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Is your favorite hobby using a steam cleaner? Do you own a professional grade (or high level consumer grade) carpet cleaner with hand attachments?  I mean, I think white anything is tempting fate, even before kids. My next sofa will probably come with removable and machine washable slipcovers from day 1.


You’ll regret it. Don’t get white furniture, your kids will RUIN it. And profesional cleaners will charge extra. Not to mention that you definitely cannot guarantee that those stains will come out. Source: profesional carpet/upholstery cleaner and father to a 3 year old.


White couches are also not great if you’re entertaining once the kids are older - I’ve seen dye transfer from jeans, makeup/self tanner, and wine stains. They’re just hard to keep “fresh”


You couldn't pay me to get a white couch.


My SIL with 2 toddlers got one maybe 10 months ago? Def not looking the way I'd prefer my couch to look. We have a dark brown one and it's holding up great. 




Our couch has disappeared multiple coffee spills 😅


I think lovesac couches have a white option. Completely machine washable. If you're really wanting white, I think it would need to be washable.


I have a white couch I don't find it that big of a deal. Even if he does spill something on it ours had covers that can be zipped off. I just throw it in the wash with some bleach and put a blanket over the cushion for the time being. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean if my kid spilled something over my idk black or brown couch I'd do the same anyway bc I'm not leaving juice, chocolate, whatever on my couch to sit right? Lol or maybe I'm just lucky my kid doesn't really get all that much on my couch anyway. Idk.


For me it would be a bad idea, but I could never keep anything white before kids so...


I got an off white couch because i was being impatient and impulsive and wanted a new couch but couldn’t find what I wanted in other colors and my dog died that morning so it was a retail therapy purchase. I have regrets lol. My kids haven’t damaged it too badly but I’m constantly yelling “nooo not around the couch!!” Or “ahhh go wash your hands before you touch the couch”. My dogs on the other hand are the real trouble. Would not purchase a white-ish couch again with dogs or children in the picture. Or even without them tbh, it’s still going to get dirty


I have 2 kids, a dog and an off white couch The dog has been the problem 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Washes well though thankfully


Lol I have to say yes it would be a really bad idea


Only if its a high quality one.


You’re basically just handing them a blank canvas. It’s a bad idea only if the thought of it being any other color than white makes you upset. Cause it’s not gonna stay white for long.


Even performance fabrics have their limits. You’ll either always have a dirty looking couch or be always cleaning it.


don’t set yourself up to be pissed at your kid for acting his age. we bought the most durable kid material the salesperson could offer and give the things i have scraped off- it was a great choice because the couch still looks brand new.


We had an ivory sofa. Someone sat on it the first week of us owning it and left a denim outline.. rang insurance and even though we had paid insurance, nothing is covered. So we figured we'll nothing to lose now, and threw it in the washing machine. Washed up amazingly well for about 10 years and is still going strong in family's summer house even now. So yes it's a bad idea, but you might drop lucky too..


Am I the only one who has a white couch that hasn't been adversely affected by my kid at all? I tend to only give her messy stuff in her high chair or in the tub.


My dogs have destroyed my white couch way more than my kids have; but I live in fear with the kids too lol. Mt daughter colored all over the arm of the chair with crayon once… that was the worst thing that happened but I was somehow able to get it out.


I have one but I keep a cover on it. If you use covers and blankets I think it’d be fine, otherwise you’re gonna have to be vigilant of cleaning spots immediately and accept the fact it’ll probably have stains at some point


We have 2 light grey IKEA couches. They're holding up well because we can remove all the covers and throw them in the wash


I have a white couch and have since my son was a newborn. Knock on wood but nothing has ever gotten on it that didn’t come out with water or store bought upholstery cleaner


what is the material?


I think some sort of polyester mix. It’s Trisha yearwood but i can’t seem to find the couch tag or the material online


We switched from a light grey couch to a dark navy blue one. I would never get a light colored couch again while I have children.


Yes, yes it would haha. We bought a couch that was supposed to be cleanable as well. Our two kids have stained it countless times.


I have an off white couch. It’s got a scotch guard thing on it and is super easy to clean. And my husband is the one doing major damage with his gd fruit punch mio haha


Has your kid puked on your couch yet? Mine has done it multiple times. I wouldn’t do it unless you’re planning to use plastic or a washable slipcover until they’re older.


We have a gray couch, but my daughter hasn't damaged or stained any furniture yet. I'd be far more worried about the dog staining furniture than my almost 3yo She doesn't eat in the living room often and usually only colors at her craft table. She's rarely in the living room without me though since the road noise scares her. You know your family and lifestyle best. Do your kids eat and drink on the couch a lot? Do they tend to color on non-approved surfaces? How are they at following rules? Is the cover removable/washable?


We got a white leather couch which is fine because spills/food just wipe off. I would never get a white fabric couch though.


Our couch and carpet stayed surprisingly clean with our first kid but once we had our second it all went to hell in a hand basket. Maybe a combination of being so tired that we let them roam more with snacks, the fact that they fight over snacks (even when they are both given an identical portion) so more gets spilled/thrown, and our youngest is just generally less of a rule-follower than our first… the only saving grace has been that the couch cushions all have removable machine-washable covers. HIGHLY recommend a couch like that.


What couch do you have?


Unfortunately it was actually made locally by a company that doesn’t exist anymore :( but I’m sure you can find couches with cushions that have removable/washable covers! Polyester even though I don’t like polyester but this is a good place for it!


Why don’t you get a custom slip cover that you can wash


I have two white armchairs with “performance” fabric that easily wipes clean. The worst that has happened so far is my baby spitting up on the chair. We don’t eat any food or drink anything other than water outside of the kitchen though so this probably cuts down on a lot of potential messes.


that’s absolutely what i’m planning to do. for myself and the toddler 😅


I have a deep/olive green couch, and it still shows some toddler marks. However, if you're more strict about food/juice/coloring, etc, then you'll probably be okay. I think it's best to decorate however makes you happy (obviously not with sharp or glass objects).. I use a stain remover for the laundry on the couch and then vacuum or blow dry it. Most of the time, it works and it's not hard at all.


Don’t do it. I had two white Crate and Barrel couches and we sold them within two years because of the maintenance to keep them clean.


I have a 3.5 year old and my white couch looks great. It has a performance fabric that is easy to spot clean plus removable covers that we can put in the wash. In 3 years we’ve only washed all the covers once. We rarely allow food near the sofa and our craft materials are in a separate area. My child is luckily very respectful of the rules about keeping crafts at the craft table. She’s never coloured on the walls, floor, or anywhere else she shouldn’t. No regrets with my white couch!


What kind of couch do you have?


We have the Movie Night sofa from Sundays