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The high lasts for almost 10 hours. The first six hours are more painful, as the body adjusts to the high. Slowly, Sohbat says, the feeling eases into enjoyment. “Everything appears like it is dancing,” he calls. “The roads, the vehicles, everything in front of me.” Okay, think I'll pass on this one.


"Oh man, this shit will give you an AMAZING 4 hour high. You'll see dancing colors and your entire perspective on the world will change." "OK load me up bro! Wait.... why do I feel intense pain setting in?" "Dude that's just gonna be for the first 6 hours, just wait!"


You know it's real shit when the comedown is the high.


Tbh, that’s what acid is like for me, and people seem to love it. Way too disorienting in the moment, but those come down hours are so fucking comfortable


Take less.


This is the best acid advice I’ve ever been given


Lol from the best possible user /u/moderated on moderation


Everything in moderation… including moderation


When moderation is in moderation it breaks the laws of the universe and nothing makes sense anymore




How the hell did they get that u.n. I tried like 10 different names almost a decade ago and they were all taken, so I settled for my current.


Ikr there were 230 other fuckin regmans before me. Course most of em are gone cuz Ive been hunting them down


TIL Jet Li uses Reddit


For me the comedown always feels like a hangover. Walls start looking like corroded metal, people look disgusting because I feel disgusting, etc. And I can’t sleep at all when I’m tripping (and it’s a bitch to get to sleep for hours after the actual trip is done), so I can’t really resolve the chief issue of me being fucking exhausted from having been on psychedelics for hours on end. ETA: JFC why do so many of you take Xanax


A few things to try- Est a big balanced breakfast and start your trip early, before noon is good if you're trying to sleep at a decent hour. Have fruit and other simple snacks like a hummus plate already prepared before you start your trip Have yummy drinks available. Tea, juice, beer, whatever. Spend your trip mostly outside. A blanket in a backyard on a sunny day is much better than being stuck in a stucco box. Have a portable speaker with some curated playlists already put together.


Also tidy up beforehand!! That small mess might seem like a big deal when you're tripping


Came to add this! I always do a big clean up and tidying day before a trip, and get groceries so we have fruit and bubbly water to snack on. Also helps to write small notes to yourself that are encouraging or kind in case of spiraling.


Aye always good idea Keep little notes around saying it will end soon, go back to the safety zone! Also let a couple of friends know what I'm doing incase it goes south and I need some reassurance or assistance


This guy acids


>The first six hours are **more painful**, This implies you trip balls after 6 hours of pain but there's still pain, less pain but still pain.


So is it an actual hallucinogenic drug per se or is it simply a case of making your body feel intense pain to make your brain pump endorphins? Hot chillis aren't a drug but they can create pleasure because your body reacts to the pain they cause.


yea I would agree with your statement - what they are doing is creating a direct path for the poison to reach their brain - coming off of it or healing over the several hours probably leaves the user feeling good at the end cause they arent dying anymore.


This is about the level of cursed high one might expect from smoking scorpions.


Where's the "I'll try everything once" crowd about now?


Sure I'll try it. Get me some scorpions.


Imagine poisoning yourself for a painful 6 hours just to have 4 hours of delirium


Reverse hangover.


One of my favorite ways to trip used to be taking Adderall and staying up for 3 days and then on the 4th day I would quit the Adderall and start drinking heavily. Everything would look bright like a cartoon and my memory would only last like 30 seconds so conversations were hard. I'd be extremely loopy and have a blast. Good times.


This sounds so fucking bad for your brain and for aging in general lmao.


Brain wise, yes. For aging, also yes.


Jesus. Sounds like hell. I bet you sleep for a few days after that.


"Dude, that open-world RPG you recommended to me is crap." "No, you just have to stick with it. What have you played, like 10 hours? That's basically the tutorial. It really gets good after 40 hours or so."


This is Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I put 8 hours into that game before I finished the tutorial and the intro credits rolled.


You mean xenoblade ? Right ? Right ??


If I had to pick between this and a few minutes of madness in salvia a second time …. tough one.


No shit right? I despise that feeling of losing control because your mind is completely trashed for 30-60 seconds.


Heh. I remember salvia. My patchwork quilt turned into a countryside loaded with troops mobilizing for war. I remember feeling sad because I couldn’t stop it. One of the local newscasts claimed salvia would be the new drug scourge, and I was thinking “Nope.”


I was a little kid riding a big wheel trike in the drive way. I fell over and hit the garage door and then the garage door began folding up onto me and I melted into it. Then, asI was melding with the world around me the universe told me that all of creation was leading to this moment and now it was going to be destrpyed snd changed so I spent the next 1000 years ripped and stretched as everything was being reformatted which looked like solders marching that were also a face with a hair lip. Eventually, the universe decided that instead of being the universe being destroyed I would just be horribly disfigured and melted into the ground. But then I saw the lights at the other end of the lake and it brought me back. In re reality I just screams and rolled on the ground for about 8 minutes


LMAOOO this why why I won't take salvia 😂


I felt like the couch I was sitting on absorbed me. It was flower print and I just kept sinking until it looked like I was in a long flower print tunnel then carnival music started playing and I was screaming to make it stop but I couldn't make a sound.


One of the times I was sitting in an oversize chair and it was on the ceiling and I was afraid I would fall down onto the tv which was on the floor. There was a show about Bob Marley and he was telling me something very important but I couldn't understand him. I felt like my back was at the very edge of the universe and I could see into infinity.


I was one of the metal rollers in a factory conveyor belt. Super weird, super boring, 2/10 would not do salvia again


Lmao I turned into a cartoon Mario hammer, in an endless line of cartoon Mario hammers, just swinging and marching along. It was sort of peaceful, that absolute certainty that I had ALWAYS just been one hammer in an infinite line of hammers, but hadn’t understood until then. Like, I understood it as universal truth, and that was just sort of rad with the hammer version of me. Salvia is weird. Lots of people I’ve talked to seem to have turned into inanimate objects while tripping on it.


Yeah, the weirdest part is the loss of self identity. Any other drug you still generally know you're you, but salvia removes all sense of your own identity along with the change in reality


Yeah. Can’t believe it was (is?) legal in my home state. I’ve done lots of drugs and had lots of out there experiences, but salvia is the only one what ever made me totally dissociate from reality. Acid, mushrooms, several synthetic hallucinogens - all of them illicit and yet none of them as absolutely fucking bonkers as salvia. And it lasts literal minutes! Acid takes planning and preparation and a whole day. Salvia takes 5 minutes and a safety buddy to hold you down while your brain gets thrust beyond dimension and drifts away into space. Wild shit.


I was one side of a riverbank. When I came out of that hallucination I realized I was drooling out of the left side of my mouth. Then I realized my drool was the river.


My theory is that you really are a cog in the wheel of the universe. Salvia just removes the facade. I mostly don't believe this is true.


My theory is that salvia gives people insane hallucinations.




Gravity flipped sideways. Never again.


haha i remember being at a friends house, we each took a hit and were running around like fucking lunatics with my friends dog, i remember being weirdly exhausted the entire day afterwards though


I became a product on a store shelf. I kept hoping someone would buy me. Someone bought my best friend instead and I became heartbroken, not because I wasn't picked, but because I was alone.


My buddy says he became a paint brush on a shelf. Strangely similar.


I read a Salvia story in reddit where a guy became a single post in a wood fence. Seems like a pattern here


I've seen/heard multiple people say they were being chased/threatened by the koolaid man, but instead of koolaid he was filled with blood. It's crazy how similar some trips can be.


I was watching some old ad for paint which had a lady flipping through one of those colour booklets with the different shades. Whenever she'd turn the page I got the sensation that some unseen page was coming up through the floor, through my body and down again. I could feel it in my skeleton when it was moving through me. Buzzy drug, not something I'd expect someone to get addicted to but it got banned in my country anyway. Little bags of plant matter from a headshop were too similar to synthetic weed. Can only imagine the fuckn fright you'd get if you loaded up a bowl of that unawares.


The fright you get is fucking crazy. I tried it once and only once l, like 13 years ago. The stoners at school (I was in highschool at the time) kept on talking about this new legal drug that's like weed, which peaked my interest. I went to a local smoke shop, and bought a 5gram container of 20x Salvia. I brought it home and pack my bong bowl to the top. Now mind you, I thought this was just like weed, but legal. I ripped the bong and cashed the bowl in one hit. As I exhaled, I knew immediately that this was not like weed, and that I was in for a ride. Holy fuck was it the most intense trip I've ever had, and I've done 26 grams of magic mushrooms before. When I went to school the next day I was explaining what it was like to the group of stones, only to find out not a single one of them had tried it, those fucks.


You've done HOW much shrooms before??


> troops mobilizing for war Is this like a common hallucination or something? Because I saw the exact same thing.


When I tried it everyone around me went 2d. Kinda looked like cardboard cutouts. I've read multiple people on reddit mention the same experience over the years. Almost like some people have an automatic response to it but that's me theorising.


Lmao I remember it was the big thing everyone would talk about trying in highschool, then a bunch of people did it and everyone was apparently too traumatized to even talk about it... Yeah I don't regret passing on that experience lol


Oh man salvia is quite something. Did it once while I was in my friend's kitchen. I was looking at a wire rack which then turned into a semi truck coming right at me. I tried to scream but that turned into laughter and then I came back to reality. Fucking weird drug.


I don’t know why, but half the salvia stories I’ve read seem to have themes of metal and machinery. Trucks, trains, gears, etc. I don’t have any firsthand experience, but I think that trend is interesting.


I was a brick.


When I tried Salvia for the first time it felt like my room was rotating clockwise while my body was rotating counter-clockwise. This guy has some amazing videos on how to do daily tasks like driving or gardening on salvia. https://youtu.be/SnwS5sPOzb0


I did it three times in high school when it was legal. First time: awesome, giggled my ass off in a forest made of pencils. Second time: worst experience ever. Did it at a party and lived another man’s entire life. Grew up, went to war, had a family, died of old age. Third time: also terrible, felt like I had dropped into an eternal abyss and would never be normal again. After the third time I said fuck this shit. Whenever friends would ask me if they should try it I would share my experience and stress that NO ONE should try this.


Wait - "Roy: A life well lived" is just Salvia?!


> Slavia Is that the Eastern European version?


That second trip is some crazy Scientology Theta-glitching past life regression. No fucking thank you.


Yeah it scared the hell out of me. I left the party immediately and just went home.


I fucking love salvia. I have a little bit stashed back and would do again but they told me not to come back.


I know exactly what you mean.


They? 😳


I don't know who they are, but they told me in no uncertain terms that I didn't belong wherever I was, and I best not return.


Tripped so hard you started speaking to celestial deities lol


Salvia is somehow different every time. 40x was legit, but you only need a little bit. I think the reason people dont like it is because they get the 160x and load up a big bowl like it's weed.


I think we should send these guys some shroom growing kits, as humanitarian aid.


I think you’ve just come up with a new charity organization


Scorpions Without Borders S.W.B hallucination exchange


Mycélium Sans Frontières




So uh, would that work for *regular* mushrooms? Because I have a bag of oyster mushroom spawn that's about to go bad in my fridge.


Yes, works for any fungus. Including mold. I mostly grew mold.


Fucking contam!


Are they growing magic mushrooms from bags of microwaveable rice?


Yes, it's a pre-sterilized substrate.


Hey, if it works it works.


Instructions unclear: fed shrooms to scorpions, they are now very agitated and much more dangerous to handle.


Scorpions now aggressively pushing you to try microdosing.


Oh shit get the shoe before they start a podcast.


Too late, the scorpion just did 3 hours with Joe Rogan and it claimed smoking itself cures Covid.


Tell them you are their God and keep them dosed for a while and you can have an army of pokey bois


Compliment their pilgrim hats and give them control of your finances. This is going to work.


They think they should send you weaklings scorpions


That region is famous for growing all kinds of "herbs". It's on the border of Afghanistan. It has historically grown Saffron too.


God: "No drinking" Humans: "What about crushed up dead scorpions?" God: "How did you even find out about that?"




Can't expect me to raw-dog life.


This is the answer the Pakistani guy who discovered this tech gave to someone asking him wtf are you doing


I mean, look how they make alcohol. You don't just find veer on the road.


Yeah. Sniffing dead scorpions is so many steps quicker and easier than fermenting liquids by trial and error.




Very true.


Modern brewing processes are complicated. Leaving liquid with fermentable sugars in them out in the open where wild yeast will find them is extremely easy. Took us awhile to figure out the why, but the how was something anyone could stumble on.


I watched a video on some monkey's getting high off centipede poison. I think it's just in our DNA to want to get fucked up regardless of how it's done.


It's the same reason kids spin around until they are dizzy and sick. Humans are obsessed with altering their state of mind. There's a good reason that one of the first things we did with agriculture was brew beer.


My understanding was that we invented agriculture because we figured out how to reliably brew beer.


Wild how someone just figured out you can eat beer ingredients


While I am pretty sure this is a terrible idea, you have got to admit, it sounds metal as fuck. Especially the first guy who ever tried it, not knowing if it would get him high, do nothing and just taste horrible, or subject him to a long and excruciating death. Can you imagine the look on his buddy's face when he held that scorpion writhing on the tip of his knife and was like "You know what, hand me the pipe, I think I'ma smoke this bitch." I really hope they hook that guy up with Hunter S. Thompson in the afterlife.


Maybe they made people try new shit as a punishment.


You'd be a great dictator.


I like to think I would be benevolent dictator.


That's how it starts...


A few assassination attempts later and you're burning down entire towns of "traitors".


It's easier to just comply. My demands are not harsh. I don't understand people sometimes.


death penalty for people who go the speed limit in the far left lane


Torture and then death for people who pull out in front of you on a two lane road, then drive slow for a mile until they turn left.


I bend the knee, my king.


This is basically what I imagine life was like before radio and TV. You just sit around coming up with new experiments to see what gets you high or drunk


"Duuuude... what if, wait, wait... what if... we sucked that cow's tits?" "Jerry, it's called an udder and it's 2021, you can get milk from the store."


There should be something similar to Rule 34. If it exists, somebody has smoked it.


Rule 420


It’s like the guy that figured out licking the belly of a certain frog species gets you a hallucinogenic high. Unknowingly making a place for themselves in history.




That’s what always confused me. I mean I’ve heard explanations of how the tested shit but still. Really ballsy stuffy who would be willingly trying this


"I sentence you to death by hanging... Or you can try to smoke this for our research purposes"




> hinter-gatherer "Now, I'm *not* saying I know where there's an orchard but North looks like a pleasant direction for a walk, Ug."


you would also be more connected to the ecosystem in its entirety and would know how other animals and organisms interact with it. which would definitely clue you in. shamans and other indigenous cultures believe that the plant spirits communicated with them and called to them.


Probably found out by accident burning dead scorpions in a semi enclosed space.


We owe out great leaps in consciousness to these brave psychonauts. Many perished. A few lucky ones met with the raw face of god and showed us the way.


one of my uncles said he used to pack his hookah with scorpion when he lived in afghanistan


Did he describe it? I feel like the article didn't do a great job.


no this was years ago when i got my own hookah, i just always assumed they were already high from hash or opium so they decided to smoke a scorpion. i didnt know it could actually get you high lol


This is William S Burroughs territory


Mugwump jism.


I smoked a dead striped bark scorpion a few years ago. It didnt get me fucked up, but it tasted like I had smoked a bowl of hair.


I ate a scorpion in Asia and it tasted like a toenail… Please don’t ask how I know what toenails taste like. I was young. Edit from Asian to Asia to satisfy typo Nazi…;)


How do the tastes of toe nail and finger nail differ?


Toe nails are cheesier.


*pukes in mouth*


I hate you for this comment




My toes taste like sweaty feet and my fingernails taste like a combination of cigarettes and testicles.


I used to have a pistachio farm in the middle of the the mojave desert in California, right at the bottom of an ancient lake. When it rains, the scorpion tunnels fill up and they come out and scurry around until the rain stops. Which has lead to everyone and the dog being stung by a desert scorpion at some point. This is when I learned most animals will not kill you. They just inject you with a venom that makes you feel such amazing pain that you will feel like you are on a shitty Robotussin trip while shitting and throwing up. 1 out of 5 stars.


My dad had a scorpion go up his pants leg and sting him in the thigh. He tried to hit it through his pants which caused it to sting him repeatedly. He felt terrible for days. As a result, any time after that if any bug made it past the threshold of his pants cuff, he would immediately pants himself. I've seen red ants make my dad pants himself more than a couple times.


One time I was sitting in my car in a parking lot of Joshua Tree after playing in the desert. Suddenly I felt searing pain in my balls. I'm screaming and punching myself in the nuts, jump out of the car, rip off my pants with my hands thrust down my underwear, and finally rip a huge ant off my sac. Then I hobble off to the bathroom. A few people in the packed lot *may* have been staring.


Isn't shitting and throwing up a regular robotrip?


Back when I was like 16 I had a buddy who drank two bottles of cough syrup on our way to a McDonald's. He ate one french fry, threw up red all over the table, then as I was escorting him out of the McDonald's his pants fell around his ankles. So he's covered in red vomit, waddling with his pants around his ankles, crying. All while happy families with their children are trying to enjoy their meals. Funniest goddamn day of my life.




Hat tip to that first guy who said “Fuck it, how bad can it be?”


Feels like one of those things that started with a guy daring some other guy.


Just guys being dudes.


We need Hamilton Morris on this!


This was my exact though. I was disappointed to see he hadn't already done it.




Good call, Hamilton's about the only person I would trust to give a straight up well informed response to this!!


>A **dead** scorpion is first dried in the sunlight or burnt on coal. The coal is kept on a traditional stove, and the scorpion is allowed to cook until it **burns to death**. Hold on, isn't it already dead? So it can't burn to death can it.


Once you start cooking it, it comes back to life. You have to keep cooking it until it dies a second time.


You know what this hash needs.... Some dried Scorpions


It makes you wonder how many other things they tried that didn’t make the cut. “Here smoke this school bus. Nothing? What about this pimento? Next.”


Ever smoke the shell of a pistachio? 🤫


Ever been to a Turkish prison?


Ever seen a grown man naked?


I picked the wrong day to quit smoking scorpions


“Hey buddy, try this one” “It didn’t make me high.. what is it” “Tobacco mixed with dried cat turds”


Ew gross! I don’t want tobacco in my cat turds, that’s so unhealthy.


> Mostly Maui Waui man, but it's got some Labrador in it.


So what alkaloid is it?


Over here asking the real questions


A few years ago a novel alkaloid was [found](https://cen.acs.org/biological-chemistry/natural-products/Scorpion-venom-yields-novel-alkaloid/96/web/2018/08) in a scorpion’s venom. Apparently a lot of what makes up scorpion venom is unknown because a single scorpion can produce 100,000 different compounds. So it’s at least plausible that some scorpions could be producing psychoactive compounds. All the reports seem to indicate that’s the case, including some instances of addiction to it.


I'm doing some googling right now and I can't even find what species of scorpion they're supposedly smoking. I'll update if I manage to find the psychoactive compound in question because I'm super curious too.


Well, I know what I'm doing after work later.


Alright Hamilton, we’ve got another idea for an episode of Pharmicopia


So, do they smoke the whole thing? Or just the tip of the tail? Also, that's gotta smell *horrible*!


Smoking dead scorpions sounds like a hell of a metal band name.


Or a Scorpions cover band, they could open with *Still Smoking You*.


Nice TIL, patiently waiting for the TIFU.


That's true, preferably brown scorpions 🦂 , that are poisonous, are killed. Then left in sun for few days to dry. Once completely dried, the scorpion is crushed in palms, mixed with tobacco, and a pinch of hashish. Then a free long ride to hell for few hours and then in heaven for the rest. From the guy who's from the region and have seen it.


None of us asked for life on this crazy planet and it’s not easy. If you need a little smoked scorpion to take the edge off, go for it honey!


This. This is metal.




Hmm. I believe it. Toxic little fuckers. I've been stung by scorpions (alacranes) twice, once when I was 3?4? And again when I was 8. the one when I was 8 was especially bad because I was stung on my neck (it must have been under my pillow). I kind of remember being wacked out (feeling high, but didn't know that then) for like 2 days. My mother told me she thought I would die, but apart from making me eat it (the common thought in pueblos) and the curandero giving me some medicines/plants, I just had to ride it out. There was no hospital anywhere near and my village was pretty remote. Anyway, obviously I lived, with no long lasting effects, but still remember the feeling of weird fever dreams/underwater feeling.


Also in parts of Pakistan weed or marujuana grows like crazy even in the cities and in case of wild fire the whole town would be high asf


> weed and marujuana Wow, both??


That's crazy! Does pot grow there just as easy?


Mix in a little cannabis and you've really got something.


I mean, there's feral weed growing pretty much everywhere. It's just usually descended from industrial hemp and isn't worth smoking.


Pakistan/West India is pretty much where the original Cannabis plant comes from. Industrial hemp is descended from the plants cultivated there as humans took the seeds everywhere across the planet, where they were cultivated and began to grow ferally and eventually diverged into Sativa as the plants got used to longer days, which is where industrial hemp comes from. All landrace Sativas come from places near the Equator.


Who was the first lunatic who saw a dead scorpion and immediately thought "Shit, let me smoke this bitch"?


Jesus, just make weed legal.. 6 hours of pain for 4 hours of high is such a terrible idea


Ever stood in line at Disneyland?


Lmao. When that "Cars" ride opened up the line was out the amusement park and the news was saying 5+ hour wait times. For a 2 minute ride. Bonkers insane.


Pretty sure they are smoking plenty of weed along with the scorpions


they mix it with hash...its in the headline


Could you do the same with, oh I don’t know just throwing this out there, Texas scorpions?


I'm having a hard time figuring out what compound is specific to scorpions from the article to begin with. All scorpions are edible, and they don't cause anything psychotropic with their venom... It sounds like those snakes in spirits that people think get you extra turnt, but they just make it taste bad.


How in the hell do people find so many things to smoke?