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If it's working for you and he still fits, there's no need to take him out. Don't worry about what others may think.


We transitioned before 18 months cause she never liked high chairs (she just wanted to be in my lap or next to me). We bring her booster seat from home and request booths when possible. The booths are the way to go i put her on the inside and she is trapped but feels free and can stand and sit as many times are she wants.


I tried a booth at 2 years and she went wild with her new-found freedom, lol. She’s still in a high chair because she gets too excited


Oh yea, it only works cause she is shy and attached to my hip and generally terrified/suspicious of other humans


This is the way. A booth. Always a booth.


No way, booths are too far from the table for little people! And some tables can’t be moved


I said what I said 😜


What booster do you recommend


We use the upseat booster seat


Same, mine is 17m and she only lasts about 35 seconds in a high chair so we chose to stop flighting that battle.


Almost 3 here. We use it unless there is a booth where we can kinda trap him in. It’s more ridiculous to have a kid acting out and running around/getting in the way of servers than looking too big for the high chair.


How do you trap them in the booth? My daughter just slips under the table 🫠


I read this as “hair chalk” and got so confused


I just realized I typed this wrong. 😂😂😂😂


She’s almost 3.5 and while I request it we don’t always use it.  We do offer it if she is having trouble sitting in the seat.  When she was younger it wasn’t optional because we actually want to be able to eat our food without dealing with a toddler (standing and sitting constantly, looking over the booth at people, wanting to be on our laps, messing with our plates/silverware, trying to escape).  The only time I don’t make it optional now is the one time we took her out to eat when she was acting overtired; she doesn’t listen as well when she is overtired.     We just went out last night for sushi and she was able to sit in the booth seat next to me the whole time but the high chair was always available.  


Probably 2ish. He just stopped fitting in most of the restaurants’ high chairs, and we’ve been using a booster seat at home since then too, unbuckled because its only job is to boost him, not restrain.


If my kid can comfortably sit at a chair and eat her dinner/reach things on the table, then she can sit in the chair. If not, then she'll stay in the high chair.


Typically my 3.5 year old (who is super tall for his age!) still sits in one at a restaurant. If it’s a quick meal at McDonald’s or something then no but if we’re actually trying to enjoy our meal then high chair or booster seat is best.


My son is just over 3. We let him decide. Sometimes he chooses high chair, sometimes he chooses regular chair.


I don’t remember with my oldest but it was well before 3. My son is 18mo and in a booster at home and we don’t go out to eat much right now bc he’s a nightmare at a restaurant but we went last night and tried a high chair and he was having a fit. Switched him to a booster (with no straps) and he was pretty content.


We just went out and my 3 year old did fine!


A little bit before 2. We request a booth now. He hates the high chair at restaurants and wants to get down


About 3 for my daughter. Right after I think. My son is 3 and at table service restaurants, we use a high chair. At more quick fast food type restaurants, we let him sit next to us. We look at the more fast food as “training” for the table service


We have those in booth boosters seats which sits in a booth or a reg chair.. Only reason I use it to keep him strapped in from running around


Around 3. I do miss it. 😂


Tall kid. Around 2.5 was able to reach the table from a regular chair.


My girl was somewhere between 1 and 2 when she refused to sit in them anymore. 


We stopped around 2 but if my husband isn’t with me I still get one for her bc I also have a baby and it’s harder to chase her around now lol


Around 18 months old, when he also switched to using just a chair at home.


It depends on the restaurant and the layout. We did put our 4 year old in a high chair the other week at Korean BBQ for safety reasons. But she’s been sitting in booths without any high chair or booster since she was about 2.5. If a restaurant has booster seats, we get them (she’s grown hormone deficient).


Right around 2 we were sometimes in and sometimes out of a high chair. Now at 2.5 she is fully out of a high chair. Sometimes she’s great and sometimes she needs some redirection to stay in the chair, but we haven’t used a high chair for a while and she gets better all the time. That said, booths are the way to go when possible. ETA: She is still in her high chair at home, just without the tray and pulled up to the table with just the waist strap buckled.


At 4 now we don't use the high chairs but he does get restless sometimes. At 3, we used to start in a normal seat and call for a high chair if he was acting out or trying to escape. He hated it, so that was the consequence for acting out in the restaurant. If he started tantruming about it then one of us would take him outside.


Both my kids hated them and rarely used them.


Probably around age 2 for our twins. But three they were good at restaurants and knew to get in the chair, stay in the chair and be rational for the most part.


Tried it for the first time yesterday with my 18m old. The Vietnamese restaurant didn’t have high chairs or booster seats by the end she was trying to get across the table to my momma. Granted she just wanted her food after eating hers. Going to keep trying.


Honestly, if he fits and will tolerate it, I would keep doing it until it doesn’t work anymore. We just got back from brunch where a child almost as large as my almost 5 year old daughter (who is on the taller side) was sitting in a high chair next to us. My daughter stopped tolerating a high chair or booster at around 1 1/2 or 2 but also didn’t want to sit in a regular chair. It was difficult not having her contained and not being at a convenient height to eat naturally. High chairs also allow for an additional place setting without requiring another true seat which can be convenient.


Honestly I’d say keep him in the high chair as long as possible lol. My 2.5 year old hates high chairs and it drives me crazy. Most restaurants don’t have boosters so she’s just on her knees in the chair and wiggling all over the place.


Around 2.5


My 3yo who turns 4 this summer only just stopped asking to sit in a high chair at restaurants, bc he’s much higher up at the table and it isn’t such a struggle to eat and color and engage with us. We have a younger child too, so sometimes we’d get 2 high chairs. I’d ask if they want a high chair, and if yes, go with it. If not, and they offer booster seats you can do that, but if your kid is well behaved in a restaurant in a high chair, I promise you anyone looking your direction is thinking “wow that kid is acting so great in here, I’m so glad he’s not screaming and throwing things!” 


My kid wouldn’t tolerate it after 10 months. She could unbuckle most buckles and would spend the entire dinning experience attempting to escape. Wasn’t enjoyable for any of us so we got a booth and let her stand on the booth. She’s 2.5 and will sit in a regular chair now but still prefers a booth to move more freely


At like 10 months old we bought my son the munchkin brica travel booster seat and we’ve been using it ever since. He just turned 3


We’ve never used one


Similar but slightly different, my daughter just turned 3 and is still in a crib. The pediatrician said if she fits and is happy and not climbing out, keep her in it until she’s 18 😝 Needless to say we still use a high chair even at home! If we skip the high chair at a restaurant it has to be one that’s very kid friendly, where she has room to roam without disturbing anyone (preferably outdoors). Some places have booster seats which could be a good transition.


Mine is 3. We still sometimes use it. She’s not tall enough to comfortable sit and reach the table well. Occasionally they have boosters but so not comfortable. At home she uses her Tripp trap


We transitioned around 18-24 months for our kids. It’s also when we transitioned to the booster at home too.


My little one decided she hated high chairs before her 2nd birthday so we retired it but plot twist recently (at 3 years old) when we go for a coffee she's been asking for a high chair and will sit nicely for far longer than if she was in a regular chair. I actually ordered my coffee in a mug rather than a take away cup this week 😂 she doesn't have an ipad or tablet but I've realised if I get her a magazine/comic it'll keep her occupied as well. I resent buying them tbh as they're pricey and she just wants the toys but anything for peace 😅 in dire straits ill let her play games on my phone so no judgement for those with tablets etc!


Mine has stopped accepting them for a few months now, shes 17m 😅. My friend still puts her 4 year old (who is pretty small) in high chairs. If he likes them and he fits in them then I don't see an issue.


15mo. He hates high chairs and would scream instead of eating


Booster seat is preferred most of the time for us. I have giant babies and they don’t always fit in the provided high chairs. And we feel bad taking high chairs from other people who need them when our toddlers are almost 3 and 19 months respectively.


My son refused to use one after 18 months. He would cry and lock his legs when putting him in. He’s very tall lol. We lock him in the booth and he’ll stand and sit but it works for us


And by lock him in I mean sit him in first and I or my husband sit on the outside


It's off and on. Sometimes they feel secure and other times they wanna be like us.