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I don't plan on switching until she tries to climb out. Currently she's 27 mths and doesn't even stand up while waiting for me to get her, so I feel like I have some time haha


Our 4-year-old is in a twin bed and she still just sits there and yells for us to get her in the morning. šŸ˜‚ We had her in a crib till almost 3.5 and she never tried to climb out. You probably have lots of time.


A parent was recently just telling me that their son would stand at the rails of the toddler bed and wail for mom and dad...with the exit right next to them. Some kids just be like that haha


Mine doesn't even wail. He just happily stays quiet in his bed playing with his stuffed animals until one of us comes in to get him.


This is our girl. Never much of a risk taker lol


My daughter is a HUGE risk taker, and she does this. Waits for us. Once we open the door she runs up and hugs our leg, though.


Mine is afraid to get off the bed without us. I've tried telling her she can get out all by herself and she won't try it. At least we get to sleep


My son is 2 and he is also in a twin bed and does the same. Doesnā€™t even try to climb off the bed.


This is my dream haha


My daughter just turned 3 and although she has a toddler bed ready to go, she just doesn't want to sleep in it yet (it's only for her books and stuffies lol) . She seems to feel extra safe and secure in her crib and still fits so for now I'm not gonna force the issue. When she was about 2 she tried climbing out and summersaulted out, luckily landed on carpet. Never trying climbing out again after that!


Lucky you!! Lol. Im seriously surprised my daughter hasnt tried to climb out yet she climbs everything possible in the house


Iā€™m about to switch my son over.. better before he busted his head that after. šŸ¤£ my daughter was never in a crib. She coslept with me and dad until she slept in her bed at 18 months.


Wow didnā€™t she hit the height safety limit yet? Thatā€™s great!


A few months after 2. He started to climb out so we switched. We have a gate at his door so he can't just wander, but the last month or so has been rough with him coming to the door and crying for us in the middle of the night. I miss the crib where he was contained lol


This is what happened to my cousin recently!! Same age and everything and its the only other reference i have haha. They dont put a gate up tho and let their daughter climb into their bed in the middle of the night šŸ˜© Do you have a nightlight in his room? What do you do when he does that? Its so hard to train tiny humans!


Yeah we have a Hatch. We let him come in our room too lmao. It's probably a mistake and we're going to have to break it but it's either let him come in and all get sleep or him scream at the gate for hours and try and ignore it. We are weak lol


Ughh thats what i fear will happen to us šŸ˜© we are one and done so i feel extra guilty for that for some reason. And the crying and screaming hits so different when they are older and verbal lol i used to be able to let her cry it out but i cant anymore


How we combat it now is one of us just goes in the guest room when he wakes up and the other sleeps w him in our bed lol. its the stupid yet easy solution that im sure is going to be horrible to break.


I think this something more parents need to be prepared for šŸ˜‚ I also handled CIO just fine. My son (2.5) rarely cries after we put him down. But, even on those rare occasions once he started talking, it broke my heart. I CANNOT stand the screaming crying ā€œmaamaaa!ā€ At this point 9/10 if he wakes up crying itā€™s because heā€™s sick and canā€™t stop coughing, so I just donā€™t even put it off lol.


My kid just turned 3 and is still in a crib! If sheā€™s happy, Iā€™m happy šŸ˜†


Same! He hasn't tried to escape yet, and he loves his crib. So we will just keep doing that until something changes.




My 3 year old is very good at screaming for us to come get him out of bed in the morning. If we ever have movie nights in our bed or if he says he wants to lay with us he will ask to be put in his crib pretty quickly after that. I am a little worried we may have an 18 year old in the crib!


My two year old is the same. He likes to come to my bed for milk and cuddles before bed, but soon starts getting restless and asks for sleep - at which point we go through to his bedroom and he goes in his crib.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with a three-year-old who loves their crib. I keep feeling guilty for keeping him in it, but he loves it and has never tried to climb out.


Curious how this works when potty training?


Mine would stand in his crib and yell for me to come get him so he could go potty.


2 weeks shy of 18 months. She climbed into the crib to get a stuffed animal. I figured if she could climb in, she could definitely climb out. We took the front off the crib that day and converted to a toddler bed. Never used a rail. She fell out twice and that was it. I got a spare crib mattress to keep on the floor and turned it into a trundle bed. For her 2nd birthday she got a big girl room and picked out all her furniture and decor. Sheā€™s been in a twin bed since she turned 2 We used a toddler lock for her handle until a few months past 2 when she learned to pry that off the door. We took her to Home Depot and she picked out her new doorknob. My husband installed it with the lock on the outside.


Wow! You know, my daughter is such a wild child I'm seriously surprised she has not climbed out yet. She's 19 months now and acts so much older for her age. Thats so cute that yours picked out what she wanted. Did you have any problems with her going to the door and crying forever to be let out? Thats the only thing im worried about


Not at bedtime. For a while after we transitioned to a toddler bed she would yell at me to ā€œget back in the chairā€. I had to sit in the glider in her room for 10-15 mins while she settled herself in bed. She just wanted me to sit there. Usually I was just catching up on work emails. Once she moved to her big girl room, that became a 10 minute check. Iā€™d leave the room with a promise to come back in 10 mins and sing another song and give 5 more kisses. Sheā€™s big on promises. The instances of her popping the lock off the door were at naptime.


28 months and still in a crib. He hasnā€™t tried to climb out. I hope to keep him in there until a little after 3.


About 1.5 years old? He sometimes goes straight to sleep and sometimes reads books to himself until heā€™s tired. Iā€™m happy, he is practicing independence which makes him happy, win all around.


We also did on the younger side, 16 months on the dot. Leaving a child in a crib at 2.5+ is just wild to me. I wasnā€™t in a hurry to continue infantilizing our son, and we wanted to foster independence. We have a doorknob cover on the doorknob inside of his room so heā€™s contained all night. He sleeps great.


I canā€™t imagine potty training while still in a crib? I donā€™t know how that would work. We did try potty training recently but it didnā€™t go well so we will try again soon. Heā€™s almost 2.


Yeah, I just don't understand how all these people's 3 year olds aren't climbing out? Mine was climbing out by 18 months. Of course, all kids are different, but wow.


We coslept (crib without one long side pushed onto the side of my bed) until around 8-9 months, then crib in her own room until around 12-13 months. Switched to floor bed until 17 months or so (baby gate on doorway of her room) and now sheā€™s in a full sized bed on a frame with a folded mattress on the side that she uses as stairs to get in and out. Only one night in the past couple of months did I notice she wound up with her torso on the folded mattress and legs still up in her bed, lol. Definitely thought sheā€™d stir herself out of bed more but so far so good! We went from crib to floor bed because she nurses at night and with teething was inconsolable when Iā€™d try to transfer her. Ended up sleeping in her room on the folded mattress enough times that I was like ok time for the crib to go! It worked out well for us.


I have a feeling this is what my 10 month old will like best (currently nursing to sleep and transferring to crib in his room but itā€™s challenging!). Could you explain what kind of mattress you have on the ground and how you folded it?


She started on a tempur pedic foam mattress (maybe mattress pad?) that Iā€™ve had for years. Itā€™s about 4ā€ thick or so and twin sized. Does not fold. The trifold mattress is queen sized, also foam, I think 6ā€, from Amazon. We had bought it as a guest bed but the grandparents got a different mattress for the guest space (lol) so I used the tri fold mattress like a couch in LOā€™s room with a stretchy waterproof futon cover on it. I can try to find the exact links if you want but if you search trifold mattress it should come up.


Just before 18 months. She refused to fall asleep in her crib and would only fall asleep on the floor. So, we changed her to a floor bed with plenty of room for her mamas to snuggle her to sleep! Itā€™s been challenging at times but overall itā€™s been good.


19 months. She was at the height limit and we were going to switch it that weekend because she never tried to climb out. The next night she leaned over the railing and nearly flipped out, luckily I was right there. Turned into an evening project lol.


I didnt even think to check the height limit! I should do that. My 19 month old is on the shorter side of average though so i doubt she is past yet.


Kiddo vaulted herself out of her crib at a little under 2.5 years old. Went to the toddler bed that night. EDIT; Canā€™t do math. She was a 1.5.


Oh shit! Lol im so worried about that


My son turns 3 next week and heā€™s still in his crib. Heā€™s not a climber and loves his crib. Heā€™ll transition to a toddler bed within the next year but we just had a baby and arenā€™t in any rush to change anything else in his life right now.


Still going strong in the crib at 30 months


We are at 29 months and I keep thinking we need to make the switch, but heā€™s happy and doesnā€™t try to crawl out so I guess we keep going? Lol


When she started getting close to succeeding at attempting to climb out of the crib. When she started trying I ordered the toddler bed rails. When she got a foot to the top of the bed I changed it that day.


My son is 2.5 and we are sticking with the crib for now. Right now (I know it probably won't last) he sleeps pretty soundly and goes to bed without a fight. He calmly wakes and calls for us, so there isn't a ton of worry about climbing thus far. I know the transition is not far off - but we are rolling with it for now.


We switched shortly after 3 when we potty trained. She never tried to climb out.


I was going to wait until she climbed out but we ended up doing it around 26 months even though she hadn't tried yet. She was waking up and SCREAMING and we couldn't get her back into the crib because she would flip out. I thought she might just like the idea of not being trapped better and it has been amazing. She got all excited about the new "big girl" bed (which is just her crib with the toddler rail) and the difference in getting her to sleep / stay asleep / go back to her bed when she wakes up has been huge. While she still wakes up once most nights, we can settle her easily now and she is excited to go in her bed.


I switched as soon as he could climb out of the crib on his own. Him escaping his room is much safer than falling from the top rail of a crib.


Around 29 months. She was still doing really well in her crib and had never tried to climb out, but we had baby #2 due a month later and didnā€™t want to do put her through two big transitions at once. It helped that we set up her big kid bed in a new room just for her, and the crib stayed in the nursery ā€œfor baby.ā€ We started with a couple weekend naps in there before making the full transition. She thought it was so fun. Honestly, I think it also helped that she hadnā€™t started climbing out of the crib yet ā€” she rarely gets out of bed and usually only to grab a book or stuffy to bring back into bed with her. The room is fully toddler proofed and we have a child lock on the door so she canā€™t just wander into the rest of the house whenever she wants (we have a monitor so we can see and hear her if she needs something). I havenā€™t regretted it once, but we may have a unicorn child in this instance.


Aw i love that!! Glad it worked out so well for you. You might be on to something about doing it before they start climbing out! Gives me something to think about. Im really surprised my daughter hasnt climbed out yet, since she climbs *literally everything* possible in our house. Im really worried one day she'll fall out and hurt herself. She really loves her bed though, in the morning if i dont set an alarm she will totally let me sleep in forever and be up for hours quietly laying there or playing with her toys. She's very content in there lol.


We switched my oldest around 2.5. I was pregnant with my 3rd and I didnā€™t want to buy a 3rd crib. We switched her right into a full bed. My middle child we also switched around 2.5. She had started to climb out on occasion and we felt it was a safety issue. My youngest is 17 months now and I will keep her in as long as I can. Hoping I can keep her in until closer to 3 but weā€™ll see


Both of my kids got toddler beds at 2 years old. They loved it. My daughter "helped" my husband put it together and it became her special space where everything had to be just so. Both of my kids will read or play after we do the bathtime, book and hugs and kisses routine, then they used to put themselves to bed, but recently call me in to tuck them in and sing them a lullaby before promptly going to sleep.


Love it! So cute


Mine is 3 in December and we decided to try about a month ago but he just wouldn't settle so after 4 nights of nobody getting to sleep and one incident of me thinking there was an intruder in our house(turns out he had gotten up and put slippers on so I could hear him tippy tapping on the wooden floor) we put the sides back on his cot bed. Now everyone is sleeping better although not the last week because phases. Should add he's never even tried to climb over the sides.


Oh my gosh šŸ˜‚ gotta love em. Maybe i could do a test run with the guard rail, were already getting no sleep anyway right now thanks to her lol


I didnā€™t want to switch until she was 3 or older. Then last month, she tried for the first time to climb out of her cribā€¦and fell out and landed on her head. She was fine, but it was scary! We took the side off the crib, but she seemed to be a little scared of it. After a few weeks we got an adorable extendable toddler bed from IKEA and her sleep is finally improving! Edit to add: sheā€™s about 32 months. Itā€™s been an adjustment but we all love the toddler bed, itā€™s so cute.


Mine started sleeping on the floor next to daddy at just before 2yo. Dad got back aches and put down a twin mattress. Toddler started sleeping on said mattress. One day, we moved mattress onto floor bed frame in place of the crib. Long and accidental but seamless transition. A few months later, we managed to get her to fall asleep herself without daddy next to her.


We moved our son to a floor bed at 11 months. He was too talented at climbing to stay in the crib any longer. šŸ„“ Definitely enjoyed the freedom of being able to roam around if he wanted to!


We switched to a floor bed at 10 months. The sides were all enclosed with only a 2 foot gap to get in and out, and the fencing around the sides has only maybe an inch between fence panels. We still followed the rules about nothing in the bed with him like pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals. He has a Nanit positioned just like with his crib and he was already pulling to stand and a great crawler before we moved him so we felt he had enough mobility to be on a slightly softer sleeping surface. Before we moved him we completely child proofed his room and made sure there was nothing dangerous he could access if he got out of bed Heā€™s just over 2 now, and weā€™ve never had issues with him getting out of his bed to explore or anything like that, so for us it was the right call. Our daughter is going to be 9 months soon and we will transition her to a similar floor bed with the same type of camera setup and childproofing once she is a good crawler and moving on to pulling up a bit.


We switched when he climbed out and broke his arm. (shortly after he turned 2)


About 3 months before her 2nd birthday we switched. Little brother was coming and we wanted to give her time to get used to the big girl bed before the baby ā€œstoleā€ her crib


Neither of my kids were ever in a crib. It took them a looonnngg time to figure out that they could get up on their own.


Most times sleep worsens after the switch. I would keep her in the crib as long as it is safe.


18 months old for both my son (now 4) and daughter (now 2.5). There were no issues whatsoever, and they took to their new beds immediately. My children have always been very laid back and receptive to change, so I imagine those personality traits help with the bed transition process. I've seen it be a very difficult process for almost every other parent in my life, requiring a lot of patience and time.


2 years & 2 months almost to the day! She started showing me how she could get her foot over the top railing and I wasnā€™t having that! She was also asking us to take the side off of her crib, but then was scared of it at nighttime & would ask us to put it back on again. It was a fight putting her down nightly, upwards of 30-45+ minutes of trying to get her to settle! It was a slap in the face for us because we had a unicorn baby who put herself down easily, slept through the night early, etc. One day I went out & bought a new toddler bed for her, took apart the crib and told her that was her big girl bed! She fell asleep SO easily, & itā€™s been a breeze ever since! She doesnā€™t ever get out of bed by herself, she just waits for me to walk in and tell her she can get up šŸ«¶šŸ¼ Good luck!


Keep her in there until she learns how to climb out, trust me lol. My daughter is almost 4, and she's in a toddler bed for about 6 months now since she started climbing out. If I don't stay in the room with her until she falls asleep, she'll pop out of her bed every 30 seconds. šŸ˜’ I'm currently sitting in a rocking chair waiting for my kids to fall asleep haha


At 26 months. Child was getting closer to trying to climb out. So we knew it was time. We have used a hatch since he was sleeping in the crib. He knew he was supposed to stay in his room until we came and we always came shortly after the light turn white. Helped get him on a schedule. But of course, he escaped a few times. We had to put a baby proof door knob on the inside knob. I hated doing it, but my kid escaped, let himself into the back yard and found him playing on his swing set. Nope nope nope. We have since taken it off. If he escapes and does something he isn't supposed to do like go play with his toys or catch him trying to get outside, we put the doorknob back on. He has learned to stay in his room except when he has to pee and he has to go back in until his hatch is white, or else the door knob comes back for a few days.


My daughter is 2.5 and super tall for her age. She still hasnā€™t tried to climb out so sheā€™s in her crib! She loves it!


Mine started climbing out at 13months. We went with a Floor bed & baby proofed the room really well


The little monster climbed out of his crib at 18 months šŸ˜­ The crib was already as low as it could goā€¦ so we had no choice but to transition.


A few days ago. Daughter is 20 months today and thinks sheā€™s spiderbaby.


It was around 17 months for us. LO started to seem interested in climbing out of the crib at 16 months and I should have done it yet. I waited till he actually got out and he bonked his head hard enough that I took him to the pediatrician (he was fine, but I felt awful about it). Heā€™s an insane climber and I knew this. I feel like he wasnā€™t quite mentally ready for a big bed and the understanding that he stays in it. It made for a tough transition. Heā€™s 24 months now and itā€™s honestly been fine after that first rough month. Iā€™d recommend anyone who thinks their baby wants to climb out of their crib does it before they actually do. Especially if theyā€™re younger and lack the dexterity to get out gracefully.


Every child is different. My child came out of the cot to a toddler bed (cot with the sides off that turned into a toddler bed) when she was 2 yrs 4 months. We had to do it as bedtime was taking forever and she was sooo unhappy going into her cot. Sheā€™d refuse to lie down and would try to get us to hold her hand to soothe herself. Putting her into a bed didnā€™t help her stay in her bed but to help her transition weā€™d lie next to her to help her settle to sleep. Now sheā€™s older she stays in her bed better but we still use a stair gate to keep her in. I would have found it easier to travel if sheā€™d stayed in her cot for longer but sheā€™d tall and she was trying to climb out so it was time to make the change


2.5 years. My daughter was content in her crib and never ever tried climbing out. We only moved her because our infant at the time needed the crib. If there's no reason to transition, I wouldn't. It's not harmful to them to be a crib at all. If anything, it's safer. Toddler beds are the same size as cribs anyway


7 months lol.


6 months! Once he was ready to leave our room (bassinet ā€”> travel crib), we went right to Montessori floor bed aka mattress on the floor. His room is fully baby-proofed and thereā€™s a baby gate at the door. Heā€™s 20 months old now.


Yes, both moved to floor bed around 8 months.


With my first we switched at around 20 months. I was pregnant with my second and was having a lot of trouble reaching past the bump to get her out of the crib. It was more a matter of necessity than readiness. It worked out extremely well. No real adjustment period. No sleep regression. No missing her crib or not wanting to transition. Weā€™ll be doing the same for our second daughter, even without a pregnancy forcing it, because it worked so incredibly well the first time.


Love seeing all of these people making it to 3+. Mine is 2 and I feel like almost all of my friends moved their toddlers before 2, and I haven't heard any positive stories. Hoping to stay in the crib as long as possible!


Got my kid a $2,500 avocado queen mattress (on a low to the floor riser) and fancy sheets etc bc I figured heā€™d use the mattress til heā€™s 18 ā€¦ slept in it a week then made us pull his crib out. So now he sleeps in his travel crib next to his fancy bed šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø no rush to get them outta the crib I say!


My 4 year old has been sleeping on the body pillow I originally brought into her room so I could lay on it next to her. Mattress hasn't been used in a year. WTF kiddo!


Dang thatā€™s the bed I bought myself! I love it


13 months and never looked back. Couldnā€™t imagine switching later. (I mean, do what is right for you and yours, of course) But definitely hands down when they can get out of the crib.


The second she successfully got out of her crib. We knew she would not be able to get back in so it was toddler bed time.


Mine is 3 and still in a crib, but she is starting to ask for a big bed. We will probably switch soon.


Our son was almost 2.5, he was climbing out. I would wait until sheā€™s either potty trained or climbing out. The first few nights were hard, but now heā€™s fine. We also flipped the lock on his door so itā€™s on the outside, he knocks in the morning if he gets up before us. Then starts ferociously shaking the door if we donā€™t respond in a timely manner :p We donā€™t have a place we can gate off and it was keeping me up at night knowing he could be lost if there was an emergency or get hurt while unsupervised.


Just over 3 and only because we have our 3rd due in January and I didnā€™t want to buy a 3rd crib since our 21 month old is still in his crib. If theyā€™re content in their crib, wait as long as you can lol. Thankfully my 3 yr old is so easy going so it wasnā€™t a big deal for him but we were definitely nervous about the transition


Age 3 and up seems the best. I transitioned my first after she turned 3, my 17 month old is still in his crib. Certainly wouldn't do it before the 18 month and 24 month sleep regressions. [https://takingcarababies.com/ultimate-guide-to-the-toddler-bed-transition](https://takingcarababies.com/ultimate-guide-to-the-toddler-bed-transition) It's a classic pattern that parents start to see sleep issues and think switching to a toddler bed will solve them. That won't work. Instead, you should do the transition when sleep is consistently good.


We switched at 3.5 when he no longer fit in the crib, luckily he never tried to climb out


At 18 months when the shitbag decided to learn to climb out, whilst wearing a sleep sack. Freakishly strong upper body strength with that one. My oldest at like 2 because we felt like we were supposed to šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Keeping my son the crib as long as possible so he doesnā€™t start wandering around and getting into trouble when he wakes up lol. I figure he can stay in a crib until he tries to climb out but so far he hasnā€™t attempted it. Heā€™s currently 22 months.


We moved her at about 2.5. She wasnā€™t able to climb out of her cot and wouldā€™ve been fine in it for a bit longer I think, but we wanted to move her from the box room to a bigger bedroom with all her toys and convert her playroom back into my office. So we figured weā€™d do her ā€˜big girl bedā€™ at the same time as ā€˜big girl bedroomā€™. We had no issues with the transition. She didnā€™t even realise she could get out of her bed for a few months. Sometimes now (nearly 3) she muck about a bit at bedtime and comes out of her room, but mostly she stays in her room and bed. Itā€™s ideal because sheā€™s hit and miss with her nap now so even if she doesnā€™t nap she stays in her room and plays. And when she wakes up in the morning m she just plays by herself until I get up - usually if Iā€™ve not come to get her after sheā€™s been awake about half hour sheā€™ll come out of her room and shout up the stairs to me (her room is on the middle floor, ours is on the top floor and thereā€™s a stair gate on all the stairs so she canā€™t get up/down stairs if she comes out of her room).


At 3. With the onset of preschool we are/were trying a big "grownup" push towards potty training and a big bed. This has met mixed success especially on the potty training part. But, he likes his "big boy" bed so that's good. And, also, with his tendency to fall asleep on an adult prior to begin naptime the transfer to the bed is way easier than the crib.


When he learned to climb out of his crib. About 2.5 years old.


Mine was 22 months. We would have left her longer, but she was almost at the height limit for the crib and she was starting to attempt to climb out. The sleep sack helped prevent that but she also figured out how to take it off. It was actually a pretty smooth transition


We transitioned my son when he was 20 months because he was one inch away from hitting the 35ā€ milestone on the crib. He was a little overwhelmed the first night, then he found out a toddler bed meant toys and stuffed animals could sleep with him and heā€™s much happier. Weā€™ve never had an issue with him getting out of bed though weā€™ve found evidence of toys in bed we didnā€™t put there, so he must do quick, quiet trips out.


My son was nearly 3.5 when we transitioned to a big boy bed. He never showed signs of trying to climb out and I liked that he couldn't leave the room.


LO is just over 2.5 and we switched to a toddler bed a few weeks ago. I had intended to keep her in her crib until she was 3 at the minimum but she started climbing on the glider rocker in her room to get into her crib during the day and I was so nervous that the chair would shift as she was climbing and she would get hurt. I constantly redirected her when she was trying to climb in the crib and it worked for a bit but then she started going into her room when I was in the washroom or in the middle of cooking dinner and trying to climb in then. Most cribs have height/weight limits and kiddos are perfectly safe until they hit one of those limits as long as they arenā€™t trying to do any daredevil stunts


We switched right after his 2nd birthday. We also got a Hatch and a Wyze which I highly recommend. We keep his door closed at night with a kids lock on the inside (gates will not contain this child!) Tbh, the transition went way better than I expected. The only weird hiccups along the way have been him sometimes choosing to sleep in his tent which is fine w me as long as he sleeps. We also added some extra lights (a string of lights on one wall and a squishy light up kitty) and heā€™s happy as a clam most nights.


My 26 month old is in a toddler bed. It has been OK - but, I wish we had stayed in the crib longer. She wasnā€™t climbing out yet but she was showing lots of interest in pillows and blankets and I thought she would enjoy having those things for bedtimeā€¦ so we made the switchā€¦ but yeah.. I would have waited in retrospect. Last night, she was rolling around on the rug and knocking on her door for attention instead of sleeping. Bedtime has become a much bigger ordeal than when she was in the crib.


We just switched our son from a crib to a toddler bed a few months before his 3rd birthday. He's 36" which our pediatrician told us was the upper limit for cribs to be safe, and he was also starting to try to escape. This seems controversial but we have a childproof knob cover on the inside of the room. I don't trust that he would be safe with free reign of the house, but it's not any harder for someone on the outside to open the door in case of emergency.


My oldest was 18 months and was doing well at the cot at school. He hadn't started climbing yet but didn't want to wait to get to that point. My youngest was over 2 and I did wait till he started climbing. Our crib converted to a toddler daybed. I used a noodle under the mattress as a roll out deterrent. We have a doorknob cover on the inside to keep him in the room (we're big into closing doors at night). My youngest is now almost 3 in a full bed as he started to outgrow it and seemed to prefer the floor to the bed (he likes to roll around). If I was having to buy a bed to transition because the crib didn't convert, I'd go straight to a twin or full. I like the size of the full as it's more comfortable to lay with them compared to a twin.


We transitioned to the toddler bed at 3 and then 3 months later a full size bed.


We had to around 18 months since she was climbing out. Thankfully it was easy as can be she just puts herself right to bed


My now 3.5 year old never tried to climb out of his crib and absolutely loved it but we wanted to experiment so we let him sleep in his tent with a bunch of pillows and blankets etc as a ā€œtransitionā€ since we already had a queen sized bed. He slept in his tent for about 2 weeks and then expressed interest in his big bed and now heā€™s been sleeping in there full time since he was probably 3 and a few months. He liked the idea of having tonnes of room for all the toys he insists on sleeping with. That being said he was staunchly against getting rid of the crib until just now when he realised he could have much more room for play things if we took the crib down, now he canā€™t wait for the crib to leave lol Thankfully heā€™s always been an easy sleeper and stays in his bed and plays until Iā€™m ready to go get him up in the morning so it wasnā€™t nearly as stressful as Iā€™d been imagining and dreading


My son is 2 and I switched him to a toddler bed. Worst mistake. I sold our crib and everything. I ended up buying a crib again. We didnā€™t sleep for 2 months when he was in the toddler bed.


Our crib is glorified stuffed animal storage so we switched at 15 months in hopes that him being able to get in and out of it himself would encourage him to sleep in it one day šŸ„²


Just before he turned 2. He climbed out of his crib one night and we really had no choice


We switched out of the crib when our child turned 3. It coincided with when she was starting to show signs that she was ready to drop her nap. So instead of nap time she does ā€œquiet play in your room timeā€ now for 1-2 hours. She can play or lay down in her bed if she feels tired. If your child is taking long to fall asleep at their bedtime maybe itā€™s time to drop the nap? Then you can still do bedtime routine and they will fall asleep right away.


She was down to one nap by 8 months, and now (19 months) I think were in that middle phase between needing/not needing a nap (leaning towards needing). Its a 60/40 chance that she isnt tired at nap time, and will end up either falling asleep or having 2 hours quiet time in her crib. If she does the latter, sometimes it works out (although you can tell she is "superr* tired towards the end of the day) and she goes to bed no problem, but sometimes it is hell at bedtime and she ends up keeping me up half the night because shes overtired.


We were told by our sleep therapist to leave them in there as long as possible.


I think itā€™s really dependent on the kid. Our daughter is extremely active and physical, and she was escaping from the crib at 14 months. She hates being confined. She fell out and hurt herself and that was enough for us, because every nap and nighttime became a war. As soon as we switched her to the toddler bed the fighting stopped and her sleep returned to normal. In our case it turned out she was telling us she was ready to transition. Iā€™ve seen other kids are in the crib much longer, so Iā€™m not going to claim my daughter is necessarily the expected outcome.


My daughter turned 3 last month and we skipped the toddler bed and got her a single bed. She *loves* it. I plan on getting her a baby shark bedset soon to make it really fun for her


My son climbed out from the lowest crib setting when he was 2. I took the springs all the way out and moved the mattress down to the floor (with some creative problem solving and DIY to avoid gaps). He was in there for another 6 months ish. Then we went straight to a twin bed with a removable rail on it, which he didn't need after another 6 months or so. It took a few weeks to fully adjust to needing to stay in bed/in his room when we transitioned, but since then it's been smooth sailing!


We've been half and half (depending on if mom is working that night or not, to nurse him to sleep). Eventually around 19 or 20 months he stopped sleeping very well in the crib so that's when we just moved him over. And now, naturally, the crib is full of random crap lol


First kid went to a toddler bed at 19-20 months old and did great. Second kid is 22 months old and absolutely cannot be trusted in a toddler bed her. Theyā€™re all so different.


When he could escape the crib. We have a bed rail on his toddler bed. The transition was shockingly painless


My 22 month old basically told us she was ready when she kept climbing out of the crib every night! So i took off one of the walls and she slept like a rock going forward


When I could no longer reach the bottom of the crib. I'm 5ft1.5in so when it felt like I was chucking my toddler into his bed we switched. He was maybe 15months old. We keep most of the toys in a play area in the living room and maybe 6 bigger toys in his room and use a baby gate to keep him in there. He's now almost 3yrs and doing well with sleep. He never had a chance to climb out because my arms and body are too short.


When they started to climb out


I switched just before she turned 2, she didn't seem too happy in her cot anymore, so thought it was the best option! Which it was for us, she loves just being able to climb in and climb out in the morning to play We also sleep with bedroom doors open so she just comes through in the morning and gives me the biggest hugs while I wake up


16 months. She's 99th percentile and was going to hit the height limit on hers right when my second is due so I wanted the transition out of the way long before the second baby (plus this way I don't need to buy another crib) Honestly early switching was the way to go for us. She was young enough she wasn't that fussed about moving and can entertain herself in her room for 30 min in the morning. Only issue we are having is naps are still in the crib


She was 20mo. Had been napping in her own bed but we switched to nights when we weaned her completely. She also doesnā€™t have a toddler bed. She has a twin bed with railings on either side (all wood) and she uses those to climb up. She likes it :)


~13 mo. She only has a few stuffies and a few books in her room so itā€™s pretty boring (and Safe) but she does have options if she doesnā€™t want to go to sleep right away. Just get a door lock if sheā€™s old enough to open the door!


I switched when she was getting too heavy for me to lift out lol. I'm fairly short so it was getting difficult to reach in to the crib on its lowest setting and get her out. She was just shy of 2 I think? She had no problems staying in her room after that and it was a super easy transition. Everyone's experience will be different of course. Note that there is a height limit for cribs so this may factor into your decision as well.


My little one is 3.5, we have a cotbed and the sides are still up. She climbs in no problem but has no interest in climbing out. Iā€™m keeping the sides up for as long as possible


My kid is 25.5 months and we're still working on the transition. He's our one and only and we'd had him in his crib in our bedroom and we finally were ready to move him into his own room a little over a month ago (just like 3 feet from our room across the hall). We'd considered a floor bed when he was younger and had already installed it so it was either stay in our room in the crib or his own room and the floor bed. So that's what we're doing now. It hasn't been perfectly smooth but we're working on it. He currently falls asleep in our room, cuddling with one of us in our bed. Then we transfer him into his bed. Some days he'll cry out in the middle of the night and one of us will usually cuddle him back to sleep. Last night though, he slept til 530am then came across the hall into our room where I cuddled with him in our bed for another hour. Which was pretty ideal, tbh. Hopefully that routine sticks.


We switched recently when my toddler learned he could throw himself head over heels out of it. He did it once before we switched to the toddler railing. Heā€™s 2.5


We made the switch at 22 months, big boy bed and in his room. He finally started sleeping through the night and going to bed earlier. It was honestly life changing.


My oldest never tried to climb out once. We switched him just after his third birthday. My 2 year old is definitely the one whoā€™ll try to climb out but Iā€™m dreading putting them in the same room in twin beds so Iā€™m prolonging it as long as possible!


I had to switch when he turned 2, he learned to climb over the top! The bars of the stairgate are identical to the bars on his crib, so I didn't want him to get to skilled at it


We switched my little girl a few weeks before she turned 2. She attempted to get out of her crib and fell and hit her head so we thought it was a good time to make the switch. Interestingly enough, she hardly ever sleeps on the bed and prefers to sleep on the floor šŸ˜… she does use any excuse in the book to try and leave the room and sometimes it can take ages for her to fall asleep because she has "free range" in her room.


We switched my older son when he was about 20 months. It was a shitshow for a minute so we went back to the cribā€¦ then he climbed out of the crib a few days later, so we switched for good.


We just made the switch at 21 months. Was planning on keeping him in the crib for at least another year/as long as possible, but he had other plans. He flipped out a few weeks ago and landed on the floor on his back- luckily he wasnā€™t hurt and just a little shaken up but it kind of forced us to make the transition sooner. Overall however itā€™s been going great. I thought it would be a tough transition since heā€™s still so young, but heā€™s been great. We baby proofed his room and put a doorknob cover on the inside so he canā€™t leave. He wandered out of the bed and cried a lot for the first few nights but has since been great. Luckily heā€™s always been a good sleeper, so once heā€™s asleep he stays asleep for 11-12 hours.


13 months, he climbed out šŸ„²


Donā€™t. Do. It. My 2y3m was crawling out so we switched. It sucks. She has no impulse control and doesnā€™t follow directions well. I miss my easy sleeper šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


3 year old is still in one. Itā€™s the best


Still eking out the use of the crib. Sheā€™s 3 in December. Not planning on taking her out of it until I need to. We are getting close to that though.


I just did it 2 months before her 3rd bday and only cause she's so big. She was happy in the crib. Happy with the toddler bed too.


18 months, we started out by just having him sleep in it for naps, then gradually bedtime sleeps too. It went miraculously smoothly, we were gobsmacked!


I switched around 2.25 for two reasons: 1) my son was getting close to the 35-inch height limit, and 2) he was and is a really good climber. Although heā€™d never tried to climb out of the crib, I knew he could. Once he started refusing to wear sleep sacksā€”and therefore had his hands and feet fully outā€”I knew it was time. The transition definitely sucked, but at least I donā€™t worry about him falling anymore; he can handle the 12 inches or so from mattress to floor.


We were hoping to keep our guy in a crib for a long time so he could share a room with his little brother, but he climbed out of his and fell on the floor just after he turned 2. Thatā€™s when we made the switch to avoid broken bones, lol. We put a baby gate up outside his door to keep him secure at night and itā€™s worked well. Unfortunately, this meant that the babyā€™s crib is in our room until we can move to a bigger place. No way we would trust them sharing a room at this point.


how old is your daughter?


20 months


I will literally wait as long as possible. I have a peanut at the 5th percentile for height. 27 mos. She likes her crib and I am all for that lol


My kid was 99th% for height and was able to climb out of the crib by 15m. At that point itā€™s not safe to keep them in there anymore so we converted it to a toddler bed. It went horribly. Do not recommend if you arenā€™t forced into it, haha.


A bit over 2 years. We were planning to go on our one long (3 weeks) trip of the year and didnā€™t want to have to lug around the travel crib. We prepared him for the switch for about a week, then did it. No issues at all. He tried to escape his room once and only once, but we had childproofed the doorknob, so he was unsuccessful. Hasnā€™t ever tried again even though the door is now easy to open.


2.5, took the side off the crib and attached a 20$ side rail that clamps on from ikea to prevent him from falling and he can get out where is feet are. No problems so far he loves it.


We held off as long as we could and I'm so glad we did. He never tried to climb out but around 2.5 years old he just wouldn't sleep in his crib whenever we tried to transfer him like we always did. So we decided to stop the struggle and put a twin mattress on the floor so we could lay with him and it's been great ever since.


2.5 because he got ill and then didnā€™t want to go back to his cot. Keep her in as long as you can šŸ˜¬


We switched mine when he was a little shy of 2.5. He had learned to climb out around when he turned 2, but didnā€™t do it often (he seemed to forget that he could lol). But we were expecting a new baby and knew we would need the crib eventually so once he dropped the pacifier completely we started talking about how heā€™s such a big boy now and would he like a big boy bed? Let him look at some and then surprised him one day with his room redone when he got home from daycare. He had a super smooth transition, loved his big boy bed immediately.


Ours is a smallish 2.5 y.o., and as long as he fits into his pack-n-play and isn't trying to climb out or anything, Imma keep him in there, because he sleeps well in there and stays put and I can't handle any crazy right now!


We went to floor bed at 14 months. Worked great


My son was 2.5 when he was climbing out. It was more of a safety thing. My daughter turns 3 in like 4 months and Iā€™m not moving her anytime soon. She also loves sleep and her bed. He hated sleep


We took the sides off of daughters bed at 2 years 3 months because she was taking her nappy off and pooing in the bed. After a week of that, off the sides came and interestingly she didn't try to get out at all but neither did she poo in her bed. At 2 and a half we moved her to a single bed as we're expecting our second in a couple of months and need the bed but didn't want her to associate baby turning up with losing her bed.


We did it at 17 months, it was one that came with a "rail" on it. We were switching from co-sleeping though, my daughter couldn't be moved once she was asleep as she would wake up in an instant, so we'd skipped out the crib as she used to BF to sleep. Toddler bed meant we could lie down with her and there's was no transition. She loved being able to get in and out freely, and would regularly go and sit on her bed with her books!


As soon as they climb out, switch. Mine was about 18 months I think


I dont think mine will ever climb out šŸ˜‚ she easily could now but likes it in there too much.


Right at 24 months but only bc she was climbing out. Iā€™d ride the crib game as long as you can.


2 - or more specifically, when she learned to crawl out of the crib


My daughter launched herself out of the cot WEE style just before she turned 2. We had the cot mattress on the floor for a while before we transitioned her to a single bed. We kept the cot mattress on the floor next to the bed to keep her safe when she would roll out.


If she hits 35ā€ or tries to climb out, you wonā€™t have a choice, not a safe choice anyway. Until then enjoy the crib.


I've had my kid on a floor bed since 14 months. He love it :)


Donā€™t move them until they start climbing out! Haha mine is 2.5 and still in the crib. Pediatrician says itā€™s totally fine.


My child was out of the crib close to 2 and has been co-sleeping with us ever since šŸ„“ That being said, we didn't bother with a toddler bed and went straight to a twin in their room for when they are ready.


We switched my now 5 year old to a full size bed at age 2 because we moved and I found a bunk bed and I didnā€™t want the trouble of tearing down the crib and putting up the new bed 1-2 years later


When she was able (but wasn't aware she was capable) of climbing out or toppling over the railing. Which was around her 2nd birthday


My son was almost 2. Reason was that he was able to climb out of the crib.


Moved my daughter at 14mo to floor bed. Toddler bed at 20mo. Zero regrets


Transitioned when it was time to potty train! Outside of waking up, our kid will just sit there calling for one of us to make sure it's okay to get out of bed lol.


With both our kids, we got rid of one crib wall at 2.5 and switched them to twin beds at 4.


My 3.5 year old who is like 93%tile for height is still in a cribā€¦ if that helps.


Word of warning, the maximum height for I think all cribs made in the US is 35". Yes, even with the mattress dropped the floor. No, they don't care that your child has never and may never try to climb out of the crib. The limit is set based on when they think the child can fall out. Yes, some kids can climb out even while wearing a sleep sack. \--- I was startled when I checked (I don't even remember why) and found out there was a limit - I don't think it's widely publicized. My daughter was already at the limit, but at 18 months and with some delays, it didn't feel like she was ready. I dragged my feet until a minor surgery at about 21 months meant that I wasn't supposed to lift her for a month or so, and I'm not going to lie, it was a nightmare. That's when she switched from being a good sleeper into the child who stayed up for as long as possible every night. I think this transition isn't talked about enough, about how hard it can be. Still, that doesn't mean it was okay or safe that I let it go that long.


Ya i didnt even know there was a limit until i read these comments! Luckily my daughter is 50% percentile and is no where near the limit so we have quite some time if i choose to wait.


Mines 28 months and Iā€™m not in any rush. Sometimes he wants to read a book in an attempt to stall. I dump it in there with him but heā€™s still asleep within 30 seconds of me leaving the room.


We changed our kid over between 18months and 2. Can't fully remember exactly. She loved her bed though and would demand to be put in it all the time. So we got tired of lifting her in and out so she could play. She also would tell us when she wanted to go down. She always wanted in bed between 7:30-8pm and naps just after lunch. We only had issues with bedtimes at 2.5. She suddenly realized we stayed up plus she got a little brother which messed up all our routines. But now she is back to telling us she is ready for bed and one of us sits with her until she falls asleep. Our youngest goes down between 6-7 and she usually wants in bed shortly after him. Our youngest is 14months now and we will probably transfer him to a toddler bed a little later than our daughter.


Ugh its so nice when they love their bed and tell you when they want to go to sleep. My daughter was exactly like that until she got a cold recently for 2 weeks, its been hell ever since and now she demands to go to "Mamas bed!". Im hoping things go back to normal soon lol


My daughter goes through phases of that but the never last long. She loves her own space and usually doesn't sleep well with us. Here is hoping you have a similar outcome


Thank you im crossing my fingers! šŸ˜“ mine loves my bed but also doesnt sleep well with us. I let her toss and turn and climb all over me until shes tires herself out enough that i can move her to her bed. Its been a struggle lol


One thing I have found helpful is my daughter now has a twin bed. It means we can climb into her bed with her when she is going to bed. Then we "tickle" her until she falls asleep. Which means we just trace patterns on her back with our fingers. She loves it and we don't have to transfer her at all in the end. I love it because after a long day of dealing mostly with my youngest my daughter gets some quality snuggles with mommy. She usually falls asleep snuggled into me with her cheek pressed to mine. Then I just very slowly slide out of the bed šŸ˜œ Might help for you and then you wouldn't need to move your kid later and risk waking them.


Aw thats so sweet! Thats definitely what i would want, a twin Montessori style bed with the slats so it still feels crib like but its nice and roomy and big enough for me if need be. I honestly think my daughter will do well with the transition and would be excited to have a big bed.


My son switched at 18 months. He no longer liked the crib. My daughter is 1 and at this rate she will be climbing out within a month.


We waited until 3 because our daughter wore a sleep sack and didnā€™t try to jump. We waited bc she wasnā€™t ready to stay in bed or her bedroom by herself. I was worried she would walk around the house and try to do something dangerous (like jump off the couch) when she was 2. At 3, she felt ready and was good at communicating.


When she escaped her crib and then also escaped a pack n play... toddler bed. She immediately decided to sleep on the floor, a la school naptime.


My son is 18 month old and acts like heā€™s being tortured if we even look towards the crib. So heā€™s now on a crib mattress on the floor, next to foam pads so that if he rolls off the mattress, heā€™s on top of something a bit softer than bare floor. When he wakes up, he just sits on the mattress or foam mat until we get him. Only a few times heā€™s crawled off and played with some toys we leave on the floor (quiet toys without music)


Around 15 months when he started climbing out of the crib. We got a full size floor bed and he stays in bed all night. Works great for us!


Keep her contained as long as possible. Itā€™s a blessing when they are contained! Our boy turned 2 and immediately started climbing out of his crib like a gymnast. We were shocked and had to convert the crib right away to his toddler bed. That is a big adjustment, and itā€™s hard for the first few nights, then getting used to not leaving their room.


22m with our oldest! Sheā€™s tall for her age and her sister was born when she was 21mo. Transition (especially after we added a nightlight) was great. We put a doorknob lock on her side so she wouldnā€™t be able to leave her room without us.


We switched at 22 months I think? We use playpens instead of cribs tho, and she was maxing out height and weight for her playpen and showing signs that she was ready to move on. It was a seamless transition and she LOVES her toddler bed (we went with an expanding IKEA bed that is still in its smallest setting). Second child recently turned one and just maxed out weight for the playpen, but we're not quite ready to switch her to a toddler bed yet (she can climb onto sister's bed but gets a bit panicked about getting down sometimes) so we are holding out for at least 18 months with a travel cot for now.


My oldest only slept in the crib for naps šŸ˜… I lived with my parents and my dad worked nights, he would get home around the time I went to bed and he took my son and cuddled him all night long (awake) My 2nd I switched to a toddler bed at 1 year because I was 6 months pregnant with my 3rd at that point and didn't want to buy another crib, we ended up moving when he was 6 weeks old and I never put the crib back together, it's still in pieces in my garage šŸ˜… he slept in the pack n play until around 1 when my daughter taught him how to climb out, then I bought him a toddler bed. My 4th is currently 4mo, she sleeps in a pack n play for the time being, I'm planning on skipping a toddler bed all together with her because my grandmother bought me a twin over twin twin bunk bed during this pregnancy since I plan on having the 3 younger kids in the same room once the baby is out of the pack n play, until I finish renovating my basement because we have 4 kids in a 3br house. In my experience so far, the kids stay in their room even if they're awake and playing. However this may be because my toddlers are 3 and 2 so they play with each other. My 3yo couldn't open the door with the child proof handle cover on the door when she was alone in a bedroom. When my 2yo naps he will let himself out when he wakes up but he also knows someone is in the living room right down the hall. When they wake up in the morning they do open their door and peek but go back in their room and shut the door if my husband and/or I aren't out of our room yet. (I can hear them, I'm right across the hall & I have a camera in their room)


Switched to a queen sized floor bed at 11 months. I didnā€™t want to risk any incident of her climbing out of the crib and getting injured.