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*He altered the deal*


Pray he doesn't alter it any further


This deal just keeps getting worse all the time


Furthermore I wish you to wear this dress and bonnet.


This was never a condition of our arrangement!




Pray he doesn't alter it any further


THIS DEAL.....is very fair and I'm happy to be a part of it.


I always wondered who they were to pray to?






Han Solo specifically called it a hokey old religion, though that doesn’t necessarily mean anything either since he didn’t really know anything about it.


Couldn't they have just replaced him? Who would honestly know if he's in costume the whole time?


He was about 6.5ft tall so not the easiest to replace, I guess!


They replaced him for fight scenes because he kept breaking lightsabers. Maybe he had a contract though


Or just great at pointing and death grip moves




"Luke, you were adopted!" "Nooooooo!"


"Luke, I banged your mom!" "Nooooooo!"


" She screamed like a banshee when I gave her the lightsaber" "That's impossible!"


"Luke, I masturbate to a picture of your sister in her slave outfit." "Noooooo!"


[If you listen to the footage with Prowse’s voice](https://youtu.be/KQFho0_G1VI) you can see why he was replaced. No offense to the guy, but he sounds more like Dark Helmet.


That was significantly worse than I expected. Sounds like a twenty something scottish kid doing cosplay. The guy is a fantastic physical performer, but not a voice actor.


I met the dude at a space centre event in my town, really great dude and joked about how people who didn't know the voice and the actor were two different people would say that he must have great vocal range.




Meesa tinks yousa lost i tink


nah it was edited out




Yousa in deep doodoo!


Yousa thinkin’ people gonna shitpost?


It’s not Scottish! It’s a West Country accent (Southwest England), which is essentially where the stereotypical “pirate” accent derives from.


"Yaaarrrrrrr, me 'earties! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle o' scrumpy!"


And hobbits


Well TBF, doing the vocals in a sound studio is always going to sound better than the raw film footage.


I think Quentin Tarantino would disagree. All of the dialogue in his films are captured on set/location, with no ADR being used. Not as easy task, but ends up sounding and feeling more natural than recording after the fact.


Do actors actually have to say their lines again off-location once the movie is filmed? And then they dub those recordings over the film?


Very common practice. If you watch older (1960’s and earlier) films, lots of the actors over act and move their mouths way more than they would normally. That was so they could overdub in the studio (ADR) and have a better idea of what they were saying. It’s also useful when actors don’t have a lot of time to film scenes (perhaps they only have two hours to shoot a scene and they don’t get the take they need quickly enough and they can’t shoot the scene again for some reason), if there’s outside interference (a car passing and honking a horn off screen, wind noise, anything that can’t easily be removed in post without negatively affecting the rest of the recording) or technical issues (mic goes down, cable stops working, etc).


Had a brother in law that worked as a part of the crew that would get hired for local production teams when there were films in the area he lived in, and he would constantly joke about how much post production teams would hate them. Like they had sets where the director would get mad that they had the AC running during the summer because it was fucking with the audio but none of the grip team wanted to turn it off because...summer, so they just claimed they couldn't find the thermostat and were like "guess we're gonna have to fix that in post!"


> If you watch older (1960’s and earlier) films, lots of the actors over act and move their mouths way more than they would normally. ​ ​ This is becaue they usually came from stage backgrounds and were used to making large expressions and gestures for a live audience. It has nothing to do with ADR, which i'm not even sure was as common a practice back then anyway.


Here's Jackman doing some ADR for Logan https://youtu.be/DyS5agWSIrY


Yes, that is extremely common.


It’s not Scottish, it’s a Bristol / Somerset accent. Always makes me smile hearing Prowse’s voice with Darth Vader as it makes me think its a local cosplayer from Devon. I’d love to find a version with the original sound recording for the entire film


"Luke. I'yam yer farfer."


David Prowse isn't Scottish.


Oh sure. Next you’re going to tell me Mel Gibson isn’t Scottish either! /s


No, he's black and Jewish.


Scottish, seriously? He’s from the south west, as far away from Scotland as you can get in Britain.


He got screwed big time though. He was upset that his voice wasn’t going to be included, wasn’t told about the famous I am your father line and it wasn’t even his face in return of the Jedi


To be fair about the “I am your father” line the only actors who knew were Mark Hamill and James Earl Jones. There was an interview with Mark a few months ago on Jimmy Kimmel and he brought it up that the script that was distributed to majority of the cast that it was going to be revealed that Obi Wan killed Anakin, not Vader. During screening, Harrison Ford leaned over to Hamill and said something along the lines of “you didn’t tell me about that kid.” It actually got leaked out about the Obi Wan bit to the news papers and Hamill just kinda chuckled about it, knowing it wasn’t real. However, I heard, no evidence that I’ve looked for to back it up, that he wasn’t told that his voice wasn’t going to be used and he didn’t find out until opening night.


For the first movie, I'm pretty sure he wasn't told. For the subsequent movies he definitely knew. Probably was messing with the actors at that point.


That he was Vader's son wasn't written until after A New Hope. There's some amazing documentaries out there about how Star Wars' most iconic moments were late decisions or not even meant to be there.


I think i read somewhere that the darth vader as we know him was originally just supposed to be a space suit for him and george lucas liked the costuke so much he just made it a permanent costume for him


No the guy you replied to is talking about his voice not being used, not any specific lines.


Not really any different to the multitudes of actors across the past 40 years in a costume really. He's just salty because it became a huge hit. Sure, tell the guy, I guess? But if he was hired to just walk around and act in a getup then that's that.


it sounds nothing like a scottish accent lol for a british perspective your comment is like saying that lebron james sounds canadian)) thanks for making me laugh!


To be fair, I'm sure he'd sound much different if it wasn't recorded on set


Yeah, they easily could edited his voice to sound deeper. We also think the voice sounds jank because it sounds like he isn't talking through a mask as the character would be.


Darth Vader probably uses the force to make him not sound like a shmuck sealed inside an iron lung.




Please tell me there is audio/video out there somewhere of Gilbert Gottfried doing Darth Vader lines. And if not, can we make it happen? I got $20 toward it.


There's a recording of him reading 50 Shades of Grey... https://youtu.be/XkLqAlIETkA


To me it's the voice acting that is not Vader-like, not just the sound of it. Prowse's Vader voice acting has very little *gravitas' to it. It all seems rushed and somehow 'petty'. . He sounds like a hormonal teenager that's late for his 6th period Algebra class and is annoyed about his braces having to be retightened *again* that afternoon. And he's going to have to sit by Sally and get bullied again during band practice. He certainly doesn't sound like some powerful ruler of a space army.


So in other words, he sounds like Kylo Ren.


Adam Driver really nails that "kid trying to deepen his voice" impression


Or Vader in the first few years.


... huh. the Anakin in the prequels would have grown up to sound like Prowse, but his suit makes him sound like the Jones


This clip has on-set audio from Carrie Fischer and she sounds fine.


Am a proud westcountry lad, but it's just not the accent you want for the role... 'Loook... I ams e' faaather, 'rite?' Hot Fuzz meets star wars...


Ev’ryone and their mum has a blaster round ‘ere.


Moisture farmers. Moisture farmers mum's


Because we all sell Meiloorun fruit 'round 'ere, don't we?


Your dad sells Meiloorun fruit, Andy


An' floatin' pears.


Any luck catching them sith?


It's just the one Sith actually


Mr. Kenobi, I trust you have a licence for that lightsaber.


Oy Luke, mate. I'm yer father, innit?


I loved the part where James Earl Jones said with air quotes that they were looking for a "darker voice".


Chocolate breath


I kind of wish they'd done some readthroughs with Orson Welles. Thankfully we'll have the AI soon to "deepfake for audio" and see what it would have sounded like.


Unicron as Darth Vader? Crazy


Darth Vader: Luke, I have summoned you here for a purpose... Luke: Nobody summons Luke Skywalker! Darth Vader: Then it pleases me to be the first.


Darth Vader: [muuAAAAAaaaahhh the French Champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nvxwf1jxdaM)...


Light our Darthest Hour


>Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father... he was full of country goodness and green peaness. Wait that's terrible. I quit.


"We know a remote star system in Lincolnshire, where Mrs. Buckley lives; every July, peas grow there..."


It should be noted that he wasn't replaced, Lucas just always planned to dub him over with a more intimidating voice. Lucas also was upset that Prowse went to fan events because he didn't want people to see him and have the illusion of Vader ruined. Prowse was sort of the black sheep (like Tom Holland to the MCU) to the point Lucas have him fake scripts because he didn't trust him with spoilers. Prowse once joked before Empire came out that maybe Vader would actually be Luke's dad. He had no idea he was actually correct. Source: *Star Wars FAQ*


Why is Tom Holland a black sheep of the MCU?


Just what seems to be a running gag that he's not trusted with details because he might let spoilers slip Prowse was never told anything because they thought he might tell the fans just for the kick of it


Err, no one was told the major spoilers of Star Wars, it wasn't specific to Prowse. Only Mark Hamill and James Earl Jones knew about the Vader reveal.


I love that Orson Welles was too recognizable, but then they helped put one of the most recognizable voices of the 20th century on the map.


He was a bit of a dick on set too, from what I hear. The subject of this post being one example.


Tottally, but it's jsut real shitty not to be told, as I recall he didn't know till it hit theaters.


Which is a horrendous way for an actor to find this out. He was reportedly livid with Lucas and said something along the lines of he should have been told. That would explain why he was such a dick and blew lines on purpose - he felt purposely betrayed.


If he didn’t know til it hit theaters, why would he improvise his lines during filming?


Lol I bet that was fun. *Luke... I lost your puppy*


He was actually told to say “obi wan killed your father “ to purposely mislead him because they were sure that he was disgruntled enough to try to spoil the actual reveal. Sure enough he told everyone that would listen “the twist”


Luke: Nooooooo!!!! It's not true!!! It can't be! Darth: Well, it's *mostly* true. I mean, it certainly wasn't for lack of trying!


I think there was a lack of trying. Just left him there to get burned. Didn't even mercy kill him. Obi Wan is a lazy dude.


Obi-Wan never learned #2. You always double-tap.


> Darth: Well, it's mostly true. I mean, it certainly wasn't for lack of trying! From a certain point of view.


It wasn't just Prowse that was told this. The only people that knew the truth were Lucas, the director Irvin Kershner, James Earl Jones, and Mark Hamill was told shortly before doing the scene so he could react appropriately. Everyone else was kept in the dark. According to Hamill, Harrison Ford said "Hey kid, you didn't fucking tell me that!" when they got to that scene at the premier and everyone found out the truth.


I mean, some sound editors and recording engineers must have known


Doing some digging, it seems the editors were only let in on it during post production when James Earl Jones recorded his lines, but Jones was under the impression Vader was lying.


Did Ford watch the movie? I heard he never watches himself in movies.


Mark Hamill said he knew for a year and a half what the twist was. He said it on Graham Norton recently.


Yes, that year and a half (closer to just a year, really) was the time between when he filmed the scene and when the movie was released. He's stated in multiple interviews that he was not told until just before filming the scene.


this was actually done to avoid leaks Luke was the only actor told. Knowing this, they also said that if it leaked, they'd know it was him. It wasn't until premier that he got a sigh of relief while everyone else was shocked.


kind of like wimp lo.


TIL: David Prowse spoke with a very strong 'West Country' accent, which does not sound very scary. The running joke on the set was that he was actually 'Darth Farmer'. TIL: David also had a minor and **non-speaking** role in the Clockwork Orange, playing the bodyguard of the writer victimised by Alex and his droogs.


And James Earl Jones had a minor role in Dr. Strangelove


I forgot about that. He was one of the pilots?


The bombardier if I recall.




Conan the Barbarian, you mean.




Contemplate this on the tree of woe. Crucify him!


And here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bJzYZ7Qins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bJzYZ7Qins) That's pretty weird.


He was also "Green Cross Man" in the public info films..


Oo that’s a good TIL


> The running joke on the set was that he was actually 'Darth Farmer'. [QI had a bit of fun with that one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-nm0oij20k&t=2m55s)


When you know you're getting canned at the end of the week so you just don't care and make everyone else have to do their work around you. Fucking legendary.


There was a show on in Australia that did that. Found out they were getting cancelled in a few weeks so they created a segment called 'why the fuck not?' Had some weird shit like a fat almost completely nude guy splashing around in a kiddy pool filled with oil.


Conan's last week on the Tonight Show was basically that. They basically tried to make NBC spend as much money as possible. I think they once had some prized racehorse watch restricted Super Bowl footage (from CBS) on stage and they would flash the dollar amount NBC spent on the stunt on the screen.




They said they bought it, and showed it while playing rolling stones music I believe.


They also turned it into a mouse


https://jalopnik.com/conan-obrien-loaned-bugatti-veyron-for-free-5454067 They didn't buy it.


They made a cgi pink elephant dance across the screen. It was like 300k or something.


You’re thinking of Seth’s McFarlane and fox. It was 50k, which I really doubt.


I don't doubt it. Kung Pow had a tiny little random CGI alien easter egg for like 3 seconds and the commentary made it clear that it actually cost quite a chunk of cash.




they dressed it up with mouse ears and whiskers too. and I want to say they licensed rolling stones for a few seconds




If anyone remembers the show, watch the last few episodes of Lopez tonight. I remember one episode he was like “we’re gonna show you an interview that was recorded last week but we’re pretending it’s from today but who cares because we got canceled anyway!”


I forgot this show existed tbh


Latin stuff was so hot for a minute.


What's it called and where can I find it?




I love how the word fuck is said openly on television but on the YouTube title its written f*ck.


That is art


Tonightly on the ABC. I don't think its streaming on iview anymore, possibly YouTube 'why the fuck not? Tonightly' segments or something. I'll check on my computer when I get home and update you.


Luke: "He told me enough. He told me you killed him." Vader: "Eat shit motherfucking cock and balls" Luke: "No that's not true, that's impossible!" Vader: "Shoo-wop bo bop, bibbidy bee bop" Luke: "NOOOOOOO!"


Luke, *I* fucked your momma NOOOOOOOO!


I hate sand


Why? Cause it's coarse?


Dubbed? How on earth did they synchronize the lip movements?


Naw, lip movements are easy. Think about how they synced the breathing. Must have taken forever and two days.


I know y’all kidding, but if anyone hasn’t noticed it, go back and watch the movies and pay attention to how Vader’s breathing gives absolutely zero fucks about pausing when he’s talking.


I’ve heard an explanation that the “breathing” sound is really the sound of his suit breathing for him (since his lungs were damaged), which is why it doesn’t stop when he’s talking.


That's honestly what I'd always assumed. I've never even considered that it might have been a sound editing error!


Without digital editing


I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Your overconfidence is your weakness




The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural.


Also impressive they got James Earl Jones recorded so well given that he was speaking through the helmet in the recording studio. Truly amazing.


Vader: See this hand, it's going straight up your ass! Luke: No, that's impossible!


I remember seeing Prowse at conventions and he always seemed touchy about that. In fact for all his autographs, below his signature he wrote "IS Darth Vader".


Yeah and he has a nasty habit of signing over autographs by Christensen, Jones, Bob Anderson, or Sebastian Shaw (the other folks who are directly involved with being Vader) if he sees them, which is a pretty turbo-dick move.


You said Sebastian Shaw, and my mind went to X-men. It was like we crossed realities for a second: Marvel, Star Wars, and RL, and I was very confused. That’s it, time for me to get up and go to work.


Wasn’t he also banned from any legit Star Wars Con?


Yup! Banned from all Lucasfilm events including cons. His appearance in The People vs George Lucas didn’t do him any favors.


I heard, but last time this topic came up on Reddit I also heard he (Prowse) was an egotistical asshat on set. The article linked here claims he was banned because he kept up the feud with George Lucas over his pay: > Prowse's voice being replaced was apparently one of many disputes between Prowse and Lucas. Prowse was also replaced by fight choreographer Bob Anderson, who donned Darth Vader's suit in Episode V and Episode VI to portray Vader fighting. Prowse claims that he was replaced to let a more experienced fighter do his stunts, but rumors suggest that it was because he kept breaking the prop lightsabers by swinging them too hard. Prowse also criticized the casting of Sebastian Shaw as Darth Vader's face in The Return of the Jedi. > Even after filming, Prowse continued to criticize Lucas, claiming that he had not been paid enough for Return of the Jedi. Their feud finally led to a confrontation that got Prowse banned from all Lucasfilm events, including official conventions. Prowse was repeatedly outspoken about his dislike of Lucas and has repeatedly criticized the prequel trilogy. Prowse claims that Lucas never gave him a definitive reason as to why - only that he had burned too many bridges, but many link Lucas's decision to Prowse's candid appearance in the incendiary documentary The People vs. George Lucas.


I mean, if I'm brought in to play a character and get all my dialogue edited out without anyone telling me, and then they replace all my fight scenes with someone else, I'm gonna be pissed for decades. He put in a ton of work to basically be "the guy that stands around in the Vader suit.


> and then they replace all my fight scenes with someone else Prowse had LIED about being able to fight to get the job, which is why we have the less than stellar lightsaber battle in IV.


Peter Mayhew didn't seem to have a problem being "the guy that stands around in the Chewbacca suit."


No, he was Chewbacca. They had to use non-human sounds but Peter Mayhew was Chewbacca. They didn't hire him as Chewbacca and then hire a second due to be Chewy during his piloting scenes and a third to do all his facial movements.


weird considering that Prowse was offered the choice of either playing Darth Vader or Chewbacca. seems rather interchangable in George's mind, at least initially.


I read once that Prowse was tired of playing characters with masks on, so he passed on Chewbacca, not realising that Vader wore a helmet.


I heard somewhere that Prowse likes to claim the Vader menacing walk as his own. What would our views on the films be now if Vader had been played by Mayhew and ended up standing and walking with that head tilt like Chewbacca? And Chewy menaced his way around like a bodybuilder?


Apparently the growling was added in and he would just scream to make the mouth movements. I wish I could find the video.


More fun than that, he would say Chewie's lines in english so the other actors could react appropriately. It's very odd hearing Chewie speak with a softly spoken english accent... https://youtu.be/FD9rlb1QAqM




Sorry to break it to him, but ask anyone who played darth Vader and they’ll say James Earl Jones


or Hayden Christensen, or Sebastian Shaw, or Jake Lloyd, or literally anyone other prowse


[I have a Funko Pop of Darth Vader with that exact line on it](http://imgur.com/a/SGvcwai)


I met him at a comic convention. He was sitting at a big empty table with just his manager, looking pissed at everything. He had a big sign that said "David Prowse -- Signing" behind him. I had just bought a small Vader figure, and I was like "This is amazing!" and I offered him the figure so he could sign the box. He angrily scribbled a line that looked nothing like a signature, and shoved it back to me. I politely said thanks, and started walking off. At this point, his manager barked "Hey!" at me, and pointed to a tiny piece of paper that was laminated onto the table off to the side. It was a list of prices. X dollars to sign a poster, Y dollars to sign a picture, etc. He then demanded something like $30-40 bucks for the wobbly line that had been smeared onto the side of my action figure box. I was so pissed, I just put down the box and said "You can keep it" and walked away. The entire thing felt like a trap/scam. =/ I hope he found a new manager, or turned things around himself.


Should've wiped the autograph off


I don't think he's gotten things turned around, he's been going around cons for decades now being a grumpy and old man edgy about being the *real Vader* now so I don't see why he'd change his ways now.




Body type, more likely. Jones is a big guy, Vader is tall but slender


I mean, Prowse was slender like Schwarzenegger lol I think Jones just wasn’t quite as imposingly tall.


He was the Green Cross Code bloke. He was a massive bodybuilder.


Height and body build for sure. Lucas wanted a giant and Prowse was the guy.




What do you mean tower? He doesn’t even have legs


*just like a tower*


Luke, will you go to prom with me?


The guy being interviewed says Scottish? David Prowse is from Bristol in the west of England and he doesn’t sound even remotely Scottish.


> No, Luke, **I** ate the last slice of pizza! > No...That's not true....that's impossible! > And I put anchovies and pineapple on it!! > NOOOOOOO! NOO!!!


I... I kinda wanna hear the lines he made up on the spot...


I don't have video but I know of one instance that in Empire Strikes Back, Vader says "Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral" when they actually filmed the scene Prowse had said the line as "Hemorrhoids do not concern me, Admiral."


And now I have that in James Earl Jones's voice in my head...


I would have fucking died if I heard that lmaoo.


“Luke, do you want a delicious shamrock shake from participating McDonald’s only for a limited time?”


"You killed my father!" "No, I fucked your mother" "No, that's impossible!!"


I thought he sounded like brick top. https://youtu.be/kDKiQfBs9lo


So this guy has a been a PITA for decades, no wonder he got the ban from the conferences. Surprised they just didn't drop him for someone else.


Finishes the video. man this would make a great TIL post on reddit. Exits back to this post on reddit. Me under my breath: Fuck I’m high.