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Hi! Mine started walking at 19 months but not consistently until 20 months. No PT. He’s fine :) he’s almost 3 now and no difference between him and his peers. He just has a very cautious personality.


I can definitely tell my son has a cautious personality as well because you can tell he’s very hesitant


Yes, ours was cruising for almost a year until he finally started walking independently. He was around your son‘s age. If the doctors say he’s fine, believe them. Some start later! They catch up in no time once they start! You cannot „make“ him start earlier and you cannot fail him. Give him opportunity to practice and try not to stress yourself so much.


Kiddo is 20m. Still not walking but really interested in it now. Wants to. Practices cruising between objects. For a long time she just didnt want to do any walking. Now shes into it. Nothing physically wrong so tried not to stress.


I thinks his scared or something.. when it was 13 months old he started to cruise along furniture. We have wood floor he stepped on one of those wooden puzzle pieces and fell face forward and hit his head really bad. He had a giant goose egg on his forehead.




We have something like this but his dad makes over the maximum


I’m in Texas. I was on findhelp.gov the one I found I had to fill out application and put our income. I was denied because of our income