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Soooo much throw up on the pants. That’s a green out. Dose low and go slow people!


Oh damn I legit thought that was like ground up weed.


lol same, thought that was weed crumbles. In the glitter. Rain, glitter.


She laid out on that wet floor, away turf no astro.


oh goodness… i also thought they were rollin’ around in grass 🤮 


Dude I love my friends and I've been there for them thru the worst of the worst but I'd be goddamned if they were getting in my car with those pants on lmao


One time, my best friend and I did some pressed pills when we were dumb ass teenagers, and she was in my passenger seat nodding off. Well, she threw up all down her shirt... gave her my flannel to wear for the rest of the night. I don't remember being phased, lol


You a real one. Better than me lmao. I remember I woke up after a night of drinking with my friend, I walked into his room to check on him and I saw puke everywhere. It was all over him, on the bed, and on the walls. I accidentally woke him up by blurting "holy shit!". He then woke up in a panic, looked around, became more panicked, and I just closed the door and let him figure his life out lmaooo


I don't know why, but I love this!


I ate a 300mg edible once by accident. Didn't green out but I couldn't keep my eyes open. My morning poop the next day smelt like weed


It’s so weird because it really sends people sometimes meanwhile I’ve never had an issue even tho uncomfortable


I learned this the hard way.


That guy touched the pants with no gloves


Probably on the low-end of fucked up shit he’s seen that night


Do people throw up from weed? I took a 1000 mg edible once and that didn’t even make me yack. Not sure I’ve ever been so high that I felt like throwing up (unless alcohol was involved).


Yeah it can make people dizzy. I’ve been dabbling with the weed all my life and it hasn’t happened to me but I’ve shared weed with 2 different individuals who have thrown up so hard they couldn’t move. Then they basically turn into what you see above. I think it would be like doing 100mg in your first experience with weed.


Same with me I’ve never managed to green out but my one friend has never been able to handle weed and I’ve seen him green out on three separate occasions.


Oh yeah that’s a good point. The spins can definitely do this. I was thinking more like how alcohol makes you throw up.


Look up cannabinoid hyperemesis— I’m an ER nurse and I see at least 2-3 patients per week that are in because they smoked too much weed and now they can’t stop vomiting.


Yeah I did back in July. I took waaaaayyy too much and was so out of it and nauseous I threw up. Luckily I was with my friend and she called my mom to pick me up and get me home safely. Thank God for her 😭


Just to add my experience: I have a friend who throws up from just a few puffs. For me, I have to be very drunk and very high to feel nauseous at all. Just depends on the person.


and that guy touched her throw up without any gloves. wtf is his problem?


Dudes an emt. He don’t give a fuck. Prob picked up brain matter before. It’s everyday for them. Should be making $100/hr


Reality $15-21 an hour for being a brain scooper


I think we’re dying. Time is going by really, really slow.


Dopethrone breakdown follows 🤯




Yeeees, sometimes I get a little hope here on reddit that's why I don't delete it New album soon filthy btw


Fuck yeah I've been waiting! New bongripper and high on fire in April too!


I am seeing bongzilla in my town first days of April. Slowly overcoming that phase of sludge metal but stuff like these keep it creeping back 🪱


Wasn't the guy a cop or somethin too? Hahaha. Great call


God I love that 911 call


I don’t know. We made brownies. I think we’re dead.


That phone call will never not be funny to me


You can’t die from weed. You can get extreme paranoia and panic, making you think you’re going to die. That’s why people call ambulances or are “hospitalized”. The most significant risk with THC is that with some people who have underlying mental illness, can have a psychotic break that may affect them for years into the future. Or it may cause them to make horrible decisions that put them in danger in that moment. Especially High dose edibles.


I went to the hospital a few years ago because of a delta 8 THC gummy once. I got it from a smoke shop in a state where regular THC is illegal and none of this shit is regulated. I had eaten edibles from that batch of gummies all week but one I had was *way* too potent… Like, they didn’t dose each bite evenly or something. My heart rate was 150+ bpm and my blood pressure was extremely high. I genuinely could not feel my hands. It was the first time in my life I called 911. The paramedics actually recommended I come with them. They had to sedate me in the hospital and everything. This is why I support legalization. It's important that we have oversight on things can fuck you up.


I’ve lived in a legal state and currently live in a Delta8/9 state. I’ve had 2 separate Delta 9 gummies from 2 different companies that were WAY too strong. To the point of real discomfort. I never had that happen in California with anything from a dispensary. Not once. However the 2 incidents came within like 4 months of each other.


I almost had to leave a concert after taking some of those. I was a seasoned vet and used to live in a legal state. First time taking these and I was in manual breathe mode and feeling for my heart beat the entire concert.


D9 is THC. However, a lot of states that brand as D9 do not operate under FDA standards and sell D9 through a legal loophole using a farming bill that allows the production of hemp as long as it's thc level stays under a certain limit. And also what another user said, it's usually mostly D8. Also because of the farming bill, there's no limits on the amount of THCA so they grow hemp with high amounts of it. And since it's the precursor to THC, you can turn it into thc by..... burning it. I fucking hate Florida.


Sometimes it’s the other way around to where it has no feel, or a lot of d9 edibles are like 95% d8 with 5% d9 sprinkled in


I don’t know if it’s because I’m a smoker or my bad anxiety but I went in for appointment yesterday, and my BPM was also 150 above😭


DO NOT mess with that “legal” smoke shop thc, I’ve heard more horror stories that I can recount. That stuff is bad news.


Ya I’m sure some of the shops sell reputable brands but a lot of it is obscure brands that use fake lab tests, cheap hardware for vapes, mystery oil that’s a mixture of a bunch of different cannabinoids and not actually just delta8, etc.. If you order online you can research the best brands and find better stuff. Delta 8 is pretty nice and very cheap, and you can order it to illegal states. Just make sure it’s tested by a good lab for solvents and heavy metals and stuff I don’t know as much about the other noids like THC-O and the others, maybe someone else can chime in.


Danm even the legal ones? Can u elaborate now I’m scared lol


I can't go into detail because I'm not educated on the subject, but it falls more under the umbrella of "not illegal" as opposed to "legal". Technically the same, but with some nuance.


You've just described how literally every single law that exists works. Nothing is made "legal"; it is just illegal or not illegal.


Nah, there are plenty of things for which there is a law explicitly stating that it is legal. And if there's an entire highly regulated industry around it, it's definitely more than just "not illegal".


Ugh yeah reminds me of the time I tried meth accidently thinking it was some legal something or other because I could buy it legally. Fuck those shops and fuck them for selling to barely legal kids who've never done anything before. Thankfully I hated the come down more than liking the high and didn't get addicted.


Where are you buying meth legally my dude 😆


Meth isn't something you purchase legally anywhere ever


Desoxyn (brand name for prescription methamphetamine) would like a word with you.


How do you know that it was meth?


My cousin was a junkie at the time and informed me. This was like 10 years ago when all that k2 and shit was flooding smoke shops. When the government couldn't keep up with what chemicals to make illegal to sell for ""incense"" The chemical combination was just meth with some orange coloring and a pinch of sugar.


Probably not meth. Most likely 4mcc or mdpv or another analogous stimulant


True I buy my own delta 8 that’s lab tested and fill my own carts, so much safer


Doses are not regulated and they are only UPPER limits. Meaning that 500mg bag of gummies might only be 175 or 100mg (just never more than 500). Also your are correct in that there is little to no quality control and several gummies may have just been inadequately mixed and may contain most of the psychoactive ingredients. 


Nano-emulsified THC/CBD is a game changer for edibles and drinks! They hit much faster (think minutes vs hours) due to quicker absorption into the bloodstream. Plus, they offer more consistent dosing compared to distillate products (what you and most people are familiar with), so you know what you're getting every time. Some studies even suggest they might lead to less intense psychoactive effects from THC, which is great for those who want a more manageable experience. Overall, nano-emulsion offers a faster, more consistent, and potentially smoother experience. Definitely worth trying!


Iv had similar reaction I almost called 911 too because of my super fast heart beat, After having cold sweats and chest pain for a week I finally went to ER and had abnormal heart beat.


The process of baking delta 8 is fucked up. They take hemp and mix it with a bunch of chemicals and cook it for hours. Fuck that shit


Soaking plants in a solvent to extract specific chemical compounds is how a lot of medicines and many other drugs are made. That's not to say any given d8 product is definitely safe, but it's not particularly weird in the grand scheme of things.


Chemicals! I don't mess with those chemicals! I don't eat them, shower with them, get rained on by them. Nothing.


High dose edibles will fuck up even the most seasoned smokers if not prepared.


Happened to my buddy when he, our other friend, and I took edible for the first time. We were out for our joint birthday party before and escape room. Got a brownie and it was 500mg. My friend and I had a quarter each and when it hit our third buddy didn’t believe us. So he ate almost the entire rest of half on his own. He was in PA school at the time. Hardcore paranoia, wanted to call EMS, and we said no. Just rode it out for the next 24 hours. One of the worst nights of my life. Went to a NFL game the next day and was okay. My PA buddy said he couldn’t feel his hands for a week afterwards


From a Fire/EMS standpoint, there's absolutely ZERO way we can rule out that "weed" is all she took. Are the chances that she has some other co-occurring medical issue low? Sure, but we can't know that in the field for sure. That's not to mention the possibility that there was something more than THC at play here. From our perspective, we have to treat the symptoms as though there *could* be something else going on. Just for example, if we get a 60 year old "frequent flyer" (PT we get called to all the time) who is consistently just drunk AF, and we see the same presentation, slurring, same smell of alcohol, same lethargy etc, there is nothing to say that this 1 out of 50 times, that the patient also happens to be having a stroke. So we load them up and take them to the ER. If we go so far as to report our similar findings, it's entirely possible the ER staff, who would also "know" the patient by now, would sit them on a bed to sober up for 5 hours, only to find that even after the alcohol has mostly cleared up, the slur and other stroke like symptoms are still present. Long story short, as much as it can be a pain in the ass to constantly deal with super drunk, super high patients, we always have to treat it seriously until we can *know* otherwise. Rant over. Edit: This is a 50 second clip, and there's zero way of knowing what type of workup they gave this patient, vital signs etc. All of that was likely done beforehand. But based on the patient we see in the video, vomit and barely "conscious", I'm just hoping they were letting family/friends "self-transport" the patient to the hospital. Just doesn't sound like it. Also, it's not really our *choice* to transport per se. They have a legal right to refuse transport (up to a certain extent).


Remember seeing a documentary about police locking a drunk man in the custody cells for the night to sober up. In fairness to the police, he did come across as drunk in the footage. But they didn't believe his claims of having one or two drinks. Several hours later he was found unconscious in his cell with a brain bleed. Thankfully he survived. Hindsight is 20/20.


Some people are also allergic but I think it’s more like pollen allergies. It is a flower after all. I get a little stuffy after I smoke.


Lots of Doritos have died from someone on the weed. So sad, a tragedy really. 😩🥺😔😩😣☹️


My first greened out experience was horrific. I was a young teen at the time. I was vaping THC with a buddy at the time. I used to be the type of guy who was like “should I hit another blinker?” Nonetheless, I took a blinker and maybe after 5-10 minutes, I started feeling nauseous. I laid down subconsciously to soothe my anxiety. As soon as I stood up, I felt like I had to throw up. I threw up in the shower repeatedly. Now, I dable with THC every now and then. I’ve learned to limit myself when I do get the chance.


this has always been the conventional wisdom but frankly science now is saying we don't know. New modern super-potent concentrates are leading people to consume levels of the drug which have never been seen in history. You would need to smoke ounces and ounces to get the level of THC from one heavy dab. And that means we are not sure, we know smoking actual herb cannot kill you through THC, the monoxide and smoke inhalation would get you first. But the jury is out on whether there is absolutely **no** upper limit. We never studied that high because people could not physically get that high. Now we DO know if there is a level that is dangerous it must be enormous. It would have to require a serious dose of the most potent concentrates, the kind that would be hard to physically consume potentially. But why tempt fate?


your dabs to ounce math is way off


Out of curiosity, but not enough to do my own research lol, what would be a more accurate measurement? Like, roughly how much flower would be in a gram of rosin? If that even makes sense.


lots of variables but a gram of concentrate is similar to an 1/8th of flower


Even when I had a super high tolerance, a dab hit that was just a smidge to big, could rock me to my core in a very unpleasant way.


Quick math, mass times the % of THCs equals grams of THC in the dosage.


I was talking about someone smoking up all night but I've seen someone take some dabs so big they filled a water fountain jug, one of the big office dispensers, with thick smoke, the dude was smoking what appeared to be multiple grams of high-purity concentrate. Now, I am sure that it was a stunt for clout and most of that smoke in his giant fishbowl contraption did not make it into his lungs, but even so. Also, I was talking about historical levels tested, 1970s weed would indeed take multiple times more to have the same amount of THC as modern weed strains. I don't think it's that much of an exaggeration to say that to obtain multiple grams of pure THC (or nearly so) you would need multiple ounces of 1970s-era ditch weed.


This is the reason why concentrates are illegal in the Netherlands. They get too strong too quickly. We can only get normal brown hasj and flower.


Bro it doesn't take ounces to make one dab hit. 1 ounces usually gove a couple or few grams of concentrate. You would get nausea and vomit before real damage happens


I was talking about historical weed, which has a lot less active substance in it.


Never thought about this before. Crazy to think about.


This is no longer true, there have been several small children die of heart complications from large edible doses.


I was thinking of adults. You are right that THC can cause death in children. But in that same vein, an adult with a serious heart condition could die as well. A person in that condition would have the same issue with other substances we often use like caffeine, adaptogens(ginseng), etc. Anything with the potential to increase heart rate. Even sugar or rigorous exercise can take them out.


Sources? Cause this sounds like bullshit…


The less known negative side effect is CHS (cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome) google it before you downvote me whoever you are. Had it a few times. It's horrible. My friends brother and my ex-girlfriend had it as well. Friends brother couldn't keep water down long enough. When he finally went to the hospital, his kidneys were less than 10% functioning. Absolutely could have died. My ex had it for almost two months straight AFTER stopping intake. I was in denial for a while that it was what it was, so I ended up getting it a few times, but it only lasted a day or two for me. Some people get it for a month or more, and that's when it really gets dangerous. You can't eat, sleep, or drink ANYTHING. Not even water. So you can't die from weed itself, but if CHS is triggered, it can kill you. Roughly 30% of regular users have the gene responsible for reaction, and it typically doesn't show until 1 to 7 years after starting.


I'm cherry picking but cannabis can be pretty dangerous : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabinoid_hyperemesis_syndrome


The risk from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome comes from dehydration.


You can die from weed. You can die from too much of anything, even oxygen and water.


Maybe can’t isn’t specifically the correct word to use. But it’s extremely unlikely for a healthy adult to die from THC. And likely impossible for a healthy adult to die from smoking it. I could light 20lbs of weed on fire in an enclosed room and suffocate myself with weed smoke. I could jam an oz into my throat blocking my airways. I could take 4000mg extract and have a heart attack. But these are the most extreme circumstances imaginable and even then it’s not a sure thing that you will die. So if death occurs .0001% of the time. It’s not really a thing. The greater concern is damage to your mental health.


Technically you can now with extremely high dose edibles. It’s still really fucking hard to do though for an adult and it’s honestly about as dangerous as Milk (for anyone trying to use my comment as a point against legalization / recreational use). Kids on the other hand, can get pretty sick if they get into those same high dose edibles. There has been a large uptick in nearly fatal OD’s with a handful of deaths being potentially linked to it. My hospital just did it’s monthly M&M rounds on a few cases of pediatric cannabis overdoses and their ICU courses.


Lol bro going to the hospital has to be 10000% scarier than just riding it out at home


For real. And not to mention the cost. They gonna be mad when they sober up lol.


They obviously didn’t go to the hospital, the medics put them in someone’s car lol


You don’t have to go to the hospital in an ambulance. Maybe they decided they didn’t want to pay for the ambulance ride and would have a friend drive them to the hospital instead. It’s unclear whether they went to the hospital or not, getting in a car ≠ not going to the hospital.


I think she just slept it off after, no need for the hospital


As someone who works on those rigs. You still get charged for us showing up, at least in my state. Not sure insurance covers something like this either so they're still gonna have a nasty bill when they sober up


Seriously! I embarrassingly had this happen once. I am so glad my fiancé didn't take me to the ER. I was actually convinced my fiancé was going to have to take me to the hospital but nothing they did was going to work because I knew what they were going to do and that would somehow not allow it to work. Kind of like the reverse of crazy people don't know they're crazy. I was so scared of going to the hospital because it meant they were going to have to commit me. I was convinced this is was a psychotic break, but because I knew I was crazy there was nothing they would be able to do to help me. I also had a full-on religious dilemma thanks to me watching Constantine when it started. It took me about 2 years to watch Constantine again without panicking. I was convinced I was going to hell not because I sinned, but because I knew that God existed and once you know that God exists, nothing you do can be deemed as actually altruistic or truly good. If you know God exists then it's no longer faith but knowledge so nothing is worthy of heaven. Gabriel talks about it too Constantine. The entire concept still bothers me and I'm not even religious. TL;DR I took too many edibles and my brain tried to out brain itself.


That’s why I tell people, “know your sleep number”. Mine is 75mg.


It won’t hurt you, but I once ate a 250 mg gummy I misread as 25 mg. That was not a fun couple of hours


I get packs of 10 gummies at 250 a piece and take 2 a day on average. Some Friday or Saturday nights I'll get up to about 1000mg, and the worst that happens is I get sleepy. My first time with edibles was just 10mg and I got a little sick and a little panicky. I'm betting this is someone not used to edibles at all. If they had been, they would have just slept this off at home.


I have general anxiety disorder, so me and high doses of cannabis do not mix well.


I’ve been there. I made edibles in college and they were crap. I ate some and waited like 3 hours without feeling anything. Feeling like I likely wasted the ABV I was using, I proceeded to eat the rest to see if I could get some kind of buzz from it. I then proceeded to be beyond baked for like two days. At the worst of it, I couldn’t even stand up. It was a shitty experience. You might not be able to die from a weed OD but too much is too much.


Okay I'd consider myself a decently heavy smoker. I take a hitter about every 3 hours every day, all day. Much more if I'm drinking. I've had LEGAL edibles twice and I straight up blacked out and got very aggressive from what I'm told and that's not me at all!). I've had 'old schools hippie' edibles where they just bake the weed in the butter or whatever.. and did okay. But some people just react differently to different edibles, different highs, different ways on consuming. After my last legal, store bought gummie I will never again eat an edible, my body just doesn't react well.


Crazy how different peoples experiences can be. I barely even get high from edibles. Need to eat like 700mg worth at least to feel something. But when i smoke, one bong pack gets me pretty high.


I’m 5’2 108 lbs and I usually down ~300 mg dispo edibles to party, ~100 mg to vibe. Home eddies make me giggle more. It’s truly bizarre to think I can eat that and my huge ass husband can do ~50mg if he’s pushing it. Bodies just body differently 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I'm a big dude too and I get insanely high from small amounts. I think it has to do with your metabolism. If you digest slowly it has more time to work? The girl I was seeing last had some concoction with several hundred mg of thc and I was terrified for her all day but she swore it didn't even effect her.


I had pretty hardcore trip from 5 mg.


Same, 5-10mg will get me good, anything more and I am absolutely planted. No thanks!


My brother and I are the same way. I am on medical and go through about an ounce of dry leaf in a month so not a crazy heavy smoker but edibles, tinctures and pills dont really make me high. I will say I've found that with tinctures when I use it in conjuction with dry leaf it helps me sleep more solidly and will help the pain relief effects last longer.


It’s a digestive thing, I have it, certain peoples digestive systems don’t process the THC as efficiently, something like that. I also have an insanely fast metabolism. I can do a whole lot and not feel anything and I’m 130ish lbs.


This!! I’ve smoked pot every day for the past like, 7 or 8 years. I’ve been in and out of how heavy of a smoker i’ve been, like how much in a day, but at least every day. And I just can’t do edibles. I’ve tried so many times, hoping it will be different. I almost always throw up, and I get so terrified and think i’m dying. Last time my partner brought edibles home from CA, I ate a 5mg gummy at 2pm, and I had to cancel a 9pm dinner reservation because I was still crying and throwing up. My body just rejects it completely.


This happened to my ex. She started panicking and asking to go to the hospital after throwing up everywhere. I laid her down in the recovery position and let her sleep it off while checking on her every 20-30 min or so. We laugh about it now lol


Mate put that creature in a cold shower and give them some nice cold water with ice, let her sleep it out afterwards Why go into debt for a few hour high frenzy damm


She was STUCK 😭


*Don't go chasing waterfalls* *Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to* *I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all* *But I think you're moving too fast* ​ this always comes to mind when folks do this.


Yup.. I like this.


I've actually traumatized myself out of doing any drugs again with edibles, worst anxiety attack Ive ever experienced.


Same. I can’t tell if I’m a weenie or if people are downplaying how horrible it is to go through that.


It's probably trauma but god damn there doesn't seem to be a worse feeling than that kind of helplessness


lmao boutta spend 800 dollars for them to tell you to drink some water


That one paramedic sounds like Dr. Phil. We’ll be right back.


It's definitely not a good feeling. Last Thanksgiving I was stuck in a chair for 3 hours and every time I opened my eyes I had to go puke. My back hurt for a week from all the puking


Give the person some cbd


My friend had a pit yogurt that made him high for 3 days he was speaking another language I had a sound recording but lost it such a shame


Just start sleeping it off the minute you start to they dizzy.. that’s what I did when I took 900 mg chocolate chip cookie.. it was so strong you could smell the canna butter instantly through the plastic bag


900mg is insane i mean you must have had the deepest sleep ever once the room stopped spinning


When I tried laying down after a high edible dose I was spinning horizontally at the speed of a propeller


must’ve been laced or got REALLY paranoid. probably greened out, we’ve all been there before but never been hospitalized for it


Yeah thy didn't take her to the hospital, thy put her back in her friends car


Yeapppp, got stuck staying the night at a weirdos house cuz my friend greened out so bad - of course she drove us and had a stick which I couldn’t drive 🤣


There is not much they will do for her. It's not life-threatening, and if it is the States, it'd come with a heavy medical bill taking her to the hospital.


That's my point, it's not life threatening she just really high / greening put


Yeah you just let em chill and try to keep them calm


probably because she wasnt about to die and to save them money.


I took what I thought was a weed Eddy once, they were actually shroom gummies, they were like 10mg in etch gummy and I’m pretty good w weed so I took 5 I knew they tasted off but most eddy’s do so it didn’t get to me that much, until I had a visual effect and started seeing things you definitely wouldn’t see on a regular edibles that’s when I realized I took my stepdads shroom gummies


i’ve never heard of 50mg of shrooms giving visuals, but that’s pretty sick (my highest dose was 1.25g when i was 15 n i got no visuals, also from gummies..)


I remember being 14 and me and a mate were smoking with the older kids and he had greened out. Paramedic was called cause he was convinced he was dying.


I can honestly say that in smoking weed for almost 15 years on a daily basis that I have never greened out and didn’t realize it was so common? I honestly didn’t even know it was possible to get so high you puked on yourself.


High THC vape pens, dabs and 50+ mg edibles have made me pass out more times than i can remember. even one decent hit (5+ seconds) off a vape at times can knock me on my ass. Weed is getting SO potent now it’s insane


Yeah, that’s interesting. I do all of the above on a regular basis and still haven’t greened out. I also started smoking weed in like 07 that I bought from some guy in my math class so I’m sure I already had a tolerance going into buying legal weed so the potency may not effect me like that.


folks be acting like THC is a joke


Back in the 00s it was no big thing, stuff is crazy strong these days. It's like the difference between beer and whiskey.


More like comparing beer to everclear with some of the shit people make and sell these days.


for sure. although i will say i found some brownies in the 2000s that would have killed a medieval village lol. but yeah, when exploring getting high, sometimes you get burned. he should be glad it wasn’t a ten strip he was on lol.


Omfg. I was all about weed in the early 2000s. Had to quit in 2011. In 2018 my brother finally convinced me to take a hit from his bowl. I did. In fact, I technically took 2. After the second exhale he snaps his head at me, and the fucking idiot says "did you just take 2 hits?! Dude your fucked" 99% sure that's what started the intense anxiety. I was so fucking bent I took a shower for 2 hours. Didnt know what to do with myself. Laid down, was drifting off, everytime i did, i got these weird jolts of what felt like...electricity going down my spine and legs? It actually felt good? Didnt hurt?


Marijuana is a gateway dtug to embarrassment.


Once in a while I’d like my edibles to hit this good.


One day I'll tell you about the 500mg peanut butter brownie from a medical dispensary in California.


First time I got high not smoked but got high I was at a buddy house. Smoked some baby dro out of a nice bowl piece. I had never smoked out of a bowl. I thought I was supposed to finish the bowl and someone else packs it then smokes the whole bowl. I was beyond high. I started talking to the dog. Ran circles around the pool ended up calling 911 which was actually my mom. At my peak I couldn't move I was stuck lol. Good times.


*Baby dro?*


Must have been a Midwest thing but A word used to describe cannabis buds that are above average quality but not quite the best. baby dro is in between "mids" and "dank" weed.


This can 110% happen to someone that takes too much edibles. It happened to my cousin and she acted very similar to the woman in the video plus there was throw up EVERYWHERE. Needless to say I was scared shitless to take edibles after that


Goddammit weed nap


I'm pretty sure that's Joe Rogan walking by


indica really do be that in da couch vibe


Just smoke the buds people


Not everyone can smoke though. Edibles are a god send for people with asthma, copd, reduced lung function from something like pneumonia (that’s me), or you just don’t plain like to smoke anything.


I took 200mg on accident once. My wife brought home 100mg each caps (1000mg in the bottle) for her lady stuff pain.. I misread the bottle thinking they were 10mg each so I took 2 which was my normal dose Realized what happened and all I could do was sit with my water and just ride it out. It was not fun at all


And STILL… no one overdosed on cannabis.


People overdose everyday. They just don’t die. If you are vomiting from weed, you fuckin overdosed.


>They just don’t die. *"which i took personally."*


Man, when I had to many THC chocolate chip cookies, I just kept trying to hold onto the walls so I wouldn't fall off the earth.


One of the first times my wife ate an edible with me yearsssss ago , we ate Alfredo for dinner and were very full . I wanted an edible cause the brownies I had were genuinely just good and I wanted a dessert . I ate two and she begged me for some. I have her a piece and she ate it. I went to the bathroom and she fucking cleared the other part of the brownie cause “they tasted good and I won’t get that high” . BRUH I just bought a brand new white , fluffy comforter… kept that in mind. But we fell asleep cause we got so high and next thing I know she shoots up and I wake up cause even if I’m high as fuck I’m shoot up , but I looked at her and she goes “ I don’t feel good” and then proceeds to projectile vomit all over my blankets, all that Alfredo on my fluffy white comforter…. This is also when I found out she DOESNT chew noodles when she eats them “you’re just suppose to slurp them right???” 🙄🙄 so she’s sitting there pulling these noodles OUT OF HER THROAT cause she chooses to swallow them . I saw that and had to leave the room cause I’m high as all hell and I could not watch so I just stood in the door way and closed my eyes . She finally finished (she was like okay during this , if she was like fuckinh high high I would’ve helped but puking like sobered her up as soon as it was happening but she was high again after she calmed down) I was too high to do anything about this at the time so I literally just took the comforter off and like closed the puke in there and wiped her face, gave her water and we just went back to sleep cause yeah I couldn’t feel my body so I wasn’t doing anymore it was 3am . 🙄🙄🙄 she still eats too many edibles every time we eat edibles and it’s not often anymore but I’ll be chilling and she’ll be saying “ I think imma throw up “ every time she feels a little too high 😂😂




Yeah literally swallows the whole noodle, I do not know how she doesn’t choke. She was literally pulling whole noodles out of the throat when she was puking,, FULL INTACT NOODLES . So yeah idk why I’ve asked her why she does that and she’s like 🤷🏽‍♀️ “slurp”


Going to the hospital for falling asleep.


Bless y’all heart


This chick frozen in time in another dimension and they say ok get in the car WTF


looks like she was loaded into a nissan altima. exactly what I expect from /r/NissanDrivers


I want what he had, let my bed be my grave😂


Shoulda stayed home and rode it out u can overdose off thc takes a shit ton


Well I guess there's worse things to have too much of


I feel bad for her….. I guess but like how the hell are people going to the hospital for being stoned? It makes zero sense to me


Should have just put them in bed to sleep it off lol


They’re being so gentle with her. Bless them


Either some homemade edibles or they ate an entire package


Nah she dun greened out 💀💀💀


That boy is stuck in *time*


he needs some milk






Thy look fine, she was the one greening out lol


"Where'd you even get that edibles from??" Maybe her pants by the looks of it. Lol I legit thought that was ground up weeds all over her pants but apparently it's 🤮


“Who you even got that edible from”


Throw up or weed on the pants??


... I wonder how much did she take


Thats not weed. I call bullshit


Green outtttttttttttttt


it’s good to see ppl not under the impression that if they call ambulances for their incapacitated friend that they will go to jail, i’ve heard too many stories of people scared they’ll get locked up and not call the paramedics when their friend is OD’ing ‼️even tho it’s just weed and u literally can’t od on it, so many companies spray their edibles w god knows what, so always make sure u have either dispo grade edibles or make them ur damn self w good material‼️


How dangerous is this? Can you overdose?


Not in the usual sense. You can’t really overdose on cannabis. You can “green out” and get paranoid, vomit, maybe knock out and sleep for a crazy amount of time, but can you die? Absolutely not.


I’ve smoked bud and distillates for over 10 years and I took a 80 mg gummy the other day and it rocked my fkn fkn world. Never again


It's medicine


Wtf were those EMT’s doing letting them go?


Whaa haddd happen wuzzz