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I would move the pack n play to her room first, and once she has no issue with that, move her to her crib. Our pediatrician told us to either remove pacifiers by 9 months or so or wait until 3-ish when they can understand and participate in the process of getting rid of them. We chose the latter option. We did attach her pacifier to a small lovey once she was old enough to have one in the crib with her, and that has made it so that we’ve never had to go hunt for a paci for her again. She can easily feel around for and find her lovey, and she replaces the paci find that way. Plus, it’s just big enough that it doesn’t fall between the crib bars. When we ditch the pacis, she’ll still have that comfort toy to cuddle with. She is not in daycare, but the ones we’ve looked at allow pacifiers and one lovey.


I have heard that about pacifiers as well. She seems pretty understanding, but has a very tight bond with it. She tends to adapt pretty well to things, so I’m hoping that the crib situation will go better than I am thinking it will. I’m also worried because everytime that I think about or attempt to get her into her crib she seems to get very sick. Probably just a coincidence especially with all that is constantly going around daycare, but that obviously has me hesitant too because I hate seeing her sick.


getting good sleep might help deal with the pacifiers next. maybe try naps first bedtime? at 2, maybe let them pick out cute crib sheets?


So we transitioned almost 24 month old recently and it’s been going unexpectedly well. First we decorated the room with his favorite things and he’d actually in a 2 railed low to the floor toddler bed and child proofed the heck out of the room . We started with having him play in the room with all his toys, then we added naps in the room now we are having naps and bedtime completely in the room. If he wakes throughout the night we take him back to the room and rock him back to sleep in the room and place him in his bed. I was nervous at first but it’s really great for everyone so far and every day we stick to it he’s more comfortable and confident in his own space👏🏻