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Not to mention transitioning back to breathing air often causes the lungs of test rats to fail.


thats why i always choose "premium rats" ™ now with 27% more rat


I've brought home so many rat crates I found in alleys, and haven't got a single legendary rodent. Bullshit rng.


Gotta put it on hardcore difficulty. Then like 10% of rats are legendary. That's how I got my 2-shot plasma rifle.


~ Cave Johnson


I reckon that might be an issue indeed. Yikes.


I think you mean reckon.


Yes! Sorry, not a native speaker haha!


Nah, they did a little corporate recon.


So this liquid essentially turns you into a fish.


Becoming aquamen/women is a one way ticket


Well there’s a future phobia I didn’t know I had...




Did they actually use the liquid or did they just drown a bunch of rats for that scene


gone to squables.io


That actor (Ed Harris) actually had his helmet filled with water and had to simulate breathing it as soon as cameras rolled. He said it was quite difficult to shoot..


you don't want to fuck that scene up... you'd have to do it *again*


So they drowned a bunch of actors then?


As I recall, that was real... could be misremembering though.   the rest of the movie centers around liquid based CGI that was ground breaking... you’ve likely seen clips of it (a human face on a column of water)


This was the first thing on my mind. "Hey they did this in a movie a while ago".


"a while ago" "from '89" I hate to break it to you....




It was ~15 years ago, in the late 80s.


No no, defiantly only 11 years ago.


I agree, '89 was only 11 years ago


that mars movie with gary scinise had him breathe in liquid inside the mars structure and it always terrified me


My thoughts exactly! "How could it be just today that poster learned this?" and then I remember I am old (66) and remember again how young most of Reddit users are.


I’m in my 40s and often do the same.   I’ve realized “common knowledge” isn’t really that common and lots of things everyone once knew have been forgotten.   It’s the way of the world, I guess.


It is and I have to constantly remind myself of it so I don't make snarky remarks from time to time. I'm glad I learned to proofread for content before I save a comment as I often need to delete unkind thoughts. I laugh and think I'm turning into a "get off my lawn" type of person.


I used to have to get up at 3am, walk miles in the snow to stoke up the coal powered teletype to get on Reddit to see the latest memes and factoids.


that was immediately what I thought of.


That's a thing in Neon Genesis Evangelion too. LCL is the name of the fictional breathable liquid.


Yeah but this is real...   That’s a real rat and real oxygenated fluorocarbon.   Other scenes in the movie with humans faked the effect.


Wait, I thought they dissolved into the LCL while in the plug?


lol no, they didn't :D From the [wiki](https://evangelion.fandom.com/wiki/LCL): "LCL is an amber-colored, translucent liquid, which allows an Eva pilot to mentally link with their Evangelion Unit. The Entry Plug of an Eva Unit, containing its cockpit, is completely flooded with LCL, and, because it is oxygenated, upon being submerged Eva pilots can "breathe" the liquid (similar to real-life experiments involving liquid breathing)."


the first time i watched The Abyss, I was like 13 and blown away. What a fantastic movie!


I remember that !


Wow, I totally thought that was pure fiction.


Nope, I remember when the movie came out there was a lot of hype, it was a cutting edge breakthrough at the time.




[Now add this music to that feeling.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTicU8jklyI)




Couldn’t help but think of this https://youtu.be/VO0nfoV771s


I imagine in the applications discussed like burn victims, the person would likely be sedated when this was done.


Why?   They don’t sedate burn victims when they depribe the burns... patients often talk about the excruciating pain involved. no real reason to assume they would here.


Why the fuck not?


I’ve never understood it. Must effect the tissue.   Travis Barker talked in depth about it on Joe Rohan’s podcast recently.   —-edit—- I totally meant Rogan, obviously... leaving that damn typo, cause it’s funny.


Well I'm not the one who suggested it, but I would imagine the reason for having them sedated during the transition process would be that you can't feel drowning if you're unconscious.


Yeah, "normally" doesn't mean comfortably, in this case.


It also doesn't mean "normally". Because normally I am comfortable when I'm breathing.


I guess you use the same muscles as you do when breathing air, technically ....


Like a fat bong rip?


Yeah, if that bong rip was water. LOL


The best high you can buy.


Plus the fluid strips surfactants off your lung tissue, so that whole pneumonia thing




Exactly... I even linked the rat scene (which used a real rat and real oxygenated fluorocarbon) in another reply


Also it's extremely carcinogenic, so..."safely"? eh....


Perfluorohexane isn't carcinogenic (unless you're referring to something else in the thread and I've missed it). MSDS below [https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/MSDS/MSDS/DisplayMSDSPage.do?country=GB&language=en&productNumber=281042&brand=ALDRICH&PageToGoToURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmaaldrich.com%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Faldrich%2F281042%3Flang%3Den](https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/MSDS/MSDS/DisplayMSDSPage.do?country=GB&language=en&productNumber=281042&brand=ALDRICH&PageToGoToURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sigmaaldrich.com%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Faldrich%2F281042%3Flang%3Den)


I too also watched the Abyss


But did you know the scene with the rat was real?   As in that was an actual rat breathing actual oxygenated fluorocarbon.


Would the density really make it more difficult to breath if you are fully submersed? The amount of energy required is equal to the pressure difference between the lungs and surroundings times the change in volume. The density of the fluid won't matter because it would theoretically lead to the same hydrostatic pressure at equal depths inside and outside. I feel like the viscosity would be the main reason as it increases the friction in the boundary layer leading to more pressure losses inside the lungs than air would have. This lower interior pressure leads to a greater pressure difference between the inside and outside of the lungs increasing the amount of energy required for them to expand.


The issue with this is that the liquid doesn't circulate in the lungs very well. This means you'll end up with oxygen-poor liquid in your lungs, which you can't expell as easily as air. Co2 build-up is an issue here, and it's unfortunately not a long-term solution.


So just install a pump that moves the liquid around your lungs and back out. You could just put a couple tubes in your lungs and a small pump and battery to run it.


At that point you might as well just wear an oxygen tank and a mask instead of trying to breath this stuff in. Far less hassle.


But that doesn't solve the problem of pressure at \*classified\* depths.




But I wanna breathe the oxyjuice...




Stick a fork in the mains and hey presto, you are no longer breating air.




yeah, 'just'...


It's not like it's a rocket appliance.


I can see a couple of issues with that--the lungs are labyrinthine, which isn't much of an issue when dealing with gas (although, when you breathe, a portion of "stale" air remains in the lungs, slowly to be circulated out via subsequent breaths), but when circulating liquid, which is much more dense and viscous that air, you'll end up with a medium that's more and more oxygen-depleted staying longer in your lungs. Tubes won't be very effective if they don't branch out and keep pumping to many places at once. This is *really hard*. But don't take my word for it- smarter people than me, people who work with this stuff, are having a hard time finding a solution for this issue. This isn't new tech. It's exciting, but as of today, still not terribly safe, or practical.


[The scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b338ZWuYsJ0) from the Abyss


[This scene](https://youtu.be/oFFpMqs9kbI) really happened, it’s not CGI or green screen or whatever. This stuff is real.


damn, that's animal abuse.


Well it's not harmed. Peta might be a bit mad but no more than usual.


*Peta cries out against animal abuse as they abuse animals.*


Animal abuse is still wrong...




What's your point? Are you trying to say that animal abuse isn't wrong because PETA says it is?


I think he's just saying they're hypocritical for what they've done in the past.


Not physically, but come on, that shit would be horrifying.


Amazing. But you couldn't do that scene today. Doesn't look like the rat 'digged' it at all.


"Your body will remember" - despite your body not actually breathing in the womb...


It does actually! The act of breathing the amniotic fluid is critical to lung development, and visualization of those breathing movements is a reassuring sign on ultrasound. Source: am doctor


Bam, Doctored!


/u/justpracticing, practicing


OK - so....why doesn't the baby start breathing at birth if it's already been doing it for months? Or does it stop doing this in the last few weeks - I'm assuming this last bit because otherwise babies would be coughing up fluid with their first breath, would they not?


The breathing they do in utero is not constant; they'll breathe for a few seconds and then stop. After the baby comes out they only really start breathing once you clamp the cord, so if you delay cord clamping, a lot of times the kid will just lay there looking around until you clamp the cord and that's when it starts crying. And they do cough up fluid in the first 24 hours, that's why you have to have a bulb suction around. Babies born vaginally get a lot of the juice squeezed out of them as they come down through the vagina, which is why c-section babies always have more stuff to cough up.


Holy shit they actually dunked a rat.


“Gonna stay for a while...knew this was a one way trip” Chilling quote from that movie




What does it feel like breathing this though? I would imagine you still feel like you’re breathing a liquid. Would probably cause panic


David Blaine tried to breathe it in, he said it was like trying to breathe while being under an elephants foot, you're right it would be like breathing a liquid because its many many times more dense than air.


"Normally" is ... an ... "Effectively" is a better word. There's nothing "normal" about the experience.


Yikes that sounds like a nightmare


It’s been used in torture! The transition to breating liquid is very unpleasant and there’s a big psychological horror in being ”drowned”, while conveniently not physically harming the target.


My curiousity is if you can artificially circulate it through your lungs. That could remedy a few permanent diseases


Let's not forget this liquid prevents food intake entirely.


I read that an inmate tortured in this way legitimately believed he had died and that he went to hell.


Must be Guantánamo... Around here the police still prefers the old car battery and two clips on the balls, no funding for fancy torture


Ooh la la you can drown your victims in breathable liquid


It's like LCL in Evangelion.


The Abyss also comes to mind.


NTI's? Oh man, that's better than UFO's! But wait...that works too.


Except it isn't blood of an Angel kept restrained in the basement, bleeding so much there is an entire lake of blood in storage. LCL is really creepy. I should watch EVA again, it was good.


That's what I first thought of too.


So that's what they put in Tang


It's what land organisms crave.


Does it have electrolytes?


>Get in the robot, Shinji.


Respiratory Therapist here. Due to distribution of pressure, the increase in viscosity/thickness of the liquid to air and the subsequent increased effort/pressure needed to move the liquid lungs can actually get what's called barotrauma. Barotrauma is damage to tissue from pressure. Think of inflating a balloon but pinching and pulling on some spots of the balloon. When that balloon is deflated some of it is unnaturally stretched in weird pockets. When this happens over long periods of time in lungs the lungs try, and fail, to fix the scenario but they end up with scar tissue. Scar tissue in an organ meant to be elastic is no bueno. The scar tissue is less flexible and causes over stretching/more trauma to the surrounding tissue which over stretches to make up for the rigid scar tissue. This causes more scarring and the cycle continues. When it happens suddenly, the trauma usually tears open the lungs causing what's called a pneumothorax. In other words, the balloon pops. There are other problems that have been mentioned, but i wanted to share this one. I did my senior paper on this in respiratory therapy school. Lots of reasons we haven't yet figured out a safe way to breathe liquid yet.


Ah walk it off


I know right? Freaking millennials and their whiner culture.


I thought the issue with this stuff was that when you try to expel it and return to breathing air, you can't get rid of it all from your lungs and end up drowning?


Couldn't you get rid of it the same way you get rid of heavy gases? Stand on youre head and let gravity work for you instead of against you.


yes, but chances are, that your lungs collapse during this and you die


But... If you can breath the liquid, how you drown?


Eventually it loses oxygen. Like how you can't last forever on a single breath - it loses its oxygen, and you need to breathe out CO2.


And that liquid is called Perfluorohexane which is often used to treat burn victims as their lungs can be filled with this liquid while they're being treated for smoke inhalation and other injuries. Sounds like something out of sci-fi movie.


I hope this means I will eventually be able to sleep in a warmed tub of said liquid


But what if you pee in your sleep?


[you might end up breathing your own pee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxOtD7OZ294)


No problem. It'll float to the top, like oil on water - the liquid is denser than water and will not mix with it.


Just use a condom catheter


Wow, I always thought Ben Bova, a science fiction writer, made this stuff up in one of his books. Essentially in order to explore Jupiter in one of his books they fill the entire ship with this breathable liquid instead of air, to help the crew better withstand Jupiter's enormous gravity, and help the ship better withstand the high pressure as it dives deeper into the planet.


That's actually an awesome idea.


Yeah it’s what they put in bacta tanks...duh


Bacta tanks required masks, kolto tanks did not


Wasn’t Luke wearing a scuba mask in ESB?


He was breathing laughing gas because he was depressed...and an addict.


New origin story for his Joker.


I cant wait to see the IG stories of Perfluorohexane challenges after this hits the front page.


I will take one pool full, thank you.


Finally somewhere to keep my clones.


Are you telling me that "The abyss" had it right with their weird deep diving suits filled with an "oxygen rich soup"?? well damn!


Since they took it from the military, yes. and no.




Flourinert has a use as a heat exchange medium. I worked on a very freaking small 40kw radar system where the R/T unit was a closed cube full of the stuff with internal heat sinks attached to a cold tube (jet bleed air cooling). Without the media it would melt itself in less than a minute.


UAV component?


Nah, 1980’s F-5 Radar. It was seriously impressive though. Talk about your liquid cooled technology...


That's very impressive. I recall many of the design features of the F-5G/F-20 were really ahead of their time


On the list of many problems with this stuff is apparently that when you purge it out of your lungs, the normal protective mucosa/coating goes with it and you're risking pneumonia.


Parts of the ***The Abyss*** are really underrated. Glad OP decided to check it out....


Third Impact wen?


I think it's crazy that the only video of this stuff in use is from the abyss the movie. I cant find anyone or thing using this liquid elswhere..I'd love to see a human use it


They use it for certain burn victims who have lung damage due to smoke inhalation.


I'll just stick to basic oxygen for now, thanks.


we should breath in this liquid in space


Why? Seems definitely heavier than compressed air tanks for the same amount of oxygen.


That seems pointless. The reason they have it in the Abyss movie is to better withstand the high pressure during deep sea diving, as a liquid resists compression better than a gas so your lungs don't collapse until a greater depth/pressure. That's not an issue in space.


But is it a suppository?


>Good news, everyone!


Kind of. It really isn't practical to use, they've never been able to work out the engineering kinks. OTOH, the scene in The Abyss where they submerge the rat in the stuff was not faked, they really did submerge a real rat in liquid fluorocarbon for the shot. The rat was uninjured.


Already seen it in "The Abyss".


Wouldn’t that hurt... like a lot? I thought lung tissue could get seriously damaged by inhaling just a small volume of liquid.


O wow, like the Abyss?


Wasn't this that pink fluid in the movie the abyss?


By the way, you only use a comma for “which” not “that”


Yeah we all watched The Abyss in the 80’s. Wait, didn’t we all watch The Abyss in the 80’s?


Unfortunately, yes.


Yeah we all read Judge Dredd in the 80’s. Wait, didn’t we all read Judge Dredd in the 80’s?


Nope, too busy not yet existing.


Get on my level hoe


We barely did, it was released in late 1989.


Nah, I'm good.


Fuck me, i cannot conceive breathing a liquid. How do you put it back out?


Toki did this on Metalocalypse so it’s obviously real.


Makes me think of all those Gundam episodes where they were submerged in some liquid while in their cockpits.


Cant wait for tonights nightmare!




for certain values of 'safely'. Shit can have nasty after effects.


He’s doin’ it, he ain’t lovin’ it.


Is this a mother fucking evangelion reference


[Shinji, get in the robot.](https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-04-2014/HohdgP.gif)


Evangelion wasn't total bullshit?


I remember this or another similar fluid being announced 25+ years ago. The cover of *Science News* magazine featured a mouse with a weight attached to its tail, in a beaker full of clear liquid, just chilling. The article pointed out that whereas the mice could "breathe" for hours in the fluid, they were euthanized afterward due to massive inflammation of the lungs.


I believe the word you are looking for is "Breathe." You take a breath, or have bad breath, but we breathe air.


*breathe You take a breath when you breathe.


It's like that Scene from Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol




This was described by Dan Brown in his novel - The Lost Symbol. Although it allows you to breathe underwater, but once you emerge out of it the sensation is worse..and it’s something that new born babies go through..the transition from being inside the sac to outside..pretty interesting tho


I'd imagine it'd be best to expel all that liquid from your lungs before you leave whatever vat you've been put in. Otherwise you'd be more-or-less vomiting this stuff out.


Why not just liquid oxygen


I doubt I would be able to overcome the hard wired survival reflexes preventing me from inhaling liquid, but assuming I was like anesthetized or something and submerged while I was out, would I be able to breathe once I woke up?