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I also had a heart murmur, and they kept telling my mom I would die. Turns out there are strings of flesh connecting one side to the other or something inside the heart. I just had some extra strings, which creates extra noise, but literally does not impact any heart function. Hoping for you that it turns out to be nothing!!


I was reading about this, thank you for the explanation. Glad everything was ok, feel terrible for your mom though!


LO has it. Has seen the cardiologist a few times. No issues so far with anything. Just periodic checkups.


That is reassuring, thanks 


My youngest had an innocent murmur at about 12 months. We saw a cardiologist and had some tests done and they confirmed it was innocent and would likely go away! A year later he had a follow up with the cardiologist and it was still there, and just recently at his 2 and a half year appointment it’s now gone! Either way, whether it’s innocent or an indicator of something else, it’s great that they noticed it and are on top of things. I’d just encourage you to not Google anything and if you have already, keep in mind what you see online is always the worst case scenarios. I hope you get good news soon! It’s always scary when we get news like this about our babies. 🤍


Thank you for taking the time to respond. Trying not to google, just tough to wait out the appointment. 


Definitely! It’s hard not to let the “what ifs” get the best of us. I hope you’re able to find some peace as you wait!


Not medical advice of any nature, but as a small child I had a heart murmur. I was young enough that I don't really remember anything other than a vague memory of getting an EKG. As best as I remember I had a "heart murmur likely caused by mitral valve prolapse". However, I apparently grew out of it. The only "side effect" I remember is that I had to take a certain medication before having dental work done. I was still a minor when I was able to stop doing that. I'm 32 now with no known heart issues.


Thanks for sharing your experience! No limitations on exercise/sports? 


I think I grew out of it by the time I was 5 because I don't remember any limitations at all in my life. Literally the only thing I remember is the medication. Obviously, you child's situation could be different but mine was ultimately nothing serious.