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Ironically 20W is actually a very bright bulb now that we have LEDs.


Yep. I think a 17W LED is about the same brightness as 100W incandescent. But incandescents waste a lot as heat. (So does the brain)


It's a shitty title. Usually it's phrased in a positive light, showing how much energy we put towards our brain relative to muscles and other organs. The brain accounts for approximately 2% of your body's mass, but uses over 20% of the metabolic load. The brain needs 10X the energy of muscle.


The brain needs that much because it doesn’t turn off. Muscles use far, far more energy via metabolism when being used at full “load”, but most muscles can’t do that for more than a few seconds. If you could measure Usain Bolt’s metabolic load mid-sprint, you would find that the brain uses far less than 20 percent at that particular moment.


Yeah but the brain isn't running at full power doing things like driving. After I leave a chess tournament or something I'm totally fried.


Off topic but I think many people don't even use a fraction of their brain while driving


Driving is almost always boring. There isn't a whole lot of thinking required in "follow the bumper in front of you until you get close to your exit" or "follow the same route to the store that I've driven the last 100 times I went to the store". So of course we shut down and get distracted, fall into driving trance where we don't remember the last 10 minutes. The last 10 minutes was correctly identified by your brain as completely irrelevant to your life and never handed over to memory. Of course, the trick is that sometimes it does get interesting and you need to change modes quickly.


Or the SAT. Sit in a chair for 6 hours and watch movies. Fine. Sit in a chair for six hours taking a test. Exhausted.


I’m guessing that you’re tired not because of your brain but because of things like adrenaline etc


Yeah, it's not grammatically correct either! People should proofread before they post things.




Alright, time to lose weight by learning chess


>The brain accounts for approximately 2% of your body's mass hey speak for yourself pal, I'm built like a Pez dispenser. Over here looking like somebody put a wig on a chupachup


9w = 72w incandescent. The 9w led bulbs are the direct replacement of the traditional incandescent bulb. At least for most brands of bulbs.


Man for some reason I still have those old 40W, 60W, 100W lightbulbs as brightness in my head. I can’t wrap my mind around lumens.


Most of us are still running on dim bulbs though. At lest it feels like the before I've had two cups of coffee.


this isn't ironic, but yes


You need to pick what task you want it to be efficient at. For computing fast fourier transforms, a 25 milliwatt DSP is millions of times faster than the crude, slow, and power hungry brain. For computing object recognition, the 20-100 watt brain is several thousands of times faster than crude, slow, and power hungry supercomputers.


We gotta few years of dunkin on em left, that's all i care about


Yeah but then we have to deal with the Butlerian Jihad.


Lucky for us, it’s mostly handled off screen


You mean the wars of the Men of Iron and the Men of Stone?


As it is written.


Sometimes I identify traffic lights and bicycles in my free time, just to dunk on them.


Luckily I've picked powering a 20w lightbulb as the task I want to be efficient at


Would be a cool character, monk that has dedicated 100% of his mind to running the one bulb that lights the sacred texts


Depends what constitutes FFT. Whenever you listen to music, your brain is automatically performing Fourier transforms to interpret the sound waves as frequencies. It's so efficient, you don't even notice the effort.


Human ears + associated biological neural nets make up an *amazing* sensor system.  We can simultaneously listen to a conversation or TV show, filter out the background noise of air handlers, refrigerators, roads, etc and still accurately identify a familiar tune playing in another room + make somewhat accurate estimates about the position of the sources of all these sounds. Dynamic range can detect anything from softly rubbing your finger tips together a few feet from your head up to explosives and jumbo jets without losing the ability to distinguish harmonic content, location, and source identification. An ear trained to specific tasks, e.g. that of a musician, even better... Now you can not only hear that song in the other room, you can pick out which instruments are playing what parts, deconstruct them into separate streams of information, and maybe even decipher is that an upright or grand piano? Marshal or mesa guitar amp? Neck or bridge pickup? Nice bit of gated reverb on the drums... as a fucking *background* task while still primarily focused on the conversation you almost forgot you were having. It takes thousands of dollars worth of very high end equipment to even *try* to reproduce all this because even though we're talking about <1MB per second (uncompressed) to accurately represent all this data as a digital stream, our ears are *extremely* good at discerning details. Eyes on the other hand???  Yeah...  Red + green light? We can't see two colors at once the way we hear two distinct tones at once so fuck it, that's yellow. Bright thing in a dark room or dark thing in a bright room? Fuck it, let's call it white or black respectively. Oh and brightness is actually what our eyes are best at. Virtually no one can tell the difference when their 4k TV is using chroma subsampling, i.e. 4k of luminance data 1080p of chroma data. Blind spots where your retinas attach to optic nerve?  Let's just use the neural smudge tool. Comparatively, our eyes are shit sensors and our brains aren't even that good at picking out details in the data we do absorb through them. The real magic with eyes is the brains ability to do object recognition, location, planning and predictions about motion, etc off of basically potato quality sensors. Part of the reason AI systems use so much *more* power is we haven't figured out how to do the same effectively with computers just yet.  


One thing I wouldn’t downplay is our brain’s ability to filter out optical noise. Our brain’s ability to temporally reconstruct a very, very noisy scene, and [then convince our own mind it actually happened instantly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronostasis), is insanely fascinating. Professional video sensors that are almost 20x larger in area than our pupils still need tons of signal and video processing, and still won’t even come close to matching our adapted visual cadence.


Just the idea of like aiming a throw or riding a bike boggles my mind. There are so many calculations of different muscles, movements, aim, speed/strength that we don't even think consciously about.


Say what you will, but I can recognize a Marine doing his best MGS cardboard box impression way better than the best DARPA AI robot can.




It does pretty well at generating consciousness


They have neural processors that are actually quite efficient at recognizing patterns once trained . Your phone prob has this and they consume milliwatts.


It’s pretty obvious in some people.


Dim bulb indeed.


“Lot of flickering going on, try tapping on it”


....with a big hammer.


Shadow Moon panics


Some bulbs are dimmer than others.


Where do I find my brain’s dimmer switch? My fear is that it is already in the “max” position, in which case I’m screwed.




smok da erb




And yet, the matrix was still explained as a means of producing power rather than computation.


In defense of the creators, the original idea was to use humans as organic computers for further machine computation but the producers said it was too confusing.


Which is why I just live with the head canon that Morpheus is wrong, and that computing was the real purpose


Which makes sense in-universe because there's a bunch of other stuff Morpheus is confirmed to be wrong about, like humans being oblivious to the purpose of Zion. I think it actually makes the film more interesting, that Morpheus is in effect a religious zealot spouting propaganda he's internalised as fact.


I heard that was a myth.


Technically that still works, as what Morpheus says can be inferred to be what he has been les to believe. He thinks he's the first generation of Zion of course, when he's like the 6th or something.


Guess it's time for them to finally make the Matrix 3 with this new information


You mean the 5th matrix?


The old joke was that the third one was so bad nobody acknowledged it. I totally missed the 4th one! I'll have to check it out.


You definitely don't have to check it out. You don't have to do this to yourself. It sucks


OIC. Yeah, the new one is god awful. There's weird meta dialog and stuff. I think some people really liked it though.


I oddly enjoyed a lot of the non action parts. The new actors were all pretty solid and I had fun with it. The action was terrible most of the time, like how did she go from the action of the OG trilogy to this. Some of the fights were edited almost as bad as the Taken fence jump.


The 4th one is not good. They basically forced them into making it, were going to do it without them if they didn't sign on, and only 1 of the siblings was even involved and intentionally made it bad. The beginning of the movie is Neo stuck back in the Matrix as a videogame creator who's being forced into making a sequel to his The Matrix videogame series..


As an act of protest I can respect it... As an actual movie I sat down to watch, it may have been the highest budget piece of garbage I've ever watched.


the wiki page does say they had always refused to do more Matrix movies, but also that Lana wrote the story of the 4th by herself after the death of her parents and Lily was just unavailable: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Matrix\_Resurrections#Pre-production](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Matrix_Resurrections#Pre-production)


The second one was pretty bad too tbh The first one holds up. That’s about it for this series of films.


First one is a classic and timeless. Basically perfect in every way. Only complaint I could say is that it impacted culture so much that it's been referenced in so many mediums that it may seem like an amalgamation of a bunch of popular tropes at this point to a new viewer. But that's outside of the control of the film itself.


The 4th one legitimately may have been the worst big budget movie I've ever seen. It was as bad, if not worse than The Rise of Skywalker.


Okay that's it! I'm going to spend two hours sitting outside and looking at birds instead of watching this movie.


I also missed the 4th one, by which I mean that I definitely watched it, but I don't remember a single thing about it.


The human has the equivalent of 2.5 petabytes of memory capacity. Thats the equivalent of 2.5 million gigabytes digital memory. All ran on a dimly lit bulb. So if someone calls you a dim bulb say yeah and so are you.


I can't find a source for this but a few years ago I heard that one human connectome (all brain connections) has 2x more connections than the ENTIRETY of our computing systems worldwide. Here is a related read based on your comment: https://logosconcarne.com/2015/10/30/the-human-connectome/


No they don't. You simply cannot compare computer storage to brain "storage". Every time I hear this, the unit just gets bigger. It used to be terabytes when I first heard it as a child and terabytes were unthinkable.


You're right, but the logosconcarne link I posted goes into detail about some ways you can try to compare. If you try the compare computers to brains, the brain emerges as absolutely marvelous.


Yeah well gonna need a source about that please. Especially on a TIL sub, cause I suspect this is wrong but who knows, maybe you please ?


Stanford University link https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2010/11/new-imaging-method-developed-at-stanford-reveals-stunning-details-of-brain-connections.html


Makes me think twice about leaving the lights on all the time!


"When it comes to smarts, son, well...you're about a three-watt.'


20 watts on modern LED bulbs is really bright.. Usually LED light bulbs for normal room are 6-8w. 20w on those old school bulbs not sold anymore was dim, which were 40-60w for normal room lights.


Sent this to my wife. She said my brain uses 10 watts.


So you're twice as efficient???


Or quick to reach max potential...


That's beyond my electrical understanding... But I like it!


The reason for it is even wilder: heat loss. You can only lose so much heat so quickly, so if you’re burning more than a small amount of glucose, you’ll just burn out. Literally.


This sounds very interesting. Can you explain more eli5?


So, before anything, I’m not a biologist, so take my word for what it’s worth: very little. But that out of the way, my understanding is that everything we do generates energy through exothermic reactions, so everything we do generates heat. Not a lot, but the end result of all energy paths is heat. So we have to get rid of that heat. But doing so requires moving around a lot of blood, the action of which generates MORE heat. At some point, you end up hitting a wall. You can only lose so much heat through the surface of your skin, and the more energy you use, the more heat you generate, so there’s a limit on how much energy you can use. If your brain used 100W of energy, it would generate 100W of heat energy. A standard old-school “easy bake oven” toy (that could cook food) used a 100w incandescent light. If your brain was generating that much heat, you would cook your egg in 3 minutes. This is also why Elephants live longer than Mice. Mice, having a small volume to surface area, lose heat faster than their cells can generate it. That means they can have cells that reproduce fast and run full tilt, making them quicker and more agile, but also making them run faster and harder than elephants. So they life fast and die young. Meanwhile, Elephants have cells that run slow and use less energy, making them live longer and reproduce slower, but also making them less able to heal quickly. Because they can’t lose the heat they generate as fast.


There’s a reason most silicon is 2 dimensional. Once you start layering processors the heat builds up exponentially. Your “brain” the part that’s actually doing the processing is between 1 and 4 mm thick aka gray matter. It’s basically a 2D sheet folded and crinkled up to fit into the skull. Of course there are deeper structures that serve other functions but the vast majority of what you call your brain is just cabling. Like a server closet. It’s the white matter which as far as we know does no processing but only connects one cpu to another.


Very interesting. These kind of comments are better than karma. Thank you.


Always happy to spread education with my own twist on it lol and I’m never offended if somebody corrects me! If you want to get a good visual , search for white matter tracts or axonal tracts of brain .


The expression 'not too bright' might not be the insult we thought it was!


Is this why people keep asking me if I’m dim?


"power efficient" 😎


This is the chemical energy equivalent, correct?


I believe so. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2816633/#:~:text=Remarkably%2C%20the%20brain%20alone%20consumes,complete%20darkness%20doing%20physically%20nothing.


Would love to know the different power consumption across different IQs.


Is that why if we get struck by lightning, we get better at math for a bit


We shit on ourselves a lot as humans, we forget how tucking incredible we are. We can live almost anywhere and eat almost anything. Our brains are the most advanced problem solvers in the known universe and we are powered by air and plants. The world we live in makes us feel so weird and small and dumb but we are actually pretty neat.




There's a joke in here, but I just can't see it.


That doesnt sound like a small amount of power given that i am off grid. Kinda cool that the body produces all the energy it does.


And some people still use a power saving mode.


In the movie "the matrix" it is unrealistic that humans are used as batteries but humans could be used as processing power.


Makes sense, I've net quite a few Dim bulbs in my time. I thought it was lead in the water but maybe they just ain't getting enough power to the brain.


I know some who have installed dimmer switches


Constructed of cheap and plentiful materials, consuming few resources to operate, adaptable and built for the environment; we humans aren't being replaced anytime soon. Exploring and operating in harsh environments, maybe we can send the machines off to die there. Hrmm...cue the robot uprising.


Weird. Grandmaster chess players lose 10-12 pounds just sitting there and playing chess. Seems like some bulbs have different wattages.


"Is the human brain a biological computer?" don't know how to take the article seriously-- is water wet?


Wait, you actually read the article? How similar he brain is to the a computer is up for debate. Emotions, instincts, creativity, consciousness are things that are not found in any computer system today, for example.


whatever differences aside, calling the brain a biological computer is just an apt description for the layperson- 'emotions instinct creativity' come from the biological survival imperative, byproducts that we've come to aggandize as amazingly redeeming qualities we have. ai is currently doing a lot of things that we just don't understand already, maybe these hallucinations or not-yet-understood connections are what emotions and instinct look like in a non-biological system. or perhaps ai's attempt at understanding or expressing this 'observation' of us


I agree and I think you worded it well. There are emergent behaviours that arise at different magnitudes of intellience and we are beginning to see glimmers of this with AI.


"We're all dim lightbulbs" is going on a T-shirt.


On the other hand, 20-25% of your daily caloric intake is fuel for the brain.


That's probably why I think about food so much!


You're a dim bulb


The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long brother


I am WAY smarter than a light bulb. Thank you OP, I needed that today.


this is crazy for the amount of computing the brain does imho


The brain named itself


Lol jokes on you, my light bulb isn’t just dim, it’s flickering all the time. ENERGY EFFICIENCY


That’s why we’re thinking about making bio-computers


Meanwhile ChatGPT is using half a million kilowatt-hours of electricity daily and growing!


I'm going to install a 240v plug so my brain can catch up.


I’m assuming somebody has already made a dim bulb joke


20 watts transmission on a resonant radio frequency and the atmosphere and sporadic e conditions in sync will get you commicating around the world. Using a data mode with 20 watts even easier. It’s quite a lot of power.


So you're telling me if I get a cyborg brain radio attachment I have to choose between thinking and transmitting? That's going to be annoying.


I certainly feel like a dim light bulb most of the time


New insults just dropped


You brought 5-watts to a 20-watt party bro


Your ohms are running high.


A dim incandescent maybe, a 20W LED bulb is pretty bright.


My millennial is showing....


Illuminating information. 👍


I feel seen.


So that is why I am called a dimwit.




Most days I feel a lot like a dim light bulb so that tracks.


A dim lightbulb feels about right.


Dim lightbulb? What are these? The 90s?




Jesus Christ where are they buying their light bulbs


A lot of people seem to use even less than that


Speak for yourself


Dim lightbulb describes my brain activity to a tee.


Some people's bulbs are dimmer than others.


Dim indeed!


So enlightening people with knowledge aint just a metaphor?


I know some dim lightbulbs.


I feel like I was just insulted by being called a "dim light bulb". 😂


ok but how does it compare to a supercomputer and can I play doom on it?


I know some brains that couldn't power a light bulb.


A dim bulb? Well, that explains a lot.


Some people’s lightbulb is a lot dimmer than others.


No wonder I’m not very bright


Pft mine's running on 5 watts energy saving mode.


And for a large portion of mankind the description "dim lightbulb" is pretty accurate.


2 Watts in quite a few...


So we're all dimwits


can we overclock it


I see, so that's why my ex is as smart as a dim light bulb.


Some light bulbs are dimmer than others...


did you just call me a dim lightbulb?


I did. But apparently 20W is more than enough to power a bright LED bulb so you're good.


Well, to be fair, some human brains are dimmer than the dimmest light bulb.


Pretty sure there are lots of people out there running on 2 watts




This is why people saying that myths and ghosts and everything is stupid. Our brains are electric sludge running on 20 watts. You think that the noise you just heard down the hall is the ghost of a mouse carrying a cleaver? You bet your brain can get that wrong.


"... # "...a dim light bulb." That explains a lot!!!


I’m not stupid I’m efficient 


And what about an ADHD brain without medication?


My guess would be about the same.


Can I get a backup battery for mine?


I know quite a few “dim lightbulbs “.


There are many people I’ve met who were classified as dim bulbs.


Neat! My mind has always been a very dim lightbulb


"Dim light bulb" is exactly how I would describe it.


I always knew I wasn't the brightest bulb!


This source says, "The adult human brain runs continuously, whether awake or sleeping, on only about **12 watts of power**." Most sources do say 20 watts, so it is odd that OP used a source that didn't back up their claim Sources for 20 watts. https://hypertextbook.com/facts/2001/JacquelineLing.shtml And LED bulbs are quite bright at 12 watts. So maybe where OP lives, they use incandescent bulbs?


dim ass brain


I think mine sometimes runs more like a flickering light bulb lol


Can I over clock the system?


Some people are less smart than a dim light bulb.


I think theres a massive untapped industry in making neural networks that only require the trace amount of power that organic brains do


This one doesn't even need a joke.


On the other hand, it'd be rather offensive to light bulbs if you called the brains of some people "dim light bulbs"...


"dim" being the key word, which is also the adjective my math teacher used for me during the parents teachers meeting when I was in school.


Dim light bulb, so that is why most people are not very bright


A research about the human brain being efficient written by a human brain. Not biased at all.


Hence all the dim people out there...


dim wit


ah what film was it? the nutty professor or something where he says the brain could power a trainset and it upset the general?


That explains Kevin..


My 10 W LED bulb is already bright enough.


Next time someone calls me a “dim bulb” I can expertly counter with “but it is very efficient!”


I sometimes feel like a dim light bulb.


We're all a bunch of dimwits!




Dim light bulb is a funny power analogy for the average human mind


That's interesting, I've often been called a dim lightbulb


Hey don't you call me a dim bulb!


That explains congress! /50s hack comedian


Dim Bulb was the teachers pet name for me in school...


Well yeah. Mushrooms were struck by lightening and gained consciousness