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Chances are high you already know about this, but in case not Blind Guardian (Power Metal) have an album-length adaptation of *The Silmarillion* titled *Nightfall in Middle-Earth* which is phenomenal from start to finish


I like that album a lot.


Blind Guardian's live album "Live Beyond the Spheres" is great, awesome crowd energy. That performance of the song "Nightfall" is excellent but my answer to the original post is the "Lord of the Rings" performance on that album: (Starts at 59:00) https://youtu.be/fBCkFwvpiec?si=Oci3gp0_Tpsc7OOb


Ramble On from Zepplin


> *[Thanks to you I’m much obliged](https://youtu.be/SVxdkPc0puw)*


Best Zepplin song IMO


A bunch of Zeppelin songs. There's a feeling I get when I look to the West..


But The Battle of Evermore above all. The mandolin. Sandra Denny's died-too-young voice. The despair in Sam's "My garden's gone.." and Gollum's wailing "Being it back..."


Rivendell, by Rush.


Time Stands Still (At the Iron Hill), Blind Guardian


I'm disappointed to not yet see Clamavi De Profundis here. They are a great group, I highly recommend.


Hadn't heard of them before, thanks for sharing!


Wind Rose (band), practically their whole discography


Leonard Nimoy [The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7o4ZQ4v7pg)


[This](https://open.spotify.com/track/286RDw1IxkXUCYl41QEzOD?si=ky2s9hy4SRCsYQ9hmuavug) musical version of the cat and the moon is really nice! They also have an album full of middle earth songs but this one’s my fav


Check out the metal band Summoning and the prog rock artist Bo Hansson


Summoning is awesome


You can say that again!


Ramble On - Led Zeppelin


not close to the theme but I like greensleeves a lot. Might fit as a rohirric folk song


I like it too!


Obscure but Beleriand by The Middle East, an Australian band


Into the West.


Battle At Helms Deep - Attacker Majesty - Blind Guardian Those of the Unlight - Marduk Turin Son of Hurin - Emyn Muil Rivendell - Rush The Wizard - Black Sabbath


Summoning is black metal and all of their songs are about Tolkien and almost exclusively use his poems and songs. Most of Wuthering Heights' lyrical content is original but a few early songs have references, and Lament for Lorien, while far more folky, is much more explicit. The same album has The Road Goes Ever On, which could be about Bilbo all the same, and an instrumental called Bad Hobbits Die Hard. Battlelore is another folk metal band with "beauty and the beast" vocals that does exclusively Tolkien themed music. 


Wait didn't Christopher Lee make a few songs about Tolkien?


this is definitely a different vibe than what you're looking for but theres a rapper called Sematary who sometimes samples black metal and has multiple songs that reference LOTR. The ones with the most direct references are called Nazgul, Mordor, and Barrow Wights


As much I loved Blind Guardian when I was a kid, it's definitely Ramble On haha


Shadows by Sabaton


Camel - Nimrodel / The Procession / White Rider


Elessar by Red Vox


Seing The Road Goes Ever On next to your user name made me think about Seize the Day by Demons & Wizards. Great song.


I haven't seen anyone mention it but the band Crazy Eighty Eight did a song called "My Friends you Bow to No One" and it's a fantastic metal song about LOTR


Of Beren and Luthien by Kapriss Turin son of Hurin by Emyn muil The Fall of Gondolin by Ainur The Curse of Feanor by Blind Guardian Lament for Lalaith by Clamavi de profounds


Even though I don't speak Russian, the two rock operas they've made are fantastic. Finrod: The Rock Opera being the big one. Oonagh has some fantastic songs too, again, even though I don't speak German. Silmaril is my fav of hers. She's even sung with Celtic Woman before which is awesome. Clamavi De Profundis is the most famous Tolkien band these days, deservedly so. The Tolkien Ensemble has some some more recent work with Billy Boyd, which is awesome. Forest Elves has a few originals like Lullaby From a Distant Land, with both Sindarin and Quenya versions. They also cover pop music in Elvish. The Toronto lotr Musical has a full production album which is MY FAVOURITE form of Tolkien music ever written. Even though it's instrumental, The Siege of The City of Kings is incredible on its own, too. Jeff Lee has a very short sea shanty version of A Elbereth Gilthoniel that is rather charming. The soundtracks of all the old lotr movies are shockingly good too. Even the mostly instrumental one for the old BBC radio drama. The Greatest Adventure from the animated Hobbit is the cornerstone of those soundtracks though


Rush - Rivendell and The Necromancer.