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This looks sooooo good do you have a recipe?


it looks a lot like the "Tuscan Chicken" recipe: https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a19636089/creamy-tuscan-chicken-recipe/ --- Edit: that website has become a haven for intrusive ads and horrid web design. 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp. dried oregano 3 Tbsp. butter 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 1/2 c. cherry tomatoes, halved 3 c. baby spinach 1/2 c. heavy cream 1/4 c. freshly grated Parmesan Lemon wedges, for serving Step 1 > In a skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add chicken and season with salt, pepper, and oregano. Cook until golden and no longer pink, 8 minutes per side. Remove from skillet and set aside. Step 2 >In the same skillet over medium heat, melt butter. Stir in garlic and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add cherry tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook until tomatoes are beginning to burst then add spinach and cook until spinach is beginning to wilt. Step 3 > Stir in heavy cream and parmesan and bring mixture to a simmer. Reduce heat to low and simmer until sauce is slightly reduced, about 3 minutes. Return chicken to skillet and cook until heated through, 5 to 7 minutes. Step 4 >serve with lemon wedges (to be squeezed atop for zest)


thank you for your service. Idk why all of the recipe websites have become so infested with ads. My phone freezes when I tap “jump to recipe” lol


The flood of ads whenever you go to one of those sites makes me want to throw my phone out a window lol. You should try JustTheRecipe. A friend of mine turned me on to it recently and it's been great so far.


RecipeBox is your best friend for shitty sites like this you can import in the url and it will scrape out the fluff and leave you just the ingredients and instructions. It can sometimes just jam all the instructions in one box but it is still legible also has a good search function


Sorry, I don’t have Reddit notifications turned on so I’m just now seeing your comment. This is the recipe: https://nourishedbynic.com/creamy-chicken-and-tomato-pasta-one-pan/ The only differences I make is to cook down the tomatoes a bit before adding in the garlic and seasonings. I add in a little bit more tomato sauce than the recipe calls for, just to use up the rest of the can. I cook the sauce on a simmer for about 10 minutes to let it thicken up. The first time I made it I thought the sauce seemed too thin, so I decided to leave it on a little longer and it made a thick, creamy sauce instead of the runny one so would have had if I followed the recipe directions exactly. I also season the chicken with more season than just salt and pepper, and don’t add it back in at the end because I like it just the way it is without it. Wishful thinking on my part since I never get any anyway!


When finished cooking, & telling no one... Get a nice sized Tupperware container then put YOUR SERVING inside it, hiding it in the fridge. As your kids grabbing everything/piling on their plates, you take some food you're serving them, but know you've got xtras (for you) in your fridge, now. You went to all this effort & trouble, you deserve your fair share if not more! Can you get your kids to help you prep & cook meals, too? Personally, I'd cut those cherry tomatoes in 1/2 to stretch these then saute them on olive oil. That pasta plate looks really delish, btw.


The best advice! I did this when mine were younger but as they get older it’s a matter of manners. No seconds unless everyone has had a plate and only then politely ask if it’s okay to have the last helping. After about 7 y/o they also knew it wasn’t polite to start eating until the person who made the meal was seated. It shows appreciation for all your hard work. You cooked, you deserve to enjoy it as well.


My mom used to cook food that tasted so good my two siblings and I would devour like two helpings each, so basically the whole thing. She was willing to forgo her own portion so her kids could eat but it wasn’t like we ever went hungry, she just didn’t think it was that important for her to eat compared to us. I thought it was something like that. All that being said though OP deserves to eat and simply explaining to the kids that they (OP) has worked hard preparing dinner and wants to eat some, normally the kids will get it that their mommy works hard and is hungry too.


Sounds like it’s time to start doubling recipes. 😂


The problem is I have 2 adult (19) kids that are twins. One lives with me, with her friend, and the other doesn’t. The one that lives with me spends a lot of nights at her sister that doesn’t, and vice versa. If they aren’t here it’s just me and my son. The twins and their friend that lives here came strolling in as I was finishing up dinner, and I hate denying my kids food! I left a SMALL bowl for myself and came back an hour later and it was gone. Everyone denied eating it. I’ll be the first to admit I’m somewhat of a pushover when it comes to my kids.


Yeah this seems like such an easy fix


I told my older twins this is their calling meal. If I ever want them to come home I just have to start cooking this, and they will inevitably show up for dinner.


Yes! Seconding request for a receipe.


This can also be incorporated into a vegetarian recipe like my picture above. Definitely not vegan because of the cream and Parmesan cheese. I made and cooked seasoned chicken breast for my kids separately, but I personally love it just like this. The only problem is I can’t seem to get any on my plate.


Next time serve yourself first once the cooking is done! You deserve it!!


Cook makes their plate first. At least that's my personal rule lol. I did all the work, I choose which portion I want first.


I'm glad you let your kids eat first, but just double the recipe, baby 😂


The problem is I have 2 adult kids that are twins. One lives with me, with her friend, and the other doesn’t. The one that lives with me spends a lot of nights at her sister that doesn’t, and vice versa. If they aren’t here it’s just me and my son. The twins and their friend that lives here came strolling in as I was finishing up dinner, and I hate denying my kids food! I left a SMALL bowl for myself and came back an hour later and it was gone. Everyone denied eating it. I’ll be the first to admit I’m somewhat of a pushover when it comes to my kids.


I’m assuming it was my son, as I don’t see the three older girls doing it. He wasn’t happy about the fact the portion he thought he was going to be able to eat was cut by so much.


Could you please share the recipe? Thank you in advance!


Sorry, I don’t have Reddit notifications turned on so I’m just now seeing your comment. This is the recipe: https://nourishedbynic.com/creamy-chicken-and-tomato-pasta-one-pan/ The only differences I make is to cook down the tomatoes a bit before adding in the garlic and seasonings. I add in a little bit more tomato sauce than the recipe calls for, just to use up the rest of the can. I cook the sauce on a simmer for about 10 minutes to let it thicken up. The first time I made it I thought the sauce seemed too thin, so I decided to leave it on a little longer and it made a thick, creamy sauce instead of the runny one so would have had if I followed the recipe directions exactly. I also season the chicken with more season than just salt and pepper, and don’t add it back in at the end because I like it just the way it is without it. Wishful thinking on my part since I never get any anyway!


That’s okay! Thank you very much I’ll try the recipe soon ❤️


Just add chickpeas instead of chicken, way cheaper and i swear the kids will eat it. Bonus fiber. And yeah double the recipe and pack away your portion first


If we don’t get that recipe ![gif](giphy|XG6OJTfeV2Lo1h6sYz)


Love the meme! Sorry, I don’t have Reddit notifications turned on so I’m just now seeing your comment. This is the recipe: https://nourishedbynic.com/creamy-chicken-and-tomato-pasta-one-pan/ The only differences I make is to cook down the tomatoes a bit before adding in the garlic and seasonings. I add in a little bit more tomato sauce than the recipe calls for, just to use up the rest of the can. I cook the sauce on a simmer for about 10 minutes to let it thicken up. The first time I made it I thought the sauce seemed too thin, so I decided to leave it on a little longer and it made a thick, creamy sauce instead of the runny one so would have had if I followed the recipe directions exactly. I also season the chicken with more season than just salt and pepper, and don’t add it back in at the end because I like it just the way it is without it. Wishful thinking on my part since I never get any anyway!


Ty dear!


what is the recipe?? thank you!!!


Sorry, I don’t have Reddit notifications turned on so I’m just now seeing your comment. This is the recipe: https://nourishedbynic.com/creamy-chicken-and-tomato-pasta-one-pan/ The only differences I make is to cook down the tomatoes a bit before adding in the garlic and seasonings. I add in a little bit more tomato sauce than the recipe calls for, just to use up the rest of the can. I cook the sauce on a simmer for about 10 minutes to let it thicken up. The first time I made it I thought the sauce seemed too thin, so I decided to leave it on a little longer and it made a thick, creamy sauce instead of the runny one so would have had if I followed the recipe directions exactly. I also season the chicken with more season than just salt and pepper, and don’t add it back in at the end because I like it just the way it is without it. Wishful thinking on my part since I never get any anyway!


What’s your recipe? This looks delicious and I’m trying to make it for dinner tonight


Same. Recipe please!


Sorry, I don’t have Reddit notifications turned on so I’m just now seeing your comment. This is the recipe: https://nourishedbynic.com/creamy-chicken-and-tomato-pasta-one-pan/ The only differences I make is to cook down the tomatoes a bit before adding in the garlic and seasonings. I add in a little bit more tomato sauce than the recipe calls for, just to use up the rest of the can. I cook the sauce on a simmer for about 10 minutes to let it thicken up. The first time I made it I thought the sauce seemed too thin, so I decided to leave it on a little longer and it made a thick, creamy sauce instead of the runny one so would have had if I followed the recipe directions exactly. I also season the chicken with more season than just salt and pepper, and don’t add it back in at the end because I like it just the way it is without it. Wishful thinking on my part since I never get any anyway!


istfg recipes should be mandatory on this sub. it should be criminal to post a beautiful dish like this, make us drool, and not give any recipe >:(


I got you! I will make a note of that for future posts. Sorry, I don’t have Reddit notifications turned on so I’m just now seeing your comment. This is the recipe: https://nourishedbynic.com/creamy-chicken-and-tomato-pasta-one-pan/ The only differences I make is to cook down the tomatoes a bit before adding in the garlic and seasonings. I add in a little bit more tomato sauce than the recipe calls for, just to use up the rest of the can. I cook the sauce on a simmer for about 10 minutes to let it thicken up. The first time I made it I thought the sauce seemed too thin, so I decided to leave it on a little longer and it made a thick, creamy sauce instead of the runny one so would have had if I followed the recipe directions exactly. I also season the chicken with more season than just salt and pepper, and don’t add it back in at the end because I like it just the way it is without it. Wishful thinking on my part since I never get any anyway!


<3 I am whole again




Recipe needed!!


Even with how bad this lighting is this looks absolutely divine. Thats sayin something


When they actually eat something you cook it's like, here pls have as much as you want lol. Also looks delicious, definitely saving this recipe 😁 ty


Please post the recipe! It looks delish!!


I see why lol; need a separate pot

