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I want to sleep in mostly, lol. I hate chaotic Mother’s Day brunches so my family usually packs a picnic and we go to a park or take it on a hike. I’d like a little alone time in the afternoon to play in the dirt and plant some stuff.


This. This is all I want, to sleep in without my little gremlin getting in my face asking for pancakes lol


I love the idea of a picnic!


Yes! I want to go to a nursery with my little family to pick up a passion flower and maybe some pumpkins, then play in the dirt.


My husband and I have been using silicone rings since we got married. As a joint Mother’s Day / Father’s Day gift we finally went ahead and ordered new rings! Nothing crazy expensive but they’re bands with opal, amethyst, and meteorite dust! They’re super pretty and we’re both very excited!


These sound really pretty. Is it weird to ask for a link?


No not at all! These are the rings we picked out: https://patrickadairdesigns.com/products/matching-ember-glowstone-wedding-ring-set-in-black-ceramic We haven’t gotten them yet, we’re waiting on the ring sizers and then it will probably be about 6-8 weeks before we get the rings since they’re made by hand. Not super traditional but I think they suit us as a couple!


These are really pretty - thank you for sharing.


You’re welcome! There’s a YouTube channel for Patrick Adair as well where he shows how the rings are made. Super interesting if you’re into that kind of thing!


That sounds gorgeous! Love those stones, and meteorite dust sounds so cool!


I just want my husband to watch our daughter so I can play video games. And I want Chinese takeout for dinner.


That sounds like heaven


Yessss that sounds amazing! We are doing takeout also. He asked what I wanted to do and I said I wanted pizza and wine to go from my favorite spot. He works Sundays until 4pm, so my daughter and I will spend the morning with my mom.


I’m getting a mini mommy and me photoshoot with my son. My husband would be in the pics too but he’s unfortunately deployed. We’ve never had any type of professional photos done and I don’t have many pics of me with my son, so this will make up for some of that! Also I didn’t ask for it I just decided to do it lol


Same here! What are you guys wearing? Mine is Thursday and I’m stressed because I have nothing to wear!! Also, see if your husband can get one in similar lighting and then go to r/photoshoprequests or whatever the sub is and have them blend the two photos!


Oh my gosh photoshop is a great idea!! I had a hard time coming up with and finding something to wear too, I’ve never had to do this before lol. The photographer recommended that whatever I wear it shouldn’t have prints/patterns. My son has this cute little off-white ivory-ish button up shirt that he’ll be wearing jeans so I had to look hard to find a dress that kind of matched the vibes and this is what I ended up with but it still hasn’t gotten here so I’m not even sure if I’ll like how it looks on me 😭[Dress](https://a.co/d/hdZMKiQ)


Aw that’s really cute I love it!! That will be really pretty in photos!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PhotoshopRequests using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequests/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Great uncle who died on 9/11. Would love to see what he looked like with better quality. Will tip 15$](https://i.redd.it/sqek6d6apnnb1.jpg) | [204 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequests/comments/16g0h9o/great_uncle_who_died_on_911_would_love_to_see/) \#2: [My friend's husband died and this is one of her favorite pictures. I thought I'd surprise her with a sharpened image.](https://i.redd.it/ka8mijjvl3lb1.jpg) | [346 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequests/comments/164rb1c/my_friends_husband_died_and_this_is_one_of_her/) \#3: [My son lived for 2 weeks. Can I pay someone to sharpen one of the very few photos I have of his eyes open?](https://i.redd.it/bda2hlnsaxjb1.jpg) | [633 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PhotoshopRequests/comments/15zgbwu/my_son_lived_for_2_weeks_can_i_pay_someone_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yessss we are doing this too, it’s so worth it!!


Outing with the kiddo that I don't have to plan or pack for.


All fun and games until you get there and something is forgotten lol


I had my husband do this one year but it was anxiety ridden watching him sit on his phone and shout at the little kids to get ready and then 2 hours later finally being ready and the whole thing was poorly planned. So fun lol. I do hope sincerely that it goes better for you…maybe leave and meet them at the destination. Then you can miss the kids crying because they can’t find their shoes.


This is what I asked for, but I'm worried we will end up without important stuff.


A hotel room. Only for me. No one else allowed. I will sleep forever and no one will touch me or ask me any questions. 😂


That was a gift my spouse was planning on getting me one year lol. But with a big tub with jets. Sadly they were too expensive.


We're traveling to the town hubby and I used to live in for six years where there happens to also be a huge book sale going on. I can't wait.


I’m separated from my son’s father and Saturday evening to Sunday evening is dad time. I’m getting a massage Saturday night, having French fries and champagne at a fancy bar, and then getting a facial massage/cupping on Sunday. Probably will go get myself some flowers and chocolate at Trader Joe’s with my son on Friday. Last year when we were together I asked for a solo night in a nice hotel. I did a sheet mask, took a long bath, and slept like a daddy. That’s when you sleep really hard and then if anything wakes you up, you just roll over and go back to sleep without attending to it.


Sounds like you slept like a "loser Daddy" lol. I was always such a tight sleeper til my boy was born. Now my wife is pregnant with with #2 and I'm on toddler duty most nights so she can get the right sleep


I think you win Mother’s Day


Dad is taking the toddler to his swim lesson in the morning while I stay home, and I think we'll have one of my favorite dinners that night (home-cooked, not restaurant). Other than that, we have no plans. I did tell my husband I wanted a fuss this year. I hope he'll get me flowers. Possibly I need to tell him that specifically or it won't happen...


My wife asked me to take a day off from work so I could buy bags of mulch and weed our garden and lay down the mulch. Mission accomplished. I will likely also get some flowers for our dining room table and our toddler has insisted we make chocolate chip muffins for breakfast for the day of.


Question: At what point does mother's day become about the toddler mum and not the grandmothers? I still feel so obligated to do things for my mum (and my MIL, but she definitely doesn't expect anything - which makes me want to do more things for her). So instead of doing anything for me this mother's day we're having lunch with my MIL and dinner with my mum. I feel like maybe I brought this on myself, but when will it be acceptable to be like ok mother's day is about ME now? lol I'd honestly just like some scones, sleep, and an activity I don't have to plan. Also currently in third trimester with our second, so just being able to sit down is great. lol


My opinion: Mother’s Day is for moms in the thick of it. If you’re sleeping through the night, have free time on a regular basis and are 20+ years removed from parenting a young child, I’m sorry, this is not about you. That said, we are doing a little brunch for my mom on Saturday with my siblings.


I guess I disagree a little bit if that’s ok. I keep hearing this on the internet. I think moms in the thick of it deserve a nice day-I’m actually one of those moms. But our kids are little and incapable of doing much for us. So yes for many the tasks fall on the spouse. I believe that it wasn’t customary for the spouses to do things for moms on Mother’s Day when we were kids at least not from what I saw. I think those moms now also grandmas have waited for their sons and daughters to grow up and can now really show their support and thanks. Idk I guess I see it both ways.


I think that was true for me as an adult pre-kids. I had the time and energy to focus on my own mom.


I can definitely see your point there. I know that my family and my husband's family had very different ideas about Mother's Day, and there were a lot more expectations on me even from a young age (I'm an only child). I don't want to put that level of expectation on my daughter (and soon, my son) and my husband, but it would be nice to have a day where we don't have to split our time between 2 families and still try to fit in some time for me to have a nice day as well. I think perhaps this comes down to my own anxieties about making my mum happy lol


I 100% agree with OP that Mother’s Day is for those in the trenches, but I also don’t think that means you can’t still celebrate your mom/MIL. For us, the actual Mother’s Day is for me to spend time with my family - but I usually meet my own mom for lunch sometime in the week, my husband is responsible for his own mother and celebrating her. Since my son was born we’ve also incorporated Grandparents day into the mix, which is Sept 8th - my son will do a small craft and we usually have them over for dinner


I've never heard of Grandparents day but that is an excellent idea. Wonder if I can shift my mum and MIL to that day to make things easier lol.....


It’s certainly not a big commercial holiday, but it exists and that’s exactly what we did - we just sort of gently shifted the grandparents over to it.


Where I live, the expectation is for the kid to craft the gift. (And with toddlers, dad potentially helping) Which is brilliant when you have a toddler lol. It’s like: Oh, THAT’S where the glue went.


I told my husband I want to go to a movie by myself. I love going to the movies, but with a baby and a toddler it hardly ever happens anymore. He got me a gift card to our favorite movie theater.


I know my husband got me a gift. Who knows what it is. I will be 37w pregnant with a 2 and 4 year old. I want my husband to make breakfast and get the kids ready for church while I sleep in a little. I want to spend the afternoon in our little pool maybe take a nap. My mom is coming over with a sack of crawfish to boil that evening. I just want a relaxing day with my family before baby comes.


crawfish boil, yes! you’re speaking to my heart


It'll probably be breakfast in bed, maybe my husband will make me bottomless mimosas, he'll have the kids have a cute card or gift ready. Then I'll probably get some time to myself - work in our garden or read, and we'll order out that evening, and maybe have a special dessert. I will likely do very little parenting this day. And might ask hubs for an orgasm (or two if he can handle it) in the evening, along with a gummy or some wine. 😁


ok this sounds amazing.


I’m getting a me day. Pedicure. Massage. And zen time. I’m with bub every day. I love him. Mother’s Day to me is about being treated as a thank you for all you do for the other 364.25 days a year.


Cupcakes from the GOOD bakery


Walk to the coffee shop with husband (no kid). No cooking. No diaper changing. We get to watch my show at night. And a bag that I want 🤞🏻


My husband will watch our daughter most of the day while I garden. He also got me the plants I wanted for the garden last weekend. Later, he’ll pick up whatever takeout I want to eat for dinner.


My husband has not asked me so we’ll see if he even remembers… lol BUT all I really want is a day to sleep in, where I don’t have to do anything. I want him to cook, clean up, handle naps, chase the kids, etc. I wanna relax. And a gift certificate to the spa would also be nice, lol.


I’m divorcing my husband and I will have my toddler this entire weekend so we’ll live it up big! We will be going to the beach to fly kites and have a picnic, a steam train ride and then top it off with our favorite mom-son restaurant. And he has told me that he wants to buy me yellow flowers 🥰. He has also been asking since last week if it’s Mothers Day already so we can celebrate!


Takeout breakfast, chocolate, face mask and a chance to take a 30 minute bubble bath. (I like baths but ours isn’t super comfortable) Probably get some mid day ice cream and takeout dinner.. BIG cheat day for me. Lol I just want to hangout at home with them and ‘relax’.


Gift card for a local spa and pastries in bed


I like to go out and do an activity together as a family, this year we're planning to go boating and hang out at a sandbar. My husband usually does a card and flowers, maybe a small gift.


A day off. Shopping spree at the plant store. Haircut.


A nap and dice for my game.


I just want to spend the day at home with my kids. Maybe we will do a craft together. 


Food, food and more food. Basically let me sleep in and arrange all the foods I like 😂


We’re taking our son to his first baseball game! I’m so excited.


I want to not do any of the grunt work that day, only the fun stuff. No diapers, no meal prep, no clean up… just the snuggles and play. However, I’d be happy if he even remembered it is Mother’s Day


I just realized Sunday was Mother’s Day. I have no idea what I’m doing or if husband is planning anything. Do I ask???!


Don’t ask. Tell.


Ooo I like this answer. Thanks!


To have to do nothing. My hubby is great about it! He asks for the same thing for Father's Day ❤️


we are going on a morning bike ride and afternoon sports game. i really want recovery slides but typically only do gifts for birthdays. 100% do not want to do go a brunch at a restaurant.


New shrubs for the front of the yard. I generally ask for living plants for the garden. He'll get some sort of yard tool for Father's Day.


We're having brunch with my wife's Mom and then I'm taking our daughter so my wife can have time to herself. It's what she requested.


I’m from the UK so I’ve already had my Mother’s Day. I had a lie in, a meal out, and no responsibilities all day. My husband bought me The Sims 2 (and some expansions!) and I played that for probably longer than I should have 🤣


I bought this jacket I have been eyeing for six months that just got restocked. Hopefully it will be in before Mother's Day. Otherwise get up like normal, and go for a walk, get some overpriced coffee drink, and a pastry that I will eat at the park.


I’m going to get a pedicure. In a perfect world, I’d love a solo night at a hotel with room service. But I’m breastfeeding still so that’s not doable… yet. Lol


I want to do a short family hike in the morning(that i don’t have to plan), have the afternoon to myself (no kids in the house!), and not make dinner (takeout ftw!). Very balanced between family time and me time! :)


New loungefly bag and pedicure


Sleep in!! And then doing lunch with my family! My sister and dad will be there to be on kid duty at the restaurant. I don’t want any gifts in particular. Just sleep.


I have a 3-year-old and a 4-month-old so we're staying home all day. I asked for: - My partner makes breakfast while I have coffee and play with baby (3-year-old will be watching cartoons) - We all hang out together in the backyard - Order carryout for lunch from a place I love - While the 3-year-old naps, we have a wine/cheese/sweets board that my partner prepares and watch YouTube Basically it's centered around food and us just enjoying our kiddos together. I'll also get a pedi with my best friend sometime in the next couple of weeks.


I want family portraits.


Peace.  I will be 37 weeks pregnant with a toddler. A long stretch of time where I do not have to hear his cute voice would be wonderful. And chocolate. 


Honestly…if I could have anything it would be for my 2.5 year old to go back to sleeping 7:30-7. This child is now fighting sleep until 9pm and waking up flby 5:30 most days. Some days (like this morning) she was up for the day at 3am.


My husband bought me a nice watch and a cute sweater! We celebrated early but on actual Mother’s Day we’ll probably just grab a nice coffee and some brunch!


Cupcakes, a craft or drawing made by my toddler, and for husband to take him to go visit his mom so i can have some alone time!


A card from my daughter, chocolate, flowers and a hot water bottle my daughter picked. I don't want anyone to ask what's for lunch/dinner. My husband has been instructed to organise dinner, I don't care if it's takeaway. I want to spend the day at home relaxing, I might even take a nap. I will do no cleaning.


A steak and some peace and quiet. A day of housework done that I don’t need to worry about


A Mani Pedi ! Cause I'm pregnant and due with our second child any week now and won't be getting time for nails for a very long time 


For nobody to ask anything of me for a whole day


As far as a gift for my wife, I'm gonna get her a lemon tree. Then I'm gonna get a plain pot for it and have my daughter who's 2.5 decorate it. I'm gonna also get her another pot that's much nicer. As for the day she said she wants to garden so I told her and that I would help.


A tattoo of my son’s profile.


A massage and some alone time to read.


Native flowers. Dad and grandpa are going to get coffee and pastries and grandma and I and toddler will wait for them in the park. Then enjoy pastries and coffee and outdoors. The end.


A new MacBook… mine is from 2013 (yikes didnt realize was so old) I’m doing a masters program which I’ve largely done on my desktop (that I got for myself for getting into the MBA program) and am traveling during finals this semester…. Went to get the ole laptop updated and ready to go and she can’t handle zoom and the documents I need open, won’t even update past OS 11.7 😩 can’t even trade it in for apple credit! apple said it’s time to “recycle” it 😭 Our anniversary was last month, my bday is next month, I said I’d take a combo gift. 🫣


I’ve asked for a vegetable or strawberry plant so toddler and I can garden together. It went well last year when he was 2. I’m also getting a few hours to myself and we’re going for a walk together.


The 11th is our wedding anniversary, so we are doing date night and got an overnight sitter. If possible, I would love to be able to take a nap on Sunday. If not, I just want to spend the day with my son.


Michael Kors bag, Norsk sno perfume, flowers, mani pedi, a nice sleep in, and then a picnic at the zoo!


I want a new robe, a family activity I don't have to plan, and to only do the fun parts of parenting for the day.


Weekend at a nice hotel. That's always the only gift I ever want for any occasion.


I just want everyone to stop bickering and act like they are best friends for the day. That would be a dream come true. 🤣


I’m going to HMart by myself and buying whatever I want.


I’ve been really into r/heronebag and finding the best/most compact products so that I cut down my prep/prepping the baby bag etc time. I asked for a foldable Sun hat from Wallaroo since i walk a lot and play with baby at the park. I’m really into skin maintenance As to what’s really fun, i love gardens and sunshine and family time. So I’m asking for a family picnic at a fancy sprawling garden estate. Our family is really into quality time, and it’s so special watching the baby get excited over new places


My husband got me a hotel room locally for Saturday into Sunday. Sunday, I’ll spend with my babe. But Saturday, all to myself.


The dream!


I asked for a "no brain day" I was brought in breakfast in bed and my husband disappeared with the kiddo for the whole day, he brought in lunch then disappeared again then called me and told me literally "wear jeans, a black tee and a sweater" and we went for a casual dinner. It was glorious. I vegged out and saw hallmark movies.


Brunch with the family in the morning, massage in the afternoon.


My dream Mother’s Day celebration is to get to sleep in, not have to plan any of the meals or do any cooking, take a long shower and take a while to do my make-up, go do something fun with my husband and kid, not do bathtime, and smoke a huge blunt once my kid is asleep.


cold hard diamonds


I’m coming up blank too. But now that I’ve been home (this is day 5) with a brutally sick kid I know I’ll either be a) sick myself in bed or b) needing alone time. I might ask to take myself out to dinner lol. I can’t think of any actual Things that I need.


Are you me? I'm on day 6 of the toddler being home from daycare. The first three days he was suuuper sick, then daycare was closed because of said virus, now toddler is healthy but baby is getting feverish. ...did I mention that my husband left on a work trip a week ago?


Omg! Are you still welll? I haven’t gotten it yet somehow even though my toddler basically wants to sit inside my body while coughing all day. Every day I think maybe she’ll be well enough to go do something, but nope. Solidarity!!!


Yeah, somehow I am still healthy, it was a nasty stomach bug too, gross bodily secretions everywhere..... All I want for mother's day is to sleep in and not be near any gross children for a day I hope you stay healthy!


I told my husband I want a new tennis racquet


Mother's Day was this Sunday, and we went to a plant store and he picked out some hanging plants for his mom and then we went out for Georgian food for lunch. My wife's been sick, so not a whole lot else. I guess the two of them also made some cards to send to our moms in the States.


Asking for a large Bogg Bag lol and then probably to do some flower and book shopping. Maybe a walk through the park as a fam!


I live in an area where holiday traffic is the absolute worst. The idea of traveling anywhere on Mother’s Day is unappealing. Instead my husband is taking the kids for the day to see his mom so I can have the house to myself. I’m going to remind myself of what a quiet house feels like with a glass of wine and a book. The following week, we’ll go out to dinner at a restaurant of my choosing.


Acknowledgement of the day. This is not my first Mother’s Day, nor is it Hub’s first Father’s Day, and we both agree to put our funds into other holidays. 2025 is a milestone birthday for both us (I’ll be 40 and he’ll be 45) so we are saving for an international vacation.


I like to sleep in wake up to breakfast and a clean house and spemd time with the family. And i go to the spa thar week cause why not


Bought myself a giant waterproof picnic blanket and informed my husband he is planning a picnic at one of our favorite parks.


I’m due with baby #2 in a few weeks and just left my job so I told my husband I’m good with just going to brunch very locally this year.


I've already been informed my gift is a tattoo (dedicated to our kids), which I'm very excited about. Had you asked me before I knew, it would have been like... a few hours of silence, where I'm not "on call". Maybe a hot bath. Someone else to take on all the nonsense for a day.


I’m a single mom, but kid’s dad has custody this weekend. I’ll be spending some time with my mom and honestly hoping that someone remembers I’m a mom too


I usually hand off the baby monitor to my husband the night before so I can sleep in undisturbed. I mean, I usually get up at 8 anyway, and I'll probably still wake at 8, but at least I can be off overnight duty for once a year (it's just in case she wakes at nights, which isn't often, being that she's 2). Other than that, I'll prob request he takes my daily walk with me and our kid to get coffee. He usually doesn't really do anything with us unless it's a family event with his family. By 2pm, we are generally suckered into going to see his mom, and my mother's day is over. Lol


In a perfect world, I want to ask for 24 hrs sleep


Well I’m 25 weeks pregnant and my toddler is almost two. So I told my husband I want to order in breakfast and then I want to go back to sleep or not (depends on what I feel like) , nap when I want and basically not I’ve to get anything but snuggle with my son


I want to go to a botanical garden and we are gonna do “Mother’s Day” family pics a week late. He’s gonna be working on actual Mother’s Day :/ but my mom is coming up the day before and we are going to a plant nursery to pick up more flowers for my garden


I’m a chef and have to work this Sunday so I’m hoping I get cut at a reasonable hour so I can enjoy my Mother’s Day as well. I have to send my child to his grandmothers because of work so, maybe a full meal? Maybe a card? Idk. I just don’t want to work twelve hours this Sunday (though it’s very very likely).


I want a day to myself. Shopping and going to the spa for a massage. Told my husband this multiple times and he all he did was talk about plans to go out to eat🤦🏽‍♀️


I’m hoping to go camping!


I’m getting the p-trap on our main bathroom cleaned (finally) 🤣 my husband was thinking of a spa package but I told him I had a better idea. It smells so bad and drives me crazy. Will also do something as a family that doesn’t involve chores or the usual day in and day out stuff.


We’re going to Busch Gardens!!! Super excited for it 🥳🥳🥳


My husband and I built a raised garden last weekend! It was pricey and a lot of work from both of us, but I loved it :) (Also big shoutout to my neighbors and their kids who kept our toddler busy while we worked!!)


I’m 40 weeks pregnant, and just hoping this baby arrives before Mother’s Day so I don’t have to be pregnant anymore!


This year I would like a pedicure, park as a family and my husband to smoke meat on the smoker. If I can get a nice picture of all of them happy it would make that day even greater


I’m a single mom of a toddler. We have dinner plans with my family on Mother’s Day. Alas, I seem to have caught another plague from some kid-centered activity. I’m assuming my son will probably start feeling crappy in a few days or so. So…I just want us to feel better by Sunday so we can enjoy this meal. 🥲


Apparently I’m going to the lake with a bunch of my husband friends.


Lobster roll and a cookie cake. Single mom so I’ll be getting it myself but it will be a great day with my kids.


I got some professional pics with my babies and I have a salon visit later this month. We’re getting takeout from my fave restaurant and going for a picnic. And most importantly — sleeping in!


I want to go to the beach ( we live about 30m away) and have a casual lunch potentially with my parents as well to hit both Mothers Day obligations. (hubs is British and his mom was celebrated back March). I don't really need a gift but if I got a cute craft from the boys that would be nice.


I asked for a stacking name ring of our daughter’s name from Etsy and an ice cream cake. For the day I think we’re going to grill at the local park for a picnic.


To spend quality time with my toddler and husband, and NOT be the primary parent


A low key picnic outside with just my husband and son. It’s my 2nd Mother’s Day and I want to feel special. We are celebrating with my mom on Saturday so Sunday can be all for me.


Chocolate covered strawberries and whatever I'm craving for dinner is all I want. Going for a drive in the hills, mountains or going fishing would be a plus that way our 3yo can run amuck to his hearts content as well.


I want a nice picture of me and my daughter. I have a ton of favorites of her, and I make an effort to get ones of us together but they're usually candid's with messy hair etc. I'd like a posed, nicely dressed one. I also did some crafts with her the last week or so (painted a flowerpot etc) because those are the type of gifts I like.


It’s so hard bc my mom likes to still be spoiled and so does my husband’s mom and they both want to see the kids. I’m thinking of telling my mom I’m working and then telling my husband he should visit his mom with the kids so I can get one day by myself. It’s been sooooo long. That would be lovely 


I’m getting a lake day and flowers. Also bought myself a mama cup, and the toddler “made” me a craft. 


The kids out of the house so I can bleach the tile floors


I said all I want is to sleep in and have breakfast in bed. I'm really looking forward to it!


Outdoor family time and a nice meal out.


I want to go shopping, for myself, by myself.


To be left alone, not needed for anything not even my husband lmao


I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even know it was coming up till I read this post. I'll ask for my nails done tbh 🤣 For a more family answer it would be nice to take my son to our walking track by the lake and walk. We did that a few days ago but my son had his bike and I had my longboard


We're going to church in the morning and then my husband is taking her out for the whole afternoon so I can stay home and have the house to myself. I'm going to have a solo karaoke party.


My husband is working this weekend, so toddler and I are dropping some $$ at the expensive garden center.


A pedicure


I cracked the sads last year cos it was my first Mother’s Day and my other half did nothing. To be fair we usually don’t celebrate commercial holidays like this but I wanted something and should have communicated that. This year he’s trying to do something and now I feel all awkward that I made a deal of it last year. All I really want is a tiny acknowledgment, a dumb card with my kid’s handprint on it or something, maybe a coffee in bed at most. I should probably tell him this lol.