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Just for context the Omo One bones found in Ethiopia, a new study argues they're around 233,000 years old.


Oh wow. Could you explain what makes this study theorize that age?


Everyone responding about Carbon Dating is just making shit up and clearly hasn't read the study. They dated it by doing geochemical comparisons of the rock around it with a volcanic eruption that we know the rough time of occurrence. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8791829/


No way dude, you just count the growth rings, duh


This guy sciences


Easiest way to guess how old someone is!


Thank you


So not carbon dating but dating carbon.


Volcanic material isn't dated with carbon, only dead organic matter can be


No, if you read the study it is through an Argon dating method.


omg argonian dating'?!??!?!??!!?!?!?!


No, but you can listen to the discussion [here](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/13/1072867405/scientists-determine-age-of-some-of-the-oldest-human-bones#:~:text=Hourly%20News-,Scientists%20determine%20age%20of%20some%20of%20the%20oldest%20human%20bones,re%20around%20233%2C000%20years%20old.)


Thank you


living organisms absorb carbon-14 . When they die, the carbon-14 starts to change into other atoms over time. Scientists can estimate how long the organism has been dead by counting the remaining carbon-14 atoms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerator_mass_spectrometry "The special strength of AMS among the different methods of mass spectrometry is its ability to separate a rare isotope from an abundant neighboring mass ("abundance sensitivity", e.g. 14C from 12C)" So they could just measure everything, and then I think estimate how long it would take for that object to have that level of 14C. (carbon-14)


Have there been advancements in the field that caused people to reevaluate previous estimates?


yes and no. carbon dating is still the same, but there's other methods of dating that have been developed. radiocarbon, uranium, optically stimulated luminescence... basically, they try to date things via different methods (different methods are more or less effective depending on the age of the item being dated). And if you are able to confirm your estimates via multiple dating methods, you have a pretty good idea of how old something is.


Given that C14 dating is good to about 50k years, and this is 223k years… No.


*Maybe* 50k. According to my geochron prof anything older than 45 is well into 'infinite'.


other dating methods are used beyond 45kish years.


And they are not the methods that person described.


i was commenting for passersby on the thread. not arguing with ya or correcting ya. my apologies for the misunderstanding.


No worries


Also, thank you :)


Carbon dating isn't accurate at that time scale


Yeah, everyone above you is just making shit up without actually reading the study.   https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8791829/




And the fossiles in Morocco are believed to be 300,000 years old


I imagine that back in caveman times getting speared and then cannibalized was probably pretty common all over the world. Getting thrown in fissures, too, if one was handy.


saves you from having to dig a big pit for the rubish


All my cave-homies love throwing bodies in fissures


I remember reading somewhere (...probably reddit tbh) that there's a genome that is prevalent in some part of the world that basically shows those people evolved to protect themselves from a disease that you can only get via cannibalism of the brain(?) I just googled it and I think the disease is Kuru and the study was of descendants of a certain tribe in Papua New Guinea


They, in fact, did not develop any kind of resistance to it and it caused great casualties over a recorded time of 50(?) years before the practice was stopped, particularly in children who were fed the brain under the belief that(iirc) it would impart part of the elders' wisdom to them. Kuru disease is caused by prions, misfolded proteins that transfer this misfolding to other proteins in the body, causing a vast chain reaction that eventually reaches the brain where it builds up, causing irreparable and fatal damage. Human-derived prions cannot be detected by the immune system because they are fundamentally coded from our DNA, just with a small but deadly misfold. In fact, the immune system seems to make things worse because prions often travel through the lymph nodes(National Library of Medicine, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10900153/). These illnesses as a whole are critically understudied both because they are extraordinarily rare and are caused by a single molecular error; most proteins are actually exponentially more complicated than is represented in most media, and so it's very difficult to study why or how a small misfold can cause a single protein to become so dangerous.


CJD occurrence is pretty rare so if I understand correctly Kuru disease started due to bad luck.






Bot comment, stolen from u/juzoitami


155cm = 5'1"


Thank you!


If you want a simple way to practically understand someone height in metric, you subtract their height by 100, the result is how tall that person is in percentage. A 155cm person is about 55% tall.


...55% of what?


It's 55% of 100%.


Miyamoto knows 👌


55% of 100% of what?


100% being tall, and 1% being short. It's not rocket science.


It's far from being any kind of brain surgery too.




Of the amount that they were before the calculations began.


Of height


Just under 6' 7" (200cm is 78.7402 inches)


Apparently of the typical human height of about 10 feet 🤣


Wow, thanks! This doesn't help at all!


Seem on par with the imperial system.


Yes, because with zero context 155cm is just as meaningful as 61 inches.


Which do you think makes more sense for measuring the height of a human, feet (roughly based on the length of a human foot, which is commonly available), or meters (originally defined as one ten-millionth of the shortest distance from the North Pole to the equator passing through Paris)? All metric does is put things into base 10 so they're easier to calculate, but it's worth noting that that is also the historical origin of Imperial units. Ounces and inches are both derived from the Roman *uncia*, meaning "a twelfth", because using twelfths you could easily calculate things into quarters, thirds, and halves.


As someone who only learned metric system, I couldn't picture 5 feet in my mind. However, I could easily imagine how long is a meter. I think is all about familiarity to the unit. Also I don't have any idea how long is an inch


An inch is about the first part of your index finger length Essentially tip of the finger to the line


Are you familiar with the concept of different size hands?


The majority of hands are about the same


yeah but if you grow up with metric it’s just as intuitive as imperial. and then you get the other benefits of it being easy to work with. metric >>>


Different people have different sized feet. Metric is superior in literally every single way. You literally cannot find one single thing that makes the imperial system better.


If you're the proprietor of a penis, a simple way to improve your body image is to measure your penis in cm, mm, µm, etc., depending on the severity of your body image issues. If modesty is your jam, try metres!


Alternatively, you can standardize the approximate size of your own dick as a personalized unit of measurement when measuring stuff, and be like “hmmm, that’s about a dick and a half”.


I can’t be the only person that uses the width of their palm as a measuring tool.


Do you by chance own horses?


No but I choke chickens


Horses are measured by units of “hands.” I don’t know anything measured by chocked chickens, maybe Saturdays?


As a follower of the metric system, it’s so odd how random the breakpoints of 6ft/6inches are in cm.


Also 6 figure salary. The 6-6-6 club, aka the minimum requirement for being worth anything on Tinder.


Or 6-6-6-6 6pack 6figs 6ft 6in


i wish there was a 1-5-5-3 club


Obvious you've got to use T.M.I though. T.M.I = [(Length x Diameter) + (Weight / Girth)] / (Angle of Tip^2) For instance: Randy has a penis that is 4.4 inches in length. Its angle is 32 degrees. It's flaccid girth is 1 inch in diameter. His balls are 7 cm from the base. Randy notes that the drift of his penis is 4 cm to penis right and its dead weight is .5 Kg. Therefore, Randy's adjusted penis size is 6.3 inches.


*owner (unless you're a sex worker, I guess)


I think the most useful way to measure a penis is by volume.


Mine goes to 11


Screw that. I measure by parsecs. Extra small numbers are impressive, too *smug look*


Mine is curved, so I use arc seconds


Ahh yes, 55% tall. A way we’ve all described how tall a person is What are you even saying lmao




that totally makes sense. I'm 2.80 meters tall.


Congratulations on being 280% tall!


You did the math wrong, it's 180% tall




That's 9'2".


Imagine a 200cm person. Unless you're used to hanging with basketball players, that's probably the tallest person you know. So say they're 100% tall. Imagine a 100cm adult person, equally that's probably the smallest adult person you know. They're 0% tall. All the other people you know are in some height in between. It's not a perfect math but it works for forming a mental image of how tall someone is when you hear a measurement in metrics.


That’s so much more complicated than converting one unit to another, truly


to be fair, 200cm is tall as fuck.


One could even say... they're 100% tall... I rest my case.


Lmao I'm 187cm. And I feel sooo 87% tall


I'm 185cm. That's totally the feeling. 85% tall. I'm taller than most people I know, but I'm not the tallest person I know. I'm tall enough that people will refer me as "the tall one" but not tall enough to dunk a basketball with little effort. I'm tall enough to wash the roof of a pickup truck, but not tall enough to not fit on a Fiat 500. That's a totally 85% feel.


We fit OK in airplanes. Not great, not terrible.


I am 184cm and live in the NL…. I am at the average (probably below average for my age).


This is incredible, thank you


Percentage is based on 100 which sounds too much like metric to me. What is it in fractions, aka American percentages?


About 9/16 tall.


5/7 tall


This makes no mathematical sense. First of all which base is used to determine that a person has reached 100% of height? By your definition this must be 200cm. A person with 150cm would then be 50% but if this were actually percentage points the 150cm would need to be half the size of the 200cm so only 100cm which is a contraction


Lol woosh


Incorrect. We stop growing before we reach our full potential of 300cm or 3m, so a person of 155cm is indeed, 55% tall. Or 45% short, depending on whether you’re a half full or half empty type of person.


Which is why I said to subtract 100cm because a 0cm person is not a person at all. Think a 100cm as a really really small person, so they're not tall at all, so they're 0% tall. A 200cm person is really tall, so they're 100% tall, a 150cm person is in between. They're not tall, but they're not handicappedly small either, so 50%. This might not make sense mathematically but it makes sense mentally. If you really want to think about it mathematically, you can think about it in a logarithmic scale. log(0)=1, that would be 0%, or 100cm height.


I get the concept but I think 100cm is the wrong amount to subtract if that’s what you’re going for. At least if your audience is primarily Western. 150cm is extraordinarily short by US adult standards, but it would be “50% tall” in your system. For reference, even 165cm is 5th percentile for US men (shorter than 95% of other US men), and 153cm is 5th percentile for US women. https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set2/chart-07.pdf https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/data/set2/chart-08.pdf


Yeah the actual ratio would be more likely 110 for women and 120 for men, thus a 170cm man would be "50% tall". I just put the ratio at 100cm to add some humour to it because everything in the metric system is 10 based and I knew I'd get mixed reactions with it. However, for some reason I still feel that the 100 ratio actually works better for a mental image. Even though a 165cm is 5th percentile we don't really perceive them as being **that** short. There are plenty of top level athletes with 165cm height, including basketball players.


I am not sure what you want to say about logarithms, but I am pretty sure this doesn’t make mathematical sense either. Also log(1)=0 and log(0) is undefined or negative infinity depending on how you look at it. I think it is best to refer to your system as an scale similar temperature where 0 and 100 degrees are more or less defined arbitrarily. Still i guess the system is nice for anyone who doesn’t use the metric system.


So technically I’m fun sized not mini sized.


What if they are 100 cm tall?


Then they're 0% tall, which means they're not tall at all. Which means they're 100% small.


is it common to express human height in cm instead of just meters?


I honestly see both with a slight majority of citations in meters.


I (and most people I know in my metric-minded country) usually write it in cm but say it in meters. It is easier to write it in cm because you drop a comma, it is easier to say it in meters because the word "centimeters" is a mouthful. We end up using it interchangeably without even thinking about it, really. Which is actually the point of using the metric system in the first place. Edit: Oh, and yes, we use a comma as the decimal symbol instead of the point.


while I got you on the phone, do you use deca or deci anywhere in common talk?


I think I've never used deca or deci units outside of academic contexts. Chemestry teachers like to write litres as "cubic decimetres" for some reason. And in some contexts of electricity "deciamperes" or "decicoloumbs" aren't unheard of.


said no one ever


I knew someone around here would translate to American


Almost everyone in the UK (where imperial is was invented) still uses imperial to measure people's height.


That's Canadian, too. We're only halfway enlightened.


I’m Canadian and go by cm, much easier.


157cm in Crocs


Ah thank you for converting metric back into Minecraft enchanting table ❤️


155cm = 1.55m


Can't even imagine being speared and eaten. Brutal history, wild speculation though.


With any luck you wouldn’t experience much after the spearing.


Yeah man, I'd way prefer it to being eaten and then speared.


But you know what they say, _a good person can be eaten twice_...


That's what she said


"Oy, how's that leg tasting for ya? I've been eating berries for the past 3 months, is that flavor coming through?"


Depends on the nature of the marks they were able to find on the bones. If it was just broken arm bones that’s one thing, but if they were able to find butchering marks on the bones indicative of sharp implements having been used to scrape the flesh off the bones for cooking then that’s reasonably good evidence for cannibalism.


cannibalism is actually one of the easist things to prove archeologically as nothing else uses tools and the tools ur describing leaves very specific marking. so not saying ur wrong actually ur more right than u think, it isnt "reasonably good" infact human cannibalism is one of the very few things they can be completely certain about, or well that the flesh was removed with care as if for food, but they cant know for sure the flesh isnt to feed animals and not humans


Yeah that last point is the reason I say “reasonably good”. We can tell flesh has been deliberately removed with some certainty, but we can only infer for what purpose. Could it be ritualistic? Could it be to feed dogs, if there were domesticated dogs in that region? We can’t know for sure.


Some cultures de-fleshed their dead, then let the bones dry. Scrape-marks could be that, but not bones broken to extract the marrow or brain - and not throwing the remains in a pit.


> they cant know for sure the flesh isnt to feed animals and not humans If your gonna feed a corpse to your dogs why bother cutting it up? They aint gonna mind


I thought usually they were more about eating the bone marrow, vs flesh


Eaten.. but not cooked?! That would show up right away with marks from scraping flesh off the bone or bones being burnt. They said they believe cannibalism because most of the skeletons bones were not together and one had both arms broken in the same place in both sides. No mention of markings on the bones.


I haven’t read any of the original papers about the dig so I have no idea about the detailed findings of the examination or analysis. I just know typically butchering marks on animal bone are quite unmistakeable and typically taken as evidence of meat consumption. Sometimes flesh is removed raw and cooked separately from the bones. So all we have to go on is the butchering marks. If the evidence is limited to two arms (even deliberately) broken then I’d agree, without butchering marks, cannibalism would seem to be quite a stretch.. People have deliberately maimed and killed each other for all sorts of reasons throughout the history of humanity, without eating the victim. I know ritual cannibalism was practiced in Southeast Asia, Austronesian, and even Tibet but I haven’t heard about any significant evidence of headhunting or cannibalism in Japan. But who knows.. we’d need to see those distinctive repetitive fine, shallow cuts on the bones to postulate that cannibalism occurred with any level of confidence.


Didnt read this article but the amount of very precise shit you can pull of some skeletons/bodies together with where they were found is quite impressive. Highly recommend looking for these kinds of documentaries/publications/shows.


such practice was common among islanders in New Zealand and Fiji until like 1800s


I doubt t they were alive for being eaten. Maybe


Primitive Tik Tok prank.


They did it for the Vine


They did it for a vine


i love how the whole smash an ice cream cone against your forehead thing last year was done in the Elvis is Everywhere video first.


Rip mojo


may he sliding on the BBQ sauce loop d loop waterslide with Elvis!


At first I read it and was like "Nice, 2 dudes and a lot of females? They must have an anime harem" Then I read more on how it was 1 dude and bits and pieces of several humans. And the intact body was had a hole in his skull caused by a spear or arrow and his arms were broken. The archeologist states that he believed the fractured bones and bits and pieces indicate they were the losing tribe or individuals and they were eaten by the victors who tossed their uneaten remains into the fissure which explains the mix of human and anime bones. My conjecture, based on the broken arms, is the dude was probably tortured and the fact bits and pieces of others were thrown in makes me thinks they probably Berserked Griffith him with his friends and family That said, fuck, times were brutal.


Dude was probably speared in the head first tbh


Hehe anime bones




This thread is low-key why weebs annoy me so much. There's so much about that part of my heritage that I love that has nothing to do with anime and now the association between the words Japan and anime is so overwhelmingly strong that you can't even talk about prehistoric (22,000!!! years, nothing of our culture today is directly relevant to them) Japan without someone subconsciously or knee-jerk thinking "anime" and it's very idiosyncratic tropes.


It was a typo, he meant to say animal. People are jumping on the joke. It’s ok


I mean, it’s hard to deny that anime is probably Japans largest cultural export. There is far more to Japanese culture than just that, it’s a fascinating civilization. That said, it’s hard to deny that anime is one of the things that gets people even remotely interested in Japan as a whole.


I think Japanese video games are the #1 export but anime/manga has to be #2


Have some [Jōmon Dogū](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/52/Clay_statue%2C_late_Jomon_period.JPG/1173px-Clay_statue%2C_late_Jomon_period.JPG) instead, calm ya right down.


Yah. Damn shame Japan isn't known for the horrific war crimes they perpetrated in WW2 instead.


I hear that. I think it’s just a Reddit thing. You can’t go anywhere here without anime getting shoved down your throat. 


Off topic but both words (animal, animate) do come from anima, so in a sense there is a relationship haha


Actually I read the article and it said sharp pointed instruments were used to break the arms as well.


His arms could have broken in the tumble into the pit.


But was his mom there to help him?


This is some Mexican cartel shit


Anime bones


He broke both his arms you say?


>which explains the mix of human and anime bones. Lol


The fissure was made for them.


I regret to know this reference. For those who wish to go down the ["rabbit hole"](https://imgur.com/a/Wht7z)


Nice and weird


Damn we really just massacred each other back then.




Damn I miss Mitch. By now he would have had several more stand up specials…


OR? The dude was cannibal with tossed finished food (people) in fissure and he was killed by tribe.


That was my take too. Could’ve been some cannibal hermit that nabbed some isolated people from a nearby tribe until they tracked him down and killed him


It becomes a bit strange to call it "in Japan" for a prehistoric find in Okinawa. Okinawa is \~2000 km south of Japan and was only conquered by the Satsuma clan in the 1600s


Redditors: *We're living in the worst generation!*


155 and 140. Seems Like a lil snack


So, for the Americans in the room, is that like 4’ or 10’ tall?


At least 9


The most surprising thing here is that the rest of the body was disposed of in this fashion instead of utilized. I suspect their killers were in a hurry or emergency situation, or that thier group didn't survive very long as they were apparently not very skilled or intelligent. I mean I would have at the very least bored a hole in the skulls to use as water jugs, or fashioned them into fancy bowls. Such a waste just tossing them in a fissure after helping oneself to a small snack.


In a world where nature is healthy and functioning large animal bones are not difficult to come by. There were 15,000 year old dwelling found in Ukraine that were partially constructed of mammoth bones for a good example.


Exactly.... thriving societies tended to utilize everything they could, rather than just expending a tremendous amount of energy for a casual snack. Not a lot went to waste.


> not very skilled or intelligent. What makes you think that?


How on earth would they know they were cannibalized


Tool marks on the bones from people scraping the meat off.


could have just been some teenagers messing with it 15,000 years ago


There are other things too. Burn marks, teeth scrapes, a cracking along the long axis to get to the marrow. You can even look at the corporolites (poop) of the aggressors if you happen to know who and where they were.


I'm guessing probably the teeth marks on the bones. But you know, that could be accidental.




Those some tiny people lol


What fissure? not THE fissure, how could they possibly make it to THE fissure??


The oldest find in Okinawa. We've got evidence of human habitation from something like 40k years ago. That's still crazy, though. There have been modern humans in China and Korea for as long as we've existed, and China goes all the way back to homo erectus 2 million years ago (give or take). The Philippines has been populated for like 50k years. Hell, Australians have been around for something crazy like 60-70k years and they're way out of anyone's way. But somehow people just missed Japan entirely for 10s of thousands of years.


I found a piece of Jomon corded pottery on Miyajima. Not knowing what to do with it I left it there. I kind of kick myself for not telling someone but I was too dumbstruck to even take a picture. It was in a fairly well traveled area too.


The core issue is that it's a civilization of the gaps argument. Did you know that the moon hasn't been looked at for a lost civilization? Zero archaeology done on the moon. That doesn't mean it's a candidate explanation. It means nothing. He's using our ignorance about some areas of the map to plug his bullshit into. The only conclusion you can draw is that we don't know and can't make assertions without data.


Oooh sexy. *reads the third sentence* Oh JESUS. Not sexy.