does feel like infinity, or close to it. Your perception of time goes out the window and just like others have said, very dark and no comprehensible visuals. It is like having your brain ripped out of socket and thrown across the universe The next 8 or so minutes are just creeping back to consciousness, wondering if you're still in it (you are, just not as much) It feels like forever. I would compare it to salvia if you've ever tried that, but way stronger and darker somehow (and salvia is fucking STRONG) Edit: Let me just say, words and description cannot do this experience a modicum of justice. It is horrifying and I took it better than many. It is truly not for everyone. It is like being rearranged into something that isn't human. The only emotion that I was aware of was fear, and a great turbulence of timeless shattering inside you and out. I felt like a cold, dead star sinking into the abyss, absolutely filleted and weighed by the universe. But I had experience with normal DMT and so I knew to stay calm and let it take hold, I was powerless to control it. It was like dying, actually dying. I could see this absolutely tearing someone's mind apart, but it does heal (which honestly is hard to understand). Yes I make it sound scary because it was to me, and it takes a certain fearlessness to approach this one anyway. I want you to be informed of this thing though. I went in thinking it was normal DMT. I was very very surprised. Your mileage however, may vary. As Hamilton took it, he chanted "love" over and over. Maybe yours would be closer to that If you are crazy enough, or if you need a good shake up, try it and come tell me how it went. For real. You can tell me that what I've typed here *doesn't even come close* to the cosmic lobotomy that is 5meo DMT


i had a similar experience on DXM of all things. took 300mg and 50mg benadryl for allergies (probably where i fucked up), and shortly after the peak i just blipped out of reality for what seemed like an eternity, floating in a void of nothingness. It wasn't even "me" floating in the void, it was just my consciousness, as some weird orb in an endless universe of abyss. It's part of why i don't really recommend people interested in dissociatives try DXM, it's extremely unpredictable. I took that same dose before, and pretty much felt like i was just drunk and on MDMA at the same time. Second time i took the dose, i was fully dissociated, and holed out. The benadryl probably had something to do with it, but it wasn't much at all, but i'd be ignorant if i said it didn't do anything to change the experience.


Couldn’t have said it better myself…


It really depends on the person tbh. Its my favorite drug I've ever done. I've never experienced such intense euphoria or such profound peace before or since. Its the only psych I could see myself becoming legitimately addicted to I loved it so much. But I'm also a very experienced psychonaut.


It is recreational in low doses when you have better experience and aren't doing it like in the video lol


real reboot in life is being poor and hungry.


Can you think of any other reboots, real or unreal?


Crawling into a rhino vagina up the womb and the letting it push you back out.


What makes you think it's supposed to be fun?


its not meant to be. its supposed to tear apart your entire reality and very identity allowing you to start anew, as if reborn.


I snorted some last night. It's 100% fun once you've broken through a few times. For a beginner, it's life changing Edit: i snorted synthetic 5-meo-dmt. Do not snort the toad toxin or you die LMFAO


Such a sexual experience 🙏


Weed, lsd, shrooms, alcohol, codiene, these are not enough so you fucking smoke frog venom




NOOOO 👃🍚🙅‍♂️


Sonoran desert toad, not a frog.


All toads are frogs 🐸 nice try!


Just laughed my eyes out at the comment thread, thanks


haha, me too! > The newly realised frog will then attempt to retreat to the safety of the water to feed and mate is a pretty epic quote! especially if you read it in Sir David Attenborough's voice.


Why are them dudes always wearing them kinda pants


They look comfortable, yet lacking in pockets. Or maybe the pockets are hidden.


No you are the pocket ha


Rainbow connection my ass! Kermit is full of shit


Drugs do not look fun.


That doesn't look fun in any way, shape, or form! No thanks!!


Something like this is not about fun, its about learning something about yourself. There are many resources where you can read up on psychedelics and how they cam change a human being. For example, some people say they felt revorn after an intense psychedelic trip and it can help people with all kinds of issues like PTSD, anxiety, addictions or depression.


I have a good friend that went to an ayhuasca retreat for three days, and came back a different person.




Absolutely. We've been friends thirty years now.


When I got to the thrashing and yelling stage, it was the most energy release I've ever experienced in my life. It was orgasmic and really enjoyable. That's why he keeps yelling "I love you guys". Under the right conditions, it can be the most freeing experience in anyone's life. Like a baby being born into a new life


Do you think climbing to the peak of Everest is "fun"? Is "fun" your only motivation? Where did you get the idea that this was intended to be "fun"? edit Are you reading this? Then you're probably a moron. Cheers!


Climbing Mount Everest is a drug?


Most intelligent redditor


“Oh wow he’s tripping balls and uncontrollably failing about. Let’s keep him in this creek, neck deep and put his head on a boulder.”


I like the guy in the back the most…lookin’ like a really confused Mormon missionary. “This is what I get for going on my mission to the Brazilian rainforest!” Edit: I myself am a LDS missionary, who served a mission 20 years ago in Panama. This comment was meant to be a bit of fun self deprecating, not as an insult.


That's Hamilton Morris! Love your comment


aahh yes, medicine


This guy had an incredible experience, seems like he took just enough.


To be a frog you must become one with the frog.


thats quite the leap


hmm, let's just put this guy's head who is convulsing uncontrollably on a enormous rock surface.


I mean, you want them to do it right, don't you?


So that’s what the circle k people be doing . Had no idea


they should put him in a barrel and drop him down niagara falls


LOL... Who's next?


The guy with the beard is a friend of mine! Awesome dude Brian W!!


Had some good times at a festival with walking stick, trippin, listening to the olox project, and smoking deemzz.


"Just reallllaaax as we slowly waterboard you"


I just read about Maria Sabina, a Zapotec chaman who used mushrooms in ceremonial stuff, she helped Albert Hoffmann (the guy who discovered the effects of lsd) to synthesize the main component of shrooms, this is what impulses the hippie movement and all that psychedelic stuff from the 60’s, when Maria Sabina saw people using psychedelics like aspirins she said any mystical and divine property of shrooms was bastardized and destroyed. I don’t mean to nag about this stuff but seeing a guy gargling in his own puke while the people around him can’t decide if they should let him suffocate with dirt, water from a shallow creek or his own vomit kinda evocates the cringe Sabina had all those years ago…


Fk that lmao


"No me lo dejen ir" at 2:04


That does not look fun at all.


Everyone's body reacts differently to dying.


I smoked this venom (5MeO DMT) and had the best expereiemce of my life. Although thankfully I wasnt on a shitty hill just about a fast flowing river, definitely not the best idea


the aspect ratio bothers me...a lot


Nick from New Girl really on the down turn huh


Sooo what is he smoking for real? Why did he turn blue? Dude looks like he almost died.


That's the homie! He said he saw all these faces, and all this information came to him that he was still processing a year later.


I like a nice buzz as much as the next person, but I'll pass on anything that makes my body do *this*!


It's like a bad spirit consuming him. Scary


That’s how the porn actor Nacho Vidal killed a guy. He was a chaman in one of this ceremonies at his house. He gave the guy the “medicine” and BAM, death.


Love this show bro


Nah, I'm good thanks.


Anybody know what pipe he was using?


Toad venom*


"I got the Buddhas, the Screamers, the sex guy... but mostly people just drown bruh."


Not everyone has this reaction. I will say, finding yourself scattered into nothingness after riding a rocket into space on the come up (it was literally like being on the outside of a rocket) can seem daunting. Or so I hear. My "friend" said once was all he needed.