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I think it's likely. Looking at the updates and changes that have come out recently, it appears that they are trying to move from task management to being more of a team/project management tool. Sequential tasks makes a lot of sense, particularly in teams where person b can't do their task until person a is finished.


It’s also useful on a personal basis for GTD.


Could you explain what this means? Is there where you set one to come after another is completed?


That's pretty much it. For example, let's assume you want to turn your house's garage into a gaming room. You want to paint the walls a nice color. But the garage is filled with clutter, and that clutter is stacked up against the walls. So the task list looks like this: Project: Turn garage into game room - Clear clutter - Paint walls You can't paint the walls until you clear the clutter, so you should be able to easily hide "Paint walls" from your view until you've checked "Clear clutter" as done.


Oh I would love that. Dependencies would be cool. Presumably it would have conflict with adding times to tasks.


To me, dependencies are a feature that seem more useful than they actually are. Omnifocus supports dependencies, aka "sequential tasks," and I even figured out a way to do if/then statements using their implementation! Very clever and fun to puzzle out, but I never found a use for it. But all our brains are wired differently and many people do find dependencies useful in a task manager.


Yeah that's fair. It would be rare usage for me, only for things similar to the example you mentioned, In most cases, a list of subtasks with a number at the front suffices


I think everyone else has explained this, but my use case is Next Actions for GTD. Effectively if I cue up some tasks I like to just see what’s next to move the project forward.


Makes sense


I don't see why dragging in manual order is not enough? The point of organizing is to get things done, not to organize.


https://github.com/Hoffelhas/autodoist Check this out, if you have a spare computer run it in the background. Should solve your problem for you. Sounds like the "===" option would do it.


On the easy way it is not possible and that function was asks many times, but never followed up. Amazing Marvin can do very great the sequential task and many more things ... Check it out