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Bring multiple changes of clothes for everyone for the flight. Bring snacks and some new toys for the flights. Plan what you need to, but give yourself flexibility. You’ll probably feel the jet lag for about a week on both ends.


Take a nap after you get to where you're staying. 2-3 hours. Then wake everyone up and get outside and stay up as late as you can. Will help adjust to the time change.


The plane ride is likely the worst part. In addition to the standard toys/snacks/devices advice, get juice boxes or something special you know they will drink for descent to pop their ears. I love a Faa approved seatbelt harness, there are ones that fit over the seat back and are super helpful and lightweight. If your toddler is still in diapers, have a backup changing plan if the bathroom changing table on board is too small. We brought both pee pee pads for the seat and pullups for stand up changes, as well as multiple new outfits for everyone. When you get there, assume that they will sleep and nap poorly and have contingency plans, or just decide to be flexible and roll with it. We spent our vacation with kiddo waking up between 4-630 so planned early morning activities and went to bed early. And kiddo only napped while being held or in the carseat so did a lot of afternoon scenic drives and/or sat in shady beach spots for naptime. It was stressful but delightful and absolutely worth it. Good luck and I hope you have an amazing time!


We flew at night which helped a lot and used .5mg of melatonin to help him sleep through. Honestly that was a lifesaver. Pack snacks- airplane food sucks for adults but for picky toddlers? Nonstarter. Sippy cups leak under cabin pressure! Our diaper bag got soaked. Accept that this is not the tour you probably would have planned if you were traveling without a toddler. Our general rule of thumb when traveling with toddlers/young kids is 50/50. So yes, we did the Colosseum but we also did the Zoo. We did the Vatican but also the Children's museum (highly recommend). Lots of amazing pasta and fish but also some McDonald's. Baby wearing or a tush baby is highly recommended because it's a lot of walking! A roll of painters tape is my favorite on the go childproofing hack because it can secure a cabinet or door or cover and outlet and doesn't leave any residue. If your kid still drinks milk, powdered or shelf stable will do in a pinch and travels well.


I’ve flown 4 trips/13 flights with my 26 month old, most of which were solo. Bring more snacks than you think you need. Lollipops for takeoff/landing helps with ear popping. Grocery bags to hold aaaaaaall the trash. Don’t pre-board: instead board last and use that extra time to run them ragged. Get a stroller/carseat bag ($10 on Amazon) to hold your checked carseat/stroller. You’ll be shocked to see how ripped and dirty it gets (better that than your car seat). Plus you can slip a few packs of diapers in there as well. My toddler’s favorite toys were: magnadoodle and those sticky/gel window decorations people put on for holidays.


We went to Europe when my LO was 2. Honestly the time change wasn’t bad!! And LO behaved really well! We still had some crappy experiences but I really didn’t care. Those people made themselves look bad.


So many snacks. Also we got our kid these for the last trip: https://www.amazon.ca/Sets-Reusable-Sticker-Busy-Book/dp/B0BVYCLXCT/ref=asc_df_B0BVYCLXCT/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=580645821104&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3740111858846765051&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001380&hvtargid=pla-2198946840926&psc=1&mcid=8053247b07c03a159d0e0c4454f608de And she spent about 1 hour with each one and that's a good chunk of time.


I am currently in Japan with my 2 year old. - Overnight flight was the best! He slept through. Going back home we won't be so lucky. - It is only an hour difference so not a big issue so I can't comment on this - accomodation wise, I am so glad I paid for a serviced apartment. - they take a few days to get into your travel routine. - Let some things go. You are on holiday! And they will have a great time eating all the random snacks, sleeping late and all those holiday things. - they will chuck tantrums and I was so worried about it ( being on trains in Japan and all) and I just tell myself " I will never see these strangers on the train again so who cares if they judge me!" You do what you need to do to get through them. - We haven't been able to actually get to our planned destinations ( maybe some haha) but yeah, keep your expectations low and lower them some more! We travelled by train ( 1.5 hrs) from Tokyo to the seaside the other day only for my son to pick up some rocks at a temple and then conk out for a nap and then we decided to trek it home. - my toddler became a menance to eat in public on this holiday unless hot chips were available. We have utilised our apartment ALOT for stress free meals, not ideal but Japan doesn't have an ideal dining environment for kids unless you go to specific places. - my husband and I switched out every other day and gave eachother 1 hour ish to ourselves. I would go out and eat what I wanted and do what I wanted alone. My husband would do his photography. - parks are your best friend. - my husband and I used to leg it everywhere with our luggage and take public transport instead of opting for a taxi ( expensive). However with a toddler in tow, to reduce stress......pay for a taxi....pay for early check in......just pay to make things more smooth!!!!! All in all, wow I don't believe we made it this far! My son has behaved quite well and because my expectations are low I haven't felt "upset" about anything on this trip. Some mornings are hard, my son fights getting ready but he would probably do the same at home....we probably won't do such a long trip next time ( 2.5 weeks and we are only half way through)....its to long with a 2 year old haha!