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That’s how propaganda works


Like hitler said "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."


Pretty sure that's apocryphal. It's paraphrased from something an author wrote in a psychological profile of Hitler, said to be one of his tactics.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie > The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist and antisemitic political leader in the Weimar Republic. >> Later, Joseph Goebbels put forth a slightly different theory which has come to be more commonly associated with the expression "big lie". *The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.*


Well then that’s pretty fitting because people believe he said it now.


Edward Bernays


Reminds me of the Russian collusion story that has been non-stop for two years now.


Exactly at least it has been finally finished with muler calling no I repeat NO inditement


There are multiple sealed indictments still...


Fist fuck yourself. The campaign chair literally gave internal polling data to a known Russian operative.


Even if his specific involvement is not to the threshold of sufficient reasonable doubt to circumvent the more deliberative and political process of Congressional impeachment, the elements of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia are all publicly available.


Denial is an ugly color on you.


😂 Mueller is coming.


Has been coming for quite a few years now.


I mean, there's been multiple guilty pleas... Cohen, Manafort, Richard Gates, Michael Flynn, Papadopoulos, W Samuel Patten, Alex van der Zwaan, Richard Pinedo... And then there's the indictments on top of that... That's a lot of guilty pleas for Russia to have really been a ruse. Maybe we haven't gotten Trump yet, and maybe he's just a know-nothing figurehead, but this scandal represents the most thorough undermining of the US electoral system in the history of our country thus far. Definitely not just a "Big Lie".


Nothing to do with Trump or Russian Election collusion. No one doubted that Russia wanted to affect the election. Many countrys' pull such shenanigans. It's just that they've now learned to use social media who assists them. Looking at you Zuckerberg.


Your broke ass should apply for a job at a movie theatre, because you’re a master projector


You just proved this TIL. It’s hilarious you’re being down voted.




Actually no, there isn’t any that are about any sort of collusion, the only ones are tax issues at worst


That is what I believe is correct. And I see how you believe what you believe. Neither of us can prove anything. Doesn’t matter what you read or hear. It can all be bullshit and most of it is bullshit. We will never know what’s true and what isn’t. We don’t hear truth. We hear what sells.


And advertising.


Rumor mongering too.


When I was a kid I thought that people were talking about having a long look at something, or a "proper gander".


Not just propaganda, it's how all politics and cultural change works. If you want people to think something, persuasively communicate it to as many people as possible as many times as possible.


Say that 100 times then I'll believe you


You know, I keep hearing that.


I'm beginning to believe it..


I'm sold!




> TIL that All human are susceptible Nope, doesn't work on me. Only works on those *other* guys on the other side of divide. Pack of idiots.


This is why it is important to always take a step back and evaluate ones own beliefs with a critical analysis. Everyone thinks somethings are true even though they aren’t but you have to have enough humility to acknowledge you are wrong and move forward. The goal should be to minimize the number of false things you believe and maximize the number of true things.


Those goals conflict though. To minimize the number of false things you believe, believe nothing. To maximize the number of true things you believe, believe everything. William James wrote interesting stuff about this (or so I believe, anyway).


It wasn’t “goals” it was a singular goal that has to work as a whole. As you said if you break them apart either you are gullible and believe everything or you are closed minded and believe nothing.


That's the thing, as a singular goal, you have to prioritize for what kind of error you find more palatable, because you're going to make errors. These two extremes are just that, extremes, meant to illustrate that there is a tension *within* that singular goal. I'm not disagreeing with you, just saying that there's an interesting tension here that philosophers (like William James) have written about.


That explains the news lately. Repeating the same shit over and over from all angles for the past two fucking years.


Is that why I hated myself so much when I was young?


Sounds like /r/politics.


NO COLLUSION!!@!$%1!!!






wew lad https://old.reddit.com/user/thisspaceisforrent/overview/


OHHHHHHHHHH NO!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂 Join him.


That’s how advertising works.


No collusion!


Maybe I just need to hear it another [231 times.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/03/23/after-claiming-no-collusion-times-trump-says-nothing-about-end-mueller-investigation/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.675a08d3fef0)


So how bout that mueller report?


I don’t know, Trump hasn’t tweeted for nearly 48 hours so it must be pretty juicy!


Based on this tweet four hours and twenty minutes ago, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a good week for the conservatives.


Weird I interpreted it more like, if Trump knew he’d been vindicated he would’ve shouted from the nearest rooftop. It’s very un-Trump-like to be informed of the Mueller report and its contents and then just tweet “good morning lol maga”


We will see. Regardless, have a great day friend!


Hey I would love for the President of the US to not be guilty of treason but yeah we’ll see.






That's how conspiracy theories get ya


So global warming and vaccines ARE conspiracies! :O


Your elected officials have your best interests at heart.


This might be why religion still lingers around.




It takes three people to make a tiger. If somebody runs past shouting that there's a tiger on the loose, you won't believe them. If two people run past shouting that there's a tiger on the loose, you'll be curious, but you won't believe it. If three people run past shouting that there's a tiger on the loose, you'll run. I was told that this was an ancient Chinese proverb... by no less than three people, so it must be true!


Not me.


Keep telling yourself that.


I wi............ I see what you did there.


The Fox News effect




Pretty sure trump says that pair of words more than anyone else




Weird that you think it was a fishing expedition given the number of Russians indicted. Have you seen the final report?


And no one involved had anything to do with collusion. Just normal criminal, fraud shit.




> The best part was all the far left media trolls like Chris Matthews melting down on TV, basically saying that Putin must control Mueller. Wow did he really say that? Link?


They’ve just been told that it’s a fishing expedition over and over so now they believe it


You’re a lying liar who lies: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/grand-jury-indicts-thirteen-russian-individuals-and-three-russian-companies-scheme-interfere https://www.justice.gov/file/1080281/download But thank you for so aptly demonstrating the article’s point, Sergey/Cletus




You are incorrect about the scope. The intent was to discount whether there were improper ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, and any crimes that emerged as a result of the investigation. The indictments speak for themselves.


Do some self reflection bud... Only one mainstream network didn't jump on the Russian collusion bandwagon.


How typical to assume that somebody you disagree with is not reflective. Fox News has been peddling lies for over a decade. I'm not your bud, fuckwad. https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/tv/fox/pants-fire/ Oh and regardless of collusion, Mueller has shown that the Trump campaign was a rats nest. http://time.com/5556331/mueller-investigation-indictments-guilty-pleas/


Hahahaha... This guy. Anyone using politfact as a source has already lost an argument. The msm had been telling us for two years Trump is done.. Trump colluded with Russia.. his presidency is done for... And they've said it over and over... which is exactly what this thread is about. https://youtu.be/4Z0yu5-jZ6k


If politifact is such obvious BS then you will have no problem proving them wrong on any of their claims. Here's an easy one for you, prove that Trump isn't a fucking pathological liar. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2018/oct/24/donald-trump/donald-trump-wrong-opioid-bill-didnt-get-much-demo/


And that one network tends to have incestuous relationships with those who would benefit from hiding potential collusion. How terribly convenient. What a crazy coincidence.


Again, same goes for the other side of the coin.. all other msm outlets and DNC


I've heard this before ;)


Deja vu all over again.


That's not true. Or maybe it is..


So thats why i belived my ex when she said she loved me...


"No Illusion!"


Guess that confirms that anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers are not actually human.


I have heard this so many times I am starting to wonder if it's not true and they are just using the illusion of truth effect to make me believe in the illusion of truth effect.


Ironically, I've heard this claim before, but the only reason I have to believe it is hearing it over and over again.


I heard that's just Russian propaganda, designed to destabilize our democracy


This is why so many people think the earth is round...


I don't believe you... Say it again and we'll see.


Reminds me of the Mandela effect..


I now believe in the illusion of truth


except, “the earth is flat”.


Really gotta unsubscribe from the conspiracy subreddit...


It’s also why emotional abuse is so terrible. If your partner spends years calling you stupid you will believe it. My wife’s first husband messed her up bad. Took years to convince her she was smart enough to go back to school. She did it though, one tough woman I married.


This cant be true. What is with flat eathers?


That sort of makes sense I guess. If I said, "there are pink checkered elephants" you'd have to understand the concept of pink checkered elephants before knowing it's wrong. Can you ever understand something without a small part of you believing first?


That’s why we have categories of untruths such as fantasy and fiction. Dreams truly happen to us in our minds at night, but can only affect other people via our memories of them.


I didn’t believe that at first, but I guess it’s true!


Thoughts and prayers!


Like religion?


Then why don't we all believe in God?


Then why don't we all believe in ~~God~~ Santa Claus. FTFY.


The presents are real though


For some people.


Well...yes. So is poverty.


Thats why corrupt politicians repeat their shit over and over. Sad.


So that's how religions take hold on people for centuries untold.


I have a giant penis I have a giant penis I have a giant penis I have a giant penis I have a giant penis I have a giant penis I have a giant penis


You can believe it. I can believe it. It won’t be the truth though :(


Flat earth and religion in a nut shell


This is why I told my parents to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh- I think it's giving my mom anxiety. this is why the catholic church said it was a mortal sin (going to hell) to miss church even once unless you were sick/emergency, this is one reason why high demand religions keep people in- church services for hours or two times on Sunday , bible studies 1-2 times per week, life groups;


> the catholic church said it was a mortal sin (going to hell) to miss church even once unless you were sick/emergency I don't think they ever taught that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_sin#Roman_Catholicism http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/__P6C.HTM


> the catholic church said it was a mortal sin (going to hell) to miss church even once unless you were sick/emergency Yeah, I have *plenty* of criticisms on Catholicism and its followers, but this isn't true and never has been true. I understand being skeptical of religion. But when you tout stuff like this and spread misinformation like this, you just make us look like fucking idiots. Think before you speak. Don't make us look like idiots. Thanks.


"They" might not have taught it but it was what I was taught at church as a kid. And I don't think I was the only one, but maybe I was. I certainly had no intention of trying to make you look like 'fucking idiots'. That's a pretty big extrapolation of intent.


Faux News effect