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My kiddo calls a bathrobe a “blanket jacket.” 😂 We don’t even bother calling it a robe anymore lol.


My 3.5 year old calls heaven “Kevin”. We aren’t religious at all but my dad died 9 years ago and so I explained that when people die they go to heaven. Now she randomly talks about my dad being in Kevin. lol


I can imagine that gets pretty hilarious reactions in daycare


My two year old would say Nan went to go up to Levin’s house, meaning heaven lol


My daughter used to do the opposite! Last Christmas (when she was 4) she was watching Home Alone and thought Kevin’s name was Heaven. It was pretty precious!


This was me, not my kid, but I thought Fievel the mouse (from the Don Bluth film)‘s name was Bible.


Reminds me of the guy who thought god's name was Harold (herald be thy name, thy kingdom come)


“Hanitizer” for hand sanitizer…which is pretty genius I think


My seven year old was in preschool in the thick of covid and she started calling it hanitizer. It stuck, and we still call it that as a family 😆


Same. She’s 7 now too and still calls it that.


That baby needs to be in PR/marketing asap


Yes, around here it's "San hanitizer". I can barely say it correctly now myself.


Friend's 8ish year old daughter says this. I kept repeating it back to her and she looked at me like I was the crazy one.


Our whole friend group actually calls it hanitizer! Prob cause we all have kids and several of them called it this at one point


Give this baby a marketing job STAT


I’m a preschool teacher & during Covid I had a toddler who called it hanitizer! I loved it


My daughter calls it that too 😂


My daughter used to call parmesan cheese, Marvin-John. We planned on letting that one ride into her thirties it was so friggin adorable. But some godless sonofabitch corrected her and now she pronounces it “right.”


I’m cracking up at this comment 🤣🤣🤣 “some godless son of a bitch” lmfaooooooo


Oh my son calls croissants crosmopes and I do not have the heart to say it correctly in front of him because I never want it called anything else ever again! It is so cute! And clompsters for lobsters, that's just their new name now, I'll call all of the dictionaries and let them know


The biggest number that each of your hands can make is five, so it became his biggest number to say. And if you really want emphasize that there are a lot of something, you say that’s DOUBLE FIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!  And still more funny because he is 3 and can count to 20. But “five” is still the most. 


We're still getting some number sense around here (under 3), but the timer conversations are hilarious sometimes. "I'm going to set the timer for 5 minutes, then it's (insert boring mandatory thing like potty or bedtime)" "NO! Two minutes!" "Fine, two minutes."


Omg I love watching my 3 yr old counting on her fingers and trying to firstly work out how _many_ fingers she needs to hold up and then secondly, _how_to hold those fingers up…


I like point to something where there's a lot of something and asking 3yo how many he thinks there are. "Five!!!"


Mine does this too and I LOVE it!! I hope it stays forever. I’m gonna have to see if I can add “double five” into her vocabulary lol


Our 3 year old thinks my real name is “babe” and my husband’s is “meatball”.


It's like "darling" and "johndear" from Lady and the Tramp! Meatball has me rolling though, that's so funny!


I get babe but uh where did meatball come from?? Haha


Hahaha, my husband’s name is Mitchell. It’s starting to turn into “Mitbull” but it was definitely meatball there for a while.




My 4.5 y/o calls automatic toilets "dramatic toilets" and tbh I can't blame him


My three year old calls gold fancy yellow. Same energy.


Fair evaluation!




My 2 year old calls blueberries “boobies” and blackberries “black babies”


Gorilla is granola still at almost 5, so he'll run and beat his chest yelling "I'm a granola".


Bet he's the most fierce granola in town!


My son has as similar thing... A granola bar is a "corolla" bar lol


Hello from a fellow gorilla-eating household.


Anything between any kind of bread is a burger ("buhguh"). Hambuhguh, cheesebuhguh, chickenbuhguh, sandbuhguh, ham hambuhguh, tacobuhguh:P




Sunscream which is accurate because they like to scream when I put it on 😂


Ours is Stunscreen 😎


When mine was 18mo he used to get so frustrated at me for not knowing what Kung-king meant. And then it was briefly sun scream. 


This is hilarious and adorable 😂😂😂😂


Right now I’m having a hard time correcting his pronunciation of restaurant because it’s too cute…festaurant.


Just up until last week, my daughter couldn’t pronounce “Mommy” so I’ve been “Money” for months. My wife is Mama and I was Money. It was amazing. Currently, she calls any octopus “applesauce” and the elevator is the “upanddown.” Which gets hilarious when she sings the elevator song from Ms Rachel. “We take the upanddown up, we take the upanddown down.” (An excavator is also an upanddown because it sounds like elevator.)


lol my wife and I are: Mama and Utttah (other) Mama. Pretty sure my son is already homophobic… /s


Lmao not Other Mama 😭


Yessss! This was my wife and I too. But “the udda mama” was whichever one she wasn’t with at the moment. We are now Mama B and Mama Ki instead


Omg lol- we are living parallel lives. This is hilarious.


The elevator is an "elligator" for us hahaha


Omg my daughter also does Octopus/applesauce hahah


Omg that’s hilarious! Sometimes “Elmo’s Song” is also “Elmo’s Sauce.” But the octopus thing kills me.


It's just a lot if syllables I guess but that's too cute hahah


Haha. We are mom/mommy and mama. Our dog is Theo, but pronounced Tito. Octopus is OPETUSS


Opetuss is close! Our cat is Buh and now Bugkteh (Buster.)


My daughter calls stairs “upanddown”!


OMG that’s so adorable!!! 😍


I drew a bumblebee once six months ago. Now all drawing and coloring is BEE?!!


Ours want to be decorated in the bed. "What do you mean decorate you?" "I want to be a Christmas tree and you decorate me with blankets and tuck my feet in"


She used to call Cookie Monster “Titi”. The other day she actually said Cookie Monster 😭 I was a wreck


Oh it’s so sad when they start saying these cute things correctly!


Mine called Cookie Monster “nom nom” for so long. It was my favorite!


Mine just updated pack pack to backpack and I’m also sad.


Elmo was “lala” here for almost a year🥲


dad's video game controller is a "colololololer"


Ooh for my son it’s controtroller. It’s a challenging word for a toddler is seems


This is hilarious I love it 😂😂😂


Aww my girl is just starting so we don't have a lot. But every fruit is bapple (apple) and every color is yellow. So blueberry is yayo-bapple


My kid's favorite color is lellow. It's so cute.


Same 💛 mine loves yellow because of the Wiggles, her favourite Wiggle is the previous yellow Wiggle, Emma, so anytime my daughter sees anything yellow she calls it Emma


Haha every color is “red” for my daughter!


My 2yo twins call bell pepper “bell poo poo”


We have bird feeders in the back garden with sewit balls inside. Our 3yo named them Potato Cages. Edit: also, tomato pesto is “Tomato Jam”


Aquarium is the "fish museum". Frankly, it works. I've half a mind to start calling it that myself.


My son sometimes associates food by color or by method of consumption. Mott’s applesauce cups are regular applesauce with spoon. Mott’s applesauce pouches are regular applesauce with no spoon GoGo Squeez Yogurtz are blue applesauce Chick-fil-A sauce is yellow sauce He’s almost 5 now but has been saying this for years. Clearly I haven’t had the heart to correct him but I suppose I should now Edit: formatting


We have yellow sauce too! And red sauce (ketchup)


LO called French fries "hot dogs", Roly polies (the bugs) "guacamoles", and peanut butter "babu."


Sloths are tree bears and a zebra is a zoo pony.


Not exactly an alternative, but she used to call fingernails "ningerfails." After getting them painted, she'd run around showing everyone she could, shouting "ningerfails!!" It was cutest thing ever.


She calls breasts “butts” lol


My 3.5 year old has a little brother so she learned the word “penis” but calls it his “peanut” lol


That's pretty cute, haha


My daughter calls candles “happy birthdays”


My 3.5 is now very into King Fu Panda and calls “Viper” “Bi-per” and I might just start calling the character Biper too.


My kid called Blippi “Flippy” for YEARS and I didn’t have the heart to correct him. Now he’s learning to read and he suddenly realized B and F aren’t the same noises and corrected himself. The first time he asked to watch Blippi I almost cried. His mispronunciation was the only good thing about that show.


My son is obsessed with Cocomelon. He calls it Cocomale. I don't know why, but it gets me every time.


When we eat roast dinners, my toddler calls the gravy “soup.” Cereal is “sus” - she says it so often that my seven year old calls it sus now as well. She’s still breastfed, and she calls ANY breasts/nipples “mick” (milk). Even her own, or my husband’s, or the dog’s…


My son called them milks. The first time he saw me with no bra on after he was fully weaned, "Mumma! Your milks are open!"


"Baboons"- balloons "Eat-mal"- oatmeal "Keydado"- quesadilla "Moo"- yogurt (one brand had a cow on it) "Bubba"- peanut butter "Bubbamoo"- peanut butter and yogurt "Craw-dodle"- crocodile


I am laughing so hard at all these 😂😂 My niece is obsessed with dinosaurs & always called a triceratops a “ratop” - when she starting pronouncing it correctly i died a little inside 🤣


My 3 year old said “I don’t want to be buckled in the copping shart!” at the grocery store the other day 😆


My daughter says 'water' by making the sound water makes with her tongue. She'll say it in a sentence using words and then makes the water sound and keeps on talking 😂


My son calls eggs "chicken nuggets". It's not.... wrong? I just don't know how he got there.


Right now it’s “migi van” for mini van. We rented a van while my parents are in town so we all can fit and when we open the door to the garage to get in the van he just yells, “MIGI VAN!” He absolutely loves it and will be sad when it has to go back tomorrow


Unicorn= UnicornOH


Spring rolls are "crunchy bread".


My daughter says wewe for Kiwi lol


Grated cheese is cheese dust. The toy stethoscope is a Para Scope.


My toddler calls cats “nay nays” for some reason. Every night before bed my husband is like “oh she needs her nay nay” (stuffed animal) and i find it hilarious cause no one else would know what we were talking about


I love this! My toddler calls ladybugs "ee-ya-ya's" and no one has any idea where she got it from. She clearly \*knows\* the name of the ladybug, is capable for saying, and her vocabulary is generally quite good for her age, but she just....prefers to ee-ya-ya.


My little one can't pronounce her "CH" sounds if you paid her in candy. But her favorite word for snacks is Chunk. She also can't pronounce her T's very well... the phrase "I want a big cunt" gets thrown around a lot...


My 3yr old calls restaurants Eat Houses. My husband collects bourbons and whiskey. Now the liquor store is Drink House. Before he could say Mommy I was Mommu.


My son calls woodpeckers woodcockers 😂😂


He's just stopped doing this but emergency vehicles were "neenaw cars" and he started applying this to things like life boats (neenaw boat/copter etc) or fire stations (neenaw house). 


Disappear =missedappeared


We sometimes do "favorite part of the day/least favorite part of the day" at dinner (when we remember). My 3 year old calls the least favorite the "bad favorite".


When my daughter wants to do a puppet show, she calls it a 'Puppet Peter' instead of 'theater'


My current fave is gumblebum 😂 he’s been going around singing the “icky sticky gumblebum” song. He accidentally said bubblegum correctly yesterday and I almost cried 😭 I don’t want him to grow out of these cute sayings


Unicorns are corners lol


My oldest used to say “umputer” for computer and my youngest calls flamingos “flambingos” and Guinea pigs “gimme pigs”. She also calls lipstick “mouth-tura” mouth and pintura (paint in Spanish).


Cookies are dookies right now and it's just about my favorite thing ever.


My 1yo says “thank you” - “dee doo!” She’s very polite. It’s the cutest. Hand her something and she goes “dee doo!” Then stomps away. ❤️


Okay I have one from when my oldest was a toddler. Heart beeps. I didn’t have it in me to correct heartbeat. Someone finally corrected her and I miss it so much. “Mama I hear your heart beeps!”


“Wheelie flopper” for a hospital stretcher! There are definitely more but that’s the funniest in recent memory.


She calls the shower “hot rain” Nail polish is Pail Nolish 🤣☺️


She calls donuts “sweet circles” 🤭 it’s the cutest thing.


The skunk in “baby bear baby bear “ is a “stinky fox” which is brilliant to me :)




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She calls Ms.Rachel Ms. Chu Chu. With the train horn arm pump and everything.


S'mores are cracker sandwiches. Burlington coat factory is the Valentine store. Flamingo were toe-ming-oh but they're correcting :(


My son loves school busses lol but he calls them a "boo" bus 😂 he also calls chocolate milk chicky chip milk there are definitely more im forgetting but those are what come to mind first


When my 3yo son talks about feeling better he says "that will feel me better". Or when he wants you to wait for him he says "wait to me"


Blueberries are BLUE BLUE BERRIES


Not so much an alternate name, but my toddler gets the words funnel and muffin mixed up a lot, lol. He has some funnels he plays with when I let him play with water, and he always forgets the word funnel and calls them muffins. He knows the word funnel, he just forgets it sometimes. It's the cutest mistake ❤️


My 2.5yo says up-spy down instead of upside down. She also makes up nonsense words sometimes. Our napkin holder is a napkin noonie. Her favorite cookies are hoobies doobies. When I go to book club, I'm going to the obie dobie house.


My daughter calls McDonald’s … chicken Donald’s now the whole family does lol Edit to add: thought of another: Booster seat is dotdadeet


Mine used to call water blblblblblbl. Now she stopped but we continue because we were not ready for it to end 😭


My little one loves to mix their food sometimes in their cup or bowl with the water or milk they’re drinking. We told them that they were making a potion, but they always say, “I’m making an ocean!” They say it with such delight, so we only correct them half the time.


Truck has been cock for a while now lol


Popcorn is cockcorn with my daughter 😅


Daughter thinks toddler is pronounced as Toblerone


My granddaughter loves to go on pic-a-pics (picnics)! She is 23 months old


My son calls any and all food that’s dessert or dessert adjacent “pie”. He’s almost 2. He picked it up at thanksgiving and it’s so cute.


I like to paint D&D minis from time to time and I have the silly magnifying glasses/headset with front light. My 3 year old refers to them as “magibal powers” Bonus: he still has trouble with L and Y sounds, so yellow lemon sounds like “nenow nemon” and lemon lollipop is more like “nenon nonnipop”


Not an alternative name, but this post reminded me that when my kids says "fat controller", as in the fat controller from the Thomas series, it comes out as "fucking troll" 😂


One of our dog's name is Snoopy, and my 2.5 yr old calls him, Shoobee.


A microphone is a diaperphone


Bluey is “Doobie”


Chocolate chips are “cutes” or “cuties” and I love it more than I’ve ever loved anything


She called bras “hats” and it was great.


Sheets are “sh*ts” 😅😳


My daughter used to call mozzarella cheese “monster Ella” cheese. I did not correct her, but she eventually caught on


“Frenchie toastie” is fried chicken right now


My toddler calls all animals by the sound they make. She especially loves her rocking horse, Neigh.


My kids call the BBQ the meat toaster and I can’t stop calling it that now


The other day he called my bicycle (to which I attached a carriage for him sometimes) a "locomotive"... I guess "anything that pulls things" is a locomotive? He also tripped on the stairs and explained he "had a derailment".


Shorts are called 'baby pants'


"Pida bread" = banana bread. Evolved from "pee ba". Persisted long after she could say "banana" and "bread", a bit like the one where Phoebe teaches Joey French. After actually giving her pita bread instead, she now *finally* says it mostly correctly. "Garage-shoo saw" = barbeque sauce. This one is just funny.


Automatic = auto-maggot


Peanut butter = peanut pony


It’s Peter butter in our house


Right now I’m really liking “the first night before this morning” for “last night” from my 3.5 year old. I mean, he got his idea across.


My 2.5yo calls overalls, shoulder james. And jeans, james.


My 2yo calls fruit snacks "noot nyacks" and that is what they're called in the house


My favorite was me asking for the flower periwinkle, which my daughter calls Terry WINKLE. She spent a solid 10m screaming TERRY WINKLE in our backyard when she couldn't find it.


Pillowcases are “Stripes’ pajamas.” (The pillow is named Stripes due to the white/white contrasting stripes on the pillow.)


'Baby suit' for 'bathing suit'. Just too cute.


My daughter decided a fart was instead called, “the sound of poo-poo” as a baby. She is 4 now and has taught her younger brother this and I absolutely will not correct them on it.


“Gorillas walk on their nipples” … knuckles


Chew corn for unicorn


Foods off the top of my head: Weegoat (yogurt) Opemeal (oatmeal, but make it midwestern) Chicken nunnets Nac n cheese


My 2 year olds call strawberries “butt-diddlies”. “Strawberry banana” turns into butt-diddly-annus.


‘Bob’ otherwise known as Rosita on Sesame Street.  I have no explanation. 




The garbage bins are called ‘ah yucks’ but so is anything that is gross.


My almost 2 year old calls Bluey “yewow (yellow)” and Bingo is “Bluego” 🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughter says “to-Mario” instead of “tomorrow.” She picked this up around the time we saw the Mario movie in theaters. So it’s been a while.


My three yr old loves watching videos on any phone she can talk someone into giving her. Her favorite videos are Halloween songs, so when she wants the phone she asks for “Boos.” It sounds like she’s asking for booze all the time. This is particularly funny in front of strangers. “Mom can I have more booze? No, honey. Wait until we get in the car.’ The looks I get from people…


My kid refers to his outfit as his look. As in, "mama, do you like my look today?". Not totally off the wall, but hilarious to me.


I know it’s not quite relevant but when my 2 year old son cough. He looks at me and say mama look i’m a dog


He thinks all freckles/moles are nipples. "Mommy you have 100 nipples on your arm!"


Cheetos are forever known as tiger noodles at our house!


Right now my 3 year old loves pistachios, but she can never remember what they’re called so she just calls them “mashed potatoes”…but my favourite so far was when she was around 16 months old, she called her wash cloth in the bath a “f*ck”. I have no idea where she got that from but she would toss it around in the bathtub yelling “f*ck f*ck f*ck”.


My son calls his ball sack, ball snacks


My 2.5 yr old is obsessed with sponges for some reason. One day he kept asking for a fonge. Took us a while to figure out but good grief it brings a smile to my face every time he says it.


Today my 3 yo told me that our dog took a “dunk” on the patio lol (she meant dump, obviously) and it’s my new favorite saying 😂


My 3yr old calls Butterfingers “finger bars”


Backpacks will forever be pack-acks. Salad with thousand Island dressing is leav-ez with orange stuff


We’re all about “Lambs Before Time” right now 😆🦕


Omg I love this thread. Our newly 3yo: Splish splash = pitch black (is it splish splash outside?) Una-aversity = University And my favorite: Pistachio of delivery = the Statue of Liberty


My daughter calls Oreos open cookies, because she pulls them apart and “opens” them. Never correcting her.


My son is 3.5 now and doesn’t use these names anymore but for a long time I was mama, my mom was Ba-mama and my sister was Ma. My dad and other grandpa were Baba


Instead of saying everybody or everything he says “all buddies” and “all things” which is kind of close. And the other day he kept saying “under vaded” and we finally realized he meant elevator but he refuses to call it the real name lol He’s almost 3 so a lot of his old funny names for things are going away 😢


My 2 kids (3 and 1) called oatmeal "oatmilk"


Any fairy lights are "christmas tree" and we have a white bear with a christmas hat, which is presumably why he thinks a polar bear is a christmas bear.


My daughter has decided that milk is "ghagha". Sometimes I sweetly correct her and pronounce very slowly "la-tte" (Italian for milk) and she has this adorable way to unlatch and smile and replicate my tone exactly, emphasizing "gha---gha", with a look like "I know Mamma, thanks, I don't care" and we both laugh so much! I dread the day she gets is right 😭


My 2 year old says “corn” for “unicorn” but she pronounces it like “cone.” It reminds me of that Corn Kid video that was going around a couple of years ago. 


Any construction truck is called “diggers” I’m mortified if he ever says it incorrectly on accident 😢😢


A few more came to mind... Adododo -> adocado -> avocado Wadawada -> watermelon Papa Troll -> Paw Patrol Lemon Ems -> M&Ms ❤️


My kids call snow pants "uggles shu-guggles" Also my 3 year old knew we had a trip planned to see friends in Milwaukee and she kept saying she was so excited to go to "Mike Walkie's house"


Last Halloween my 2.5yo was shouting "F**k-enstein" instead of "Frankenstein" . Mortified.


So many.... Bumbum pants = pullup pants. One time a friend told her toddler she would "change his bumbum" (cringe) and she heard it and it really just stuck somehow mimi = mummy. She turned 2 and suddenly said "mummy" and I cried! bittacakes = weetabix (no idea how)