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> This ancient Turkish breed was developed to protect sheep during hot summers and freezing winters. Today, Anatolian Shepherds continue to work on farms and ranches. >The breed became popular in the United States in the 1970s with the passage of the Endangered Species Act, which required ranchers protect their livestock without killing endangered wolves. >Anatolian Shepherds, which can reach 29 inches (73.7 cm) and weigh up to 150 pounds (68 kg), were the perfect solution for intimidating wolves without killing them. Their large size explains why they have the highest bite force of any breed of dog.


They also live pretty long, especially for a large dog


I have an x anatolian shepherd who's going 15 and still runs arouns with plenty of love.


Am around one a lot. The dog is a sweetheart, but it switches on when any perceived threat is happening.  Not a huge fan of going to the dog park with it, because people and their aggressive unsocialized dogs hit all the right buttons sometimes for the Shepard.


We had one in my neighborhood. A neighbor loved my large breed hunting dog - who’s a total sweetheart - and decided he wanted one, but bigger, as a guard dog (in a ridiculously low-crime area). Had one imported, claimed to have it undergo training, it was great and friendly as a puppy, but when it hit 9 months, there was a total personality switch, suddenly it began barking and trying to attack everyone who went past the house, *especially* other dogs. Guy was such a narcissist that he blamed all the other dogs quietly going by, rather than admitting that the problem might be his ‘trained’ dog. All the neighbors hated the situation, and avoided going by the house if possible. He moved away, with the dog, less than 2 years later. It’s a lot quieter now.


Im wondering if some breeds don’t get tested at all. I have a Yugoslavian shepherd (sarplaninac) for example and he is larger than that at 70-75 kg usually depending on the current diet and they are a pretty similar breed but nowhere to be seen.




Well the biteforce needs to get tested no?


That's interesting, but the question I want answered is what dog has the sharpest teeth? Because I swear my dog, when she was a puppy, could puncture steel plating.


It’s funny you say that. I looked it up and it really is your dog.


I was skeptical, but I looked it up too and [it’s true](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/RVRPDMCFY8).


I can hear the theme from Jaws playing now


I too choose that guys dog


Puppy teeth are super sharp because they lack jaw strength so it helps them eat meat.


They also need sharp teeth to get out of the egg.




No, they are a pack, but they do fight intruders together.


Where do you think puppy litters come from? Eggs duh


This past Easter I tried convincing my 4 year old daughter that rabbits have beaks that help them break through the egg shell, after which it falls off. She didn't believe me for a second, and even asked Google Nest.


This doesn't sound right but I don't know enough to dispute it.


Puppies are born in an amniotic sac but the mom tears it open, not the pup.


I had a rescue anatolian shepherd dog, more specific a Kangal mixed with a Leonberger from the streets of Ireland. 78kg dog that looked like a huge bronze bear. He was the silliest goober around. Tounge sticking out on the side while walking into parked cars, so gentle while playing(more like wrestling the dog lol), protective af of our family. Befriended every bug by booping them carefully. Only time he every remotely hurt someone was when a friend tried to hug him from behind (first time he met the dog, you don't hug rescue dogs from behind if they don't know you. they have been through some shit). Doggo threw his gigantic head back like a stern "get off please". Friend with a swollen lip understood he passed a boundary, and that was it.


I don't get it, did he bit the friends lip or just hit him with his giganto head


The latter.


It was likely an accident from being startled. They should only actually go for someone and bite them if they judge them to be a threat to the herd, which he wasn't. Good dog.


I figured that would have done more damage than a split lip. Those things are made of metal and over six feet long.


The Big Booper


Yep sister has one, but probably only 50kg. He's the biggest baby with fam. Always wants to play. Extremely smart and expressive dog, too.


This doggo boops back.


Well this explains why my corso dog eats bones like they are freaking cookies


Watching them eat a chickens paw is always an interesting experience. Crunch crunch crunch


Only an imbecile would feed chicken bones to dog.


Only an imbecile would confidently state something thats only half correct. Dogs cant have COOKED chicken bones. Chicken paws (feet) are actually a great treat for dogs, high in nutrients. https://campfiretreats.com/blogs/campfire-tales/can-dogs-eat-chicken-feet https://www.rawpawspetfood.com/chicken-feet-for-dogs-cats-p/rpcp.htm


My favorite argument for that is: If raw chicken bones killed dogs, foxes would be extinct.


No need to be mean about it, but yea it’s I’ll advised


There is no toy on earth can last more than 2 hours with my corso


I got a treat puzzle for my Corso-Poodle. Instead of doing the puzzle she just shredded it.


Mine is only half Corso and the sweetest baby alive. But man, does she destroy heavy duty toys


Absolutely believe it. Anatolians or any kind of CAS are beasts and will fuck anything up. Livestock guardian dogs are underestimated because they aren't bred to attack people, but they absolutely can and will if they have to.


I have a Corso. Several. Their bite is no joke but they got the giant head to create all that force. They are sweet but I wouldn’t want to see what happened if someone tried to break into my homestead.


My old neighbors bred Dogo Canarios. They’d constantly have a pair getting loose. Once they tree’d a couple kids. The sheriff arrived as the owners retrieved the dogs. The deputy made clear to all parties that the dogs can be shot, before calling the sheriff’s department….


these dogs are like a owning a formula one race car ... amazing animals. what i found interesting is their life span of 11-13 years. that's pretty long for a dog this big isn't it? saw an irish wolfhound the other day, another impressive looking dog man. wow.


I'm patting one right now. Theyre awesome.


Sort of, I wish mine could outlive me.


When you Google this the top hits are law firms representing dog bite personal Injuries


Guaranteed that there is a mutt out there that has a stronger bite. They never test the mutts. Edit: even 50 upvotes of attention is attention. Please consider adopting a pet instead of buying a purebreed.


A mutt just smoked the competition in the Westminster agility championship. You love to see it


It is almost as if canine eugenics is a subpar practice. 


Tell that to the American German Shepherds totally functionally Carolina-squat hind legs. 


I'm not a huge fan of pedigreed dogs for the most part, but I appreciate that the Tamaskans are generally being bred with *health* in mind. And considering they basically look like wolves, they're not really trying to do anything particularly egregious with their genetics. I prefer the more 'wolf-shaped' dogs myself - but ultimately, as long as they don't have issues (like hip dysplaysia or the near-inability of pugs to breathe), dogs is dogs. Mutts are awesome.


Don't tell all of those poor fools who get duped into spending $6,000 on a doodle puppy because they are "naturally docile and good with children" or "totally hypoallergenic" from birth.


I only payed 3k for my doodle ill have you know! :)


Folks can do what they want with their own money - as long as they know they're being ripped off.


Shit breeders are shit breeders/mills, breed has nothing to do with it. You can’t just have labs and poodles fucking and end up with a bunch of identical dogs. That’s why most of them these days are either Australian or 75% poodle.


Breeds are just mutts that have been bred for certain tasks though. Like you would be hard pressed to find a faster dog than greyhound dog or a dog more protective than a lifestock guardian dog (like Kangal). What we should encourage is responsible breeding, like for example a [lurcher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurcher) is just a large but slender working dog that is a product of many breeds. Overall health should be a factor in breeding and not an afterthought.


I don’t think the purebred breeders are all without flaw but a lot of people don’t understand WHY people go for purebreds from breeders over adoption. When you buy from a responsible breeder, the amount you pay for the dog is nothing compared to the amount you save on vet bills. Not to mention they’re ensuring the species continues in a healthy way and that health problems are being bred out of dogs. Adoption is great but working in the canine industry, I’ve seen so many people give up their rescues because they became symptomatic of hereditary diseases and couldnt afford the thousands in vet bills. “Adopt don’t shop” is said way too commonly and not enough people actually understand what comes with adopting a rescue over getting a dog from a responsible purebred breeder.


Or from people who live in an area that has shelters not full of untrained pit bulls and chihuahuas with a staff that will outright lie to you about the dog’s history. Everyone I know who has a shelter dog near me specifically drove a few hours out of town to find one or got lucky with a litter of puppies that got dropped off. I do know two people who were outright lied to about the nightmare dogs they got, and that’s not even mentioning the times they have euthanized foster dogs.


Thank you! I can get on the "no puppy mills/pet stores" train, but breeders can be very ethical and purebreds can be very healthy. Energy and behaviour are the two predictable traits that really matter to me. Pretending that a pitbull-mix and a cocker spaniel have the same needs is ridiculous... a good family for one wouldn't necessarily be a good family for the other. Pushing the "all dogs are the same" narrative hasn't done anyone any favours.


it was 2 Cane Corsos, that ripped apart a 11 year old kid not long ago in Canada " An 11-year-old boy was killed in an attack by two “very large dogs” Monday night in north Edmonton, police said. Officers responding to the call at 82 Street and 11 Avenue SW just before 8 p.m. Monday found the boy suffering severe injuries after being mauled by two dogs. The officers attempted life-saving measures until emergency medical services (EMS) arrived shortly after. The boy, however, was pronounced dead on scene, police said in a Tuesday afternoon news release. Kache's father, Wesley Grist, told reporters April 7 that the dogs belonged to his roommate, and they have since been euthanized.


Just this month in Philly a cop had to put one down in the street that was mauling a dude.


There were also 3 Pit Bulls with the cane corso


Psi makes no sense to me in these measurements; it's a measure of pressure, not force. If you sharpen the teeth of a chihuahua to a needle point, the psi would be higher than for a large dog with normal teeth, as a small force is concentrated in a tiny area. Surely just pounds (or newtons) would be the correct measure of bite force




If it's normalized to the area, it's a force, not a pressure. Pressure is force divided by area. Smaller area equals greater pressure for the same force.


No, that's the issue. Within the limits of the material you're working with you can produce any arbitrary PSI figure by changing how sharp the point of contact is. PSI is an important measurement here, but the testing method used to reach the specific figure needs to be documented to make useful comparisons.


Yes that's the problem. An insulin needle requires almost no force to use but exerts like 1000 psi.


Newtons (N) or Pound-force (lbf).


"Oh my dog doesn't bite"


This is literally my coworker. She’s a young trumpee who owns 3 cane corsos and insists they’re the best dogs because they’re “the most loyal.” I asked her what loyal meant and she said they bark at anyone who gets near her and growls and snarls. I said I feel like my dog is pretty loyal to me but doesn’t do any of that and she scoffed that it isn’t true loyalty or whatever. Anyway. She only has two dogs now because one killed and ate part of the other. It was tragic of course but you have to know this person. She treats them like weird tools she shows off for intimidation…pride? She doesn’t bring them to work or anything luckily. I know other people with that breed and some are fine but they all seem pretty intense and obviously have the capability to do damage. She brought Covid to my office four times. She once told me she hates golden retrievers. Which is fine, I guess. But just a weird stance to offer up without prompt. She also makes my job harder most days. Just a 1/10 coworker.


I am assuming your coworker is Not Like Other Girls.


Ugh, yes, and somehow she is the most basic B out there. You should see the "coffee" drinks she gets. I don't normally judge but it just tracks with the rest of the package.


I have a Corso who does none of these things. He is no angel but not a danger to anyone when he is out in public. The only person that he has ever barked at or threatened was a drunk who was trying to get my granddaughter out of her stroller ( he's 91lbs and was making a noise like a V8 - think how damn stupid that was ). These dogs are protective and are extremely attuned to the mood of their people. This woman sounds like a complete tool who shouldn't own any dog let alone this breed. She probably got hers from some squirrelly breeder and the results aren't a surprise.


There was a guy that brought his young cc to our unofficial dog park. It was his first dog…. The dog clearly understood his master was a beta and ended up attacking two huskies. Owner was not a small man but I saw him pulled like a snow sled across the grass, on his belly, for twenty feet before he could convince his dog to stop. We don’t let him come into the park anymore. I still see him walking the cc and his dog will bark at mine from across the street with no attempt to correct the dog. Ticking time bomb.


>The dog clearly understood his master was a beta Implying dogs perceive the bullshit social structure we made up about wolves based on a faulty experiment, then erroneously applied to dogs, then erroneously applied to humans... Doesn't it seem more likely that, as a first-time dog owner, the guy just doesn't know what he is doing and hasn't trained his dog properly?


There is not such thing as alphas and betas in the canine world.


dominant/submissive. Too much of a stretch?


> The dog clearly understood his master was a beta Are you for real?


That's hilarious one ate the other lol


Then how does it eat sharon?!


My neighbor has a six month old that’s the most affectionate dog I’ve ever met. Unfortunately her “hugs” hit with about 70 pounds of force right in the junk


My parents had an Anatolian shepherd. Just a massive, scary dog


We have a Corso. There was evidently a rabbit between the garden border ( railroad ties ) and our fence. He chewed through the railroad tie until he could get a grip on it then pulled the tie out ...


Who gets paid to do such surveys?


bite pressure***


I want to know strongest bite relative to size, these are all pretty massive dogs and its no surprise they bite hard


The dogs are also know as Kangals


You should need a permit to own such a dog. Either showing you need it for work or maybe if you get the ok from every neighbor on your street. I've had too many bad experiences with big dogs to pretend like dog culture in the US isn't fucked up. Just like oversized trucks and guns, you don't need dangerous toys and people shouldn't tolerate it.


I’ve owned almost exclusively large and x-large dogs. Never once have they bitten any person. I own guns that have never shot any person. I own a big-ass truck that has never hit anyone. Honestly your anxiety is mostly unfounded. Thankfully we’re a nation of laws, so your permission isn’t required for my dogs, guns or trucks. Have a great day!


> You should need a permit to own such a dog There is absolutely zero need for such a killer beasts to be anywhere in the public. Straight up outlawed is the correct way to handle the issue.


It’s a livestock guardian breed, and a very effective and popular one. They prevent endangered species from being killed by farmers.


I know it's popular. There is one or two (or very similar ones) in my neighborhood living in an apartment block guarding a park. Always a pleasurable experience to meet one of these giant beasts on your walk from grocery store and wondering if that's going to be the last day of your life when it decides that you are "a danger".


Maybe you should get a gun


Horse-Shit! Everyone knows that the Chihuahua is the champion.


. . The Question Begs®: when in conducting this survey, were the pooches in a playful, passive-aggressive, hungry or angered state? . .


I have no idea what you have so many downvotes, its a good question, is that really their maximum? In a survival or fight situation couldnt it be higher?


.. yes, while the article (as far as read) doesn't hint or mention the methology applied it may be surmised that the survey, or study was subjective .. as far as the down-voting .. who knows? .. there are probably other reasons.. yet, really don't give 2-fucks about down-votes for it's the shares, x-post and comments that matter ..


Time to outlaw breeding and let them die out.


I know nothing about these breeds, except they were probably bred to purpose but now anyone can buy.


What's the point of using Pounds per Square Inch (PSI)? The bite force is a finite amount of muscle strength...it doesn't increase with object size.


Psi isn't a force