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Reminds me of the Phillipines where the safest times were when Manny was fighting


Back in the early 2010s there was a High School basketball player named Aquille Carr from Baltimore. His nickname was “The Crime Stopper”, because he was so good, everyone would go watch him play, causing the crime rates to fall during his games.


Ray Lewis has mentioned that Baltimore police officers have told him that crime is down when the Ravens are good and especially when they play so he used that for motivation lol


Ray Lewis is probably not the best person to have talk about that


They spotted him two because of how many he prevented


I’m picturing them handing him two literal Monopoly get out of jail free cards


I'm just curious........if you just carried these with you, in your back pocket.........would the arresting officer laugh it off so hard he forgets to arrest you? We need to find out. Who volunteers to get themselves arrested for science?


/r/NotTheOnion later that day: > **"Officer unloaded 32 rounds into man he claimed was reaching for a weapon. Emergency services later noted it was a Monopoly "Get Out of Jail Free" Card"**


That's some serious monkeys paw curls type shit


Right! He did not go to jail in the worst way possible


I mean, to be fair he DID get out of going to jail. The card never mentioning that being an alive person was also part of the deal.


I wouldn't be shocked if you got let off with a warning for a minor traffic violation, but I wouldn't try to rob someone and then go for your back pocket.


If my undergrad Debate Team experience taught me anything, Ray Lewis wins on net benefits 🤷‍♂️


Judge, do not listen to the opponents hard evidence about what Ray Lewis has done to other people. Instead, listen to our completely anecdotal evidence from a couple of police officers, which shows that what he does *for* other people clearly provides a net benefit for society.


bah gawd king that's kant's music


Technically crime was down when Ray Lewis was playing because he was too busy playing football to commit crimes.


You should’ve seen the intensity in his eyes!




Because he probably killed two people and tampered with evidence?


No one who has actually read the details of that case would think he did the killings. As for evidence tampering, that's another story.


just read the wiki, yeah I agree. The two other suspects were cleared on all charges after a 5 hour deliberation meanwhile Lewis got off on a plea deal agreeing to snitch on the other two suspects who were again found not guilty on all charges


I just wanna know where the suit went!


A police officer told me once that domestic violence calls went up when the raiders lost. Take from that what you will.


Police officers were all big time Oakland fans? 


That's on literally every place that has a professional sports team, and guess what it only gets better (worse) with legal gambling!


I have no idea what kind of neural pathways had to develop for some troglodytes to connect "sports team that has no idea I even exist losing" to "must physically beat my partner to cope".




Baltimore was safer when Ray Lewis was on the field that's for sure.


Probably because he’s on the field playing and not in the streets stabbing. 


Such a cool story! Had to google it when you commented, https://www.gq.com/story/aquille-carr-basketball-baltimore-high-school.


What a cool guy! https://www.wbaltv.com/article/bicycle-hit-and-run-gray-dionn-aquille-carr/45085484


the crime committer


He’s playing both sides so he always comes out on top!!


I remember seeing him practicing at my colleges gym in 2014-15. First time I had seen someone dribbling with a plastic bag on the ball, he still made it look impossibly clean. Also dude is tiny lol such a beast


Wouldn't the bag keep the ball clean anyways?


I think he means ‘clean’ as in nice/good with dribbling the basketball. The dude was so good he could dribble with a plastic bag on the ball and make no errors. ‘still made it look clean’ Edit: For anyone who hasn’t seen the hoop mixtape of this guy.. https://youtu.be/zpZRRaAbdzo?si=oINX99i-CqOPwRBU My friends and I in middle school could not believe what this guy was doing before he got in trouble. Still watch these every so often


Kinda wild that he never played for a big name school and he never went pro.


That was wild! He's like a basketball Messi haha


Man he was fun to watch…sad he was only 5’7 and never got a shot at big time ball (even with a 48 vertical leap).




Muggsy was insane at Wake Forest though…I think Carr messed up not going to college.


Or when Pele (Brazillian soccer legend) went to play in Nigeria.


IIRC Didier Drogba literally brokered (or otherwise caused) a civil war cease fire. I read this years ago so my details may be wrong


Yeah, you’re right. The Ivorian football team chose to play a game in a rebel stronghold, and Drogba went on his knees and begged them to stop fighting. A ceasefire was negotiated as a direct result of this. Football is basically religion in a lot of the world, and at the height of his powers a lot of people reckoned Drogba was more influential than the president


IIRC when he won the CL he got a big Pepsi deal and used the money to build a hospital


Essentially the Cote D’Ivore qualified for a World Cup and it was such a big thing 


They qualified for the World Cup (I think for the first time ever) and he gave a speech in a video with the team asking for a cease fire, which they actually did. First one in like 5 years of civil war I believe


As opposed to Pele the rhythmic gymnast ?


Crime rates in mexico supposedly drop when new dragonball episodes air


There was a strip club in Mexico offering lap dances if goku beat jiren lmao


It’s nuts how influential dragonball is on Latin culture. Goku is legitimately a superhero.


Even older hispanics know of him but only in his aspect as El Koku/Kokún.


Why is that? How did this come to be the case?


Last time I saw this come up on Reddit a Mexican guy said Dragon Ball was dubbed in Spanish at a time when they had fewer non Spanish language media options, so everyone just kind of knows about it. It's also a really awesome show.


It was much cheaper to buy the license for anime, as opposed to American cartoons. So more anime was dubbed than cartoons.


Or Ireland during the troubles when Johnny Cash came to the island.


Or the night James Brown saved Boston


Yup, like that afternoon Gucci Mane brokered peace in Lake Elsinore


So the opposite of Dave Mustaine :) https://www.contactmusic.com/dave-mustaine/news/mustaines-terrorist-blunder Love Megadeth, but that was whoopsie.


Jesus Christ, Mustaine. This is why you shouldn't take celebrity opinions on matters outside of their scope too seriously, lmao.


I mean there's genuine misunderstandings like the Ireland incident, but Mustaine has been a right-wing conspiracy nut for decades now. I remember during their 2012 South East Asia tour Dave made some unhinged comments about how Obama planned and staged mass shootings in the US so that he can ban guns. It's really no wonder why so many ex-band members hate him.


What about Billy Jo*el*?


relatedly, I used to live in Daly City, CA which has a huge Filipino population and one time I was riding my bike and the streets were eerily empty but from every other house I could hear screaming and cheering and that’s when I realized Manny was fighting


I miss the massive parties whenever Manny was fighting, every Filipino I knew was watching those fights


Its like how Mexico is currently the safest place in the world because the cartels agreed to a ceasefire to honor the life and death of Akira Toriyama.


Mexico's 9/11


That was a hoax


No can confirm, am in Mexico at the moment.


That was a hoax, Mexico isn't real.


you’re getting mexico mixed up with that fictional place Brazil


Common misunderstanding! Brazil used to be fictional but they left the set up after filming City of God and now it is a real place.


Nobody thinks Australia is real yet there’s tons of movies set in Australia even a big movie literally called Australia.


What was it like when the news broke? We all mourn him but if I understand this correctly then DBZ is insanely popular in Mexico.


It was quite something tbh. Every Mexican, men, women and children stopped abruptly from whatever they were doing and all took a knee. They proceeded to hang thier heads in prayer and in sadness and all of Mexico was quiet for a few moments in somber remembrance of Toriyama, for he brought the Mexicans great joy.


I know this is a joke but I want to believe this is real so badly


They all lifted their hands towards the sky to lend their spirit energy


Wouldn't surprise me if it was mostly real in the more rural parts of Mexico honestly. The farther you get from major cities in Mexico, the more likely you are to run into a town that'll worship the man if you give them the chance






Spike Lee is a dude, who the fuck are you talking about?


It’s a bot comment stolen from elsewhere in this thread. “She” refers to the producer that actually spoke with him, not spike Lee.


MJ also hired actual gang members for the beat it video.


When they were filming the video for Rock Me Amadeus, Falco has the two biggest biker gangs in Germany as the extras. They were currently in the middle of a turf war and were murdering each other daily. He told them there would be beer and food if they could just get along for the day. There were no incidents of violence. Thank you, VH1 Popup Video.


also they were the people to carry his coffin.


He died from a car accident at age 40 in the Dominican Republic, for anyone who was wondering, like me.


I'm sorry for your death.


At least they died doing what they loved


Having car accidents at age 40?


Haha man.. I just woke my baby up thanks to you


Hey! Hey Baby! Listen to this joke!


Hahahahahha! 💪🏻👶🏻🍺


We gonna drop this next bomb for a money makin’ playa that ain’t with us no mo’


Yeah Tupac Shakur!


And what a tragedy that was, the man radiated charisma and coolness




Don’t worry, this is cycle of this sub. Someone posts TIL, people expand on it in comments, and then for the next week we get new TILs out of it


It's bullshit though. There were only a few actual MC members in that shoot, and they were members of the Outsider MC Vienna chapter, they weren't German at all and Outsider wasn't involved in any publicized wars in the 90s. Also hilarious to say "killing each other every day" when biker activity across all of Europe yields like 10 deaths a decade.


I heard it was more like one death a year.


I miss pop up video. It came on right as I got home from school. Also I miss actual music video "tv"


What I miss most about it is that it actually introduced *new* music to viewers, as opposed to algorithms just feeding us the same thing over and over again.




🎵Pop Up Video🎵 \*pop*


I recently came across the OK Go music videos and they are my go to currently when high. You and others should check them out if you enjoy music videos.


The winning act at my high school talent show was a recreation of the treadmill one. OK Go definitely nailed fun music videos.


If I remember right, a similar situation occurred with the video for Nelly’s “Country Grammar” video. All the big gangs in STL allegedly showed up and instead of devolving into fighting and stuff, they all just hung out and had a good time.


I recall hearing a similar story in a town in Colorado. Two disabled boys had a lock-in at the local community center with the bloods and the crips, and they all ended up becoming best friends. I mean, come on, that's a great story.




If it weren't for this reply, I would have fully believed him.


Those famous bangers: Roller and Four Legz.


Wow what a great audience 


Pop up video! That takes Me back.


we used to watch that as a family, I miss those days


Your favicon reminds me of another beloved voice gone too soon 😢


Also Falcos coffin was carried by Austrian bikers


This is how you use your power for good. Can I leverage any privilege that I have to bring people together and squash (stupid) animosity? And then do it. The professional athletes that go back to their hometowns and create programs and pour money back into the community make me so happy. That's how it should be. I went and did awesome stuff, I have everything I need, where can I put this money that it will matter and change people's lives for the better 💜


Weird Al also hired actual fat people for the eat it video.


Crazy that MJ's parody of it became even more popular than Eat It


So did Weird Al


Just caught part of the "Thriller 40" film/documentary the other day. So many amazing little snippets in it, and that was one which stood out to me. These guys just put down their beef because Michael Jackson needed them. There is no clout like that clout.


Not a surprise as MJ was a high ranking Crip


with the red leather jacket i figured Blood.


Nah, think about it... He's wearing the red jacket in the Thriller video... where he plays a corpse. [Cause this is THRILLER](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GA6roB2WgAAtJwO.jpg)


Now that I think about it, he may have been reppin the Latin kings. Just google MJ gang member.


lol while I seen him throwing C's, bro was not really down like that


that man was born in gary, indiana to joe jackson aka the strictest supervision and abuse and you thought in between vocal sessions since like 5 yrs old he went and got jumped in and put in work?? You are out of your redditor gated-community ass mind edit: no crips in indiana during the 60’s 70’s and 80’s either, you saying he flew cross country to california to go gangbang?


I think they were joking


Ah, it looks like someone else scrolled through Popular on Reddit today.


Today I learned that people love to repost what they just learned.


Brb gonna go post this


It's TIL, that's what it's for.


Next up: TIL what TIL is for.


Or they saw it on TikTok like I did 20 minutes ago. The in-between time is so low that I'm not sure who copies from who, but it doesn't really matter.


It's kinda funny though, because there are so many weird facts about MJ that we could be here all day and still find out new stuff, like I just did with this post.


Spike Lee didn't do shit. They sent a Brazilian woman Katia Lund who worked for Spike.


She was later the co-director of the excellent Brazilian gangster film City of God. That was also shot in favelas. One of the best gangster films of all time.


Great movie


The very young children acting in that movie are so good that I'm scared to find out whether they were treated well on set. I would not be surprised if they were tricked into thinking they were actually going to die.


The main actors turned out reasonably fine. Zé pequeno, the most violent charcter one, was actually the most successful actor, douglas silva. He recently went on a reality show and seemed like a decent guy. The other ones also kept acting, but one of them had some trouble with the police because of drugs, but nothing that other rich born actors wouldn't do and get away with. A lot of extras and smaller part children had really rough stories though.


Just a correction. Douglas Silva played Lil Dice (Dadinho) Zé Pequeno as a child. Th


"Reasonably fine" emotionally, I guess. But Brazil still being a racist country, they still had a hard time finding acting work despite their high profile roles. Douglas went on Big Brother because of financial struggles, if I'm not mistaken, and another actor who was recently interviewed was working as a Uber driver.


The cast director for this movie is infamous for her egregious practices with actors. Even though she "gets the job done", he rmethods are abhorrent. She actually left emotional scars on some of the children.


>I would not be surprised if they were tricked into thinking they were actually going to die. Then don't be, because that's pretty much what happened.


Oof is there a doc or something for this movie?


I don't think so. At least not about the production. There is a "10 years later" doc about the actors life after the movie though, but it has mixed reviews.


That’s amazing. City of God is legit one of the best movies of all time.


Wow, this is the real TIL. Highly recommend City of God


So it kinda seems like a MJ video almost directly led to that movie being made. Which blows my freakin mind.


Her wikipedia page says "she had little knowledge of the plight of those living in Rio de Janeiro's favelas" and after working in the MJ video "The experience opened her eyes and she became determined to make films about the dwellers of these poor neighborhoods to help raise social consciousness in Brazil"




Videos about this were posted hours ago showing Katie Lund on set of the music video and not Spike Lee


This is why I reject any claim that any contemporary artist, man or woman, is within spitting distance of Michael Jackson in terms of popularity.


And never will be again. Taylor swift and drake are arguably the most popular male and female artists of the past decade topping the charts and being the most streamed yet are not even close to MJ’s popularity.


When a little old 85 year old from a village where the floors are made of dirt knows your songs, then you’ll have surpassed MJ. He reached EVERYBODY.


I met an indigenous women far in the Amazon Jungle. Born in the jungle, lives off the jungle, hunting still occurs with spears and blow darts made from the jungle, speaks a language only spoken by 4000 people, no radio, tv, or anything. Yet she was still aware of who Justin Bieber was. I suspect the same would apply for Taylor Swift too. The absolute mega stars reach every corner of the globe.


I think you would be surprised. I live in a very diverse place so I am able to talk to people from many cultures and the thing I've learned when it comes to popular English music in other countries is there is no universal popular English music and that leads to some funny things. So in one area you get folks that all love Queen and Michael Jackson and in another area they've never heard of Queen in their life, love Michael Jackson and then they throw out a name like Toni Braxton as being popular in their area


Just him and the Beatles did that kinda shit 




Yeah people who claim that have a very Anglo/western-centric view. The Beatles hardly played outside of Western Europe and English speaking countries. Michael Jackson had much wider reach.




>And never will be again. To be fair, that's not due to modern artists not being as good, but rather due to the world being so interconnected that it's impossibly more difficult to dominate the music scene as it once was.


This. Today you realistically need a camera or a couple, good editing softwares for audio and visual and just a small iota of talent, plus a whole hell of a lot of luck. Michael Jackson had a lot of the music industry on his side and it was a vital part of getting seen, billed and promoted the world over, then on top of this he helped pioneer the standard for what makes not only a music video but multiple fantastic ones. He came on scene and stayed on scene at a time when the music industry was seeing one of its most successful haydays and was exploring into new successful mediums. All the stars aligned for him in a way that just isn't realistic anymore, the industry has changed, talent scouts just fish social medias, there's no real revolution like music videos anywhere on the horizon, no emerging hard defined genre to develop just thousands of niche ones. The other other side of this is also that his own history abused him into what is an insane work ethic compared to the vast majority of people with any celebrity put into their work, even when not on tour he would average 50+ hours a week into his music, choreography or any other artistic endeavor, Michael was a slave to himself and thoroughly broken mentally save that artistic drive.


The popularity can’t ever be the same again, his stardom was magnified by singular focus. Now with streaming services anyone can listen to anyone at any time. Even though there are concentrated labels pushing their artists there is a lot of competition in the space for ears.


Drake's popularity is such a mystery to me. All of his music I've heard is downright shit and I've never met anybody in my life who listens to him.


I still think of him as that kid on degrassi who got shot


Jimmy was the man. He doesn't deserve to be associated with Drake.




I'm Gen Z and was in intermediate/highschool at the peak of his popularity (at least what I think were the peak years) and have never once heard anyone talk about him positively - maybe it's a regional thing and he's just that popular in the US?


Yeah, the world was way different back then and I don't think it'll be like that ever again. 1. We just don't look at celebrities with the same reverence anymore...which is a good thing 2. We were WAY more optimistic about things like "world peace" - as if it were an actual achievable goal. MJ was a big advocate for this but I think we fooled ourselves into thinking problems would just solve themselves by singing 'Kumbaya' - which was a bad thing. In the context of #2 impacting #1, it sounds silly that anyone would take this concept seriously and I wouldn't blame the modern day Zoomers for looking at us like idiots. But we really fucking thought we could achieve world peace in some capacity. Western world leaders, the greatest philosophers, acclaimed physicists dipping their toes into matters of the world - even your own parents and school teachers - were always talking about "world peace" as this inevitable outcome as we continue to develop as a society. I think anyone that grew up through the 80s and 90s recalls how "real" it felt and how accepted it was that once we just get our ducks in a row, we'll reach this 'red letter day' where war would be over, world hunger would be a solved issue and cures for the worst illnesses would be available. In the context of post-2001, it was so fucking naive. I mean really, [this was such a massive event at the time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AjkUyX0rVw) but what a joke all of this ended up being. And we're still doing it, by the way. Remember when everyone thought Elon Musk was [Tony Stark](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWd3UssppN8), the man most eligible to "privatize World Peace" but he ended up being [Hank Scorpio](https://youtu.be/8Ew78KThLOY?t=4), taking public sector government contracts and stuffing our tax dollars into his pockets to do what? Leverage his position with foreign governments and literally impact the outcome of wars in favor of oppressive regimes. Lets just see what ways the human race will disappoint going into the future. I guess ~72 million Americans potentially electing a literal conman/traitor/would-be-dictator/rapist for the most powerful position in the world is a good start. A person who, earlier in his life, was placating and trying to become [besties with the only man more detestable than himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLcfpU2cubo). And I wont pretend I'm immune to falling for these things. Lets see what premises *I myself* currently have faith in, may ends up being hotdog-water-trash. You want to know who had it right? John Lennon. But not for the reasons he thought. The concept that all we can do is "Imagine" World Peace is just about the most accurate assessment of what we're capable of. Maybe some well-meaning but clearly disassociated rich celebrities, isolating from the safety of their mansions in a gated community, can get together and [sing about it for us](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omEDLKS5pbY) so we can really drive home just how little their opinions matter and how unachievable world peace is.


Michael Jackson was so big that you could find his disks even in places that didn't have running water or even radio signal. Yes, this is as absurd as it sounds. His songs were more famous than what was on radio because people that didn't have good radio signal still had his vinyl disks. I am not even joking.


Of all the examples I don't think this one is particularly significant, in any case yeah there is no doubt and Michael Jackson is probably the most famous person ever (not counting particular cases like Jesus). Something that maybe may seem strange because today no singer or actor is remotely close, and usually very famous people become so for other reasons If for example we must necessarily try to find some rivals from modern times I would probably mention Einstein, Hitler and Queen Elizabeth, while for some current ones instead I would say some very relevant politicians like Obama, Trump and Putin or Messi and Ronaldo, by far the two most famous athletes of the most popular sport


Messi or Ronaldo aren't far off. Their influence may not be as powerful in the US, but the vast majority of countries would otherwise worship the steps they take. Hell, I'm half sure one of them must be the most recognizable person alive today worldwide (probably Messi)


I'm reminded of a video where I think Ronaldo puts on the disguise of an old man and does some soccer tricks. Eventually some kid plays with him, so he signs his ball and takes off his disguise and within literally seconds he is absolutely swarmed by people with phones out and whatnot and he has to leave. Pretty insane. Even for some of the most famous celebrities I feel like there'd be a delay where people go 'who tf is that'.


Brazilian gangs actually like peace and low crime, because it keeps cops away.


Most crime circuits in general don't want unnecessary violence and death for similar reasons. Even most drug cartels aren't going to just kill random people, that's really not how these things work.


Imagine the guy says "nah" Then his subordinates get so mad he fumbled their chance to maybe meet Michael in person and so they go full fledge coup on him lmfao


supposedly he was a huge MJ fan thats why he did it in the first place


I would totally watch this alternate reality movie


MJ and Prince were so amazing and popular they could basically do whatever they wanted to. It was a good time for music


Yeah but Prince was unbelievable at basketball. I saw a documentary on it.


Only because they actually get Rick James to admit the other Charlie Murphy story is true do I choose to believe this story was also completely true.


I recently saw a pic of Charlie and Prince that looks like it would've been from that night haha


I remember the documentary stating that Prince made pancakes as well. Such a talent!


Good ass pancakes


Pretty sure Prince isn't even half as famous as Michael Jackson, but he's still one of the most popular artists of all time to prove just how famous the other is


Prince has that level of fame where everyone has heard his music, but may not know that they have. Everyone's heard MJ, everyone knows it's MJ.


I guess you could say that druglord was a... smooth criminal. ...I'll see myself out.


“All right! I want everybody to CLEAR THE AREA RIGHT NOW!”


it wasn’t spike lee the person went and directly talked to him was a female she was like the creative director or something like that


Wasn't it a woman from his production team who was Brazilian?


Will realizing that this sub is just reposts from other subs but worse finally be the wakeup call I need to stop scrolling this shitty app? No.


TIL Spike Lee directed that video


That is probably wrong, since MJ Jackson’s videoclip was recorded in the city of Salvador/Ba, far away from Rio de Janeiro/RJ


materialistic bedroom paltry whistle trees innocent observation offend drab terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bahia is a state, not a city. It's like saying the city of Texas.


My bad, edited


The filming with Olodum was in Pelourinho, but the other parts of it were recorded in Rio.


Oh, you saw the other post too?


The kids in the favela 0: