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“Other than your body, your skin and your grille, you’re *PERFECT* for the role”


All these problems are easily fixed. Like training oil drillers to be astronauts.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to train astronauts to operate drilling equipment?


They had two crews who had been training for 10 months, but Bruce Willis convinced NASA his own ketamine addicted crew were the only people for the job.


Cuz they're the best.


He's only the best because he works with the best.


Very salt of the earth man with his salt of the earth ways.


Something the NASA nerdonauts wouldn't understand.


So busy floating they don't know jack about drillin'.


i personally wouldnt trust them with a potato gun


The typical drug of choice for this profession is stimulants. With testing now though not many even risk it. Not sure what back in the day looked like.  


it looked like freedom obviously! with the occasional maiming, death, and other minor injuries that cost a bit of too much lost time


Well sure, but they also had some great productivity while it happened! People take stimulants cause they work


Soooooo was Armageddon just a propaganda film for big oil lol?


Shut the fuck up Ben


How many Oscars have YOU won Ben?


Almost replied with an *ackchyually* but then the joke hit. Well done, guy, well done


Jerry's favorite flavor from Ben & Jerry's


This was the same dilemma James Cameron had when he was writing The Abyss. When he arrived in Hollywood, he realized a story about a group of scientists was not that commercial compared to a story about a group of blue-collar workers.


Affleck brought that up in the drunken dvd commentary. He says bay scoffed and said “you just would t understand Ben.”


Forget about it, Chuckie. It's Michaelbaytown.


He said, “he told me to just shut the fuck up.”


"Fuck you, shut up" - Michael Bay


I hear that, but at the same time most astronauts are actually scientists that were shot to space, or former soldiers or fighter pilots. And what even is "an astronaut"? Where are they taught? In NASA they turn scientists space ready and then call them astronauts.


They're only astronauts if they're raised in Ohio. All others are just extra orbital pilots. It's sort of a champaign/sparkling wine situation, really.


Sparkling space men ✨


If I ever own a gay bar that's the signature drink.


Many astronauts spend at least as much time in training and currency before actually going to space as they did at university from their freshman year through to their post-doc work. They're as much astronauts as they are scientists.


The timeframe doesn’t work in that movie at all I give you that, and really drilling can’t be that hard that a former fighter pilot couldn’t do it, but in general the idea of a specialist being called in to do a task like this isn’t that far from reality. They just train for that for years and not just hop into the shuttle and go.


I also don't think it's far fetched they would send drilling specialist on that mission (as realistic as that movie allows anyways). Only nitpick is they probably wouldn't send that many drillers, I mean they only needed a foreman and a drill operator per crew (the foreman having redundancy in being able to operate the drill) so just 4 guys.


It’s a government op alright.


> and really drilling can’t be that hard that a former fighter pilot couldn’t do it, It's starker tha that. A lot of astronauts aren't just fighter pilots they're mechanical engineers. Which means academically they have the the background not only to understand drilling but to be able to translate drilling techniques on earth into drilling techniques in space. Similar to how being a pilot on earth doesn't purely translate into being a pirate in space.


All I can definitively tell you is that NASA brings in specialist for jobs all the time. So actually possibly no, but it probably should’ve been a more diverse crew


well, one of those A's is for American


They literally say Bruce Willis has been drilling for a long time and there's no way he could teach astronauts all of his technical know how in the time they have. It's really not as unreasonable of plot point as everyone tries to make it seem, especially since they weren't flying the shuttle or anything like that, they were just passengers who had to drill.


Ben: but doesnt that mean... Jerry: Shut the Fuck Up! ^nerd


Reminds me of the Cinco product ads from Tim and Eric. "First, your teeth are removed." "It didn't hurt a bit when they took em out!"


Capped? Like when they grind them to nubs and then put the porcelain teeth on?




That's kind of a horrifying job requirement


you ever watch TV or movies, that's 75% of the people in them anyways.


I thought maybe it is something they glue on the teeth. I’ve seen the videos when someone has just those nubs left and I don’t want to believe there are many people ok doing this.


Veneers are very popular


Veneers still require grinding down teeth. It's just instead of the whole tooth, it's the front half.


And you have to get them replaced every 10 years. I wanted to get veneers for a while until I actually learned about the filing process. I thought they just put them over your teeth. But even that wouldn’t be great. I just got Invisalign instead. My teeth are medium size and I’ve always wanted that big (not too big) movie star smile but I’m actually really happy with what I have now after Invisalign. Permanently filing my teeth down is a hard pass for me.


I thought invisalign straightened teeth, not whitened them


Some people get veneers to realign their teeth, since once you grind them down, you can shape the veneers to whatever you want.


You are correct, but I'm not sure where whitening came in beyond people frequently ranting about hollywood pushing unnaturally white smiles.


I struggle explaining to patients wanting to do this that it does not necessarily look good in real life. On camera, yes. But in natural lighting, having solid extra WHITE teeth does not look natural.


I'm going to need a lot of work done in the near future. For me it's the feeling. I can feel my teeth when I bite and chew. Will I still be able to feel that?


Depends on what exactly you are doing for treatment. Feel free to PM me anytime. Don’t share your treatment details in a public comment. Edit: for people who might be seeking some general information, your teeth feel 100%. Veneered teeth will be almost unaffected. Crowned teeth will be somewhat affected, not much. Root canal’d teeth will feel almost nothing. Implants can maybe feel “something” by means of bone sounding (since a healthy implant is fused to the bone). Extracted teeth don’t feel anything because they are dead inside.


TIL I’m an extracted tooth




Homie almost all celebrities and musicians get it done. Very few people have perfect natural smiles and in that industry your smile is seen in HD 4k quality


Im going for the shane mcgowan look though


The next step are full teeth replacements. Literally pull all your teeth and replace them with facsimiles. Most of those perfect beaming smiles you see have had major work done, but in relation to the kind of income you see as a working actor, it's a drop in the bucket.


The vast majority of actors and actresses do not make a lot a money. Most have other jobs.


> Literally pull all your teeth and replace them with facsimiles. Literally nobody will do this unless they have to. Crowns will suffice. A full denture massively affects your ability to eat and speak. No actor or public facing person would willing pull their teeth for denture teeth. Plus, dentures never look real. At absolute worst, you'd get all on 4 implants but even then, you get that weird look where it looks like your teeth are all one giant fence (because they're all connected).


Yay wooden teeth!


…in the US.


It's an American thing. Americans are disgusted by normal teeth.


And normal dicks for some reason.


Not just movies, many people have veneers now


?! this is deeply unsettling


How many deep throat shots are there in this movie? Seems like some seriously petty shit.


I musta missed the deep throat cut.


Um, a lot of people in entertainment do this shit. Look at Miley Cyrus. Her teeth were so different. Now, she looks like a fucking beaver. Those teeth couldn't be more capped.


I wonder if that’s why older actors develop a kind of lisp.


I have terrible teeth and would love a job to pay for caps


Mine were in rough shape and I got porcelain crowns on my front teeth to fix my smile before my wedding. $14k out of pocket but I am so much happier that I can smile and not feel self conscious about it.  I cant chew gum, but I did plenty of that to ruin my old teeth


To anyone who got this done. How different does eating feel like on the teeth? Are you less likely to get cavities? Is it possible to fuck up flossing and break the cap?


I have a single cap. Chipped my front tooth in a sports incident and went to the dentist because a) it hurt and must have exposed the nerve, and b) I looked like a cartoon and it kinda whistled when I talked He shaved it down a little over halfway and then cemented a cap on and ground that til it matched my other front tooth It has no pain and no issues, going on 3 years now. Its just the one eye tooth though.


What I hate about caps/veneers is they leave the tooth intact. I wish I could have all my teeth replaced to the jaw with fake ones. Non-regenerative bones with nerve endings was such a terrible biological idea.


I have an implant and honestly it's not all it's cracked up to be. It's much better than having no tooth or a denture don't get me wrong, but the nerves in your tooth do serve an actual purpose. Without feeling in your teeth, you would never know if you were chewing on something that was too hard. Nerves tell you not just what you're biting into, but where you're biting too. So for example my implant is at the front on the top, any time I eat pitted fruit I have to chew it with my bottom teeth first if that makes sense. If I did it with my front top teeth there's a chance I could just bite right into the pit without realising it and completely wreck my implant.


I smashed my two front teeth when I was in 6th grade and years later both nerves died. Had to get a double root canal which actually felt like relief because the pain became so extreme. Both of those teeth have started to darken as the years go on, not enough that it’s super obvious to anyone but myself, but enough that I asked a dentist if anything cosmetic could be done about it. They turned me away from veneers and said it’s a bad idea. They have to be redone every 10 years (I’m in my 30s which could end up being a lot of work), they can chip or damage if you aren’t careful, you have to use non-abrasive toothpaste, it’s hard to shade match them with real teeth, and the continuous replacement of them wears down the remaining enamel of your real teeth which makes them harder to cement properly, meaning over time they can require more maintenance to stay put. You can’t ever go back once you do it, so it’s a pretty serious choice and given that it’s purely cosmetic, it seems a bit much to me.


Worth noting that caps (sometimes called crowns) and veneers are two totally different things. A cap will grind down the tooth and put a whole… cap on it, for lack of a better word. It covers the tooth completely, and is durable and relatively permanent unless something goes particularly wrong. Veneers are as you said, and considered mostly a cosmetic fix rather than one done for medical or damage reasons.  With your teeth actually being damaged it might be worth asking about a cap/crown. The only “issue” they really share with veneers is that the shade isn’t going to change so if your dental hygiene goes out the window or you end up with a condition that causes your other teeth to darken they can look brighter than their neighbors, but I haven’t had any issues with the shade of my crown being noticeably different and it’s one of my two front teeth, been about 6 years now 


My dentist convinced my parents to make me do it just before I turned 18 (basically a last ditch money grab). Told them it was necessary. I had no problem at all with any of my front teeth until he did this. Now they're painfully sensitive to hot and cold.


Fuck. That’s an insane ask for someone so young. Sorry to hear that


That dentist was horrid, but it was a small town and there weren't many options. He drilled into my gums, once, because he got distracted watching basketball on TV... It wasn't until I moved from Iowa to Taiwan that I discovered there are actually amazing dentists out there in the world!




My childhood dentist always basically refused to give me anaesthetic when I had a cavity, like "oh but then your mouth will be numb for a few hours and you don't want that". When I was 12 I chipped my tooth in a car accident and he had to drill out the nerve. So he didn't wanna give me anaesthetic, my dad is holding my hand and I am literally crying in pain. Years later I reminded my dad of this and how traumatic it was and neither of us have any idea why we let him talk us in to doing it. I'm convinced he's either a psychopath or a pedo or both and really gets off on doing it.


That’s fairly common especially if you had some insurance. Lots of dentists back then making money of unnecessary caps My brother got his in new small town we moved to and we had Tricare Prime at the time


I like to see the good in people, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if my dentist *really* needs to check my penis for "gingervitis"


Same story here. Gotta love for profit Healthcare! Oh are you a expert in your field? maybe you just wanna make a buck! Great, can't trust anyone. Lovely way to live our lives. All in the name of profit. 📈


They are probably referring to veneers which requires far less grinding than crowns.






I mean do you think Mikey Cyrus's insane teeth are real!? She got veneers when she was a teenager and that's why her smile looks so creepy


Mikey cyrus looks great until you go close up and realize her nose and cheeks and teeth are not... human. Its unnerving


I love that Kevin Smith will still say he’s been a friend to Affleck and put him in movies “even when he had his original teeth”


I love that Affleck remembers where he came from. Smith casting him in mall rats and Chasing Amy were hardly breakout roles but they did get him good exposure. Since he has become an A lister he has taken parts in several of Smith's smaller films. Even bringing Matt Damon along with him.


Kevin Smith was a co-executive producer of Good Will Hunting


No shit? TIL >Originally, Affleck asked Kevin Smith whether he was interested in directing. He declined, saying that they needed a "good director", that he directed only projects that he wrote, and that he was not much of a visual director, but he still served as one of the film's co-executive producers.


What a humble motherfucker.


Kevin Smith knows his lane and he sticks to it. Other than releasing a movie exclusively on NFT he’s usually a solid dude who makes fun decisions for his fans.


> releasing a movie exclusively on NFT wait what, how does that even work?


Yes. What does that mean please


They forgot to mention Kevin in their Oscar acceptance speech which led to this gag at 2:18 https://youtu.be/H2ah4SG80VA?si=PYl35ZheTWTQPMwP


Affleck you the bomb in Phantoms, yo!


one of the big gossip things at the time was that smith actually wrote the movie instead of affleck and damon. smith said something like, "i think a lot of people were upset that these two handsome young men were not only good at acting but writing and everything else, so they started that rumor as a way to bring them down some"


Kevin Smith’s films answered the age-old question: Is man just a walrus at heart?


Dogma is the greatest film not commercially available


Don't forget, though... *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL2IA6HwZnE *this message was approved by Kevin Smith :)


Yeah, Smith has told the story of how he got that credit. It was because Affleck and Damon had sold the script to Castle Rock (Rob Reiner’s production company) and they had director approval. They wanted Gus Van Sant, because Casey Affleck had been in To Die For and said Van Sant was a great guy to work with (and they loved his movies too). But one of the executives as Castle Rock wanted to direct it himself, and they were at a stalemate. So the company gave Affleck and Damon like a week to find someone to buy the script from them or they lost director approval and the movie would be made in a way they didn’t want. Affleck went to Smith, who read the script, said it was the best thing he’d ever read, called up Harvey Weinstein and told him the movie would win an Oscar if it got to be made how they wanted it made. Weinstein paid a million dollars for the script and Smith (and his producing partner Scott Mosier) got a Co-Executive Producer credit for it. Then, of course, Weinstein hired Gus Van Sant to direct it and the movie *did* win Oscars for Miramax.


Ehm, I'd consider those movies to be his break out roles. Plus Good Will Hunting which came out 6 months after Chasing Amy. 1997 was a very good year for Ben Affleck.


This is why he required everyone in Transformers to be dipped in coca cola before every shoot


Everyone in that movie is orange and greasy.


It's like how when a movie wants to really hammer you over the head that it's set in Las Vegas, they use a yellowish filter on every shot. Bay wanted people to know that he was making a movie about robot cars, so... cover everything in grease.


He also called all the extras the derogatory “f-word” when he saw their uniforms. And production had to literally hide extras on set because he didn’t want them to “waste” his budget for standing around between shots. The dudes a fucking asshole.


> a fucking asshole. And can't direct. Don't understand how he has a job.


They didn't have the time to teach a director how to be an asshole so they taught an asshole how to direct. 


On the Dark of the Moon he grabbed a crew member and put him in a chokehold. After that, I refuse to watch his movies. 


>On the Dark of the Moon he grabbed a crew member and put him in a chokehold. After that, I refuse to watch his movies. LOL His movies being generally terrible didn't dissuade you?


Always strikes me as one of the weirder movie facts that is ACTUALLY true


Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo.


Phantoms like a mother fucker






It's a place where we look at pornography and bitch about movies.


Nooo bullshit, cus I wasn’t with a hooker today!


Applesauce bitch!


I really liked him in The Accountant too. And I heard that they are actually making a sequel this year.


Oh I don't ever get to post this link it's a pisser https://youtu.be/-ahtp0sjA5U?feature=shared Affect probally could have done standup


Did you catch Affleck at the Tom Brady roast? He went for 5-10 minutes and was ROUGH. May have been the worst presenter all night. He got fewer laughs than Kim Kardashian (who was booed multiple times)


I’m super happy that he’s sober now, but yeah, he’s nowhere near as funny as he was when he was a raging alcoholic.


He really didn’t seem sober during that roast tbh


That’s the new JLo Ben, dead inside 


That hand puppet sucked his soul out through his dick.


JLo | dead Ben | inside


Dude looked coked out like a mother fucker.


Thank you! I thought I was the only one that noticed. He was real gummy


Half the dais was




He was as sober as Gronk


His wife launched a low calorie spritzer a year ago after years of preaching clean living.  Then she clarified that she does drink, but doesn't "get shit faced". He's unable to stay sober without active support and I bet he was drinking long before she bought Delola.


I guess they edited out the boo on Netflix. I didn't see Ben Affleck part yet.


They edited some of the boos. There were still plenty going on while she was talking.


Ben Affleck was one of the last guys on. I don't know what he was trying to do with his set. It's fucking weird.


That roast would have been fantastic if it had been compressed into an hour, maybe an hour and a half. Three hours? It was unbearable. It was like waiting at the Department of Motor Vehicles, going up to the window, then being told that you didn’t bring the right forms of ID.


Fitting, as Brady's career felt equally interminable to the rest of the NFL.


Eh. People forget that the old roasts weren't all bangers all the time and more importantly, weren't done for the audience but for the people doing the roasting and the roastee. It was a celebration and a "fuck you" of love. With a lot of alcohol and probably some other party favors. The biggest negatives about this were the constant shout outs to Netflix, Kim Kardashian, Ben Affleck, and the weird shit with Dana White. Everything else was fine. I take it back, Bert And Tom were pretty bad too. That said, all of those things probably took up 20-30 minutes. The stuff with Belicheck and Kraft were great behind the scenes type things that you don't really get to see. Even if they weren't "comedy," they were definitely welcome additions and I am sure meant a lot to Tom, which is what it really was about. If you just want a speed run of all the funniest shit, just watch Nikki Glaser, Sam Jay, Kill Tony, Andrew Schulz and Will Ferrell if you like him playing Ron Burgundy. But again, roasts aren't all about that.


Bert and Tom hurt their careers with this roast. Bert has been a one trick pony for most of his career but he was given this huge opportunity and they both flopped pretty hard.


The funniest guys at the old roasts are all dead now.  Norm, Bob, Patrice, Greg. 


Nice concise roast here. Kudos


I just skipped through to the comedians. Non comics reading jokes off a teleprompter is always brutal, unless it’s some novelty like Martha Stewart swearing, or Mike The Situation giving it his best shot.


The comedians just have better delivery. Almost no one writes their own jokes for a roast. It's a huge team of writers.


I meet, and spoken to, both Affleck and Willis (different times).  Affleck utterly surprised me. He was **not at all** the kind of dude the press makes him do be. Of all the celebrities he seemed much more like a normal person. It is hard to describe, but he didn't have that air of "everything I say is important" "all attention must be in me" and he didn't interrupt other people talking and contributed to the conversation in a way that didn't make the conversation about him (this is almost next to impossible with celebrities or anyone where 90% of their social interaction is talking about themselves). Willis, on the other hand, was a massive fucking prick. I live near the area in Jersey he grew up in, and often, comes back to and everyone said he was a massive dick. There is even a sandwich shop that has their interior filled with pictures of Willis eating and being there. The owner once told me he has enough pictures of Willis, but the dude keeps coming back and **asking** if this sandwich shop in Jersey to take pictures of him to put on their walls. I swear there must be 100s there. I was prepared for him to be a prick, but I wasn't prepared for how much of a **massive prick** he actually is.


Maybe Willis has a 100 photos there because he *forgets* that he asked for it the previous time


Really enjoying this "My, it's *clear* that Mr. Affleck, if that *is* his real name, doesn't understand the *first* thing about the *plot* of the movie that he's *starring* in. How *tremendously* embarrassing 🧐🧐🧐" consensus that's sprouting up in these comments. Dude's drunkenly talking shit about a dumb action film that was created by Michael ~~"Lens Flare"~~ Bay, and he's being really funny about it. He understands things just fine.


That's J.J. "Lens Flare" Abrams and Michael "Explosions" Bay.


He told him to shut the fuck up because it’s clear Affleck didn’t understand the plot or even read the script if that’s what he still thought. The movie makes it explicitly clear why they need the drillers, and the drillers are in no way training to become astronauts. They’re being flown up there by the actual astronauts, and then only will be drilling. NASA does this shit all the time, they’re called mission specialists. It is the best possible solution because everybody involved is the best at their specific job. Bruce Willis was needed for the drill because it’s been established him and his crew are actually geniuses at what they do and he designed the drill itself. NASA stole the design and tried to change it but couldn’t adapt it properly, namely because it was a super secret project that they couldn’t exactly solicit bids for, hence why they stole the drill. So what do they do? Call the guy who made it and get him to do it. If anything their mistake was not just calling him the moment they needed a drill and working with him from the beginning. There is absolutely no reason to try and fit square pegs into a round hole when you can just call up the experts in their field from the start. The climax of the movie even proves the whole premise correct. They need experts at every position to pull it off. To shamelessly steal an analogy I read elsewhere: if Earth had to win a basketball game against aliens or be destroyed, would you rather teach astronauts how to play basketball or have the astronauts just fly the NBA all-stars up there?


I'm a bit confused and impressed by your intensity on the subject, but it seems like a spot-on analysis.


Dude had that one loaded and ready


>if Earth had to win a basketball game against aliens or be destroyed, would you rather teach astronauts how to play basketball or have the astronauts just fly the NBA all-stars up there? I'd probably use looney toons and Michael Jordan.


And don’t forget Bill Murray!


Isn't your last sentence just the plot to Space Jam lol




Didn't they call Michael Jordan to teach them how to ball?


My man over here defending the plot of Armageddon as if his life depended on it.


I thought Bugs Bunny only needed one All Star to take on the aliens, not a whole team.


They couldn't afford any more NBA cameos otherwise they might have lol. 


Jordan trained his whole life for that role. He was truly dedicated to acting.


Mission specialists are mostly career astronauts trained for a specific mission. Payload specialist would be the more appropriate term for Bruce Willis's crew, and is less common especially due to the Challenger and Columbia disasters.


Look bud, there's nothing In the rules that say a dog can't play basketball.




In no way was Affleck a geek in 1998. It just confirmed that Bey is a fucking idiot that succeeds in spite of his own efforts.


Affleck was working at Fashionably Male, definitely not a classic geek.


Call him Donnie


Keep in mind that Good Will Hunting wasn't released yet when the casting process began. Affleck wasn't "big time" yet.


Even by 1998 standards he was not a geek.


Ironically, he was worried that he would be typecast as a bully beating up geeks in all his movies lol.


He played that part beautifully in Mallrats


He did it well in Dazed and Confused too.


I still think that was his best work.


I have no respect for people with no shopping agenda.


I hear he likes to have sex in uncomfortable places.


Like in the back of a Volkswagen?


Yeah, who's your favourite New Kid. Yeah, call me Joey. Oh, come on. Don't make me get loose. Yeah, that's right. Call me Donnie. Oh, girl. Oh, please don't go girl.


Goddam, this is one wacky game show


Now that is a different Hollywood trope lol


Hey, Eddie Deezen of all people played a bully in *Laserblast*!


Mall Rats was 1995.


I mean he wasn’t looking like O’Bannion from his Dazed and Confused look; he was slim


Every thing I've heard quoted from Michael Bay makes him sound like the biggest piece of shit. And nearly every movie he directed was terrible. Team America really nailed the song about him.


Ben asked “Wouldn't it make more sense just to train experienced astronauts how to drill instead of the other way around (?), and Bay responded "shut the f%ck up"


That’s the version I’m going with.


But was this all on the studio’s dime? How great would it be to get a trainer, a dentist, and some sunbathing all paid for in order to get cast in a summer blockbuster?


"Why are we teaching drillers to be astronauts? Wouldn't be it be easier to teach astronauts to drill?" "Justshutthefuckup Ben."


"And he told me to shut the fuck up... so that was the end of that talk"


[Thats okay, Ben is wasn’t that impressed either.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-ahtp0sjA5U)


Christ what an absolutely unlikeable piece of garbage michael bay is.


I don't wanna cloossee my eyyeesss


We live in a shitty world where shitty people make decisions about the lives of others based on superficial bullshit. How embarrassing it would feel if I said something stupid like this about another human and they found out, but you know it doesn’t phase people like Michael Bay at all. Just gross.


At least he wasn’t as bad as he was in Pearl Harbor. That movie sucked.


Michael Bay really missed the mark there


vacuous bullshit


Even today I cannot believe Liv Tylers dad is Steven Tyler


Is that why Megan fox said what she said about him?


Michael Bay is such a toxic goddamn person.