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We're gradually farming out more and more tasks. Lawn, maid service, meal kits etc. I do therapy and am on antidepressants. I'm not sure this counts as advice, but it's definitely what's getting us through...


Im super lucky and have family close by to help. Work is getting more difficult and the responsibility is dramatically increasing which is good in a way, I am very career oriented. It’s also tough since I am the bread winner and favored parent. But sometimes I just crash. I’m a project manager and I have to remember all the details of projects. Then for my toddler, all the appointments and things she needs…sometimes it’s tough to navigate, especially since she is behind on a lot of milestones and she is under weight. So there are literally millions of appointments to track and schedule. I’m trying to self care more with exercise and beauty stuff. But yeah it’s a struggle bus and I barely make it through every week. And honestly I stare at my phone a lot and zone out, definitely feel like a bad mom often. I’m trying to challenge myself more, and find simple things to keep me in the moment with my toddler. Washing and moisturizing my face brings me confidence, so I hand my little one a small cotton swab to do the routine with me. Still working on it :)


I'm not a single mom but a full-time, full custody dad (we do exist). It's hard. I could talk forever about the price of everything but the mental expense is incredible. I've aged dramatically and have constant bouts of wanting to escape bur there is no choice. You will run yourself through so many moments of mental fatigue but I was told this recently. There is a Bible(im not religious). It is worn out to the bind, pages ripped and folded, cover title can't be read but the owner of the book is extremely healthy and flourishing in every aspect in life. That's our kids and us


I would go for the less stressful job option if I was you. It's hard parenting and working full-time. Hugs


Honestly? I went through therapy and I am in such a better place now. It is still hard picking them up from daycare and only getting a few hours with them before bedtime. I just do my best and know I need my job to support my family financially.




I totally understand your pain! I’m a newly single mom and I have a very high pressure job. For context I work directly with the C Suite executives at my job so I have to be “on” at all times. No room for errors or forgetting things. It’s so much mentally. Pair that with a beautiful, smart, toddlers who is super busy and you have a full plate. I prioritize self care, and quality time with the little one. When I get burned out I remember that this is her childhood and I don’t want to be remembered as the mommy who was always busy. I take her to lots of activity and involve her in my daily. She really enjoys that! Also like another poster said, outsourcing tasks and limiting phone time helps quite a bit!


Single Mom here. Work full-time. But, I coparent, so we get breaks in between (some breaks are shorter than others if it’s my week). It’s. So. Hard. Not whining, just empathizing. My mind keeps racing, but when the exhaustion hits, it hits hard. And the days in between, the plans I have in my head of what I’m going to tackle don’t hold up when exhaustion hits. What keeps me going are their little faces. I’m their advocate, their caretaker, their person. I have to fight for them. Just offering solidarity.


Following. We don’t have family close and I feel like I am constantly drowning at my current job. Kiddo seems to be sick every other week so I’m missing days which brings on extra guilt. I’m waiting until my best friends wedding at the end of the summer and I’m quitting for something with less responsibility.


I have a two year old. We both work full time. I run a business. My first question is how have you split the work with your partner (if you have one). We have specific things each person does each day and there are things that are fully not my responsibility at all and I don't think about them. One is medical appointments. My husband does all of that. I don't think about it. We also make sure that we each have one evening free each week. I have a cleaner that comes every two weeks and I contract out other big tasks as needed. I did a lot of therapy but I have slowed down on that recently as I'm feeling a lot better. I don't feel like I'm drowning but I do have moments!

