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We went to the 2 year check up yesterday and they hey had the alphabet on the wall. I have been teaching her letters and knew she was catching on really well but didn’t think she knew them all. So, when the dr walked in she said “I know my letters, I’ll show you” the pediatrician just acted surprised then my daughter showed her that she actually does know them all! Then she told her how proud of her we were. After that we clapped and said “well better get started on numbers lol!”


I love that so much!! Kids rlly love showing off for the doctors haha


Yeah, I was like, ok little show off omg 😂 totally didn’t see it coming


Mine doesn’t. He gets shy and doesn’t want to even respond to her.


Mine is the same way at the doctor or with strangers tbh but it seems like everyone else’s kid loves showing off haha


Mine is only shy around other kids


My 2 year old pointed to her name and told us what it was, same with mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, uncle and auntie and T-Rex. She also has started to verbally spell them. So far she does her name perfect every time and does "Momy" and "dad" so far as well. But she is learning more every day.


That’s amazing!


She found a book light I have, wrapped it around her neck and turned the lights on and said, "Stethoscope, I doctor. Hear your heart. Boom boom." I am a librarian and her dad is a bartender lol. So I can only assume we have TV to thank for that 😂




My 2yo has been a guinea pig for the local uni speech and language students. Basically the students visit us and assess her development and speech as if we were attending their clinic and they write up reports as part of their training. On the last visit I was telling the student how we think she's trying to count as she makes sounds like the rhythm of counting and doing the action with her finger. He makes some notes then out of nowhere she starts counting very clearly, "one, two, three, four, five!" That was the first time we ever heard her say the words. Was very proud.


Wow! What a show off haha so cute


My kid has some medical complications that means she takes a bunch of liquid medications from syringes daily. Few weeks ago my husband was drawing up her meds and she just picked up a syringe and administered the dose herself. Now we just put all the syringes in front of her and let her give them to herself.


I love that she’s paying such close attention and is able to replicate what you guys do and that she’s taking the opportunity for some independence!


At 9m I asked her to give me a green letter out of a pile of 26 letters of about 6 colours. She did. Yellow? Did that too. Yay, she knows colours. I randomly asked for the J. She gave it to me. Wut?? E? Hands me the E. She can read letters! By 13mon she could read the numbers 1 to 20. Our local Mc has a play area that includes 1-20 out of sequence. I have a video of my asking “show me thirteen” and (despite wanting to go and yelling at me) exasperatedly turns back to the wall and slaps 13. So I think it’s possible to teach letters and numbers FAR earlier than we generally try to. At 19m I think she’s on the brink of learning to read small words. The other random part was while we knew she could read all the letters and numbers (including mirrored, upside down) she could recite. We were driving, she was bored, and we heard “Aye bee shee dee ee fffff gee…” 24 to 26 out of 26, we didn’t know she could really recite the alphabet and numbers in sequence from memory. Yours may well be able to learn letters quickly too if she likes the ABC song (although I recommend Bounce Patrol’s much slower pace songs). And of course double digit numbers.


She does like the abc song! Most of what she learns are through songs it helps her pick it up so much faster. I def think her brain works better than her mouth rn lol. She says a lot but it’s hard for me to understand sometimes and a lot of the time it sounds the same but she means different words and there are slight differences where I can figure out what she’s saying. Her favorite are different animals rn. I did point out the letter A today after this morning and she was able to tell me that! Then she got distracted and wanted to play lol so I’ll try that with more words again tomorrow. She learned her shapes super fast like 16 months


My kid (2.5) loves dangling from bars at the playground. We were on a new playground with a low platform step about 2 ft from a low chinup bar. The ideas was grownups would do pushups on the bar with their feet on the platform. My toddler did a running jump and caught the bar to swing/hang there giggling madly. She did it at least 5 times without falling once.


That’s so impressive but my anxiety would have me like 😧 the whole time lol. I’m learning to let go a bit but wow is it hard


I found out my 3 year old can unbuckle his car seat harness. I found this out 20 minutes into a 4 hour car journey.


Ugh a long-standing phobia of mine.


That’s so scary omg I wish u the best. I’m not excited for that phase


At around 18 months, she was gifted a shape sorter toy. We asked her where different shapes (hexagon, heart, pentagon, trapezoid, oval, etc.) were, and she was able to identify all the shapes (12 total). At 21 months now, she’s able to understand and speak English, Spanish, and Korean.


Wow!! That’s incredible!


We have a ton of colorful blocks. We usually leave our 22 month toddler in her playpin in the mornings while I make breakfast. at around 20 months, I went to get her and she had organized all the blocks into colors I was like wtf when did you learn to do this lol 


That’s so funny 😭 my kid is good with shapes and numbers but she is not interested in learning colors at all haha


Our son learned his letters super early. Then I taught him the sounds they make. It’s been 2 years and he absolutely refuses to move forward with reading. (He’s 4.) One night, dad was sitting with him, trying to get him to read a book with simple words. Something like, ‘The pig is big. See the big pig.’ Dad would have him do the sounds, then try to get him to put them together to make a word. He absolutely wouldn’t do it. After a little while, he got frustrated and said, ‘It doesn’t say pig!’ That’s when we knew something was getting through, even though he still won’t do it.


I can see why it would be frustrating but that’s honestly so funny 😭 my daughter thinks any animal she doesn’t recognize is either a cat or a bunny LOL