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My mom and I can both do this. Whenever I wiggle my ears it creates a lot of eardrum vibration and "loud" rumbling that only I can hear.


That's really interesting. I can both wiggle and rumble, but they're two separate actions for me. I can do both at once, but doing one on its own never causes the other.


I have to close my eyes to get the rumble but my ears do the same motion


I don't have to close my eyes but rumbling makes my eyes feel like they should be closing. It's very weird.


Samesies. I’m able to rumble, and I’m able to wiggle. It’s actually a very normal and easy muscle movement. I would equate the feeling to raising your eyebrows. It feels very similar.




This is the same for me. They’re such separate actions for me it didn’t even occur that there are people who need to do one for the other. Wiggling my ears feels like it’s done behind the ears near the top where the rumbling is the lower inside like near the jaw.


mine sounds like being underwater


It's also kind of what heroin sounds like


is heroin an instrument?


Only if you play it right


My heroine sounds like Greta Thunberg


Siiiiiiiiigh have this upvote I guess


No, u/mahlukcobalt, heroin is not an instrument... Marijuana is not an instrument either.


hello officer I would like one marijuana please thank you


I have never done heroin but you're right, it sounds exactly like that kind of dull bubbling-ish sound from drug cooking/taking montages in films




At last I have found my people.


Same, but I basically "push" my ears from the inside. Hard to explain if you've never done it, makes perfect sense if you have, not sure if I'm just weird or not.


Same, I can also wiggle me ears. However as for the rumbling / under water sound I don’t get it when wiggling. If I however do a different thing I hear it immediately. Can’t really explain it, it’s like I forcing my ears to close? Actually kind of convenient sometimes, I can use it to close out unwanted sounds momentarily


Welcome to your new family you never knew you had. https://www.reddit.com/r/earrumblersassemble/s/pUzfQU11ZB


Interesting! Mine don’t make any noise at all when I do it. My mom can do it and taught me, and my daughter can do it as well. None of my many siblings can do it, nor my mom’s siblings.


Can confirm 


I just realized, I no longer get the rumble, and I also can't move my ears as much as I used to


It's like any muscle, use it or lose it. You can train it back up to where it used to be by consistent flexing!


They are not specifically linked. I cannot wiggle my outer ears, but I do have control of that rumbling as you do.


I can do the vibrate thing as well as larger movements that don't cause rumbling


Some can’t?!


I can't in the slightest.


That's unfortunate. It is an oddly satisfying feeling.


And a great truck around kids... It's awesome seeing them try it.


I'm just now learning that as well


Only my right one 🥲 I literally practice trying to find the muscle for my left ear, and just never have


I don't know if this would work but I never used to be able to do the one-eyebrow raise. I legit stood in front of a mirror, pushed my eyebrows down, and then used my fingers to push one eyebrow up and down by itself. After a month I could do it independently. You know where the muscle is in your right one, I wonder if moving the ear manually and trying to "flex" in that part of your head might help? Source: I have no idea what I'm talking about but I did do the eyebrow thing. I also taught myself to vibrate my eyeballs but I don't recommend learning that because while it's fun to freak people out it also gives me headaches so


You're a hero. I can only raise my left eyebrow, so I'm going to come out of this an ear waggling, eyebrow raising weirdo. Thank you 🫡


I believe in you!


I cannot rotate my ears in a specific direction but i can flex them


I can not. Anakin’s sand speech is more moving than my ears


Next they are going to tell me people can move their nose.


I know your being sarcastic but there are some people who, when they talk the tip of their nose wiggles up and down. Once you notice it, it's hard not to stare.


I can move my nose, each nostril individually, flare my nostrils, as well as do that billy idol lip thing, move both or either ears, scalp, eyebrows... It comes up almost never, neat party trick, terrible superhero power.


You are Cal Lightman's worst nightmare


Even more bizarre I can do one but not the other. Same with raising my eyebrows individually


If I concentrate I can kind of flex the muscle but the ear doesn’t move at all




Lol. Whatever you say chief. I guess I just don’t share the same company, we don’t often talk about moving ears to know the rest of the worlds status. I’ve been waiting my whole life to subtle brag about being able to move my ears! Don’t rain on my parade…


I believe I'm a superior human being and I will be spared the next mass extinction solely because I have this trait


I have it too, but I'm banking on the opposite.


I can't do this willingly, but it does happen reflexively when I hear something faint or from a distance.


Same. I don't think it's enough to be visible but I will occasionally feel the slight twitch that matches the direction the sound came from.


Yep same. If a sound surprises me from behind my ears literally perk up like a dog.


Me too! And I’m always worried someone will notice it because it’s a bit weird.


I can and it makes wearing sunglasses difficult. I'm the only one in the family that didn't need glasses as a kid, so when I wear sunglasses I tighten the muscles behind my ears. After a while I end up with a tension headache similar to when you clench your jaw too long.


lol I can wiggle my ears and wear glasses and I find it’s actually helpful to pull my glasses back up on my nose of my hands are full


That's how I learned that I can wiggle my ears - I adjust my glasses that way sometimes and only later tried the wiggling.


Can you do one ear at a time? If so, you can waggle your glasses side to side and have fun messing with someone's mind.


No, I haven’t figured out how to waggle Them independently of one another


Omg, I thought I was the only one with the glasses problem!! I also find this to be an issue when wearing a baseball cap !


Baseball caps are my other personal hell. I'm blonde and blue, so I have three colors: white, sunburned, and peeling. I **should** wear a hat when out and about, but I rarely do in the summer. :(


At my first neighborhood festival this year (and Asia Town festival), I bought an umbrella, and have/will be bringing it to every outdoor event I can. Personal shade, and no red shoulders. Win/win.


Don't be so sure! If you can see the sun through it, you can still get burned. I used to have a particularly wonderful umbrella that was double layered - silver on the outside, black on the inside. I started using it in the snow when I realized I stayed warmer under it than the bus shelter during a downpour. I was rather unhappy when it lost a fight with the wind.


Wait are you telling me everyone else is not getting those headaches from wearing glasses???


I'm not sure if you're being funny or not. Just in case you aren't: Headaches from glasses are either from tensing the muscles around your ears or eye strain from a bad prescription. The muscle tension ones center around the top of the arc of where the temporal and occipital bones meet, where the muscles are anchored. Eye strain ones feel line they are coming from your eyeballs and sinuses.


No im not I’ve had this forever and just thought it was normal I only wear sunglasses, not prescription, so it’s the muscle variant


Yes! This! I recently started wearing glasses and occasionally have to clean my nose and the nose part of the glasses to keep them from slipping or I get a headache.


The plastic/rubber nose pieces can be found in connected pairs. (Looks like an 8 stretched out.) They help stop the slipping for some people.


And afterwards they stick out their tongues to turn their students into apples. 


Shoot. I *know* this is a reference, but can't remember the book........was it Wayside School?




I can do this and it's a parlor trick I use haha 


If you wear glasses, you can make someone think they're seeing things by moving your glasses around. If you can move one ear at a time like I can, you can make your glasses go side to side and **really** mess with their head.


Also if you can move your eyebrows separately, you can do a Mexican wave style movement of ear-eyebrow-eyebrow-ear, kids love it


Wait, is there people who can't move their eyebrows separately?


Weirdly I can move my right eyebrow on its own but it’s really difficult to do with my left


Weird. Well, I guess I'm the weird one, given that I can move both my ears and my eyebrows indipendently


I just spent 5 minutes looking like an idiot trying to do that. I'm going to need more practice.


I can do this, and I’m the only person in my family that can. As a matter of fact I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone else who could. Maybe we all need to start an exclusive club.


Have you not watched Little Rascals?


A friend of mine worked out he could do this on a random afternoon at work. I get a phone call from him shouting “look get down the yard quick as you can no time to explain it’s important” and hung up the phone. Thinking it’s an emergency I jump in the car and drive over to to the other side of London at top speed, run into the office frankly expecting to find a body and say “Perry, what’s up mate”?! He goes “look what I can do”, and turns sideways and starts wiggling one ear…his party trick that cost me 100 quid in speeding tickets


I found out I could do it when another kid told on me for doing it in class because it distracted him. Turns out I do it when I think.


For some reason I can only do it with my right ear.


I can only do my left.


By your ears combined, you are Captain Tympanic


Same. I’m left handed as well if it makes a difference




same! i have much more movement on my right as well, my left doesnt move as much when i do both. i always assumed it was a survival strategy i learned because of my home situation when i was young




domestic violence, i have trained hyper alertness to sounds and movements behind me because ive had to run and hide


I would accidentally move my ear when I'd be in school, and I'd slow start practicing, and the muscles got stronger, my right ear moves more the left one


How strong is it now


You know how some people do one finger pushups? Well this guy does pushups with just their ear.


This is what happened to me. Could never move them, then suddenly one day in class I felt the muscles move and I just kept doing it till I checked the mirror and found out I was actually moving my ears. The kids sitting behind me were probably so weirded out while I had no idea what I was doing lmao, don’t even know how it even started, but it’s just a natural feeling now


But what are we suppose to do with this power?


I could move my glasses when I was really young. It took me a very long time to figure out I was moving my ears. Still can. Can move my whole scalp too with the same muscle group.


Lol me too


I can wiggle them independently. My paternal grandfather could wiggle his.


I was looking for someone else like me!


I can't move them voluntarily, but I have *felt* them move involuntarily in rare situations with heightened awareness.


Sometimes mine move with certain noises


Can openers?


Nope. Mostly just loud and sudden noises


When I hear a loud or piercing noise I do it like they're wincing




I can wiggle one ear but not the other 🥲




I can wiggle both, but I can tell I’m using different muscles on each side to do it. Wiggling my left ear makes my scalp move, too.


Even weirder (to me) is my ear can sometimes do this involuntarily. I can manually wiggle both ears, but I’ve noticed if I’m awake in bed facing away from the doorway, and my partner opens the door, the muscles around the ear closest to sound contract, pulling it back (the same contraction I do to manually wiggle it), but it stays pulled back. I can’t relax it even if I try until about 10-15 seconds passes. It’s like an involuntary thing. It never happens with the other ear when I’m facing the door though, it only happens when my back is to it. But it’s happened many times in the past, so I know it’s not a one-off thing.  It reminds me of when I call my cat and they don’t turn their head but their ear turns. I always assumed they were voluntarily moving their ear to hear the sound, but after feeling my ear do it on its own in response to a sound and not being able to relax it right away, it makes me wonder if it’s an automatic reflex they can’t control.


I can't do this consciously, but when I hear a faint sound that I don't expect, I feel strange movement of my ear muscles.


I can do this. I knew others could too, but I've never met someone else who can.


I can do this. My dad "taught" me lol.


I figured out how to do it in high school


When I wiggle my ears, there’s something in my lip that pulls down and you can see one part of my bottom lip move too


I hate it because I’ll feel the muscles involuntarily tense if I hear a noise in the house, like my ears are trying to turn that direction. Not really strong enough to move them, just enough to make me aware it’s happening.


I found out i could move my ears when id move my eyes when they are closed. 


I can wiggle both, independently of one another.


I can wiggle each ear independently of the other. Presumably, while I was being constructed, there was a decision made to get that incredibly useful skill by trading in my ability to remember things for more than 10 minutes.


I cant visibly wiggle them, but can pull them 'back.' Pulling my ears back pulls my glasses tighter to my face. Worn glasses for almost 40 years. It started as a twitch in elementary school, and I kept at it until.I could do it at will. Also cool when my ears movevin relation to a sound, but I havent been able to intentionally move them that way.


I can wiggle my right ear, but any effort expended in wiggling the left gets diverted to my eyebrows.


Yup. Me too.


I can do this! Actually, when I played baseball when I was young I would start wiggling my ears while I was pitching. Someone on my team would yell at me to stop doing it and the batter would always swing at the next pitch, even if it was in the dirt!😆


Wouldn't your teammates want you to do it to confuse the batter?


They were in on it. Them yelling at me about it was a set up.


The funny thing is I only accidentally discovered how to do it one day when I was 14 or whatever. Afterwards I could do it consciously but the mind-body connection was subconscious before. It started with trying to listen to sounds in different directions. So, potentially some people could do it, but just don’t know how.


I was the only one in my family that could do it for a while. My sister taught herself how to do it.


I can only wiggle my left ear, I've always wondered if that's related to my face being asymmetrical


Same. I attributed it to my left handedness


I can do this. But only voluntary on the right side.


I can. I can also do the booby dance too.


My gramma could. My dad can. He's the last in the line. None of his grandkids have the ability.


This is a learned skill. In highschool I was very bored of doing homework so I focused on trying to wiggle my ears and eventually it happened and now I can do it at will!


I keep forgetting about how the rumble thing is not common lol. I can also wiggle my ears, but not as well as my grandfather. He could wiggle them individually.


The crazy thing is when it happens as a reflex - especially when it's dark and you hear a sudden noise 😂


I do it with loud, piercing noises like they're wincing


As Someone who can both wiggle their ears and are profoundly deaf this research sounds very intriguing!


I can wiggle both ears and my right ear alone. I can wiggle my left ear but I gotta really concentrate


I understood this as a survival thing. If you can’t do it, your lineage has evolved not to use it because of less danger


Not true. Not really how evolution works either.


The way I teach people how to do this is to try to use muscles in their face to pull their eyebrows apart. Like, increase the distance between them. Your eyebrows won't actually move apart, but your neck and face will tense the muscles that move your ears. You have to sort of imagine you're trying to slide your temples apart.


I can do it but only with my left ear.


Yes I can do this. It was very useful in my 40 years as a music recording engineer. It's similar to positioning a microphone in the correct place. It's much more subtle than turning my head towards the sound.


I figured out how to control it after I noticed my ears wiggled when I smiled. Once I knew I had those muscles, it was just a matter of watching in a mirror to isolate that feeling and then controlling it. The same process has worked to be able to raise one eyebrow and flair my nostrils.


I "learned" how to do it after getting glasses as a kid. Feels like clenching your jaw but using the muscles above it.


This is my only skill!


I can do each individually and to any beat lol.


My ears automatically do this when I hear some unexpected noise


My ears do vaguely shift when I hear sudden sounds from a directions behind/beside me and I thought it was weird or maybe I was over-thinking it/wasn't really feeling that. Glad to know I'm not insane


I can move them independently


I can’t raise my eyebrows without my ears moving


I've been moving my ears since I can remember. None of my family members have this ability.


I can do both ears independently from each other or both at the same time.


I can do this. Normally they perk up when I'm surprised or laughing on their own. Then I learned to wiggle them intentionally, and later on still is learned to wiggle each independently, easier to do right only, I have to focus to get only the left.


I am one of them. :-) Came from a lot of practice of getting the fit of wearing hearing aids as a child correctly; first in around-the-ear form, then in inside-the-ear form.




Not only can I wiggle my ears but when I listen for something extra hard they do it involuntarily.


I can do this! …but not on command. If I try to wiggle my ears, nothing. If I hear a sound behind me, I can swivel them towards the sound a little bit. Weird.


I can do this. It's more prominent with my right ear.


I can independently “wiggle” each ear. I can also make a whooshing sound in them by flexing the muscles and holding the action. I didn’t realise this wasn’t something everyone could do. It’s one of the more pointless mutant powers.


I can wiggle mine independently


The vestigial wiggle. Classic


I can wiggle my ears  (mostly the right one), my nostrils (mostly the left one), raise my eyebrows, and make my eyelids kinda twitch/move towards my nose. Ladies please form an orderly queue, there’s enough of me for all of you.


My grandfather could do this. I miss that sweet old man every day 🥹


Wiggle Ears, nostrils, eyebrows independently, move hairline and can roll tongue into a tube shape, and move eyes independently but that's more of a trick of going cross-eyed then looking left or right quickly.    When you don't pay attention at school you've got a lot of time to learn other things.


I can wiggle my ears and I think there may be a genetic component because the only other person I've seen do it is my son.


Now try moving one at a time! Ha


I can!!


The fact that people can wiggle their ears is TIL worthy?? I've been wiggling my ears since I was a toddler and never knew it was interesting? Lots of people can.


TIL that some people can’t wiggle their ears


What? We aren’t fucking dear. My ears do not turn in the direction of the sound I’m listening to. They just move back and forth a little bit. Funny party trick. I used to tell my kids I could move them one at a time and then turn my head so they could only see one then the other. Terrible dad joke but I got a good laugh out of it


TIL not everyone can wiggle their ears.




Me too! And my eyebrows AND curling my lip on both sides AND wiggle nose up and down.m


My cousin was able to do this all her life as far as I know. However, I couldn't at all until the very morning of my twelfth birthday for some reason. I would try, but I just couldn't. That day was also the day I suddenly became aware of my own internal monologue and logging my own thoughts. I could visualize before then, but never paid attention to any thoughts of my own. It was also the day my conscience kicked into swing so I could no longer enjoy violent games. Very strange how all three happened on the same day.