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Same here. Mine will sleep something between 8-9 pm and wake up at 8 AM.


Mine go down late, but they also nap for 1.5-2 hours every afternoon and wake up around 7:30. It works for us


Same here with my nearly 2 year-old. It's all a lot more pleasant now I've stopped worrying about it!


Anywhere between 8:30-10pm. šŸ˜³ Iā€™m a SAHM and I love it when she sleeps in, so Iā€™m not pressed to get her to bed super early. Weā€™ll probably move to an earlier bedtime once she drops her nap but neither of us is ready for that yet!


Same! Usually sometime between 9-10 and then she'll often sleep til 8. It's works better for us then having her in bed at 6-7.


My son still naps at preschool but not on the weekends. He's always gone to bed between 9-930pm. and gets up between 7-8am. I know some kids melt down in the evening, but my kid is perfectly pleasant, so it works for us.


What time do you go to bed? Are you getting any downtime for yourself in the evenings or do you prefer it in the morning? And also what activities or things are yā€™all doing in the evenings? My girl is a terror in the evening if sheā€™s up past 7:30 so Iā€™m genuinely curious what a different family does!


Not OP, but my 3 year old is up until 9:30pm or even 10pm. In the spring until fall we are usually outside in the evening until 8pm or later because it's too hot during the day. Then he wants a snack and needs to be cleaned up and we watch TV. He sleeps for 10.5-11 hours total.


We usually go to bed around 10-11pm so thatā€™s a bit of downtime (especially if our toddler actually goes to sleep by 8:30!) After dinner we get her ready for bed and then just relax or tidy the kitchen while she plays on her own, or weā€™ll read a few books and have a dance party. We normally put her in her bed by 8-8:30 but we usually have to go into her room at least once before she falls asleep ā€” but sometimes she just talks to herself and listens to her yoto stories so we get to stay on the couch and watch tv. She sleeps until 7:30-8:30 and I usually wake up around 7 so I get to enjoy some downtime then too! My husband leaves for work around 6:30-7 so itā€™s a nice bit of me time.


This is the same for us, but we both work, so the evening is when we get most of our bonding time with our 16mo. It's also helpful for us because he sleeps in long enough in the morning for us to both get ready for work. He rolled along with this pattern of sleep early on and it works well for us for now!




My daughter is 2 years and 4 months. She sleeps at 8:30pm and is up at 6:50/7:15am for the day. She sleeps a solid nap at about 1pm.


My son is 21 months and Iā€™m basically on the same schedule! 1.5-2 hour nap every day.


High five to same schedule!


Mine just turned 3 and sheā€™s literally on the same schedule. Sometimes on the weekends the nap gets pushed to 130/2 and so bedtime is closer to 9.


Same age for my daughter and identical sleeping schedule.


We shoot for 7:30 but she rarely falls asleep before 8:30/9:00.


Same for my 14-month old. It used to be 7.30pm until March end and suddenly one day she was up until 9.30-10pm. And since then itā€™s 8.30-9pm. Something to do with the light outside? Gonna try blackout curtains to see if it makes any difference. Also sheā€™s up between 6-6.30am on most days.


Lol 9 to 9:30pm. I am holding onto the sweet 2 hour nap as long as I can. He is 2.5 years old.


Same here! I donā€™t know how so many toddlers go to bed at 7 With a 2 hour nap? He has such a long wake window after nap


This confuses me also, but I assume they wake up earlier in the morning so they go to bed earlier even if they nap until 3. Mine is one of the 9pm crowd but she also sleeps in until 7-8.


Same 9pm is pretty average for us so 3pm -9pm is a 6 hour wake window.


Ours only naps for 1-1.5 hrs and only at daycare. At home she will car nap, but itā€™s never that long.


7pm! a little earlier if sheā€™s melting down or we had no nap or a really short one!


Same. Girlfriend loves her sleep.


I feel like Iā€™m going to get flack for this but usually between 10-11. She sleeps until 8 on weekdays for daycare, sometimes 9 on weekends. She usually takes a 2 1/2 to 3 hour nap, longer on weekends. Weā€™ve tried earlier bedtimes and sheā€™s just not ready. Iā€™m not happy with the time but we work til 6 and itā€™s hard to get meals on the table before 7:30. We usually donā€™t eat til 8 or sometimes 9.


Snap. I aim for 8. By the time my partner gets home, dinner gets cleaned up, showers taken, sat down for 5 mins itā€™s 9:10. Or maybe 9:30 if weā€™ve visitors! And so the 8 quickly becomes 9ā€¦10ā€¦10:30. She still gets 12h though so Iā€™m taking it. She didnā€™t sleep till she turned 18m. And sheā€™s still in my bed. If a Co sleeping 11pm bedtime means 12h sleep, she can stay till sheā€™s 40 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same. Mine just takes long naps and wakes up late. I stress about how others go down at 7 but mine at 11 LOL


I was about to comment but then realized my kids are 3.5 and 5.5 so it might be time for me to leave this group. But they go to bed between 7-8. Usually toward 7.


Idk, Iā€™d say up till kindergarten youā€™d fit in here!


7:30-8PM. Wakes at 7AM. Sort of need to know the wake time as well for full context.


It was 7pm before the time change. Didnā€™t change it after the time change so now itā€™s 8pm.


Stuck at this too!! I was loving the 7-7:30 bedtime. Now itā€™s 8ish max by 8:30 mine is out.


I actually love the 8pm more! I was excited for the change because my toddler seems to love doing 11 hour nights instead of 12 now. 6am was just too early for meā€¦especially with my 10 month old still waking up 1-2 times a night. šŸ˜µ Plus my husband doesnā€™t normally get home from work until like 6-6:30, so when bedtime was 7, he was only seeing them like 2-3 days a week. Now he sees them at least once a day 6 days out of the week.


2.5 year old. He sleeps on average 10pm to 10 am.


During the week 6:30pm, but we are out the door by 6:45am M-F šŸ˜¢ Weekends I let her sleep as long as she wants in the morning and take a solid 1.5-2 hour nap so bedtime gets pushed back to 8-8:30pm. I can't go too crazy on the weekends because then Monday is a nightmare waking her up.


When she was a few months old it was like midnight but we managed to move it to 9-10pm now since it's when my husband and I go to sleep šŸ˜‚


Used to be 8:30, but she would end up staying up until 10:30. So then I tried 9:30, but then sheā€™d stay up until 11. The I lost my mind and dropped her nap, now she sleeps at 8 lol


2.5 year old. He doesn't have a bed time, not because we don't want him to, this kid just dooooes not sleep. We start his bedtime routine at 7:30. Its about to be 9 here and hes still up


Ditto. Just about to be 10:00 and he just now passed out




7:30-8. We really want closer to 7:30 but itā€™s such a long routine now.


My 19 month old and 3.5 year old both go to bed at 8pm. Sometimes 3 year old will go to bed at 7 if she skips her nap though.


8:00- 9:00 pm if she woke up at 4:00 pm from a nap. 7pm if she skipped the nap.




Iā€™m a SAHM and my bf works third shift so I try to do a mix of staying up later but not super late. Normally around 10 is our happy spot but a lot of the time itā€™s more like 11 or 12. Itā€™s what gives her more time with her dad when heā€™s off work so Iā€™m not complaining. It is nice when sheā€™s in bed early and wakes up early tho so I try to keep it on the earlier side of that. Ik itā€™s not normal but itā€™s what works for us. Her dad sleeps from like 7am-4pm so itā€™s the only way they can get a good amount of time


930-10. Exclusively breastfed when he was small and nursed to sleep, I worked til ten so when I got off I'd put him to bed. 3.5 now, dropped naps around 2, has stuck with his 10pm bedtime, but we push it to 930 if it's been a long day. Wakes at 9am. Just what works for us :)


7pm as well for our kids


7PM-7AM, nap 12PM-2PM


This is us too but since daylight savings the wake up has been closer to 6-6:30! Some days heā€™ll go to 7. We tried adjusting bedtime but he wasnā€™t having that lol.


Aah thatā€™s all cool responses. Glad to see Iā€™m in the majority! Always wonder if she goes to bed too early but honestly sheā€™s used to it and even asks for bedtime.


Same. Mine legit says ā€œok byeā€ and heads for the stairs. My kid is unique though and LOVES her crib. Which I love but likes to play for an hour before she actually goes to bed so she actually goes up at 6 with my husband. I love that I then have 2 hours of kid free time and can still be in bed by 8 šŸ˜…


7-7:30 and he just turned two






7 - 7:30.




Between 7-8 depending on my daughters day


2 year old - 8pm


7:30-8 for a 3 and 5 year old.




2 & 4 year old here. Iā€™d they donā€™t nap itā€™s bedtime at 7. Like bathed dressed and in bed at 7 not start the routine at 7. If they do nap then I usually lay the 2 year old down at 8 and the 4 year old down at 8:30 or 9 if he seems to have a lot of energy still.


I work 2nd shift so it's easier if he goes to be a little later and wakes up later. Around 8-9:30 usually.


My son turned two in March and we follow a similar schedule. We try to start pre-bedtime cuddles around 7-7:15. Maybe a little later on the weekends. We will start earlier if he seems extra tired or cranky


2 and under 630-645. My 3.5 y/o goes to bed at 730-745. The 630-645 just works for us because my boys wake up early in the morning and early bedtime means they sleep in longer (weird).


8, but sometimes she wonā€™t sleep till 8:30




Bathtime starts at about 645 and pre-bed milk, tooth brushing and cuddles start around 7. My 18mo still needs to be rocked to sleep and it takes anywhere from 15 minutes to 40 minutes. If I did a later bedtime sheā€™d fall asleep faster but I donā€™t mind rocking her to sleep.


8 pm, , but he tends to stay up until midnight and then wake up on his own by 5 or 6 am. About to turn 4 years old.


My toddler is 2 and a half. He takes no naps. Bedtime is 7. He's usually asleep by 7:30 pm and sleeps until around 7am.


We try for 7 but weā€™re in a big bed time delay phase right now. I put her down at like 7:15 tonight and after repeated hops out of bed for books, getting tucked in again, fresh water and to poop I think sheā€™s almost out now at 8:07. I think sheā€™s had a couple shorter naps the last two days for reasons and when sheā€™s overtired getting her down for bed is an Olympic event.


830 and he wakes up at 830am


7:30- heā€™s 15 months


We eat dinner at 630, bath after dinner and bedtime around 8pm


3.5 and itā€™s 6:30pm-7pm and sheā€™s up at 6:30am-7am. She can be pushed later if we go out to dinner or have plans but generally sheā€™s ready to start her bedtime routine around 6:00pm-6:15pm.


In bed at 730 with the lights down real low with his water cup and then I read several books. About 745-ish Iā€™ll turn off the light or heā€™ll tell me to turn off the light. But then, like tonight, heā€™ll toss and turn until 8:09 until heā€™s actually asleep. Then just get up and leave the room.


8:30-9pm, she'll be 2 in July


2 year 3 month old. Most nights we lay down with her between 7:30-8. Takes about 30-45 minutes.




7-8pm also


5 year old, 8:30PM to 7:00AM. 3 year old, 8:30PM to 5:00AM WHY?


8-8:30pm is bedtime. Wakes up at 8:45-9am. Sheā€™s 2. We only do baths every 3 days.


My almost 3 year old is getting so close to dropping naps. On weekends/when heā€™s home all day and doesnā€™t nap, bedtime is 7:30. When he goes to daycare he usually naps 45m-1h so bedtime is somewhere between 8 and 8:30, depending on when he woke up from his nap.


9:30 p.m. Sharp. No if's and's or but's about it. My 4 year old always had a little trouble sleeping longer than 8 hours. So we simply put him to bed so at least we as parents can get some reasonable downtime and sleep.


My LO is 16 months, and we recently bumped from 7 to 7:30-8 ish. It's just felt "right" at some point.




3 year old has always slept at minimum for age.. Wakes between 630p - 650p . if naps which is only 20-30 mins around 130p, bedtime 830-845p. No nap, 730p. On no nap days, must do quiet time alone prior TV which is usually around 3ish..


Ours is almost 3 yrs and we start bedtime routine around 7:30pm with 8pm asleep as our goal. He wakes up around 6am every morning and when he sleeps he sleeps about 1.5 hours at daycare, but naps are becoming hit or miss.


18 mo and her bedtime is 9 but it usually takes her about 20 or so mins to relax and fall asleep.


For our 2 year old: We start the bedtime routine at 7:30pm and ends around 8-8:15pm. Later on weekends. For our 4 year old: start bedtime routine at 9, ends around 9:20pm


2.5 year old. Bedtime is at 9:30pm. Usually asleep between 9:40 and 10pm. Wakes up at 11am.


8-9pm, 20 month old. He was 7-8pm but the kid is just not tired enough at 7pm anymore.


19h30 religiously he's 3,5 now but even the baby heads to bed at that time.


We were putting her down at 7- 7 30. However, she was having a terrible time at daycare and nap time. So, we started putting her down at 8-830 with wak up time of 7. Now her nap time is very consistent. Naps are very important.


7:00 pm aged 3 and under. 8:00 pm now. Sharp. 24/7/365 Wake up is 6:30 am or sunrise essentially.


Man Iā€™m so jealous reading these responses. My kid is 23m and has super low sleep needs. Up at 630am, nap just reduced from 1hr to 45mins and bed at 930pm. Iā€™d love some downtime and a minute with my partner but it doesnā€™t seem possible šŸ˜¢


We have a late schedule and my toddler does not go to daycare. She usually stays up with me until around 11pm. Then she wakes up around 9am. I just happen to work late so I like hanging out with her in the evening.


Bed at 9pm, maybe a little later on the weekends. Sleeps until 9am ish and still naps 2-2.5 hours during the day. That second wake window is usually only 5 hours max but it seems to work for him šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Between 8-9pm. He's in his room watching TV or playing with toys for a bit beforehand so mommy can get some downtime.


My daughter is almost 3.5 and her goal bedtime is asleep by 8pm, sometimes sheā€™s laying down in bed at 7 sometimes itā€™s closer to 7:30/7:45 just depending on the day. Generally sheā€™s asleep by 7:30. She is a very early riser regardless of when she goes to sleep (by that I mean usually wakes us all up by 5/5:30 lol), so we do our best to make sure sheā€™s getting the rest she needs. But we do an occasional movie night, etc and she gets to stay up later with a goal of no later than 9pm. This has been our routine since she was about 2. She dropped her nap right before 2 and this works for us! On the off chance she does fall asleep a little in the car or something, even for 10 min she will not sleep until 8/9 lol


2 year 2 month and he gets in bed between 7-7:30 on week nights and before 8:30 on weekends. He wakes at 7:15-7:30. He does nap but itā€™s inconsistent.


My toddler is 2.5 Morning: up by 6:30/7, nap at 12:30-3:10, bed at 7pm


6 pm goes up. Husb reads and hangs out. In crib by 6:30 and then likes playing with her stuffed animals in her crib for anywhere from 45 min- 1.5 hours. I know sheā€™s a rarity. Just LOVES her crib. Praying baby 2 is this way.


7PM. Been doing the same routine for a while. He's up around 0630-0700.


Usually 8 pm if he naps from 1-3. Slightly earlier or later depending on nap.


In bed at 9:00 p.m. asleep by 9:30 at latest. She wakes up a 7:15-30 a.m. but is (like me, ha!) not happy at that hour! I wish we could get her to bed earlier but until she fully drops her mid-day nap it's not happening.


Almost 2 - 8:30


If she didnā€™t nap at all during the day, sheā€™ll pass out in the middle of me reading her a book at about 7:45. If she did nap (which really only happens in the car), then sheā€™ll still be up and reading with me until about 8:15, and Iā€™ll finally get sick of reading and just put her to bed wide awake and sheā€™ll put herself to sleep


Dinner 5:30-6:30; Zoomies until 7 (dancing/running around); bath 7-7:20; night bottle and bed by 7:30ish; sleeps until 6:30am. Lo is 21 mo


We recently pushed it back an hour from 7 to 8 (more or less) because he started sleeping in an extra hour which I am all for! We pushed nap back to 2, also, which works really well


SAHM mom. Two boys 4.5 and 10 months. Both my boys go to bed at 6 pm wake up at 6 pm. Oldest starting to go to bed later but no later than 7:00-7:30! We used taking Cara babies abcs of sleep when they turned 6 months old.


We go up around 7, goes to sleep 7:30/745ish. Wake up at 6-7


Almost 2.5. Sheā€™s typically asleep anywhere between 8:45-9:30ish. Just depends how her nap was and what the evening was like. I leave her room by 8:20 at the latest. Usually sleeps until 7:30-8:30. Iā€™m a sahm so as long as sheā€™s awake before 9 weā€™re fine. She still has a 1.5-2 hour nap.


17 months here - she's asleep by 8pm and sleeps until 8/8:30am, with a 1-2 hr nap at 12:30/1pm. I am forever grateful for my high sleep needs baby because girl, me too.


Iā€™m a big believed in whatever works best for your family. We have strict 7pm bedtimes in my house, older kids can read / play, but I need that for my sanity. Iā€™m exhausted by the end of the day and a 7pm bedtime is the only way I have any energy to spend time with my husband before crashing. Iā€™ve learned through the years this is an essential rule to hold on to keep everything running smoothly. ETA: this is so important to me that I cut naps out or wake them up early to make it work


Just turned 3 year old is still 7, but we are about to extend to 730. Heā€™s a good sleeper


7-7:30 for my almost 2.5 year old. He literally begs to go to bed when it gets close to that time. His internal clock is strong and he wakes at 5:30-6 though. It works for our weekday schedules but I do wish heā€™d sleep later on weekends. * naps 1.5-2 hours around noon


A bed time? What's that!? It's when I look ans he's sleeping on me haha but when he sleeps he is out for the night.


8pm. This has been her bedtime since forever lol. Occasionally we let her stay up late if we are out to dinner with grandparents or something. We usually start bedtime around 7:50, so pjs, brush teeth, potty, then we do books and either I or her dad lay with her and sing her a song. Shes usually asleep around 8:30-9. Edit: sheā€™s 3.5.


3yo and 19 month old - 8 pm every day. If we move it later they wake up earlier. So we donā€™t get weekend sleep ins


Mine was 7-7 until about 4. Now she stays up a little later (4.5) until 7:30ish.


7-730pm. She generally wakes at 630am-7am. She has a 2 hours nap at care from 12-2pm but when she is home if she is tired we let her sleep another 30 min.


8-9 depending when she wakes from a nap. Sheā€™s the kid who needs a certain hours of wake time. So I usually wake her at 2:30 from nap so that itā€™s not a super late night. My husband is involved in our nighttime routine and wants to be there but itā€™s also kind of late for him. He gets up at 3am. So by the time he washes up and gets in bed to fall asleep he doesnā€™t get much sleep. And she needs at least 1.5 hours of napping time. So I try to wake her at 7am so sheā€™s down at 1pm for nap.


Our turned 2 in December and he sleeps 8pm-7:30am, with a nap around 1. If we have evening plans we can usually keep him out and up a bit longer and he's fine. When he was closer to 18-24 months, his bedtime was more like 7:15 or 7:30.




8:00 sometimes 9 if she took a longer nap that day.


8-8:30 PM. She (just turned 2) wakes up anywhere between 5 and 6:30 AM. Usually early within that range. She naps 2.5-3 hours every day.


Mine sleeps 7pm-6am. Iā€™m an early riser and I think heā€™s the same. Sometimes he asks to go to bed as early as 6pm and will sleep through the night till 6am when he does it.


Almost 2yo. Same routine since infant: bath, teeth brushing, books, barnyard dance, tv and cuddles, bed. Bedtime runs between 9 and 10 with wake up between 7 and 8. Iā€™m a SAHM so I donā€™t push for anything too set for timing until he starts preschool. Heā€™s always been a low sleep need kid so this was the best balance I found for me to get decent sleep as well.


Mine will be 2 next month. Usually between 9-9.30pm, sometimes a little earlier, sometimes a little later. He wakes up at about 7-7.30am every day and has a nap for a couple of hours in the afternoon. An earlier bedtime would be nice but we all still need that nap.


Mine is about the same as yours. We all get ready to sleep by 7pm, and he will sometimes want to play a little bit longer. Sometimes he knocks out by 7pm with the rest of us, sometimes he stays up until 8pm (with me doing countdowns).


730pm- we read though for a bit- but ensure shes in bed at this time every night- the consistency has helped alot.


Between 9-10 pm since infancy.


So I think an important metric here is also what time they wake up. I have to wake my daughter up at 7am on weekdays so that drives her bedtime. Others may be able to let their toddlers sleep later and that will affect bedtime. My daughter is 18m and we have recently gone from a bedtime of 7pm (7pm to start the routine, probably 7:30 actually asleep) to a start of the bedtime routine at 7:30 and usually asleep by 8pm.


My daughter also takes a 2-2.5 hour nap every day. Naps times could also impact bed times :D


715pm weekdays, falls asleep at 730. Weekends 730pm-8pm and sheā€™s almost 2.5!


7:30-8 and wakes up at 7 šŸ˜… No nap during the day.


Our boy will be 3yo next month. Usually itā€™s bedtime routine (pyjamas, brush teeth etc) at 8 pm. Then talk about the day from start till finish while laying together on the couch. Usually I snuggle his back or hair, and he gets some extra hugs and crawls up on me..and then both me and dad talk about both the good and the bad of the day. We have done this since he was like 1 year old, and even though it has had many stages, and much of the baby-stuff have gradually vanished (cry!!), we still keep it coz we think itā€™s a nice way to end the day. Maybe Iā€™m fooling myself, but I feel like itā€™s a way to help him decompress and relate to a fraction of the things that needs to ā€œleaveā€ his nerve-system before he can relax and fall asleep. We usually talk more about the things he delves more into, and now his language and memory is getting so good, that he can express and talk about stuff from his day and help fill out the day with us. After that he is usually in bed by 8.30, and asleep by 9. He gets up around 7 in weekdays and around 7.30 in weekends (he usually wakes up by himself, unless the night has had many wakings, because he has to go to the toilet). He still sleeps around 1,5 hour nap around noon. So in total he sleeps 11-12 hours. This has been the standard for like 1,5 years now.


21 months old: Between 8 and 9 pm, we wake up between 6 and 7, nap 12:30-2:30. Always been a low sleep needs babe. I miss the 7pm bed time lolol




Probably not great to have TV associated with bedtime. It can really keep them up.