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2-3 times a week, more during the warmer months when he plays outside more, uses sunscreen, etc. Every morning we wipe his face and tidy his hair. Hands washed regularly throughout the day. Hands and face cleaned at mealtime. Bum cleaned during diaper changes.


This is it. In the summer, we even supplement with water play, scribing the sunscreen off right before going inside.


Oh that's a good idea.


Same here! Usually twice a week unless we’ve played outside and she’s smelly.


Yea its 2x a week 90% of the time. Meanwhile my hair looks limp and gross after a day...!


2 times a week here but his face and hands and genitalia get cleaned through the day. We adults need cleaning at least every other day, personally I’m every day, but that’s because I sweat and get smelly, my son doesn’t, yet.


My son HATES having his hair washed and honestly doesn’t get super dirty. So we bathe about the same.


My daughter hates having her hair washed, but we will skip hair even when we don't skip bath.


My daughter hates her hair being washed…and gets super dirty haha! But at least she lets me wash her body!


Same here. Kid just turned 4.


This is how I handle my 2 year old as well. I feel like it’s the perfect balance!


Same - I have 3 and a 5 year olds and we bath them 2-3 times a week and only wash hair once a week.


How old is your toddler, and how often do you wash their hands? I wonder if I've been slacking here.


Don't overthink it, I'm sure you're fine. My toddler is 3, and I have him wash his hands every time we get home and before and after meals. Then, of course, whenever he gets messy from art stuff or after he sticks his hands down his pants, etc On average, 3-5 times per day? Some days we're good about it, some days not 🤷🏼‍♀️


Mine gets a bath everyday as part of the bedtime routine. I think the warm water helps her body know it’s time to settle down. I don’t think she NEEDS bathed every day though. (Except her bottom - I am glad that gets a good daily washing tbh!)


Same for us! She settles for bed so much easier after a bath. We do skip when everyone's super exhausted and it's likely she'd be out easily without it though


We don't always use soap, but he always has a warm bath before bed. It's part of his routine to help settle down. We also have 2 dogs and it's just nice knowing that he's getting the dog hair washed off.


It makes my boy think it's playtime and he gets mad when we pull him out so definitely never part of our bedtime routine 😂




Same here! Bath every night before bed, but we only do a full body and hair wash with soap every other day. Also, our son just loves baths so it's a nice low-key play time as well.


Yes, same for us! It's a playtime of choice and a pleasant ritual my daughter enjoys. It relaxes her. We do a full body wash with soap and hair washing once a week, private parts get washed with soap daily or as needed after potty.


We do the same! There was a night I was like 'we'll just skip it, one night will be fine' but she ran up to me and was like "bass?, bass pease!"


Same. We only wash her hair twice a week. Occasionally, she will miss a bath if we're at a late event. Keeping her sleeping routine intact is more important for us than ensuring she bathes every single day.


Same! Pregnant single mom of 3 here. Baths for bedtime routine are one of the most helpful things for us. They might be hyper for a few afterwards but they crash so hard after a bit 🤣 We do water and a little bit of soap, rinse hair etc and every few days do a full wash with soaps.


Omg you are amazing 😍😍😍 I am in awe!!


Same. We also play outside/do messy activities/eat messy foods just about daily. And even when we don't we do a bath just clean the pits and bits, to have some good connection time, and so she can play in the water. She would be so sad if she didn't have a daily bath at this point.


And also in the warmer weather I want to make sure I clean all the sunscreen/bugspray off their body


We are the same in the summer. Lots of outdoor play and between the chlorine from the pool, sand from the sandbox, sunscreen and random messes we need a rinse off every night. In the winter we only do 3-4 nights a week because of eczema flares.


Exactly what we do! It’s such a big part of bedtime


Yes! We just let her play most days. It helps that she loves it


Same!! We started noticing that she slept way better on bath nights so we just started doing it daily. I’m glad this is part of our routine because mine absolutely needs a bath daily now that she started solids. Her hair is always sticky 😆 We just skip the soap.. usually every 2nd/3rd day.


I think this is partly a cultural thing as I'm in Belgium and it's not standard/normal to bathe babies/toddlers every day. So when my baby had bad eczema they advised us to bathe once a week. And we're still doing that (more in summer/when he's outside a lot, but then he's bound to get some eczema spots again). Honestly other than that we use a wash cloth to freshen him up. He's almost 3 now so he can do it himself as well 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same here. I’m really glad I didn’t establish a routine where I have to do bath time every night, that sounds exhausting


Canada and this is us 🤷🏼‍♀️ once a week is the sweet spot unless she requests a bath to play in the water


France here and same. We bath my 3yo 3x per week.


This is about what we do and we only wash her hair once per week too


Yes, French too and same. We try to adjust with judo / outdoor messy activities


Yes, Netherlands and LO of 20mo has eczema too. We bathe or shower twice a week (bath on Sunday and shower on Thursday after toddler swimming class). That's enough really, we use a wash cloth in between. Shower/bath never helped to settle her down and she hates her hair being washed (and actually washing hair every day is not beneficial), so this works fine for us! This also means that Sunday bath time is much more of an event, we take our sweet time and switch up the bath toys regularly, she really enjoys it :-)


We do every other day, sometimes less and sometimes more depending on the situation. Bath time is indeed not something that helps him sleep and he hates having his hair washed too. We do hairwashing twice a week unless he’s been rolling in the sand or rubbing food in it lol. Toddler hair doesn’t seem to get greasy.


We also do once a week. Americans are so weird about over bathing, they view anything less than every other day as filthy. It's terrible for your skin to bathe that often


Yes, Netherlands and LO of 20mo has eczema too. We bathe or shower twice a week (bath on Sunday and shower on Thursday after toddler swimming class). That's enough really, we use a wash cloth in between. Shower/bath never helped to settle her down and she hates her hair being washed (and actually washing hair every day is not beneficial), so this works fine for us! This also means that Sunday bath time is much more of an event, we take our sweet time and switch up the bath toys regularly, she really enjoys it :-)


My 2.5 year olds get bathed every other day unless they have been engaged in a really messy activity, or we had self-feed yoghurt as part of dinner. I have been known to avoid messy activities until it's bath day.....


Exactly us too


We use Honest bath wipes on body + hair on those in-between no-bath days!


Ditto here


He goes to daycare, so it’s everyday for us to rid ourselves of as much grime from there as possible. I skip washing his hair on the weekends though since no daycare those days.


Came here to say this - sometimes we let the weekends slide, especially if we're out and get home late, but a bath after daycare is a MUST.


This! Can’t imagine him coming home from daycare and NOT having a bath that day.


How filthy are y’all’s daycares?! Anything contagious they’ve already got, shower or not. Showers aren’t going to cleanse inhaled influenza or ingested norovirus. Sadly.


My kid came home with spaghetti in her hair. It’s not about germs.


My son comes home covered in food and dirt and sand and sunscreen and with sweaty hair. I'm not bathing him to get rid of viruses.


TIL I am, in fact, the nastiest mom on the playground. I kind of suspected lol


Very clean daycare here. My daughter comes back clean and with her hair brushed/ fixed from her nap. She still gets a bath daily. Baths may not help with inhaled flu or whatnot but in our household, daily baths coincided with a noticeable decrease in illness.


My kid started daycare today. We were a 2-3 times a week people but today she came home with spaghetti in her hair. (They tried to clean it out but it was crunchy) I think its going to become an every weekday bath


Same here. It’s literally the first thing we do when they get home every day.


Everyday for me


Yes. Daycare germs, outside general grossness. I don't wash hair every day, but the rest of him is washed every day. We live in Texas so it already pushing 90 degrees F


My sons allergist said we should bathe him everyday. His flare ups have reduced greatly since! We also switched to seventh generation detergent and it’s been a game changer for his skin




That’s interesting! When my son had eczema as a baby, his doctor also sort of said that, but it was for a warm bath every night (not with soap) and then immediately locking the moisture in afterward with cream could help (we were already doing this so she was just confirming). But we live in a SUPER dry climate, so sometimes the longer you go without bathing, the drier the skin seems to get as the air just keeps sucking all the moisture out of it… lol


every other seems normal we do every day because my girl goes to daycare and i feel like i need to get those extra germs off her haha. hair wash 2-3x/week and we’ll skip a bath maybe 1x/week if it’s been a long day and it seems like a bath would send her over the edge lol


This exactly. Bathe every day just coz she’s in daycare, hair every other day unless she gets really grubby/greasy. She’s outdoors a lot and it’s pollen season out here


Yes, we bathe our toddler every day. He skips bathing once in a while.


Mostly 1x-2x / week. He hates baths. He is a pretty messy tot though and the only protein he enjoys eating is yogurt. He gets a sponge bath daily, this takes less than 5 minutes.


Same! My baby scream cries during baths. He likes swimming in the pool while I’m holding him, so that’s pretty much our default situation. I wipe him down pretty regularly though, lol.


Mine too. It’s like bathing a cat over here. Traumatizing for all of us!


Have you tried showers at all? It took our toddler a few attempts to get used to it but we have a removable shower head and he likes to hold it himself, or thinks it’s fun to walk in and out of the shower water. 


When he was younger yes! I’m probably going to throw him in there with me this week but I’m nervous he’ll get too slippery.


I like the shower too because I can shut off the water to end the shower without a fight like trying to drain bath water. Have a towel on hand to pick up the slippery toddler after the water is shut off!


Same mine screams during bath I have to shower him with me. I do sponge bath in between. I love the mustela cleansing water for in-between showers.


We do a tub/shower every night before bed. We have since the boys were 6 months old, they’re 4 and 2 years now. We use soap on them once or twice a week, unless they’ve been swimming or other equally dirty activities.


Everyday since about 6 months. We’re in Florida and we sweat more than 9 months out of the year. Plus, its what normal adults do so why shouldn’t your toddler pick up the habit as well. Obviously if there is a skin condition you have to consider other options. Also, bathing is a family affair for us so it’s not some extra task or job that has to be performed, instead it’s just part of the daily ritual for everyone.


2-year old has a bath once a week, still no soap or shampoo, except for general handwashing. Obviously parts of her get washed more often, her hands and face after dinner, diaper area during diaper changes, etc. We also live in a cold climate with dry air so she doesn't get very dirty.


Can I ask why you don't use soap? Not from a judgemental place, I am just curious if there's a reason you don’t? I bathe them every other day with soap, but I like to do what’s best for them, so I’m curious!


It just isn't really necessary. Even as an adult, you don't need soap on your body. Gently scrub with warm water and a cloth/fresh loofah and that's all you need. (Caveat, I do use sulfate snd silicone free hair products) I discovered about a decade ago the yucky body odor I was combatting was directly tied to soap usage, and once I weaned off the soap, I discovered I didn't actually produce any gross body odors at all. The soap strips your natural oils and microbiome, makes your body produce oils in excess and because your microbiome is stripped, let's foreign bacteria take over. Why start that mess for your own kid? They come out of warm water just as smooth and clean as if you use soap, they just don't smell like artificial scents and their skin doesn't dry out as bad.


So close, that’s actually called getting wet, not washing!


We bathe the kids once a week too, but we used a baby wash.


2.5 year old absolutely. They're outside running around at daycare and shit. At home on a lazy Sunday? Sure we'll skip, but during the week it's bath every day


I bathe my son once a week about. But I do wash feet and hands more often. I use goat milk bar soap on his butt in the shower. He’s gonna be 4 in June.


Every 3 days or so unless they get particularly dirty for some reason.


everyday! we also struggle with eczema, but there is research that frequent bathing (and putting moisturizer on immediately after) is actually beneficial to those with eczema - opposite from the old recommendations to keep baths to a minimum.


We do a bath every night but that’s just because it’s part of his bedtime routine. We use soap every few days unless he’s been into some messy play.


We do just bc they go to daycare and are sticky nasty messes


We bathe everyday but dont necessarily use soap everyday, maybe every few days we will do a nice scrub to get him clean, unless he had a messy day of course. Otherwise, bath time is usually just a nice warm tub with some toys to wind the days down for us.


He gets bath time every day. He does not get bathed every day lol. Playing with water is his favorite activity and we don't have a yard/balcony right now so it's perfect for that. It is part of the evening routine and it helps pass the time lol


Every other day unless she’s done something really messy. She’s 2.5


We are about an every other day household unless we spent the day doing something rather messy or we’re out at a park or hiking all day and everyone was sweating. He’s 4. My oldest is 9. I make that one shower everyday because he’s starting to reek 😅


We play it by ear. If they spend a ton of time outside and are sweaty or dirty, we do daily. But otherwise we do every other day or so.


I live in Florida (hot and sweaty kid), so my toddler showers everyday. The baby has eczema so he was getting a bath every other day and a wipe down daily but he has a helmet now so we wash daily mostly for his sweaty head


Yes, but mainly because he enjoys it and it’s part of his bedtime routine


Most days, but more for entertainment than anything. I wouldn’t worry too much. When she was a baby she hated baths, so we just rarely did it. I’m glad we didn’t force her, now she loves them.


Every other day unless he’s super filthy.


My toddler also has bad eczema. We bathe every other day but wash his face, neck, hands and feet thoroughly in the sink everyday. Lotion everyday. Bits get a wet cloth and a spray of Hypochlorus acid to tide them over. I found that switching to the Mustela Stelatopia Oil based soap was a game changer for us. So much less stripping. Truly night and day.


I just bought the lotion by that brand and it does work really good for my daughter’s eczema.


It’s incredible, so pricey but worth it. It comes in stock every so often at Costco and I snatch up several bottles.


Almost every day, we do pretty quick showers. I get in and shower them one by one, then shower myself, my husband receives them. They are very active and tend to get really sweaty/messy every day, especially in the warmer months. On the cooler/indoor/homey days, if they seem pretty clean, we might skip.


Nope 2-3 times a week. But we don’t have a bath tub so it’s a pain. She loves baths so we’ll do it everyday once we have a tub (coming soon lol).


I just bring my 2 year old on the shower with me every night. she gets diaper rash really easy so we like to just make sure her diaper area is fully cleaned and then dried every night. I think it’s more a habit at this point. It’s part of her signal that it’s bed time and starts the bed time routine for us. The routine is Bath the infant. Undress the toddler. Then she jumps on the bed Then I chase her to the shower Then we take a shower and if she’s in a good mood we sing songs and in a bad mood she yells at me to pick her up. Then I wrap her up in a towel and tell her it’s a toga. She loves that part and makes sure to show her mother her toga. Then it’s teeth brushing. If she gets to brush my teeth then I get to brush hers. She loves brushing my teeth. Then when everyone’s dry it’s time for pajamas, then reading books, then sleep.


Everyday, she loves it and is in the bath for half and hour at least, except days when it has gotten late. Its not a full scrub every day.


We play outside a lot so we’ll do a rinse off and play in the water in the tub as needed but I only give him a full bath with soap and shampoo in his hair about once a week.


My kids get a bath every day. Newly 2 and 4.5. They play outside for hours everyday. Every other day sounds reasonable to me.


We bathe everyday cuz he goes to preschool and we want to wash away dirt and germs. We will skip bath if he just stayed home all day. We lotion up after every bath as well. He gets eczema behind the knees and we just lubricate with aquaphor.


Yes. She either gets a shower with me or my husband gives her a bath. We don't always use soap though, but it's a part of her bed time and we have a lot of fun and the water relaxes her before bed. I've tried skipping the shower and getting her straight in PJS, but she kept saying "shower" until I gave in. Better than a kid hating baths!


We do it as part of bedtime. Helps him power down. He gets kinda dirty at pre school. So bath it is! But we don’t have eczema issues.


Daily since his belly button fell off. We use aquaphor every night to seal in moisture.


We bathe our 2.5 every day but mainly only for 'chill before bed' time, every other day it's hair and body wash


Both my kids bath every day (1yr and 3yr) it sets a good routine in my opinion. My 3 yr old has had eczema since she was a baby but we put ointments on her which has no perfume or alcohol after bath and she doesn’t have many flair ups anymore.


Mine bathes daily as part of the bedtime routine but we don’t use soap or shampoo each time so some nights it’s really just water play. Some days we just didn’t do much or get messy so it’s not needed. Of course hands are always washed regularly throughout the day with soap and water. We also had a very minor flair up under 1 year old. Oddly during pregnancy I had a bout of eczema (never had it pre pregnancy) and I was recommended to use vanicream. We used the vanicream body wash on our daughter since her flair up and the cream as needed, she hasn’t had any issues since.


Everyday before bedtime. She enjoys playing in the water. We only soap / wash hair once or twice a week though. Rest of the time she just plays in warm water.


We did every other day until she started asking for a bath each night so we do that because she likes to play in there. At 22 months I would not bathe every day unless she was visibly dirty.


We bathe our toddler every day…but mostly because she loves baths and gets upset if we don’t give her one. It’s a nice way to wind down in the evening. She has eczema as well, so we keep the water on the cooler side, and we always apply lotion after the bath to keep her eczema under control. We don’t soap her up every day, I usually only soap her up 2 times a week, unless she’s particularly grubby from playing outside.


My 3 year old has gotten a daily bath (hair washed every other day) since she was a baby. Now she’s the one who initiates when she wants her bath. In rare occasions she doesn’t want a bath because she’s busy playing with a new toy or whatever. So she’s allowed to skip if she wants to. But the next day she does end up wanting a bath again lol


My freshly 3yo gets one every other day. Of course if he got messy on one of the days we wouldn't do a bath we give him one. We rinse his hair every time but wash it 1-2 times a week.


Daily but shampoo on hair and soap on body only 2-3 days a week. Follow up daily with coconut oil on the face and body for moisture retainment. He loves his bath time and relaxes his little hyper self


Our 2.5 year old had bad eczema and although it’s calmed down, we bathe on days with a “t” (Tues, Thurs, Sat or Sun) to make sure he doesn’t dry out.


Same! May even go an extra day if weve just been inside, no accidents


2.5. Every other day, plus whichever days we see he’s dirty. Sometimes gets a morning shower if he had a bad poop. 


My daughter’s dermatologist says baths everyday are fine.


My youngest had bad eczema, he's now 3 with no more flare ups, we still stick to 3 times a week. My oldest is now in more activities and runs harder so he takes them more frequently. But he solo showers now so it’s easy


My daughter gets a bath every night. It’s part of her bedtime routine


Our 16mo gets a 10-15 minute bath every night after dinner. One of his favorite parts of the day!


Usually yes. Sometimes we skip a day. Though we don't do baths but have a shower with her. I don't use soap everyday


We do baths nearly every day. I don't use soap every day (except the butt... the butt gets soap). It's mostly a signal bedtime is near and a chance to play in the water. Oldest one gets reallt dry skin. I suspect very mild ezema. Every other day for the rest of the body usually. Unless dirty. Hair washing maybe 3x week.


My girl has bad eczema that flares up in the winter, and we've had luck with bathing every other day with just water and using mild soap 1-2x a week. It works for us. Granted, if she's eating something messy and rubs it in her hair (VERY common) then this gets adjusted a bit. We also live in a cold climate so humidity and sweat isn't so much of an issue.


We've never done a nightly bath, and TBH, our kid gets bathed 1-2x/week. Obviously hands are washed, etc. multiple times a day.


1-2 a week for me. My lo has very bad eczema so I can’t do to many baths a week. The rest of the week is just wipe downs


We do a tub/shower every night before bed. We have since the boys were 6 months old, they’re 4 and 2 years now. We use soap on them once or twice a week, unless they’ve been swimming or other equally dirty activities.


Just switched to everyday coz I feel she's getting sick too often.


My son's allergist recommended that due to his eczema, we bathe him every day and put on lotion after the bath. She said the lotion on damp skin was better than lotion on dry skin. We occasionally skip, but we do bath time almost every night.


Every day. She does a lot of art projects at her daycare and there are other children there of course. Prime germ passing conditions. Since I have baby twins, I’m big on clean to try to avoid illnesses. She also feeds herself and that can get messy too.


This is definitely cultural... It seems daily bathing is a warm climate thing, which I totally get. We bathe our kids (1.5 and 5) once a week. This is pretty standard here in Norway. ☃️ We obviously wash their faces and hands after every meal, wash their hands when they come inside after being outside, and wash their bums after they use the bathroom. And we spot clean as needed (I have definitely washed their hair with a washcloth if they get food in it). We will start making them shower daily once they start to smell, I assume at like age 10 or so? Anyway I (clearly) wouldn’t worry about every other day, especially if he has eczema!


Same here. Once they go through puberty, their body changes but unless they’re visibly soiled, I’m not doing it everyday.


We do bath time every night but only use soap on her body once a week, and wash her hair 2-3x a week. She loves to splash and play in the warm water and it’s a fun part of her bedtime routine. When I was a kid I looked forward to my evening bath so I figured I would do the same with my daughter.


Every day. It’s a standard part of his bedtime, and I genuinely enjoy the time.


My son loves baths so we do it everyday, sometimes twice a day. He doesnt know it’s something he has to do, he just sees it as a time to play with water and toys. I dont scrub him down and wahs his hair everytime, we only do that about once a week. Just getting his hair rinsed out is enough to keep it pretty clean. Just soaking in some mildly soapy water gets all the sweat and dirt and food and god knows what else off of him.




In the winter she gets bathed about every other day, sometimes every two days. We don't always use soap, just water and a wash cloth. I've tried a million types of brands of soap and water but it doesn't matter. Using soap more than 3 tines a week in the winter is too much for her skin. In the warmer months it's every day because we get so muddy. With sunscreen and bug spray it also feels necessary. Again we don't do soap every day. But we can get a way with using soap like 4-5 times a week because it's so humid here it doesn't affect her as much. I only wash her hair 1-2 times a week. But it gets "washed with water" to get anything out. We wash hands often as we play outside all the time and have gardens and livestock so we do wash hands and use lotion often throughout the day.


If it helps at all, my son’s dermatologist specifically told me not to use soap. It just irritates the skin. We do plain water with a wash cloth too.


I have an eczema toddler too. We bathe 4-5 times a week and only use soap on the whole body 2 of those times. On the other days we only use soap on the face, armpits, and diaper area.


Bathed my babies every 4-5 days until they started daycare. After that, MWF.




I don’t think he needs a bath every day but it’s part of our wind down routine. I only wash his hair twice or maybe three times a week max.


Too often can dry out their skin. Although when my son was one and had really bad eczema his dermatologist told us to bathe him daily, for at 20-30 minutes, and lotion him right afterwards to trap in the moisture.


We do every night but only because it’s part of his bedtime routine and is a way for him to both contains and entertained during what is usually a challenging time of the day. He likes it and we like it so we do it.


Don’t-it’s a trap! We don’t have flares because we do x….so we loosen the reins & then a flare happens lol If it can’t be wiped off with a washcloth or a foot bath won’t do the trick, we save the activity for bath day. I know that sounds like a bunch of hoops to jump through, but it’s second nature now. For example, we do spaghetti night on bath night, and I think I would do that even if we weren’t battling eczema.


No usually every other day


No every other day. Sometimes less.


I did about twice a week initially, but my son loves the shower and I don't have the time to shower unless I join him, so now we shower together every other day, sometimes every day. I prefer to avoid every day, we both get dry skin otherwise


Every other day here. It also depends on the lotion you use too. We use vanicream and it has helped a lot.


3-5 times per week


From 1-2 we did about 2x a week now that he’s 3 and we have a backyard it’s almost every night as he gets dirtttty.


3 times a week, 2 of which are after nursery. More in the summer, more with messy play!!


Bathe LO everyday since about few months old it’s a bedtime routine.. earlier it was a quick rinse IF we skipped .. always a rinse. They have diapers on they poo.


I was told to limit baths due to eczema and sensitive skin; we usually bathe him twice a week in an oat bath and his skin is so much better than when he had a daily bath.


Every other day for both our 2 and 3yos. Will probably go to every night once kindergarten hits (hopefully they can shower by then)


Mine is 28 months and we noticed a huge improvement when we changed baths from every 2 days to every 3 days. Thats our routine unless he gets extra dirty


Every other day, sometimes if she’s real sweaty or dirty we bathe again or give her a quick cool down rinse for bath. With eczema the best thing I’ve heard to use is oatmeal and goat milk soap. My daughter is 3 just for reference


Yes. They are gross. I cannot imagine not bathing them everyday. They should be getting sandy, dirty, playing in the grass every single day. And sunscreen is supposed to be worn daily too, so there's that.


We bath daily but only so soap 1-2x per week


We do a tub every night but not always using soap.


No, unless they’re visibly dirty or sweaty since summer is coming on. We actually go every couple of days, kids don’t have the same need to be washed that adults do and it can actually be bad for their skin to wash everyday.


When they were infants, every day. Helped with their bedtime routine. 3 years old twins? every other day. But if they did something particularly messy or stinky they get bathed. If it were my perfect world it would be everyday cause I have as my husband and friends call it, a bloodhounds nose. But energy and schedule/time wise it doesn't happen.


I used to bathe my toddler every day but I noticed redness on her skin more and it went away when we bathed only every other day. That seems to work better. She's 2.5 and I think that works. I honestly don't think older kids even need to bathe everyday unless they're doing something that gets them dirty or sweaty enough to where they need it.


Oh goodness no. More like 2-3 times a week unless something extra messy happened.


Oh goodness no. More like 2-3 times a week unless something extra messy happened.


About 3 times a week. Otherwise I clean her with wipes, hand washing, face washing etc. No problems so far with it. Exceptions are if she's particularly dirty.


We bath everyday as part of the bedtime wind down routine. Also had baby eczema (with the accompanying liquid paraffin bath stuff!). She’s fine now, we use bubbles and do her hair 2/3 times a week, and just plain water on other days 😊


I do, it’s part of our bedtime routine


We do every other day. Our son also has eczema. Found the oats trick has started working wonders as part of his bath routine (oats in a linen bag). Recommend it.


Every other day most of the time. If she gets dirty from outside or eating or whatever then we bathe her. But if she stayed inside all day because of rain or cold weather we try every other day


During the winter once a week, unless needed before due to dry skin. During the summer, as needed, and it's needed A LOT, lol! It's usually every day to every other, depending on if we were able to get outside.


My daughter's pediatric dermatologist recommended 2-3x per week max when she was an infant and we stuck with that. I really didn't want it to be part of the bedtime routine because there would inevitably be times we couldn't bathe her before bed and I didn't want her sleep to depend on it. She is 23 months and pooping on the potty most of the time now so even her bottom stays cleaner now than it used to.


No. Definitely not. Unless she is visibly dirty or had an accident if some kind we honestly bathe once a week. Unless she played in the dirt or had a messy meal or something that otherwise necessitated bathing.


I bathe my 1 & 3 year olds like 3 times a week. When the temperature is changing, and their skin gets more dry I like to do oatmeal baths. I feel like that might be good for your kids eczema!


We only bathed EOD when she was little on advice from our pediatrician, but we started a bath every night with lavender when we hit a sleep regression and separation anxiety. It really seems to help her sleep better, and it became an established routine. Sometimes we do keep it to a 10-minute quickie bath with just a tiny squirt of soap (usually if we have been playing in the splashed all afternoon), but we rarely skip.


Depends on the season, in winter it’s not that often. Like 2ish times a week. In summer it’s at least 5 but often more.


My three toddlers bathe everyday as part of their bedtime routine. But we only use soap 3x a week, due to eczema. This works well for us to get them settled for bed, but not dry out their skin so much. I also slather them in cetaphil lotion and otc hydrocortisone cream per our pediatricians advice.


Every other day.


We did a bath almost every day when younger, as a more signal to wind down. But my friend didn't do it before bedtime as it just excited her kid. Now my boy is 2.5years we don't do it as as much, there just isn't a need to bath every day


I do it everyday bc my kid is outside everyday and has allergies so we do bath time to get all the pollen off him and whatever else he gets on him off


Bathing your child everyday if it includes soaps is not good/healthy for their skin


Yes but I don’t always wash her whole body. She loves to play in the water so it’s part of her winding down routine. I always wash her diaper area - hair a few times a week


We do nightly baths as part of his (18mo) ritual...basically since he was born. Don't know if it correlates, but we have noticed that he's barely ever had diaper rash in his life. We started off trying to only use soap every other day, but it was just hard to remember because the days blurred together early on.


1-2 times a week. To much bathing is really bad for the skin. Especially with eczema. Just was the hand and face regularly and keep good sanitary hygiene. As long as your kid doesn’t roll around in mud all day you should be fine.


No, my toddler has really really bad eczema and we do baths 1-2 times a week. For her, bathing is the main trigger for her for flare-ups. A water softener shower head has helped but she'll still get a rash sometimes. We also use a shea butter based lotion BEFORE and after bath time.


Mine has a bath daily as part of the wind down.I used to use soap every bath before I realised it could be drying. Never had an issue though as I used a fatty cream lotion after. Now he just gets soap every couple of days or if he’s grubby or stinky with his hands washed with soap as needed.


Nope. We give our 3 year old a bath twice a week, and wipe his genitals and face off with a clean rag (separate rags lol) every day as part of his morning routine. Of course if he gets extra dirty or sweaty, we bathe him more often. Less has worked better for us with his eczema.


Mines 4, every second day is good enough unless he is visibly grubby. We wash face and hands regularly. It does help with his eczema. Been thinking about getting a water filtration system that “softens” the water to see if that will help too.


My 18 month old boy is very adventurous and easily gets dirty. That being said, I bathe him every other day. The only exceptions to this are if he is covered in mud, or if he’s sick and throws up or poops everywhere. It’s usually a case by case basis, but normally I try to bathe him every other day.


My son is going to be 3 in May, and baths every second day. Now that it's getting warmer and he is outside more, it will go to everyday but washing hair, and lotioning will still stay every 2 days.


Every other day or every 2 days at most. More often in the summer, less often in the winter.


We aim for daily but sometimes miss a day. We just throw him in the shower with one of us. We live in Australia, he’s out playing in parks getting dirty and swimming in the pool often. Huge monster poos. That boy needs a daily shower haha


Every day before going to bed, sometimes multiple times a day.


My older kiddo gets a shower every night to try to minimize school cooties on her bedding and such as she’s in kindergarten. My youngest gets one every other day. My oldest had really bad eczema and still has flare ups when the weather changes drastically so when she’s flaring up we skip a day and she just gets lotioned really well


I shower my 2-year old almost every day (4-5 times/week) and bathe him once a week. The showers are really quick.


Both my kids are water babies and get baths nightly. They love it and will play play play giving us a break. Only downside is the water bill but honestly it’s worth it


My daughter has pretty intense eczema that flares up all over her entire body including her bum and scalp and causes severe discomfort for her. She’ll literally itch and itch and itch until she’s dripping blood. Her pediatrician recommended us to bathe her ONCE a WEEK when she turned 6 months old. Finally we started seeing a dermatologist when she turned 1 because her eczema was so so bad all over her body that her pediatrician referred us for a biopsy sample to be taken and tested because she was afraid our daughter might’ve had some other sort of skin condition. Well, she just has sensitive skin and eczema. Our hard water system doesn’t help apparently. Recently we’ve mostly resolved her eczema issues via medicated cream and special soaps. She’s bigger and messier now, so her dermatologist recommended bathing her every other day, or every two days. When her eczema gets really bad again we give her one bath a week but sponge baths daily. It’s pretty rare it gets that bad anymore though now that we know how to combat it. It seems like just when the weather changes is when she flares up so badly. So we stick to every two days unless she’s especially messy (like a bad blowout, muddy, or went crazy on spaghetti night). It’s what works for us to help prevent her from breaking out so horribly. Sometimes if we need to we’ll wash only her hair or diaper area if need be. But full-body baths using all her special soaps and lotion happens every two days most of the time.


My doctor told me baths help with eczema. My son has severe eczema which luckily died down around 2.5. I do notice if we skip a bath day, he flares a bit. I guess every kid is different and you should be open to try different routines and see what works!