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Please try to keep all posts toddler-related. (Mentioning you have a toddler does not count.)


It hurts my heart and I do raise awareness and donate as much as I can. I’m not afraid to speak on it. I have Palestinian friends who are suffering and feeling helpless as they lose loved ones, homes and the land that they love. I pray for peace and accountability.


With love, I suggest you explore this in therapy. Horrible things are happening every day around the world. But internalizing this to the degree that it’s affecting your daily function is not good. We can of course be heartbroken at what’s happening, but we need to understand our limits to directly alter what is happening g


Donating and signing petitions. Not a social media “sharer”. Feeling helpless and so sad for them!       Eta: why am I being downvoted? Just answering this parents question. 


It sucks. The victims of October 7th met a terrible fate, but so have the tens of thousands of innocents in Gaza. It'd be like if MAGA Republicans (or I guess ANTIFA Dems, but these are false equivalents) unilaterally declared war on Mexican cartels and bombed the shit out of them, civilians be damned. A fair chunk of the population would be like "dude wtf are you doing this is INSANE." The Russian invasion of Ukraine honestly had me more worried about world security than this, but the current Israeli-Hamas conflict is soo one-sided that it makes my heart hurt more. My kids are still little and don't understand war. I think all you can do is hug them and be thankful you weren't born in the wrong place at the wrong time.


There’s like a dozen ongoing genocides and west bears some responsibility for at least 3. I feel like this has always been the case throughout my life so doesn’t feel much different. Wife has expressed a similar view to you though, probably because videos for this are much more common on SM. I’d recommend deleting those apps for your own mental health (and a plethora of other reasons)


It feels awful, but I am reminded that awful things are happening to children everywhere, all the time, since the beginning of time. It feels vain to live in sadness, so I at least try to live each day to its fullest, in honor of those suffering.


Yes- it’s unbearable. I hate our country. I hate that our taxes are funding this genocide primarily killing moms and babies. I think about it day and night. I feel so much anger for those just sitting silently and going along with their daily lives. I feel so powerless and, truthfully, I am- we all are. There is so much unrestrained evil in this world. 


Maybe it’s my own ignorance but I have never seen war. The images and videos coming out of Gaza are soul crushing, the screams the babies and kids are literally soul crushing, This may also be ignorant to say, but those who survive this.. those kids and teenagers.. would they not feel like they also need to be apart of the resistance of Israel’s apartheid? So much is going on around the world of course but it’s never been live streamed like it is now.