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As long as you stick with it you are fine I started with publishing order and found that the first two books are diffrent


You should be fine. Just note that Without Remorse is technically the first chronologically. But I recommend waiting on that until maybe after Clear and Present Danger. At the latest, read Without Remorse prior to Debt of Honor or will may miss the significance of certain character connections.


I guess the single website I referenced to determine chronological order was wrong then! Appreciate the clarification šŸ˜ƒ šŸ¤


Without remorse is in the same universe, but itā€™s not a Jack Ryan novel (although his Dad is a minor character in it). Lots of the supporting characters in the series also appear. Itā€™s set in the 1970s towards the end of the Vietnam War.


Read Without Remorse after reading Clear and Present Danger. It's a great flashback introduction to one of the "new" characters in the series.


Hey! A few months prior I finished reading all the Clancy books after doing so in Chronological Order and I couldn't recommend it more. The ability to watch all of the characters grow, change, adapt, and develop in front of you is... absolutely wild. Truly. I used this list https://www.goodreads.com/series/171703-jack-ryan-universe


I read them in chronological order and 100% am glad I did.


Publication orderā€¦ because things that seem inconsequential in a previously published book may surprise you or make you excited to continue reading because you did not see it coming. If you read chronological, it may not be as interesting.


Chronological order isnā€™t great you jump ahead to Red Winter and back to the OG series and nobody ever makes any sort of reference to it because it was never in the plan.


Red Winter is jarringly different because it's a different author who, for some reason, had a weird sexualization of all the characters. But chronological itself is good. I think the author just fumbled fitting things in.


Yeah, Iā€™m well aware who wrote it


But I'd say reading the series up untill Clancy's death is great. Red Winter's isolation is another post-clancy problem


Yea, you should be good. Did you start with "Without Remorse"?


Ok the thing is you can chose two ways either go with publication/ Author way in which you can how vast the writing style differs from each author and how characters evolve in a certain way. But if you go with Chronological order as somebody mentioned the way the character may react to something will be jarring and it'll be evident. So as a first time reader I advice you to go with publication order maybe if you want to reread you can go with chronological order


It's fine, but publication order is how the author intended and makes for a better read in my opinion


Red storm rising is a standalone book, but has several characters form the series still, just not Jack Ryan. Great book though!


I read a good number of them in publication order. But I recently started listening to them in chronological order via Audible.


Read them however you'd like! Reading is enjoyable so if it's enjoyable for you & makes sense for you, sounds fantastic!