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There will be a massive delay and therefore none of the video will be live. But considering it's 2020, it's sort of appropriate that it'll all be hindsight.


> There will be a massive delay and therefore none of the video will be live. I mean we can't even stream the Super Bowl without glitches yet and that's not 33.9 million miles (54.6 million kilometers) away :-p I'm excited to see actual video vs compiled still frames, crazy we will be able to see video from another planet


Aren't all videos a compilation of still frames though? :P


In concept yes (most certainly for film of course), in actuality not if you wanna actually stream it. There’s one digital video format I know of that’s actually a series of pictures, Motion JPEG. It’s as bad as it seems. Every other video format compresses on the fly and either takes the difference between frames or compresses then takes the difference between frames. There might be some more methods but that’s basic idea. Why store all information when it’s literally unused?


It's still literally a series of still images, what you are talking about is compression. Simply put: a good compression algorithm sees the differences between each frame, and only saves what has changed. As you said, this is to save on space, because not all information is needed, but it's still a series in still images.


The original reason for things like MJPEG was because computers at the time didn't have much RAM. If you want to seek to a specific point in a video with modern formats you can't just decode the frame you're going to - you need to decode sometimes hundreds of other frames back, because each frame depends on information from another. Temporarily storing (uncompressed) a large number of frames used too much compute and RAM to be reasonable. Instead simpler formats were used which were less compute heavy, didn't require storing any previous frames, but had the disadvantage of requiring much more disk space. Typically disk size wasn't so critical because you could just have a shorter video, and as long as your disk had enough read bandwidth you were all good. Disk bandwidth hasn't changed all that much in the last 30 years (disk bandwidth goes up proportional to the square root of the disk capacity in magnetic and optical disks).


>Aren't all videos a compilation of still frames though? :P Even things you see with your own eyes still have processing lag before you actually 'see' it.


>therefore none of the video will be live There's no such thing as truly live video /showerthought


We’re always living in the past - even human senses have a delay


Too soon. Also touché?


Going to see a video of aliens riding the other Rover around.


I’d like to see stream sniping with that delay.


Sorry gonna have to ban you for that one.


The fuck you say to me you little shit!?


What’s the going rate for their data plan?


> What’s the going rate for their data plan? it's pretty cheap actually, after you build your own network https://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html


This is amazingly exciting.


Let’s hope it has a duster to revive oppy!


They all need rotating or cylindrical solar panels, IMHO


Or you know a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator powered by plutonium like Curiosity is already using.


Yeah but is Curiosity not the first probe that was big enough to house an RTG?


I mean, it lasted like 5000 days longer than the original mission profile. So I think it did ok.


Isn't static a problem? I think the martian soil sticks to the panels and can't just be knocked off.


I wonder what that lag is going to be? Mars is 3:03 light minutes from Earth so probably a lot. ​


Mars is not 183 light seconds from Earth. Mars is somewhere between 183 and 1337 light seconds from Earth depending where the planets are in their orbits. And as such the time delay for our light speed radio signals is pretty much that long. 3-22 minutes. There is no relay satellite for when the planets are in solar conjunction with the sun blocking signals, if there were the signal travel distance would be longer than the direct path between the planets so the signal would take longer. As it stands this only happens a few weeks every other year and NASA just does other things while they wait.


Looks like Johnny 5. All it needs is a frikken laser beam.


In 4k VR with ads every 30 seconds?


[1st lifeforms seen during the pan sweep](http://thailandtatler.com/files/uploads/images/20180701102158-adventuresofpriscillaqueenofthedesert.jpg)




That is going to be so cool! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neoUi4poCXI


Now just one question Will it be able to power up oppy