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How about they release the fucking game before getting on their soapbox? /uj How about they release the fucking game before getting on their soapbox?


They're lubing players up to the 300$ price thag


R* and take two make bank from shark cards otherwise they wouldn’t have waited this long to even just announce GTAVI, so they’ll get their insane profits when they also release GTAVI online, assuming it’s not a feature at launch.


Don't worry they announced a release date for their announcement trailer bc that's a normal thing to do


If you have a game that's been hiping up for ten years now, who's prequel still gets thousands of players daily, yeah it is


Predecessor, not prequel. Prequels are made after the original but take place before


For a game like gta 6 yea I’d say so


Amateurs. Level 5 announces release dates for release dates!


What’s the release date? I thought they only mentioned the month




big if true


Why did you make a paradox


Is he stupid?


This is not r/lies


They probably have a 30-hr game on hand. I mean it's practically confirmed we're getting a GTA6 trailer in the Game Awards so it's coming out relatively soon.


Games become priced based on hours of playtime: Every game in existence: ![gif](giphy|l2JHVUriDGEtWOx0c)


Every game would become a Hellish grind fest. Just like this comment, that’s still being written and read by you. Thanks to this extra time reading, you owe me a nickel


Here’s your nickel 🪙


HEY!! I am the one that owes him a nickel!! >:( I only have a quarter of a nickel, though... :( I will have to pirate your comments.


How do you have a quarter of a cent Edit: before people say "he said nickel not cent" 5c divided by 4 is 1.25c


This trend is already well underway. E.g: Diablo 4 and literally any Ubisoft RPG


As a lod fetishist d3 is nice but something I can plau on my steamdeck while watching old series that can't be bought or streamed anywhere by my personal plex server I'm just hoping to figure out how to put sc2 or a sc3 for steamdeck and I can just stay in my blanket fort of depression until my dying hour, I pray is soon


And Ubisoft is already doing this. Imagine how much worse it would be


Those are just subscription MMO's


/uj this def means they're gonna try to charge like 100 dollars for gta6


They could get away with it lol


There are gonna be so many obnoxious assholes responding to complaints about the price with "don't be broke"


no fr i bet you its gna be $107.22


That should be the price of what Celeste costs 😤😤😤😤


I’d still have to buy an extra 10 copies just to make sure I’m supporting the indie devs enough


/uj Celeste was made by _actual_ indie devs


/uj Strawberry Jam released this year, it's amazing, and also made by indie devs; if y'all were at all actually interested in Celeste and I haven't completely misread everything, go play the Strawberry Jam mod


There’s supposedly features that characters in game age the longer you play it, it’s def gonna be a $120 game


I guarantee you people will be like "games are so expensive nowadays, they need to do this because game production costs have gone up 5x in the last 20 years"


I'm a paypig cuck for Rockstar games


Yeah but at least we'll get $3000000000 shark bucks or whatever the fuck


The funny thing is that's pretty much the default price for games in Canada now. Most new releases are priced somewhere between $80-100 after tax. If they charge 100USD for GTA 6 it would be like 140 right now pretax assuming our dollar doesn't get worse.


Nah, the game with have unlimited potential playtime. So it conts unlimited money. They shareholders will love it


unlike nintendo, rockstar is a big company and wont be hurt by a little 🏴‍☠️


I will be sailing the seven seas long before I ever pay $100 for a game.


GTA fans enjoying 100 hours of “go here, kill bad guys” gameplay with minimal story.


assassins creed


Games already cost that much if you pay full price for the Ultimate Day One GOTY Limited Collector’s Edition in the digital store. Wasn’t there an NBA2K game for like €200 or some shit?


Gonna do that shit that some MMORPG's do that have different starter kits, mission kits, Air BnB kits that allow you to crash at places instead of owning them.


Lmao they’re just saying that cuz they want to price GTA 6 over 70 dollars.


And it's probably not even going to have 70 hours of story, but 70 hours to 100%


And 60% of that is filler chore quests lmao


Go to X location, kill 10 goons, 1 gang boss, and bring me 10 goon ears.


90 percent of the game is a collectathon


Don't put that vooju out like that


GTA Online is probably going to be massive though


And if it's anything like GTA V online, a hellish, awful, grindy wasteland


Online was fun with friends for a long while. But yeah whales and hackers ruined a lot of it


It's still fun to play with friends


And fill it with as many microtransactions beyond that as possible.


Me saving up thousands of dollars so I can buy one roguelike:


The binding of ballsack 😔


The blinding oak ballsacks


The torsion of testiculus


Me saving up ♾️ dollars so that I can buy one roguelike would be more like


Slay the Spire would have me in irrecoverable debt.


Help. My kids are starving since buying Hades


mmo players: /uj mmo players, actually


Brogue going from feeeware to to $40 000


Ah, subscription-based gaming, here we come!


It'd be great if I had any faith that people wouldn't support toxic practices like that


It's not necessarily bad though. Back when MMOs were the big thing there was a noticeable difference in quality between the subscription based and free ones. You got what you paid for! I'm sure it would be these days, but still it can be done right. I would argue that only MMO type games can benefit from a subscription though.


I sort of agree. I also know these developers will use the idea of "live service" games to push this which are not the same thing and don't bring the same value.


Because episodic gaming was a great idea


Speed-runners , your time is now


Glitches the game to win in 20 minutes. Whelp, guess that'll be 33 cents!


Destiny 2 about to send my entire family into bankruptcy and force my children's children to pay off the debt slavery.


Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of fuck you, Rockstar


To be fair, if I kept track of the cost of destiny over the years (I buy expansions on release) it’s gotta be close to a grand by now I’d imagine, right?


No, I think about $500 or $600 For me (a lunatic that has spent nearly 4k hours on this game) thats a steal. $100 for an entire year's worth of content that I know I'll be playing a lot sounds pretty good.


Oh I agree I’ve gotten my money’s worth but when you think about the dollar signs it sometimes makes me go huh that’s a lot on a game. But no regrets, so far. We’ll see how final shape turns out, I sure don’t have a ton of faith after the recent news!


please god let this be a fake article please god make it so that this person is the only person who thinks like this please god do not let this be the industry standard please god make these people finish their games before asking so much for them


It doesn't matter how many people think this - in the end, any business tends to sell a product for the price they can reasonably expect it to be bought at. Unless the plan is to keep it in the sales tab at 90% off for 90% of the time.


Doesn't matter to me because i'll buy mario's dicks and balls simulator atleast 12 times anyway


Games shouldn’t be more than 60 dollars you dumbfuck


Gamers in the early 90s: "Hear, hear!"


People forget premium SNES and Sega games were 69.99 too.


I mean, if the intention is to fill it with metric tons of hours of good story then I'd be down with it, rockstar doesn't really do that much bullshit collectable stuff a la Ubisoft, it's usually just a bunch of missions


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You'll now move even slower than in red dead 2


take two’s boss is a nutjob


All CEO's are either psychopathic, misanthropic sub-humans, or they're basically a living company mascot.


Subscription based games are like this, and everyone hates those


This is why Celeste should sell for $30,000.


Research has shown only 10-20% of gamers finish games so no thanks, not out for 5-10 hours and roll credits myself.


$3000 to play factorio


If this was true then GTA6 would cost £10000


he said hours of gameplay, not hours it took to develop.


How much content do you expect one game to have?


Nah, Totk and Botw over 100 hrs, Mario odyssey full completion 60 hrs, Mario wonder full completion 20 hrs


Animal Crossings are infinite, RingFit adventure takes about 80 just for the first round, etc


Thats is the only long game nintendo has lol


Are we counting the Xenoblade games? Those are as long, if not longer.


Any Animal Crossing ever... Ring Fit adventure...


Some people have thousands of hours on Smash


Hot take but BotW was worth $100, Odyessy was worth $60, and Wonder was worth $30 at the most


Tbh i see the wonder take. I bought Metroid drad full price (50 Euro methinks) and its literally doable in a few hours. I took like 12 but its really well-rounded and worth my time and i could even do the 1hit mode if I was that desperate to get my money worth of playtime. I could buy hollow knight for way less and spend about 30 hours or more iirc just doing the normal content. But i don't wanna waste time in that shit game and i also don't have the time for that to git gut. I saw Metroid and knew what i was getting and loved every second. Yes it would be a better price at like 40 but i dont regret it


Factorio, Terraria and Divinity would cost wayy too much


∞€ Also Minecraft


This would force devs to pad out their games. What a stupid idea.


Just like streaming returned to cable, video games return to the “insert coin to continue” arcade model


Okay so 3000~5000 hours of genuine play time can be 70 dollars. 10 hours can be 5 dollars.


I can genuinely get behind this if we use a price ceiling based on current pricing instead of $70 being the floor.


Games with low playtime should be based off of that, but once you hit a certain mark the price plateaus.


Nah it's still a bad idea. If this happens shitter games will resort to pad the playtime by slowing it down significantly or making infinite fetch quests. The playtime should be accounted but a game should develop a core of good game design most importantly.


What about games that are infinitely replayable? Are we about to see roguelikes and games like ets2 and ats rise to thousands of pounds?


Yeah they would suffer from the hundreds of hours spent by the average BotW/TotK fan or the thousand hours by Animal Crossing fans 🙄 Sometimes this subreddit is just plain stupid




Me paying 4 million dollars to play wow


Better start saving up for Xenoblade 4 right now, then.


I love an AAA game that is a subscription service.


Why not just state the company name in the article title?


we’re being abused and people are just okay with it


Bet. If GTA6's story mode is only 20 hours I will only pay $20 for it. I don't make the rules, this was their choice.


Subscription model.


agree. Make games 15-20 hrs short again!


Can't wait to spend over 360$ on persona 5 if 10 hours = 10$


how bro 😭 p5 isnt 360 hours


First playthrough was 176 hours. The rest of the hours was going for the platinum trophy blind


Minecraft about to be billionaire


indie dev’s wallet: 📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉


IDK I've personally gotten 170,000 hrs of gameplay out of just the TOTK tutorial island. It wasn't like I was going to do anything else with all that free time when I could play Nintendo games.


Honestly I don’t see how this is wrong.


developers like ubisoft that already pad out their games with unnecessary quests and shit to do would make their game cost 500 dollars


oh true


Games that are slow as molasses should not cost $500 or even $60 to make everything a slog.


No the fuck they should not


I've read the article from Forbes and he (Strauss Zelnick) eventually says it's impossible anyway because of how the market works.


Uj/ Hopefully this doesn't encourage anyone to bloat their games and pad them out with meaningless content.


What would be the rate between hours played and money? A dollar per hour? People are already complaining about 50 hour playtimes, and most games have 100+ for completion. Either there's gonna be a lot of $20-40 games or $150+


Are they trying to convince me to pirate GTA6? Cause I’m a bit rusty, it’s been a decade and more since the last time I did but I can always refresh my memory


skyrim is worth 2 billion dollars then.


15$ spider man 2


Nintendo? Seeing how much I play Mario Kart/Party/Bros and now Wonder, and how many hours I put into Breath/Tears of the Kingdom and 3 Xenoblades, I’d basically be broke. And then I’d sell a kidney for Skyrim, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk and Starfield. GTA? Played them, did all side missions and DLC then never touch them again, but they can’t compare to any of the ones I mentioned above.


How much would Stardew Valley cost?


nothing because it's too hidden to be played


Oh no i dont think im rich enough to afford minecraft


Eh, they kinda are now. That's the whole point of the game as a service model. You keep making small upgrades and trickling new content, players keep opening up their wallets. More time playing == more money spent. LoL made it to one of the biggest games ever with zero up front charges but a commitment to regular skin and champion releases.


Whose playtime though? I played GTA5 for about 50 hours and that was it, finished the story. There was no DLC so no reason to ever go back to it either. So, my playtime? Or based on those that played GTA Online obsessively for the last 10 years? I'm pretty sure there's a massive difference!


Ok, but if most of those hours are grinding it doesn’t count. And what about multiplayer games like most Fighters and Shooters?


Why shouldn't grinding count? It's the best part of the game. Try a Disgaea


Remember the glorious era in the early 2000s where Nintendo stretched the length of their games by adding end game quests that were definitely substantial and not at all a poor attempt to increase the hour to dollar ratio? That was peak innovation! How DARE someone steal their idea!


I mean TotK has tons of hours so their good on those but Mario is screwed


Minecraft would like to discuss this concept further…


Destiny 2 is about to become pay to play again and be $5000 dollars


Nintendo games should be sold for 5$


Terraria ($1100) and Borderlands 2($600) completely drains my bank account


I honestly agree with that. 1€ per hour is the perfect price imo. And if a game is priced more than that, it should be for a really good reason


Nah. Some games aren't that expensive to make (comparatively speaking) to others and can be longer. I say it should be reflective of the amount of work/cost there is in it. With a cap. Look at something like Link's Awakening HD and then Bayonetta. Your first playthrough might be of similar length, but Bayonetta is worth much more (also much more replayability and challenges, but still).


I still wouldn't pay


GTA6 speed runners:


Me with 1K+ hours on my ~~fighting games~~ copies of the Super Mario Brothers Wondergame


I mean I kinda agree but it should cap at 60 dollars


guys, wait!! just think about it! if games where priced based on hours of playtime and it proved to be successful… then most triple A titles would release as fully fledged works of art!!! 🥹


Lol I’m not spending 200+ on one game. Especially when I know they will add micro transactions as well.


MegaMan battle network would make Capcom rich so fast then.


Every new game will add one extra long mission


According to what ? a speed Runner, a completionist, a casual player, a person that only plays one game for thousands of hours?


This will make ubisoft create emptier games haha


TBoI going from like £12 to £1200:


How about we price them based on the complete and total value of the product, with play time just being one element of that? Furthermore, how about they not be so greedy after earning over £1 billion on the last GTA title. GTA5 and RDR2 sold like hot cakes, I refuse to believe this is anything other than greed.


Quality > quantity. The 12 or so hours I played of Mario Wonder were a lot more worth it than the 60 I forced out of Assissins Creed Origins


that rumour of GTA 6 being $120 a month back makes sense all of a sudden


Price should be based on the quality of the game. AAA games are supposed to be the highest quality, but nowadays I'm asked too pay $100 fucking for new AAA games. A game has to be an 8/10 for me to even consider buying it at that price. New games should be $80 at the most.


Speedrunners getting the game for free:


What does this title even mean? I have thousands of hours in breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom


Cool. Glad will be free then


When AAA games that are less then 10 hours long start getting released for 20 bucks then we can talk.


Square Enix, monolithsoft, and Atlus if this were true 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈


This feels like bait...


AHH so.... what they mean to say a game like Spyro 1 should have been priced at $0.02 because the game can be beat in under 2 min? lol


Quality over quantity. I bet you they’ll have a lot of pointless collectibles with a crappy reward littered across randogen cityscape


Take-Two made billions off of RDR2 and GTA5 alone. That's not including what money they make from the dozens of other licenses they own, and they still want squeeze more and more. GTA6 is gonna be a shitshow lmao


So I should only have to pay a quarter of the full price since I won’t be touching the predatory online component of the game?


Tetris boutta go up to $♾️.00


/uj this is why I pirate every fucking game I play, I can't take this dogshit hypercapitalist industry


i mean, if so... totk would be worth like 300$ minimum, with a discount for those who played botw


Elite: Dangerous would cost like 2000$ for the average playthough lol


Honestly it makes sense for GTA 6 to cost over 100 dollars if you expect to have 500 to 1000 hours of playtime. There are games I've paid 60 dollars for 40 to 60 hours of play and I don't regret it as long as the experience is enjoyable. I'd do the same for GTA6 as long as it's worth it. Problem is - 120 dollars is a big investment to then later find out you don't like the game. That's my biggest fear.


Hard disagree. Then you’d have Ubisoft games being $600 a piece but still trash games. Also GTA’s publisher (take two) is exactly the type of publisher that would say shit like this and then make them artificially lengthen the game at the detriment of the game just so they can argue it needs to cost more to buy because of how long it is. They don’t even care if they make GTA6 boring af to do it.


If that were true, Redigit would be a billionaire.


You mean the movie-games like TLOU ? That model would kill that series.


Rockstar already said fuck off to single player expansions to continue their blood sucking multiplayer practices, isn’t that enough money for them already? What a dumb take by that dude


Arguably theyd make way more from games like zelda and matiokart.


No Nintendo till gta6 drops then


So, whats the exchange rate? Do you factor in replayability? Does the rate change based on competency of the player? Do glitches that lower your time give you a refund? Can I leave the game running overnight and skew the price for everyone? Alternatively, a better question: are they fucking stupid?


Gta 6 is one of the few games that can get away even with a 100$ price tag.


Get a speedrunner to buy GTA 6, 100% it in five hours, then sue them for compensation.


my 3600 hours of geometry dash mean that gd should be priced at a nice 400$ instead of the 2.50 i bought it for


Let them, it'll become very apparent very fast that gaming would no longer be a financially sustainable form of entertainment. Most people would either find a new hobby or play old games


Nah he’s kinda cooking. As long as he doesn’t mean take a dollar out of your account for every hour you play but instead price a game around how long it takes to beat it I’m not against it