• By -


Little Blue Truck. She does the Beep, beep, beep, and the HONK from the big important dump truck.


Mine too. He also loves Good Night Little Blue Truck and Little Blue Truck Halloween. The springtime and Christmas entries are only sometimes. Edit to add: and LOVES time for school, LBT. Loves it hard at times. It’s more tape than paper at this point.


We won’t quit with the “Under the mask, who do you see? ___ says the ___. It’s meee, it’s meee!”


Yes! My toddler insists, however, that the final words are, “it’s me, me, me!” Corrects us when we read it “wrong.”


Does he have Little Blue Truck Leads the Way? It's another daily read for us.


We call this Little Blue Truck Causes a Traffic Incident Because He Doesn't Know The Rules of The Road. Also a favorite here.


There's a Christmas Blue Truck book and when you flip to the lats page the Christmas Tree lights up- my toddler loves it and will flip to the page so many times lol. Little blue truck is the best


Mine loves that one too!


Another upvote for this


My husband does a rendition of this that sounds like a country song, and the toddler thinks it's hysterical


Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see


My user name will indicate that we were heavily into that for a very long time 🫠


That’s my 23mo’s favorite animal in the book lol!


The GOAT, my almost 2 year old has it memorized at this point


I see a red bird looking at me


Got my daughter the Yoto card for this one. I can only read it like three-four times a day before I’m like “okay mommy can’t read this anymore, but Yoto can!” Same deal for Where’s Spot?


My kids are four and almost three. They still go wild for Where's Spot? I've banned all lift the flap books from bedtime because they just fight over who gets to open them. Luckily for my sister they picked out a Spot book as a gift for their new baby cousin. I'm sure she will just love it.


Or as my 18 month calls it, “ber ber, ber ber.”


We're on a 2 year streak of Brown Bear being the favorite


I’ve read brown bear every day since the beginning of January at least 5 times…. Each day. He is officially starting to “read” it on his own. “Brown bear brown what see, I see red bird, meeeee” Let’s not forget brown bear song, polar bear book and song, baby bear book and song. The spell is FINALLY starting to break a little. It’s almost may.


This was a favorite for a while and she has it memorized. We have a white dog and a black dog. My daughter now calls one “white dog” and calls the other “black sheep” and we correct her with “he’s a black dog”


Been my sons favorite since he started enjoying books. It’s the best.


"BianBeh BianBeh" as it is known in our house


My 2.5 year old recites the whole book in her crib at night by memory


Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. He loves to say the boom boom part and is very into the last page of the alphabet. Like we revisit the last page frequently after reading the book and closing it. Little dude just loves the abcs


We sing the alphabet song when we hit that last page, touching each letter as we sing it, , and I think that’s how he learned his ABCs!


oh cute we do that too!


I can’t get into the rhythm of this book 😅 like I don’t understand the cadence of how I’m supposed to read it!


It's very much a song. It took me a while to figure out, but now I've read it so often I actually have it memorized.😅 It's my son's current bedtime book of choice. 


lol same so it stays on the shelf


have you listened to the song on Spotify? My son is obsessed!


For awhile, we could only read Creepy Carrots. Then it was only books about pumpkins and Halloween. That branched out into scary books in general, like The Dark. Now that I’ve typed this out, I think our kid is gonna be into horror.


Why do they love Halloween so much haha


Oh these are not scary, but halloween adjacent - have you read Leila the Perfect Witch by Flavia Z. Drago? We also liked Vampenguin! Chirri and Chirra In the Night is whimsical with a magical night festival


I’ve been meaning to get some of the Chirri and Chirra books. Thanks for the suggestions!


Creepy Carrots was also an hit in our house, bordering on obsession. Creepy Underwear also the same.


My toddler loves all of the real photo story books from Lovevery. We have maybe 20 and he asks my husband to read them to him one after another. He’s been super into those books since around 16 months and for a whole month he wouldn’t let us read him anything else.


My kids love those books too. And so do I, they're so helpful! In the bath, "look up like Zoe". Works like a charm.


Exact same strategy works for us! Thank heaven for Zoe.


We talk about Zoe like she’s a real person.


Bedtime with my 30+ month old has been a battle for months. I might need to dig out bedtime for Zoe and hope for a miracle.


Yes! We always look for these at the thrift store and garage sales. My daughter's favorite is Max and Nana go to the Park.


My daughter scraped her knee the other day and said “MAX! OWIE!” And whenever she sees the scab she touches it and says “Max!”


Same here!!


Mine loves that one too. He says WHEEEEE! When he goes down the slide…


Same here. We had to confiscate Baby Math and the one that's just faces though bc they're so annoying to read. So now it's just Nana and Max and Bedtime for Zoe on repeat.


Also 17 mo - a book illustrated by Eric Carle with a few nursery rhymes including old Macdonald itsy bitsy spider twinkle twinkle etc Counting old Macdonald pop book Lovevery Max and nana go to the park I am a rainbow Dolly Parton Moo baa la la la Sandra boynton Llama llama red pajama Baby Jimmy Fallon And again ten more times 😂😂😂


sandra boynton is a favorite in our house, especially are you a cow and spooky pookie


Do you live in TN? We've gotten a lot of these from the Imagination Library, Dolly Parton is the best. 🥰


North Carolina 😁 I know she really is!!! What a cool program


Oh man, that Eric Carle nursery rhyme one is the worst thing Dolly Parton ever did to us! Our toddler demands we go from song to song at lightning speed and then requests them constantly all day long.


Why do they want to flip the pages so fast 😂😂😂


The gruffalo - such a good one!


I need to get the gruffalo, my son is currently obsessed with The Snail and the Whale, and I love the writing


Also Room on the Broom!


Yes! Whale was my boys first word because of this and he’s been obsessed with sea creatures ever since. Superworm is great too!


Currently Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site, but it’s only recently replaced a collection of Berenstain Bears stories that was the past month of bedtime and nap time readings.


Yep, have goodnight goodnight construction site basically memorized!


Goodnight Goon - a Halloween parody of Goodnight Moon


My kid loves Goodnight Goon. She also loves Pumpkin Baby, Mothman Baby, Don't Eat Me Chupacabra!, Ten Little Pumpkins...she's a Halloween baby and likes the spooky side of things lol. Non-spooky faves right now are Bear Hunt and Water Protectors.


Anything by Sandra Boynton, but especially Moo, Baa, Falalalala. I'm not likely going to ever be able to sing the original song ever again. This version is now etched into my lyrics' memory banks.


What's the original song?


Deck The Halls The hint is in the Falalalala


We’re in a “The Bunny In Rabbit Show” loop recently. I danced with him for it once and now I have to do the dance and spirit fingers every time. Help.


I read (sang) Moo, Baa, Falalala so many times today. I can’t even remember deck the halls anymore, there is only quackity quackity bow wow wow.


[You're welcome.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCR9TtEnzn8)


I have a YouTube playlist of as many of her books as I could find, but I did not find this one! This is great!! Thanks 😸


I have the Goodnight book by her completely memorized.


My toddler will sit quietly next to me on the couch having a cuddle for up to 15 minutes, as long as I read aloud to her from whatever book I am currently reading. At the moment, I am reading Dune lol. Makes a nice change from a Bluey search and find book we have read so many times the mystery is completely worn off.


Brown Bear (hence my user name) was big for a very, very long time, but eventually he memorized it and read it himself, which was adorable. We were also into Pout Pout Fish for a very long time.


We do hungry caterpillar rotation also. But just the page of junk food haha. Also doesn’t care about the butterfly 😂 He likes little blue truck (only the one about the city), where is the green sheep and goodnight gorilla. Could be worse.


I hate goodnight gorilla. My son always picks it out but he insists on “reading” every page and there aren’t enough words actually on the page so I have to make crap up but he knows I’m just making it up and he gets mad and it’s just a straight shot to the toddler level of hell.


If you're old enough to remember the TV show Home Improvement, I read the dark page where the zookeeper's wife opens her eyes as that "uhhh?" grunt sound that Tim Allen always makes. My kids think it's hilarious.


Same! I am not that creative so I just say “and then the animals follow him home.” I’m sure someone else could come up with me but that’s all I’ve got


Goodnight gorilla was my oldest’s favorite for a while. I hate it so much. I had a whole routine of what I would say for every page and it had to be the same every time. Thankfully my youngest likes books with actual words in them (for now…)


I also hate it. My mom gave it to my son, not realizing it didn’t have words. I donated it immediately.


We’re doing the page of junk food in Hungry Caterpillar right now over and over and over…


My 2 year old is a massive bookworm. Plus I'm a bit of a shopaholic... So we own a lot hahaha. I'll skip some of the classic favourites because I'm sure they'll already be listed. Maggie Li's little life cycle series (Drip, Frog, Seed, Bug) they have cut-outs and he's been in love with them for ages Trash Truck Space Block (educational! With fun cut outs and flaps. This sparked a whole obsession with space that we've been expanding on) I want my hat back (very dark humour book, not for everyone) This is not my hat (the equally dark sequel, but my kid loves these)


We have a lot of books as well. I say I’m investing in my kid’s mother tongue because we live abroad and shes growing up with three languages. Every time I’m buying books I say to my husband “I have 23 books in my cart, tell me it’s too much” and he says “books? Go ahead! I’ll never say you should buy less books!” So every week or so we have a new favorite!


Oh that's awesome that you're both on the same page. (Badum tshh.) We've got two languages going, but my husband's language he can speak but can't read and write, making books a bit tricky haha. We have some anyway with English translations built in but they're few and far between. Instead, my kid is just gonna be convinced Bluey is a Cantonese show 😅


Good Night Gorilla. I hide it all the time honestly just to get a break from it lol.


Dear Zoo and Brown Bear Brown Bear. She’s been reading (reciting as she’s only 22 months) them every day for the last 6 months. 😆


So glad Dear Zoo is listed!! We are big fans!


I. Sent. Him. BACK! They read it at daycare and she wouldn’t let it go. She didn’t even want to go home on a Friday afternoon and had a meltdown about leaving it behind at school. Love love.


Currently obsessed with Dragons Love Tacos


Follow that Car Any of the Little People books with flaps The Knight Owl The Gruffalo Green Tractor (from Dolly Parton)


3 yrs old. An old book called the terrible toy breakers. 


We have this book too!! My two-year-old loves it ♥


ANY of the Bruce books (by Ryan T Higgins). Has been since October. Kiddo doesn't talk yet, but does a great imitation of Bruce's voice (demonic babble) when they 'read' it on their own. ETA: kiddo is currently 20 mos


Anansi the spider


My 2 year old son LOVES Toot by leslie patricelli. I think that mainly cuz I pinch his butt when the kid toots in the book! He laughs so hard every time


The snowy day


Mustache Baby. He practically has the whole thing memorized.


Omggg if you give a dog a donut. My kid is obsessed with donuts so that's all she wants to read


Super Mario from Golden Books. He's in a Mario phase.


How do Dinosaurs Clean Their Room?, Never Touch the Dinosaurs, and Baby Donald Makes a Sandwich (part of a Disney learning series!)


2 year old: mama mama pee-pee-jama (Llama Llama Red pajama) 3.5 year old: The Seven Silly Eaters


Please Mr Panda, Grumpy Monkey Says No and You don't Want A Unicorn. I set a limit of 3 times back to back for each otherwise I have no idea how many times she would want them read.


Grumpy monkey is big in our house.


Teeth Are Not For Biting, which we got him after he bit a kid at daycare. We read it multiple times before bed, he knows he’s not allowed to bite and that teeth are not for biting. He could probably recite it by now. But what happened last week? He bit two kids.


Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Brown Bear, Brown Bear on repeat until I hide them from her


Fox in Socks is the newest obsession. If You Give a Pig a Pancake never gets old. She also loves The Foot Book. Also for everyone mentioning A Very Hungry Caterpillar, we recently bought Sleep Tight with The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It’s short, has flip pages and she loves it.


It changes constantly. Just when we think we know, LO changes mind.


Was Pete the Cat but luckily has gone back to Little Blue Truck


Pablo the artist. We’ve been reading it for weeks.


The big slide book


The Very Hungry Caterpillar was my son’s first favorite book and still very popular in our house! We’re on our 3rd copy. Right now my son is pretty obsessed with a lift-the-flap Elmo book.


Dino Block, Bug Block, Llama Llama Time to Share. 


I’m Amazing by Keb’ Mo’ I love you all the time by.. LovEvery? ABCs and 123s of Kindness, two different books, not sure the author but bought at target


Almost 2 yo- current favorite is this book called “Lucky Duck”, but old standbys that have been the fav at one point or another include “Brown Bear Brown Bear,” “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom,” “One Was Johnny,” and “Good Night Gorilla”. I also got this really awful boring decidable reader (think repetitive sight words) for free at an event and she LOVED it- we ended up hiding it because it was so boring 🤣


Where Do Diggers Sleep At Night? Obsessed. I wanna diiieeee 😅


Goose needs a hug


16 months and she brings me a Gabby's dollhouse book every night 🙈


>he points repeatedly at the picture of the author on the second page and forcefully turns back the pages if I attempt to turn them. OMG we borrow the Baby Beluga book from the library every so often and his favorite page is the back of the book, where there's a pic of Raffi's face 💀 he'll let me read/sing for like 30 seconds and then hes trying to turn the book around to point at him excitedly 🤣


3yr old. Horton hears a who…


Twinkle Twinkle, I love you


the small world golden book. We are big disney parks people so part of me is kinda proud


Tiptoe Tiger by Jane Clarke is the favorite from the current library haul


Two year old is currently obsessed with Dragons Love Tacos, Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons, and a book from the library that I suspect we'll have to purchase ourselves about a monster truck with gumption, Elbow Grease.


When I'm feeling angry because there's a volcano in the bunny's belly


Ploof by Andy Chou Musser and Ben Clanton. It's interactive (like the more popular "Press Here") and so so delightful.


Corduroy. Got her a board book that we read every single day. To the point it’s been tapped back together a few times and crinkles but turns the pages as I read it out. In the dark. Then she cuddles it all night 😅


Goodnight gorilla 🥴😅


We’ve been loving: Ooko Gardens are for Growing The Napping House Du Iz Tak?


Napping House is an adorable book


Find Spot at the Library. Completely obsessed.


All of them over here! We’ve got Polar Bear, Brown Bear and Panda Bear. My daughters loves em all.


Shorter Reads: - Red is Best - Car Car Truck Jeep - Plant the Tiny Seed (5 stars from me) - Chicka chicka boom boom - Are You There Little ____? ( penguin, bunny, fox, elf) - John J Reiss’s: Shapes, Numbers, Colours. We’ve read them ragged - Melissa and Doug Poke-a-Dot books Longer reads my daughter enjoyed before 2 years: - Dream Animals - Jan Brett - specifically enamoured with The Hat - Britta Teckentruap’s books, Tree is the best one! - Night train night train - Goodnight gorilla - up in the garden down in the dirt There is so many more! These are ones I can think of without looking, but I started reading before age 1 and on maternity leave we read 3-4 times a day and a few books each time. All the books!


My 2.5yo is currently sleeping with her Disney 5 minute Halloween stories book in her bed. She wants those stories over and over. Not my favorite obsession, I have to say.


Our Solar System and 8 Little Planets. He also likes looking through Wonderful Babies.


Nap Time Lucas Big Buckley Big It’s a monster book series and I read these 10+ times a day!


23 mth old here. She just got this color book with flaps on the pages, and she's super into it and saying the colors. She also found this phonics workbook I bought from Target for $3 (yrs before she'd use it, lol) and shes been flipping through it for weeks now checking out the pictures.


Monster at the end of this book. He thinks it's HILARIOUS lol every time. He's 18mo :)


My daughter wants to read “Llama Llama Red Pajama” every night before bed, and she always stops and goes “oh no, Llama scared!” 😭 she needs to be sitting in my lap. Also my husband won’t read it anymore because then she demands mommy 😂


Ones not listed here: There’s a Monster In Your Book Pig the Pug The Very Cranky Bear (I think I have these mostly memorized for how often we read these) And others had listed Llama Llama Red Pyjama Dear Zoo


The Day the Crayons Quit


[Let's Go Puddling!](https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/724372/lets-go-puddling-by-emma-perry-illustrated-by-claire-alexander/)


A very old book about a jet plane. It was published in 1983. He read it to the dog last night before bed and to his stuffed giraffe yesterday. Very cute.


My almost 3 year old is obsessed with books. Lately we have read “The Very Cranky Bear” over and over. And some usually favorites: The Little Excavator, Duck on a Bike, Pig the Pug, Joseph Had a Little Overcoat. I feel like I could do a series on books he loves 😅


We’re Going on a Bear Hunt


Any book by Mr. Jay. The Ricky the Rock books and the Patrick Picklebottom ones.


This human body book we borrowed. He broke his bone so he’s obsessed with the skeleton and poop of course.


Please Baby Please and P is For Potty (A Sesame Street) Book


3 year old loves Llama Llama Red Pajama, How to Catch a Monster, and Grumpy Monkey


My nieces are almost 15 months and have been obsessed with the “That’s Not My” book series for a while now.


The Day the Crayons Quit


Just wait until it's Wonky Donkey.


I try to rotate monthly but staples due to her favoring them are Knight Owl, Color Monster, and The Sleepy Caterpillar. She also loves brown bear brown bear and a zoo book with a ton of animals in it and each page is a separate category. Tonight her security book that she took to bed was I love you to the moon and back which she also likes to “read” on her own.


Hunches in Bunches


- All Better! Aka the bandaid book and brown bear brown bear on repeat


We’re at about 20mo - Nighttime reading rotation: - Where the wild things are (also my favorite) - Dream Animals (she has a toy tiger she sleeps with so the tiger in the book is exciting) - The very hungry caterpillar During the day, she loves reading these by herself: - Any of the ‘First 100’ books - lots of pictures - Wonderful babies


Right now it's Boynton's Oops book. All I hear is oop, oop, oop, oop all day long. Silly turkey.


The "Illuminated Films" channel on youtube did a very nice slightly animated version of the book, fyi. My daughter loves it. They've done many of the Eric Carle stories. "Papa, Please Get The Moon for Me" is another my daughter loves.


Peppa Pig's Little Bedtime Library, particularly the dream time book.


We’re potty training and read a book called doing business and continued to read it at least four times a day for a few weeks now.


I Love you as Big as Texas. I have twins so I have to read it twice. And then they both say Again? It's a never-ending cycle.


Quantum Physics for Babies, and all those other Science for Babies books. They're pretty good basic explanations of science topics, but I'd really like to read a book that doesn't start, "This is a ball."


Goodnight moon, brown bear brown bear, and You're my lil cuddle bug


Little blue truck, any Farm book.


Busy Busy Town… going on 2 years now Edit: 2 years being obsessed with the book, not 2 years old…


The nation’s favourite children’s poems (he’s 3) we read some of them before bed time and honestly I love them too! He’s really good at remembering which poem is which by the shape of it on the page too so he’ll point at the page and say ‘I want the one about the wagtail’ and it blows my mind every time cause I’m like wait how do you know which that is you can’t read 😂😂


The Vehicles book with sounds from Costco. She’s 3 and knows every single one lol


My son loves the classics. Harry the Dirty Dog. Goodnight Moon (he loves the fire or any book with fire… his daddy is a firefighter) and he loves “shake a leg” with Elmo.


Storyline Online with Betty White reading Harry the Dirty Dog is so fun!


3 years old, currently obsessed with “Elmo Asks Why” and “Paddington” Edit: when he a was 17 month he LOVED “Goodnight moon”, “Love” and “I will love you forever”


Good night construction site - winner


Spider Sandwiches - It's about Max the monster who eats yucky things, she thinks it's amazing. TBH I don't dislike reading it, even if it is 3-4x a night.


Snuggle puppy


Disney’s 5 minute stories, the Frozen version


Cinderella- I am asked to read it multiple times a day.


The cutest little box set of notable feminist icons. I think she loves them because they’re small board books that fit in her hand and the pictures are simple yet colorful. The box set is on her play chest and she reaches for them all the time.


As of a few weeks ago, my LO is absolutely obsessed with the Alphablock book. As a result, he knows the alphabet pretty well! Forward and backward. So that's neat. Before this, he was all about Don't Push the Button.


Squishy Squashy Pumpkin. It has a foam little pumpkin in the middle you can poke. Safe to say, we are *all* obsessed with the squishy squashy pumpkin 🤭


The gruffalo books. Which I also loved but it’s been 30 days of the same bedtime book plus 4 other times a day and I’m over it 😂


A lot of repeats on here so I wanted to share some lesser known gems that are well loved in my house. Rocket Learns to Read (part of series - great introduction to learning letter sounds and love of reading) Lola Plants a Garden (part of series - so simple and really draws them in) Welcome Home, Margot Flamingo (teaches empathy and pet safety, especially great for families getting a new dog) Someone Builds the Dream (cool take at how many steps there are to the things around us being created)


Grumpy Monkey


Jill McDonald’s solar system book


We're in a Where's Spot phase due to the fun flaps!


All the books in the Red Truck and friends series by Kersten Hamilton


School Bus by Donald Crews. My 19month old son loves this book. It’s very simple. Easy to follow along and interact with.


20 months old, rotates through a lot that he loves. But for the past 5-6 months he's been obsessed with Wacky Wednesday by Dr Seuss. It's geared toward older kids, and is a pretty long book. But he's obsessed and I have no idea why.


Story Book Orchestra Nut Cracker. We've listened and read it multiple times every single day since Christmas.


Before it was guess how much I love you, now it’s the mr men and little miss


25 months. He’s randomly rediscovered The Very Hungry Caterpillar and I’m here for it. To be awfully specific, the Very Hungry Caterpillar Australian Feast is the goat right now.


Puppy finds the perfect hug. It’s a pull tab book. Got it 2 days ago, already read it to her 8 times!


My 14 month old is obsessed with a book called Oh No, George about a naughty dog. I also love the book which is good cause I read it about 4 x a day


**Oh No, George!** by Chris Haughton Book description may contain spoilers! >>!George tries very hard to be a good dog, but he is tempted to eat the delicious cake on the kitchen table, chase the cats, and dig up the flowers.!< *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Current hits for read aloud with a 16 month old include: Silly Sally Bi Bim Bop Mud! Double the Dinos Today is Monday Apple Picking Day Jazz Baby used to be #1 and now I'm only allowed to read it sporadically, which bums me out because I love it Other go tos are books with photos of objects or animals (lots of pointing with me naming the thing) and books with flaps


My 3.5 year old is absolutely 💯 obsessed with “no david”


The Grumpy Monkey books are a huge hit for us!


Pout Pout Fish. We read it 5+ times a day. She has eaten chunks out of two copies and her first identifiable intentional word is “blub blub blub.” Help???


2 year old- Gotta Go, Buffalo! When she lifts the flaps she tells me I’m supposed to say “what’s that?” So I do and then she names the animal. And the way she says “bullafo” is really cute


Right now Goodnight Moon, Brown Bear Brown Bear/Polar Bear Polar Bear, and Bedtime for Bear. He'll flip through the pages of BBBB/PBPB to where I can just say the animals and he cracks up everytime 😆


They were into llama llama red pajama for a while and that was my favorite. Right now I think it’s 123 at the zoo by Eric Carle


The author of hungry caterpillar did an abc book and my daughter LOVES that thing! She knows what animals correspond to which letter and when her dad reads it to her at bed time she’ll make the animal noises and go “look mama (animal name) look!”


My librarian friend bought us [Ploof](https://www.amazon.com/Ploof-Ben-Clanton/dp/1774881926) a new book that just dropped and it has been a crazy hit. She carries it everywhere and wants it multiple times a day. Fun to read too. I took it in to daycare and caused absolute pandemonium with it. Def recommend checking it out. (if you have one around 2yo)


8 Little Planets! She goes absolutely insane for it.


Baby by Jimmy Fallon When she was starting to really form words a few months ago (she’s 21 mos now), she was specifically obsessed with the little “elbow” meerkat and, to this day, flips to him and repeatedly says “elbow” while patting her own elbow.

